The Dragon Rouge

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty The Dragon Rouge

Post by Troublemaker 10.01.20 20:40

Em Hotep.

I thought some may find this interesting.
The Dragon Rouge, long claiming to be a dark draconian path offering some kind of ultra legitimate metaphysical study, apparently now willingly aligns with frauds. It's sometimes hard to sift through all the material out there and find the jewels hiding, so I find topics like these to be pertinent.

In Thomas Karlsson's own words (the leader of this Order):

"The Six Pillars of The Draconian Temple is lead by six extremely competent persons. Two from Sweden, two from Greece and two from Brazil. It has been one of our best improvements of the New and Reformed Dragon Rouge, and that we made a stand and kept loyal to old pacts and turned darker and more sinister then ever before.


"From our Brother Andreas Axikerzus Sahjaza, from São Paulo, Brazil. Thanks. Looks great! It is time to gather our forces. 30 years of Preparation for 30 Years of Action.


It is time to gather. What once was small scattered groups and individuals has grown into a subculture with millions of people around the world. It is time to make this a movement, to constructive ends. This is a draft for what we must do on the exoteric side of our work.
We must pay homage to our forerunners and be role models for future generations. Our movement is not founded in any particular time or place. It is just a ship upon the big ship on the wave of our time. It is not connected to any particular individual or Order, although we who sign it are longtime practitioner of The Dark Path and The Left-Hand Path.

The movement is here but it must be something more than just a subculture. It must be a movement that change things into the right direction.

We all embrace to choice of Man to eat of the forbidden fruits of knowledge offered by the serpent in the story of Genesis. We claim that the time has come to let the knowledges we got bloom out into full wisdom.

We see unity as the Golden Path for Individual success. That is why we reach out a hand to offer a more unified Nightside Spirituality.

What do we wan’t if we breaks it down into the smallest constituents?

1) Individual freedom: “The bigger the government - The Smaller the citizen.”
2) Spread the knowledge of The Nightside to those worthy.
3) Support science against superstition.
4) Be Watchmen against imperialist religions.
5) Create strong networks.
6) Inspire to Indiviuation as C.G. Jung called it.
7) preserve and relive the ancient traditions and make them adapted to our times.
Cool Support each other.
9) Be loyal to our common taskmaster who has many names.


Stephen Flowers Don Webb Thomas Karlsson Michael W. Ford Andreas Axikerzus Sahjaza"

I have always been under the impression that House Sahjaza was a roleplayer organization, led by a fraud entitling herself as "Goddess Rosemary" who believes herself to be a dark vampire goddess leader and "mother of vampires" as well as some kind of birthplace/origin of the vampire culture. Something anyone with any remote level of education would recognize as utterly false. Claims of being the origin of vampires and its culture are exceedingly common, and equally fraudulent.

This Andreas Axikerzus Sahjaza, someone the leader of the Dragon Rouge aligns himself with for some "important vision of the future" claims to be a "King Lord" and is associated with plenty of roleplaying terminology from the fake side of vampiric movements such as "Adra".

To those of you who have been around a long time with extensive experience:
What do you make of this?

In my own personal view, it is hard to take someone seriously as a "dragon soul" if they do not have the Eyes to see through frauds, and if they align themselves with posers it doesn't look great. Perhaps I have been spoiled by Asetianism, but this current hardly seems to contain the same intense energy we are used to from the Aset Ka, let alone the transformative properties.

What do you think of this?

When we are dealing with any truly dark path involving vampirism, should it not also involve a vehement opposition to all roleplay, delusion, and ego?


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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Troublemaker 10.01.20 20:45

A small add-on to the original post:

Despite 'apparently' being some incredibly legitimate facet of the LHP dark occult scene, Thomas Karlsson has supposedly claimed to have never even heard of the Aset Ka, something that seems rather suspicious.
It leaves one wondering... how can any group that claims to be so educated about dark magick, vampirism, and draconian currents, with any degree of high occult relevance, not have heard of the Aset Ka?
It all combines with the alliance with Sahjaza to present a less-than-credible image.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Jonathan 11.01.20 8:07

His Eminence King Lord Andreas Sahjaza. lol Isn’t that the Brazilian guy who organizes goth parties, wants to be the new Father Sebastiaan in Brazil and has tried to turn Wicca into his vampire religion over that side of the Americas?

