anti empath or energy magick/psi vamp ability?

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anti empath or energy magick/psi vamp ability? Empty anti empath or energy magick/psi vamp ability?

Post by adh1984 26.05.19 13:09

this is going to be very hard for me to explain. I am hoping by posting here, that some of you might know what I am talking about.

is there such a thing as an "anti-empath"?
by this I DON'T mean someone that cannot read people at all.
but I mean is there someone that can purposely block the empath's ability of reading someone? (ive heard some empath's have this defensive ability, or shield)
One of my good friends is an empath and she could not read me at all, she had to gain information on how i was feeling by talking to me
(and she told me that I was the only one she couldn't read, but I suspect that was because she wanted to nail me lol... which happened much later on during our friendship... long story lol)

in addition, can this "anti-empath" be able to send out energy that effects others that have a semi-close relationship to them (ex: friends or closer),
assuming they are in close proximity?

there is a reason I ask of course.
awhile back when I was more comfortable being in large crowds, there was an incident where some idiot guy was trying to start a fight with me.
some girl he was dating lied to him so he would get pissed off and start an arguement with me (i did not know who she was, but she did not like me for some unknown reason).
After this happened I was not comfortable being at this location (it was a goth club with a good amount of people), but security there decided to stay out of it.
and for the rest of the night, I guess I was giving out a "vibe"... this "vibe" was strongest right after the incident occured.
I'm guessing this was like an SOS signal.
Soon a few of my friends there came to me, not knowing the incident had occured, and they were complaining about having an unknown headache.
I was standing outside of the building where the club was, and they were inside when the headache had hit them. So I'm not sure what the range of this "vibe" thing is exactly.

To be more clear, it was 3-4 people that complained about this unknown headache. occuring at approximately the same time.
I think it may be a coincidence that 2 people might get a headache at the same time, but 4 people? It was obviously a reaction to my "vibes"
and these were friends of mine, either people i got close to after being a regular at that club for some time, or people i had known previously.

Anyways, maybe someone knows what this is.
I don't know if I was subconsciously using some energy magick, or if it has anything to do with psi vamps' abilities.
At least i would like to be pointed in the right direction as to what this might be Smile


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Location : Washington DC, USA
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anti empath or energy magick/psi vamp ability? Empty Re: anti empath or energy magick/psi vamp ability?

Post by Troublemaker 26.05.19 19:36

There's not really such a thing as an "anti-empath". The term you're looking for is shielding. It is possible to consciously block someone off from reading and probing you. In fact, that's actually a discipline pursued by many occultists as one of the foundations and necessities of practicing magick.

There could be a variety of reasons why your friend could not "read" you, and it's hard to tell with such limited information. People have natural defenses of varying strengths. Some people are also more open than others. Levels of defensiveness vary among different people and can affect how easily someone is able to lift things from the energy of whoever they're tuning into.

While it is quite possible to get telepathic impulses, even warnings of danger or distress, from others, this usually involves an energy link. I would be wary of assuming such a link is the cause of the headaches, however. The negative energetic reaction to being subjected to vibrations of crowded places depends on the subtle sensitivity of the person. Some are not affected at all in this way and are just fine in crowds. Considering the more mundane side of things, (and also that goth clubs tend to be highly mundane places, regardless of what is pushed in the common 'vampire community') headaches naturally happen when being subjected to obscenely loud noise, tons of people around, flashing lights, and/or alcohol.

The gist of this is, no one will be able to say whether energy links are involved or not. That sort of knowledge hinges on the person involved, and their subtle sensitivities allowing for the accurate sensing of such connections.

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anti empath or energy magick/psi vamp ability? Empty Re: anti empath or energy magick/psi vamp ability?

Post by adh1984 26.05.19 19:49

thanks, i figured shielding was a thing since i read it elsewhere.

and i guess the rest of the post can remain speculation on my part. its only happened a handful of times in crowded areas where ive known people and i unwillingly got thrown into such a situation.
too many varying factors to take into account i'd assume.

and thanks for the welcome Smile


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Location : Washington DC, USA
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anti empath or energy magick/psi vamp ability? Empty Re: anti empath or energy magick/psi vamp ability?

Post by A.Nightside 01.10.19 14:25

Some people are just easier to read than others.
I consider myself an empath, or at least had empathetic tendencies moreso before the craziness of adulthood.

Most people I can read, some are just more difficult. Could be a shield naturally or artificially created, could be my connection with them (or lack thereof), could be something about me.

I had a boyfriend at 17 who would get a headache every time I cried, whether he was around (or the cause) or not. Even after we broke up, there was some time where this still occurred. I'm not really in contact anymore so I can't say if it still happens.

Empath, "anti-empath" or not, people effect each other. Humans are a social species. Be it pheromones or energies. It's possible your distress/discomfort triggered the headache in your friends. Empaths, supposedly can actually be quite good at channeling emotions outward, as well as feeling them from others.

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anti empath or energy magick/psi vamp ability? Empty Re: anti empath or energy magick/psi vamp ability?

Post by A.Nightside 01.10.19 14:27

*I also experienced his pains often naturally. He had a bad knee, and heaven forbid I mention (before or after he mentioned his) if mine bothered me, while his was bothering him. I was considered a liar and faking. Nowadays I have chronic joint pain, diagnosed. Perhaps we simply experienced our individual pains at the same time, not in relation to each other.

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