What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Sybil Mason
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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Gloo 11.07.19 16:14

Title says it all, I recently discovered that these problems of health I was having were a problem of energetic needs, initially I tried Chi-Kung practices, slowly, very slowly I escalated from useless potato to actually able to dodge the need to stay in bed several times a day with lethargy, I recently learned to feed (I take little bits of energy, as I'm kind of worried of doing damage) and I've noticed it greatly improves my condition.

Thanks, and hello everyone, I'm new here.


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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.07.19 16:28

Welcome. I think knowing how to master the hunger is important. Keep yourself healthy and strong but feeding is not necessarily harming anybody as it can be done symbiotically and even to heal.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Naoom 11.07.19 20:13

Greetings. I have had the same issue for a while. From what I gather, it is not a result of lack of energy but rather a lack of quality energy. In fact, most of times it happens because of too much energy gathered by unclean sources. Every interaction is an exchange of energy and usually people you cannot avoid interacting with (because of job or similar) can become a problem if you don't take precautions. In these scenarios there is nothing more helpful than a person whose energy is compatible to yours. A lot of people recommend shielding and it is great to a degree but remember these energies enter you because you allow them to, for one reason or the other. The most useful defense I have discovered is to consiously refrain from scanning people's auras but also to block others trying to probe yours. The former more often than the latter. On a side note, the physical problems it can cause are definitely negative but nothing in comparison to the psychological effects and the spiritual stagnation that manifest afterwards. Other useful things to do include grounding the excess energies and meditation, among others but those practices you mentioned yourself can be very helpful too. I wonder if others here have had this issue and I am curious to read their contributions and also see how it works out for you and again, welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 12.07.19 5:10

I do believe sometimes energy work can help in alleviating it. Maybe due to the circulation of energy and also its newer absorption through that cycling, whilst releasing blockages and energy stagnation. But feeding, if necessary, would also be a more stable and long term solution. In fact, feeding can heavily intertwine with or relate to cycling methods.

What makes you arrive at this conclusion exactly, though, Naoom?

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Naoom 12.07.19 8:14

Feeding can be useful but I personally find most people's energies very displeasing. Others might differ of course but feeding can be a problem if done recklessly or without reason. Most of times it occurs unconsciously and that is why I emphasized in avoiding scanning people's energy, in order to avoid interacting with them on a deeper level. On the other hand it can be very useful if you find a balance and not disregard it completely. If you can filter those, then even those can become useful but considering the number of people we interact with on a daily basis, they are usually overwhelming. It is important to make a conscious effort to decide which energies you interact with on an individual level but it's also a matter of the environment it takes place in. For example, it seems more useful to feed from a group of people in a Church or another place where large numbers of charged people gather but in a smaller environment it's preferable to limit yourself to just a few quality people you enjoy interacting with. Again, it is a matter of personal preference and in no way is it a form of elitism. It is a serious problem which can be very damaging if it becomes a habit and soon it becomes unnoticeable because you become used to it, until it becomes a bigger issue.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Gloo 12.07.19 8:21

Naoom wrote:Feeding
I really avoid feeding as much as possible, because I am aware that people these days have very low Chi, hence the climate of poor health we experience, mostly what I do is Chi Kung, and it's really saving the day. I wholly recommend it for the vamps that can use it. Also I've noticed that while feeding I get these urges to ingest blood, which is kinda troubling.


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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 13.07.19 12:55

I can relate to that, Naoom. Better to feed when necessary, and master any potential urges, than to become addicted to it and end up feeding on just the wrong people. To be more careful and strategically selective about it.

Gloo, do you avoid feeding due to the low energy in people these days having poor quality to it, or just due to not wishing to harm them due to that factor of relatively low energy? What do you think the bloodthirst is due to, likewise? I've experienced that, but it usually settles if I feed, if anything. It's a very rare thing; it's not very often that I'll either feel a hunger to feed nor a bloodthirst. Hunger to feed, maybe now and then, with some week inbetwixt... bloodthirst, much more seldom, perhaps just once every few months or half a year. Wondering what that can be due to...