I don’t have personal experiences with Thomas Karlsson so I can’t entirely evaluate his skill and approach, but I can’t understand why would someone even associate Lord A. with the Left Hand Path, especially someone from the Dragon Rouge.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Troublemaker 11.01.20 9:09

Lol... I didn't even know those things about "Lord Andreas Sahjaza" but honestly it makes Karlsson look even worse for associating with him. Alongside this post mentioned above on his social media he had some edgelord type of photo, a compilation of each of their faces staring "darkly" off into the distance. The whole thing was just quite cringeworthy in general. The eyes of the Dragon should see through fume otherwise it is no true dragon at all. 
Karlsson also has a habit of flexing his credentials in front of others, which adds to my distrust and makes me have even less of a respect for the "dark vampiric legitimacy" of his system. One never sees someone like Luis Marques brag about his own credentials.... And I believe Mr. Marques is the best example of a real leader.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Troublemaker 11.01.20 9:39

Further clarification: Karlsson elaborates on why this specific group of individuals, including the ignorant roleplayer Lord King Andreas Sahjaza and Michael Ford were chosen for such a prestigious project (smiles).

When asked about why the group of six men in the photo are only those of the Western world, Karlsson states that it is because westerners have been around the longest in the "occult milieu". His criteria for choosing people is apparently whether or not they've published books, led a group and organized events. That kind of weak criteria leaves a lot of room for less-than-credible people, like some specific and well-known frauds within the community.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.01.20 12:42

The Dragon is where ego is not.
The Dragon is where expectation is not.
The Dragon is where desire is not.

The Dragon does not bow to ego.
The Dragon does not yield to expectation.
The Dragon does not care for desire.

Where there is lack of seeing, the Dragon does not manifest.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Shirokawa893 11.01.20 13:21

Unfortunately as Rhea stated we are constantly in contact with paths that are full of ego and makes them delusional. I personally didn't know about the Dragon Rouge but it rathers seems another fake one... It is really disgusting and the fact that we expose them seems to bring some clarity in the community. It doesn't really suprise me that they would pick some weak criteria to choose people when we know they are being driven only by making profits selling some "genuine metaphysical studies" to keep the mundane brainwashed. I usually don't comment or mention anything about these "paths" but nowdays it is getting worse. To me, all the above Father Sebastians alternatives are a well built system that created this organization to get attention...Nothing more or less.

I want to add a small proverb that match with this situation and these types of speculations. Problems cannot be resolved at once. We have to untie the knots slowly in order to dive and conquer.

These kind of paths will rot eventually in the end as they don't have a solid base with actual principals in my view.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Maxx 11.01.20 19:29

I am familiar with the Dragon Rouge or Red Dragon from years past.  It is nothing but a group that Karlson put together from his book material. It did seem to have its exercises originating from other similar sources and all of them use the same tried and used approach to try and dazzle beginners.   I have not run across its reflection in years.

Actually, they have nothing new or unique to offer other than to those outside the loop wanting to enter some kind of hoop.  lol.  They have no Vampire vibration or frequency of Dark Spiritual enlightenment to offer at all.  

Relax, the world reflects contrasts.  It needs those to balance the real and positive vibrations that do exist.
Rejoice that they organize and draw into their circle the weak-minded that are magnetized by their bull crap.  In so doing, those do not knock on this door.  lol.
It really carries no weight at all.  Just ask those in the Spirit Realm how they feel about it?  They need a good laugh every so often as we do.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 12.01.20 1:44

Yes, I agree with what has been stated above. Those of a draconian energy or nature will not wish to proclaim so to the world and in fact wouldn't. Luis Marques is a great example. What I wrote above is a simple negative formula that should speak for itself. It's not for the show.

Trying to appear dark, you lose all real darkness - trying to >>appear<< as something in particular, you lose all rawness and genuine authenticity of that, and it becomes so-called edgy instead; you've shifted focus away from being to appearing, and hence it becomes loose and shallow. In trying to appear, you lose what is. In being you don't try to appear but are and will appear as you are.

What Maxx is talking about might go back to the law of polarity of the seven Hermetic principles; they're heavily polarized in one direction. White lighters, that I've been in the past, were heavily polarized in the opposite direction. Balance between both facets and depolarization is to prefer if you wish to see clearly.

Number of posts : 1344
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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Maxx 12.01.20 12:08

Real Simple to understand the Seven Principles with Seven Words.


