Dragon Gaurdian

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Dragon Gaurdian Empty Dragon Gaurdian

Post by Negoni 28.04.19 4:01

Alright, so I've been meditating as a means of getting in contact with a draconic spirit guide for magick related purposes.
I've even met Osiris along the way and he and - interestingly enough - his own dragon helped me to send out a message.
He said they would eventually come soon.
A little while later, I follow a guided meditation to help and come upon something interesting.
It was what seemed like a large, shadowy black dragon.
After traveling with it, in mid flight, it turns pure white.
They told me they were a guide from a previous life and for the meantime I could call on them, which I believe was their way of telling me a guide for this lifetime may or may not come eventually.
So the reason I'm typing is to ask if anyone may know what the colour change means?
I know black dragons represents chaos and the yin aspect of things, but white tends to mean the opposite and light.
I thought it could have simply been a means of surprise, though I'm curious.
Any thoughts would be helpful, thank you.


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Dragon Gaurdian Empty Re: Dragon Gaurdian

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 28.04.19 5:50

Do you think it might bear relation to yourself, or to the guide, its changing of colour? Do you think it might bear implication for your own life - an indication of imminent changes or changes to be made? As it was flying with you, it changed colour; could this particular instance hold a relevant psychological key of interpretation, the flight itself in conjunction with changing of colour? What could the flight symbolize in such combination? To me flight represents a sense of freedom but also evolution and becoming, as in a "flight of evolution upon the wings of freedom", but it could mean something else for you of course and even in general interpretation. However, could it mean that you turn from one particular stage in your life towards another, possibly in an alchemical sense like the nigredo phase going into albedo? To me it sounds very much so; an alchemical illustration. The albedo, whiteness, stage also comes right after nigredo, the blackness, stage, too, so it makes a lot of sense. Hope this helps. Smile

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Dragon Gaurdian Empty Re: Dragon Gaurdian

Post by Ramla-Meryt 04.05.19 14:32

Regarding colour, something to remember is that darkness does not equate to evil and that light does not always equate to good.

The colour change could represent a purging or purification of some description; the black being the hues of the old and the former with the white being like a plain canvas, ready to be painted with experiences anew.

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Dragon Gaurdian Empty Re: Dragon Gaurdian

Post by Jonathan 04.05.19 14:38

Ramla-Meryt wrote:Regarding colour, something to remember is that darkness does not equate to evil and that light does not always equate to good.

This is very important to keep in mind. Even after all this time that's a commonly seen mistake.

Looking at the Asetian tradition, darkness holds the symbolism of gnosis, wisdom and enlightenment. So nothing evil about it there, however just because it's something important, desired and positive it doesn't mean that it isn't dangerous. I believe that working with forces of darkness is essential to our inner spiritual balance and deeper understanding of the higher mysteries but it certainly can be a dangerous path.

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Dragon Gaurdian Empty Re: Dragon Gaurdian

Post by Maxx 04.05.19 15:46

Please tell us why you infer that would be more dangerous than working with the forces of light?

Personally, I contend there is no balance when just aligning with the light forces, as you illustrate.

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Dragon Gaurdian Empty Re: Dragon Gaurdian

Post by Maxx 04.05.19 16:41

Yes, I suppose I could give an illustration I am looking at  presently.

for instance, in summoning Queen Malacha (She is one of the 360 Beings that control areas around the earth) to physical form in front of me, one has to ask the being not to appear in a form which would burn down my home.  (Otherwise, the appearance of the Being is so hot it causes fires to break out).  Purpose of the visit would be to teach about the element of fire and how it can be used and so I might enjoy its Divine Beauty and Adaptation.

This is one of the Beings considered from the Light.   There is the same number of Beings considered from the dark side and have their own domain in a similar area.  Summoning some of these would also burn down my house if not requested to appear in a proper situation without causing physical damage.  

Dark, Light.  Beings in another dimension but just as real as you and I.

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Dragon Gaurdian Empty Re: Dragon Gaurdian

Post by Jonathan 04.05.19 17:20

Maxx wrote:Please tell us why you infer that would be more dangerous than working with the forces of light?