Now, I don't claim to be a vampire. I might just be a strange person who can relate to vampirism to a certain extent. Vampirism isn't all about feeding, either; but a comprehensive spiritual system of growth and initiation in my view and as to how Asetianism presents it. It can also carry philosophical overtones of the adversary. Predatory spirituality as a path of balance and truth, balance here implying a deeper meaning of alchemical fusion between duality as exploring a double-facetted existence and unleashing the forces of truth itself upon a stable pillar of foundational inner strength and integrated wisdom.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Maxx 13.07.19 13:40

What is the benefit of being a vampire as discussed here over being human?

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Gloo 13.07.19 14:07

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:not wishing to harm them due to that factor of relatively low energy?
This is my main reason, I'm not sure how easy or hard it is to damage someone by feeding, so it's problematic for me.

As for the bloodthirst, well, I'm not sure what causes it, but it's definitely there sometimes.

I don't know, perhaps I should grow bolder when feeding, it may better for my health, it probably is very little what I'm taking and I'm here thinking in hyperbolic terms.


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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Troublemaker 13.07.19 21:33

Hello Gloo and welcome to the forum.
Please understand that my reply is not meant to be discouraging or unhelpful.
I must admit that the title itself says it all. "What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?"
Well, the problem and answer is all in your wording here. Is there really such a thing as a clueless, awakened vampire? Also... the vampiric system tends to subconsciously feed when in a state of deprivation.
The very nature of awakening itself facilitates a much deeper understanding of the universe, not to mention various energetic techniques and methods of safely (for yourself) feeding. One being fully awakened also implies they are adept at consulting their own Higher Self for deeper answers, rather than trying to obtain it from others on the net.
Other responses in this thread have been pretty good and worthy of consideration, but I must also add a few things.
I think the term "awakening" is thrown around very loosely in places that discuss vampirism. There is a very, very big difference between awakening and being awakened. They happen in stages, in a continuous cycle of rebirth and new discovery. Worthy of note is also the fact that awakenings are not limited at all to vampiric beings, and being vampiric is not anything special in and of itself. I've noticed, particularly in this diseased day and age, that a significant portion of the population behaves in a vampiric manner without even realizing it - and they are not even aware of the subtle reality. One must try to understand what can cause vampiric behaviors in order to have a larger perspective of possibilities whenever it is observed within self or others.
(Illness, lack of centering, high stress, etc.)  
Things like filters can be applied to indirect feeding practices in order to avoid too much energy pollution... this alongside shielding when necessary in crowded environments.
Now... if you are truly awakened, you'll be able to tell us yourself how exactly to address the issues you are facing.
If you do not know at all how damage by feeding even happens, it seems highly unlikely that you would actually be able to cause damage to begin with, but that's just my own view. Things like magickal harm, even that instigated by a vampiric feeding, are weapons not easily mastered. So how can damage occur in your own case? Well, one can liken it to the damage people might experience while around a sick person too often, whether they are physically, spiritually, or emotionally ill. So what damage might they feel? Certainly fatigued, agitated, and with the desire to get away... you get my point, but it's hardly the type of damage that causes someone lasting spiritual and subtle harm.

What is the benefit of being a vampire as discussed here over being human?

May I second this question? It is not intended in a hostile manner of course, but I really wonder what the benefit is. If one is always so sick they cannot be self-empowered... if they are always deeply terrified of hurting others with the subtle touch of an energy drain, while having psychological, fearful barriers in regards to blood, if they are so out of touch with Self that they require the feeding instructions of complete strangers who might have any degree of unknown intentions whether good or bad... what is the real benefit of being 'a vampire'? What are vampires even supposed to be, if terrified of being predatory, lacking contact with Higher Self and completely unsure about how to even feed or heal oneself despite apparently being "awakened?"
I apologize for any tone in my message, but I must ask the hard questions today.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Maxx 13.07.19 22:03

Thanks for that.  I really did not expect any of these "awakened beings" here to attempt to answer my leading question because it makes them question how they can appear to be "special".  It seemed as if they were being fed infant milk to prop up their self-esteem.   Anyone low of energy will naturally draw from all others if the body needs it without even attempting to draw.  My previous posts about my own experiences prove that.  And I do not want to be a vampire since seeing all these sick and anemic individuals coming on here and calling themselves vampire are nothing but human weaklings. Oh...shame, shame on me.  