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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 12.01.20 12:43

Yes, but without understanding those principles it will be difficult to accomplish a lot as effectively as it would be if practicing them. Certainly you have to learn the full range of application for each principle and it's a quite large range for each and everyone. You have to integrate and acclimatize to their use in higher and better ways. I understand what you're saying though, it's a true point, in so far as that is concerned - the lowering or heightening of oneself in accordance with their use, whether consciously or unconsciously. The whole universe functions upon these principles to a significant extent because they encompass a lot of reality, quite accurately, at least from a Hermetic standpoint, so too all human interactions and societies, although there are of course many other things involved as well. But, it becomes no wonder that they are so psychologically valid... that is, not just from a magickal perspective. Their implications are vast and very deep.

Number of posts : 1344
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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Maxx 12.01.20 14:51

Personally, I have some Spirits standing here around me at all times that I talk with and ask questions, etc.  The Group.   I ask a question and I "see" the answer in front of me, or one gives me a visual of him standing there with a symbol and depending on which way he holds it, I know the answer to my question is yes, no, or maybe, means ask some more for additional info.  They will let me know if I need to proceed in some other area. Or another will give me an answer in such a way that it is like it is spoken within my head.

Now, Are any of those principles structured like that where they give you answers that easily??????  Or do I need to spend some time in your daycare instructional academy?  And how much is the tuition?  or intuition?

Actually, I ask about all the newbies that come through the front door as to what kind of weird name that this one is using and does it give me enough info about their real personality?   lol.  That name says so much about them......

Now since my technique is known, that will actually make me move on up in ability by digging harder for the info.  But there is really no sure thing as a secret....

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Troublemaker 12.01.20 16:59

Good replies.

Actually, they have nothing new or unique to offer other than to those outside the loop wanting to enter some kind of hoop. lol. They have no Vampire vibration or frequency of Dark Spiritual enlightenment to offer at all.

Relax, the world reflects contrasts. It needs those to balance the real and positive vibrations that do exist.
Rejoice that they organize and draw into their circle the weak-minded that are magnetized by their bull crap. In so doing, those do not knock on this door. lol.
It really carries no weight at all. Just ask those in the Spirit Realm how they feel about it? They need a good laugh every so often as we do.

I agree with this as well.

Actually, not long ago I had pulled up their website and considered applying, just to see what it was all about. My intuition warned me - that little voice of spirit. The feelings I was getting were so off that I simply closed the window and decided to listen. I am glad that I did.

I'd say the ability to cultivate that source of guidance is really important.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Jonathan 13.01.20 19:19

I thought that people aligned with the Dragon Rouge would not just be familiar with Asetianism but quite supportive of the Aset Ka as an occult Order fighting for honest occult wisdom opposed to ego and scams. It makes no sense otherwise.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Maxx 14.01.20 8:44

The Ego is a mainstay.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.01.20 10:41

Maxx, this also must hold true, right? "The way you make yourself ready to receive an answer will depend the way the answer is given to you." Just been pondering this, realizing I've made myself far less receptive to receiving answers from Spirit than I actually could be...

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Maxx 14.01.20 11:24

where focus goes energy flows

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.01.20 12:01

Very true, also why I came to this realization. Been focusing far more upon real and relevant things than unneeded waste and so I see it manifest.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Maxx 14.01.20 13:13

then you are beginning to see what I have been saying for a while.  I will use the illustration of a Golden Dawn book to make my point.  

By going through the training listed in it, it covers a training period over 5 years for self-initiation.  As I was looking through it I could feel something was wrong.  I just could not find why I was uncomfortable with these as it had all these exercises listed and time after time you would see to add another to it and then, etc. on and on.  All at once it opened up for me, they never even have in this initiation any instant of Spirit contact or calling or evoking or invoking at all. It has nothing to do with developing your own natural abilities other than going through ritual after ritual and changing into different color robes and dresses.  lol.   You have spent 5 years working at the expense of the creators of the system while putting your money and your allegiance into their grooming to have you follow them.  This is how most of these organizations are constructed.

Simply put..... so their focus was building a system for themselves without helping you other than to become their lackey.  There are many beginning exercises in the material of the Red Dragon that remind me of the above.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Troublemaker 14.01.20 13:17

Thanks for sharing, Maxx. This is very interesting.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Maxx 14.01.20 13:25

And then there are those that......heheheh.....will charge you a $1000 to call up a Spirit for you and instruct them to bring you or give you what you are wanting so am rolling on the floor now....hahahah..

Dark Magician will call up Belial?....or Spirit of the bring you your comfort blanket and satisfy you with any request your heart

Want to become a Vampire???  No problem.  He will call up the local Vampire and will turn you within a forenight (Scotland).    Only after payment clears through PayPal.

