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Post by Maxx 27.05.19 9:14

comedy central

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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by Jonathan 27.05.19 13:49

Evil or Very Mad

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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 08.06.19 4:04

I found me and Maxx. Maxx is the guy to the left, I'm the one to the right.

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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by Maxx 08.06.19 15:05

comedy central Photo.php?fbid=1265087933543895&set=pb.100001281019751.-2207520000.1560027656

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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by Maxx 08.06.19 15:06

never mind.. that did not work.....

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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by Maxx 08.06.19 15:09

yes. any driver that would stop that car on that bridge is definitely not balanced. You need some more driving lessons.... not to mention singing lessons. Come in next week and I will begin some new therapy.

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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 09.06.19 2:45

No, it was the person to the left that stopped the car! The person I likened to yourself, not the driver. He pulled the brake.

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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by Maxx 09.06.19 10:34

ok.  I guess there was no other way to get your attention as you could not see you were out of balance.  Many rock on with life thinking everything is fine whereas exactly the opposite is happening.  lol.  I assume that was the reason for you making the statement about the astral detachment from the physical body and being left in a confusing situation in another topic here on the site that I commented on.  Your reply certainly left me in a confused state trying just to read the reply...  but that is happiness in its entirety.  As long as you feel happy that is all that matters cause we certainly do not need you singing on bridges all over the planet.  And I promise not to join you in a songfest.

Now, moving right along.  I will get into the real reason I posted the video above in this section about vampires.  I posted it and wanted to leave it up for a while to enable as many to see it as come to view anything that is new when they check in here.  I was then going to use it as an illustration for my commentary now.   Things just got waylaid as I did not dream anyone would even comment on it and just look at it and pass it over.  The natural thing here as my tastes are mostly different than is well known.  And here is the reason why!!!

That video illustrates a comparison to a study done on false memory syndrome where one sentence that is given as suggestion towards a person, (only one short sentence) will create a false memory in the mind of a weak person and they will believe a topic so strongly that it creates a false memory in that mind that becomes as real as if the subject actually took place.  The percentage showed 25% of the entire population received this suggestion successfully placed within the mind by that one sentence.  I use the wording weak minded because it is well known that the educational system the world over has been degraded to the point a college education now amounts to a tenth-grade education from years past.  No one is taught anything other than how to conform to the elite agenda and be in servitude.

In looking deeper at this, it appears there could be a higher percentage as the study is rather dated.  If one adds the possibility of perfected media advertisement in radio, tv, movies, (like the one I posted above), I believe the percentage of the population is greatly enhanced that believe they have a reason to experience a false memory.  If you add personality flaws in the greater population you can see how this would be very easy to input into the mind of a person experiencing lack of self-confidence, lack of proper upbringing in family life, low IQ, low mental stability, etc, and you can add many things and go on and on.  Now, add into these, many professionals that are knowledgable with hypnosis techniques working as consultants within the media like books, movies, video games (FMS on steroids) and you have the possibility of this occurring in the range of over 50% of the population.  

This is why I say when I see the majority of new individuals coming here saying they are born vampires, or they were changed into vampires, or they chose to become vampires, or they need blood donors...or they have a weak body and have trouble with health, cannot stand the light, etc.  I say they are nutty as hell.  Fruitcakes.  None even bother to read what Luis Marques has to say about the history of the Vampire from ancient Egypt.  But they read Bram Stoker and suddenly see an excuse they can blame for all their many shortcomings in life and their lack of advancement in their life and find a place to put blame instead of accepting responsibility for the lack of success in their life.  It is a way to draw attention to self and bask in the spotlight while still being a lowly member of society and see others advance around them while the others never see how important they are in the mind of the false memory syndrome person.  Ahhh.  The Vampire.  The forgotten part of comedy central.  On view now at your local youtube, movie, or Amazon book section.  How to make yourself feel worthy of the lack of success in life.

This is why I am not the most popular fake vampire on this site.  lol.  And never will be. Comedy Central is the Vampire Community Network that gives credence to the False or Fake Memory Syndrome. LOL.

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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by Maxx 09.06.19 16:13

Now, what I just presented is a very unpopular view here.  If you disagree with anything I have posted, please lay out your view and of course, give me some rational reasoning or even any proof for your claim.  (Is Lightseeker on vacation??? ha)

Contrary to popular belief...I am not always correct...(lol. And the proof of that is I hear your mind at work talking about me and disagreeing with me.  ha.) so I am looking for some type of reasoning to convince myself that what I just presented is not the case.  

But I must say that after I posted my view above, I happened to come across another video that even gives me a reason for stronger evidence of elite involvement in this scheme to control everything mental about you.  I am hoping you can prove me wrong...

Number of posts : 4334
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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 10.06.19 2:08

No I do not disagree with you on that point. I do disagree with you about calling me out of balance though. I'm not that much out of balance as you might think but I do have my times from time to time when I am relatively less balanced of course but that is compensated for with further balancing procedure.

In fact I was jokingly thinking that maybe you were trying to put false memory in my head by use of sentences and make me think that I was out of balance like a form of unconscious 'hypnotism', haha. Does not have much affect on me but it seemed to go perfectly alongst with what you wrote. Lol.

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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 10.06.19 2:14

But I did find your point of view quite humorous as much of the time, not less productive but just humorously written.

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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by Maxx 10.06.19 6:15

when I use the word "you" I am meaning everyone that is capable of replying to this. Not being selective with anyone.

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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 10.06.19 6:57

I meant the point about balance, that seemed to be specifically targetted at me. The rest I know wasn't directed at me necessarily.

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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by Maxx 10.06.19 7:07

right on

Number of posts : 4334
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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 10.06.19 7:29

We can all infinitely learn and balance and rebalance our minds, bodies and spirits. It takes a great endeavour to achieve completion, of which there is no final but only in relativity to the current stage, and then begin anew upon the next.

So may we rise and ascend to godhood through a long and arduous quest.

Number of posts : 1344
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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by 8lou1 13.06.19 6:45

[quote="Maxx"]Now, what I just presented is a very unpopular view here.  If you disagree with anything I have posted, please lay out your view and of course, give me some rational reasoning or even any proof for your claim.  (Is Lightseeker on vacation??? ha)

Contrary to popular belief...I am not always correct...(lol. And the proof of that is I hear your mind at work talking about me and disagreeing with me.  ha.) so I am looking for some type of reasoning to convince myself that what I just presented is not the case.  

But I must say that after I posted my view above, I happened to come across another video that even gives me a reason for stronger evidence of elite involvement in this scheme to control everything mental about you.  I am hoping you can prove me wrong...[/quote]

hiya maxx, its been a while. sadly this 'you' cant prove you wrong, it can only confirm and show your 'you' even worse. playing vampire is one thing, playing mkultra is an other. seem thins are getting relayed for an other round of dumbing down. how are the measles going btw now the pro vaccinations are up and running again? etc. etc. of course. there is no end in sight concerning this subject.

if you ever have enough of this trail remember q has a tail for a reason.

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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by Maxx 13.06.19 7:00

you have never contributed anything here of any value and that is why you never have anyone that replies to you. I see you still are dragging your lower dimensional self around here as you cannot find any forum on the net to involve you in their quagmire.

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comedy central Empty Re: comedy central

Post by 8lou1 13.06.19 9:21

damn you are so nice. didnt know you were roasting lately. nice to know you have such a huge interest as to research me online. i also aint into quagmires so happy to hear its likewise.


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