I do not see any of them with the attributes the Vampire members of the Aset Ka have written about.  If you do not have anything SPECIAL...you are not a vampire.  If you have no AMAZING TALENTS, you are not a vampire. You are just a weak human that has watched too many films and cartoons and tv shows. Being a weeny in life makes you stand out in a crowd but not the way this bunch is wanting to be noticed.  lol.

But no need to answer from the weeny gallery.  I am just a mean ole spoiler.  

Thanks again RK, you must have lost your mind.  You sound as if you are agreeing somewhat with my mean ole bastard routine.  Ha.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Maxx 13.07.19 22:08

Damn, RK. I am glad you made me mention the above. It came to mind how that energy slapped me across the car and I had to pull over. In seeing that again, I noticed something different I had never seen before.

That energy came off and out of that priests green garment vestments he was wearing. It did not come from him as I just naturally assumed. But in looking again at it I can see as clear as daylight. All that lifeforce energy came from the vestments.

Now that second instant where it jumped from the waitress to myself is a different situation. Person to person. But damn....I must have just "awakened". LOL.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Troublemaker 14.07.19 1:29

Call in the aid... that awful Maxx is on the loose. No

Just kidding. Well Maxx, I must say you have a point. And that is with consideration after having been an observer for a long time.

You're asking important questions. In the vampire talk, the vampire declarations... where the hell is the connection to Higher Self? Where is the connection to the spirit world? That's the real substance especially when dealing with vampirism. Is there such a thing as a vampire who does not have a clue how to contact the spirit world or their own Higher Self for answers? Because those answers are quite a bit more trustworthy and substantial than those gained from strangers. Without a connection to inner power, one shouldn't be making vampire declarations. Maybe they are something nonhuman, maybe they aren't, but they would certainly have lots more development to do before deciding that. And one who knows, does not shout about it. Indeed, answers will never be handed down easily. Power, development, ability, real talent... all those things take dedication to master. The kind of dedication and inner discipline that is not commonly seen over the Internet. A very small morsel of something gained through very high internal effort seems far more valuable than mountains offered by sources outside of Self.

The verdict is still open about my sanity. But it's fun over here. One can dance more freely, and laugh more openly. Less narrow channels of free thought. The funny little hats are a nice bonus providing festive cheer year-round. Plus it's easier to strike from the ground sometimes. (That last bit wasn't me but the voices in my head really wanted me to add it in.) jocolor


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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Maxx 14.07.19 4:05

Interesting view.  

Based on some things you just wrote above, I will make a post tomorrow regarding something that knocked me out of my chair I was so surprised.  It is about an astrological calculator that Franz Bardon used. He stated the Ancient Egyptians used it.  I just finished and I was blown away.  

Late night here.  But I will post it tomorrow.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.07.19 8:46

I enjoy this discussion so far. Whilst I cannot say that I'm a knowledgeable expert upon the subject, nor do I claim to be an awakened, special and powerful vampire, I can only give answers from my own level of understanding that might or might not be helpful.

Yes, I see your point, Maxx, surerly, about what are the benefits of the type of vampire discussed here to that of a normal human. I would say you are kind of right on that one, without drawing all too large conclusions about people in this thread because I do not know exactly of their natures, gifts and abilities, but there is also something to what Rhea Kaye mentioned that rings true and strikes a chord.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Naoom 14.07.19 10:35

That's a good question, Maxx. I see your point and it made me question myself but let me clarify I don't claim to be a vampire either. Humans practice vampirism all the time as seen in your examples (and in other threads) and as Rhea mentioned. Even the term "feeding" sounds wrong and likely misleading. Although we can agree that humans can practice vampirism and gain from it, especially from nature.  Either way, it should be a conscious act and be done responsibly instead of how a lot of people do it without their conscience, in result hurting themselves and their environment. Good discussion so far. Smile