We all know who that sounds like.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Jonathan 14.01.20 15:11

What you're saying is interesting and it reminds us why Orders such as the Aset Ka and the ROS don't have paid memberships. They are two of the extremely rare few, which points the wise towards the authenticity of both Orders.

In fact the Aset Ka has had lots of people throwing them money over the years begging to be a member and that was always rejected, which is funny, especially if I tell you that some of those people trying to buy their way into it are also some of the ones now publicly attacking the path of the Asetians while copying their knowledge for profit. Actions speak louder than words.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Troublemaker 14.01.20 19:21

Those details, in my opinion, are invaluable to new students with an honest heart who may happen to read it.

What I find bizarre is how much intense criticism one can attract just for standing against dishonorable charlatans trying to profit from magick with no regard for actual growth and wisdom. Sometimes it even comes from highly surprising places.

For example, I have even been told quite recently, by someone who entitles themselves as a devout Asetianist and enlightened student, that I essentially have no right to criticize EA Koetting, and that my dismissal of him indicates not seeing the bigger picture or having a serious and relevant path of my own. People should, in this individual's perspective, refrain from criticizing him because he is a vital conduit of dark forces who is doing very important work for humanity (as he does cocaine, heroin or whatever other hard drug in the desert while chanting curses to murder his enemies with magick and milking the gold from Lucifer's.... er.....). We should - ahem - apparently learn some respect for the relevant and vital dark magicians of this world, magicians who have cultivated the almighty power to tug thousands of dollars out of the gullible in exchange for unspeakable dark forces...

Criticism should be held in balance of course, but I see nothing wrong with it if it has genuine intentions with a passion for truth behind it... also if used as a tool of growth and awareness rather than cursory dismissal based on a desire to feel special and better than. People should have the freedom to pursue anything, but they should expect that others might challenge a general path or a teacher if they are abusing magick, making a fool of themselves, and lying for cash and notoriety. I believe this message is presented quite strongly within the Book of Orion.

This is somewhat of an aside, but the recent posts reminded me of this.

It all gets me pondering about the path of Asetianism and the way its elitism has taken root within me. I believe that comes with an important catch that one should hold themselves to a high standard and constantly, rigorously analyze themselves for areas in which they can improve, not being blinded by stagnation, if they are to truly remain elitist. But spotting and analyzing rotten dishonesty and weakness is important so it doesn't poison one's path. Where does honor come into play here? These are just my musings on the subject, I suppose, because I firmly believe that what one supports and tolerates can be a show of how much awareness and honor they possess.

Frequently I see others falling into easier roads and things that might be more accessible or approachable. For example, they cannot find a way into the Aset Ka so they root out the nearest fangsmith and join his club, or pursue figures who have earned a degree of fame yet remain approachable by outsiders. Strangely that seems to be the time when they turn around and decide that elitism is unquestionably hubris and arrogance, that each and every path, no matter how dishonest or misleading it may be or what actions their leaders committed in a very human quest for power, is equally valid as the other.

Just sharing some thoughts. Many valid paths must be fully lived firsthand, and I am beginning to see how deeply elitism is associated with darkness. Because sometimes it involves walking in the right direction even if it means you must walk alone.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Maxx 14.01.20 21:01

from my own personal view, I believe Karlson came out of the chute in an honest and searching effort that did give him some intelligent writing.  But, sadly, time moves on. It is easier to join forces sometimes with all kinds of elements to gain numbers in order to pay marketing costs.  lol. 

And in all honesty, which you may disagree with me, E.A. Koetting is a better writer or arranger of stories than Michael Ford any day.  Ford wrote books in the past with no direction whatever.  Maybe he was high on himself or something else.  But he has his followers.  Which brings me to the point again, basically those that are showing signs of what you believe to be dishonesty really do a favor by illustrating where not to walk on that path if you want results you can live with day or night, in light or darkness, and be able to be comfortable with yourself.  It is actually an individual emotional factor that gives one peace or chaos within themselves.  E.A.K. and Ford and M.B and T.S. etc, afford us a standard that anyone can choose to follow or improve their life in the opposite direction.  I believe the world needs it all to mix and blend in such a fashion to lead us in the direction to actually gain improvement in our lives.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

Post by Troublemaker 14.01.20 21:11

That is actually a good point. They provide an example of what not to do, or a clear view on how to go in the opposite direction of what they are presenting. That in itself is important.

Actually, I often use their messages for that purpose.

I will admit I've never been drawn to Michael Ford in the slightest.

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The Dragon Rouge  Empty Re: The Dragon Rouge

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