Personally, I contend there is no balance when just aligning with the light forces, as you illustrate.

I wouldn’t say that working with forces of light pose no danger but rather a really distinctive form of danger. The dangers of light are usually more connected with spiritual blindness and stagnation, while darkness pushes you to your limits and you must face quite devastating forces. Of course this ultimately depends on the seeker and the personal challenges they need to evolve in their specific stage of development. So both light and dark are dangerous in their own ways but those ways are quite different.

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Dragon Gaurdian Empty Re: Dragon Gaurdian

Post by Jonathan 04.05.19 17:22

Keep in mind that I'm not talking about physical dangers like burning down a house as you mentioned but spiritual, psychological and metaphysical dangers, which are very real to anyone delving deep into the occult.

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Dragon Gaurdian Empty Re: Dragon Gaurdian

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 05.05.19 3:39

I think, in addition to that, working only with light forces might hold a danger of certain dissolution, something I have had first hand experience of. Either that is the case, or it was just the case for me. It seems that the imbalance leads to a very difficult to explain condition. It might make you much lighter, but then you will also lift off from the earth, psychologically, and not be anchored or grounded powerfully in this reality so much. However, on the other hand, only working with dark forces might lead to another imbalance of a different kind, probably succumbing to worse behaviour and unconscious modes of operation, as you dwell into the abyss of unconsciousness dealing with your own shadow, that might overtake you. The balance is crucial and hard earned but necessary and a really interesting field of study requiring maturity, growth and, of course, balance as you explore the unknown depths of mind and psyche.

Good discussion so far.

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Dragon Gaurdian Empty Re: Dragon Gaurdian

Post by Maxx 05.05.19 7:30

Jonathan wrote:Keep in mind that I'm not talking about physical dangers like burning down a house as you mentioned but spiritual, psychological and metaphysical dangers, which are very real to anyone delving deep into the occult.

Of course.  If one has reached the point where they call a being from another dimension into interacting with them at will, then physical, metaphysical. psychological and spiritual all come into play here.  As the degree of balance is maintained to produce all of this there is created a different outlook on what life really is.  What the nuance really is, is whether the beings from both areas will join with the magician in interacting with him/her.  The so-called light beings are supposed to be more selective in whom they connect with than the so-called dark beings.  I do not think that is the case as both sides will test the real motive behind the contact.  This aspect is where balance is the most important.

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Dragon Gaurdian Empty Re: Dragon Gaurdian

Post by Maxx 05.05.19 9:30

to Negoni...
what change have you seen since the original contact you spoke of has occurred with you?

One thing I would like to point out is since you received the news that a new guide may or may not come in this lifetime, do you feel like you can ask and receive the answer from the spirit realm in regards to the meaning of the color change?  What would they tell you directly about that color change?

When spiritual questions arise, to whom do you go to for answers?  The spirits themselves, or some other source to explain the spirit  revelations?  Do your answers come inside of your meditation?

Number of posts : 4334
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Dragon Gaurdian Empty Re: Dragon Gaurdian

Post by Negoni 23.05.19 8:44

Thank you all for the supportive and helpful opinions and comments posted on this thread. I know this reply is a bit late , but none the less a thank you is most definitely due. I do think the idea of symbolic transformation is rather smart , and not to mention fairly plausible.
I have been trying to get back up on my feet with a few personal things , so it could be like many of you have stated as a positive sign for change. Or at least hopefully. Again , thank you all for everything that's been commented.

As for your questions Maxx ,
Usually when I meditate I'll often then not receive and find certain information.
Usually it comes to me more visually but can also be auditory. This time however , when they communicated with me , I did not hear words but more or less just knew what they were trying to get across. Yet they didn't speak about their colour change , but I feel like when they were just about to change and after they seemed to be more enthusiastic whilst when they were black they were more serious but equally as protective.
In regards to answers , I mainly get them from the divine especially by the use of tarot and within meditation though it tends to be brief.

Number of posts : 10
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Registration date : 2018-10-31

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