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.07.19 11:21

I hear many people claim to be vampires. I don't hear many people claim to be werewolves. Maybe the werewolf isn't as alluring and "sexy" as the vampire. I even believe some werewolves identify as vampires. Why is this? Werewolves might be attracted to the concept of vampirism because it sparks something inside of them, a primordial force of their own inner nature. Whilst the identification of werewolf might be more accurate, still the notion of vampirism might awaken that latent, somewhat hidden, nature due to the reason of the energy dynamism inherent in the label of vampire and the predatory spirituality implied, that is, on a metaphysical level, rather than just physical. It becomes a more spiritual notion resonating with their nature upon a deeper level, rather than the more earthly connotation of the prowling, physically strong werewolf hunting the woods at night, unless it would be taken out in the dream scape, astral or mind travel. So in my view vampirism does not only apply to vampires, but also to various otherkin, more specifically to the like of werewolves but in a very different way perhaps. Werewolves are known not to be as metaphysically adept as vampires, but it all also depends upon individual practice. I don't mean to steal vampirism from vampires, however... But, maybe, if werewolves found out about their nature more definitely, maybe they could, likewise, find self-empowerment from the notion of the werewolf. It is a powerful force in a primordial sense. Neither vampire nor werewolf should be underestimated.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Naoom 14.07.19 11:52

That's true, Mystic. I think that could be primarily because so little information about them is shared with the public and I am sure Luis Marques mentions them for a reason asides reference. All the Otherkin mentioned in the books are all very interesting creatures and the fact so little is known about them makes them even more intriguing. Also, the point about vampirism being non-exclusive to vampires reminded that while some Keepers definitely have a vampiric nature, other don't at all, so some could argue that this is applicable to humans as well.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Maxx 14.07.19 14:19

Now you two have pulled out the classification of the real folly of street vampires that appear to enter thru the door here as well as populate the VCN boards all over the net.   They are true humans completely trying to practice the higher and elevated life of the Vampire referenced in the Aset Ka material but have no abilities outside of their human classification.  One and all, they roam the net presenting themselves as super night creatures with absolutely no powers other than what they have seen and read about in cartoons.  

This is a far cry from the Vampire structure presented in the Aset Ka material but it completely flies over the head of the mere mortal that reads it.  For some reason, they are unable to comprehend this even when presented in a visual display for them.

So now we have different vampire classes.  We have the human vampire....LOL....which try to practice the vampire lifestyle because they are infatuated with cartoon examples, and we have the real Vampire classification....for real.  

So now everyone can ask themselves which vampire classification do I fall within.....lol.  Powerless, or Powerful. I like it.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Maxx 14.07.19 15:05

MysticLightShinethForth wrote: Whilst I cannot say that I'm a knowledgeable expert upon the subject, nor do I claim to be an awakened, special and powerful vampire, I can only give answers from my own level of understanding that might or might not be helpful.

This is the best damn disclaimer I have ever seen on this site. It allows you to say anything about any statement made here and never be caught listing something incorrectly. You no longer have to do any checking or research to back your statements made. I may even put up a generic paragraph covering this for all my statements made. dittos, Mystic.

Now, if done, never again could anyone say that I know what I am talking about.....lol.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Maxx 14.07.19 15:37

Rhea Kaye wrote: In the vampire talk, the vampire declarations... where the hell is the connection to Higher Self? Where is the connection to the spirit world? That's the real substance especially when dealing with vampirism. Is there such a thing as a vampire who does not have a clue how to contact the spirit world or their own Higher Self for answers? Because those answers are quite a bit more trustworthy and substantial than those gained from strangers. Without a connection to inner power, one shouldn't be making vampire declarations. Maybe they are something nonhuman, maybe they aren't, but they would certainly have lots more development to do before deciding that. And one who knows, does not shout about it. Indeed, answers will never be handed down easily. Power, development, ability, real talent... all those things take dedication to master. The kind of dedication and inner discipline that is not commonly seen over the Internet. A very small morsel of something gained through very high internal effort seems far more valuable than mountains offered by sources outside of Self.  

Worth assimilating.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Maxx 14.07.19 15:42

Admin. please delete the duplicate posting. I am having problems with my system at the moment and getting duplicates.....or maybe spirit wants it emphasized. LOL.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.07.19 16:08

I was referencing Lycanthropes, not these "street vampires" that you mention.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by Maxx 14.07.19 16:39

yes. and your conversation opened up the real problem with the vampire issue here. You do not see that???

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.07.19 17:14

Vampires this and vampires that. Seems that is all that is on your mind. How about you take some break from it and try to see it from a perspective of detachment from taking some reflective distance. Seems you are nearly obsessed with these vampires, whether they are real vampires or these fakes that you talk about. I would approach more respectfully if it weren't for the sheer disrespectful energy in your tone at every interval.

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What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one? Empty Re: What advice would you give to a clueless recently awakened vampire that almost starved because he didn't suspect he was one?

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