Occult Science of Vampirism topic

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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 22.12.19 8:12

I've been pondering upon something. When you draw and feed on energy, what chakras, shen or energy centers would be responsible for digesting the energy, making it your own? Or how does that work? I've been pondering on this because it seems like when I do vampiric feeding I become a lot more grounded in myself, like I'm connecting more with my natural self and maintaining a balance between my whole self and all energy centers. But I will also potentially be a little bit more leaned towards having the energy and consciousness drawn to my lower energy centers, not entirerly but in a grounding and balanced way. That's what leads me to this question.

What's your experience?

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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Maxx 22.12.19 13:28

Do you think there is a difference in my assimilation of energy when I feed on someone at WalMart or draw energy from the Sun and it balances within my body....from yours?

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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 22.12.19 14:07

What I was getting at is the occult science of it. I believe the assimilation or absorption of energy is mostly the same but in what way is it done exactly?

In regards to differences I virtually think there are none apart from subtle metabolism but that's a different thing; it's not a different process but merely different rates of speed at which that same process happens. But, the way it is processed, by different determining psychological factors involved, like how you treat it, how you think about and how you involve yourself with it (do you use it for this or that purpose, in this or that way, or just let it rest?), might determine different outcomes in the asborbed energy going to different places - not the absorption itself. I believe it's noteworthy to the consciousness because my consciousness has been affected both for good and bad when practicing these arts, depending upon the purity of intent, the energy system, mind and how it is processed, and a few other variables... as well as energy sources of course - perhaps most importantly.

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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Maxx 22.12.19 14:19

It will balance within the body as the body requires. Any center that is needful will automatically assimilate the amount needed.  If the body is out of balance with too much energy or unbalanced in a manner, it is best to consciously ground to the center of the earth and back in whatever technique you find best for you.

In the beginning, I thought it best to draw from Entertainers but I found most of those people were unconscious to the amount they were drawing from the audience. Mentally Unconscious is a better description.  So after careful attention, I am selective, (as Nightshade suggested) and I try to draw from physically active intellectuals.  It seems to be a higher grade octane.  lol.  But what the hell do I know, I am only a human with Casper the Ghost abilities.

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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 22.12.19 14:47

Haha. Good reply.

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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 17.01.20 6:37

Not sure how I was reasoning when I wrote this. It's obvious to me now; the whole energy system assimilates and absorbs energy. Why I couldn't see that at the time is a conundrum to me...

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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Maxx 17.01.20 8:15

cheers good

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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Melektaus 27.04.20 9:05

Franz Bardon, in his book Initiation Into Hermetics, gives various body parts, and points out that some are Feminine ( magnetic ), Masculine ( electric ), or Nertral.
The Female body ( humans ) is different fromt the Male body.
And, this is Bardon's assessment of these body parts and heir polarity. A person should research them, experiment with them, and discover for themselves which body part belongs to what polarity.
Then,,, one can practice on people, such as Bardon stating the head of the Female is Electric, or projects energy outward ( good source to feed from ). and the head of the Male is Magnetic, or draws energy inward. The sexual organs of Male and Female are the reverse of this. Anyway, the various polarities ( according to him ) are in his book, fore references purposes. A person must experiment to see for themselves how to use them in vampirism, then Practice.


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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Maxx 27.04.20 9:46

yes. Bardon has been discussed here in the recent past as well as the distant past. It is common knowledge what you described as the difference in the male and female. But just because one extracts energy from another does not make that human a vampire. You are just using your imagination to connect the process of one to another. This is what the unknowing proceed to do when joining places like the VCN and Facebook groups frequented by juveniles. Since you are new on the forum it is just best to let that slide for now.

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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Melektaus 27.04.20 9:54

I was riding with a loud mouth individual once. I was sucking up his aura ( consciously ) for over an hour. Later on that day he collapsed in his home from heat exhoustion. Maybe I had something to do with that, maybe not.
A bully for an employer was working next to me. He bent over to pick something up. I sucked his entire aura, hard and fast for several seconds. He jumped up, surprised and said, "Did you see that? I just got dizzy". ( He was no at all prone to dizzy episodes.
Another guy, a mormon, I went to sleep and programmed my body to suck his energy up 10 away, at night while we slept. Next day. He said he had the strangest dream That never happened before or since. Coincidence ? Maybe.


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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Melektaus 27.04.20 9:55

With the Mormon, I programmed my body to eat him through my fet while I slept.


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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Melektaus 27.04.20 9:57

I mean through my Feet


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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Maxx 27.04.20 10:01

I need to ask you... what forums have you moved out of to enter this one?

But here is a big surprise possibly for you.... the things you describe you mention are all accessible by any human. Any human can accomplish those.

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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Melektaus 27.04.20 10:04

Are we accessing the same principles and techniques as a natural vampire? Just on a much weaker scale ?


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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Maxx 27.04.20 10:11

to overview two facts here..... what you are saying you participated in, is not any different than any human can accomplish in the same situation. It would be at the same intensity.

Why would either a human or a so-called vampire begin this process in the first place unless coming in contact with the process from some other type of physical or mental training from some group?

Again, what internet group forum or forums have you come from to join this one?????

Number of posts : 4334
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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Melektaus 27.04.20 10:16

I'be been to the Joy of Satan forum, Become a Living God forum, Discord, occult forums, Satan and Suns forum, read various books by Michael Ford, E A Koetting, the Maergzjirah Cabal ( Somnus Dreadwood ), Joy of Satan ebook, Psychic Vampire Codex, and Ardeth, The Made Vampire ebook


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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Maxx 27.04.20 10:22

Thank you for that info. It gives us all a good background on your study work and where some of the assumptions you are finding within your concepts of vampirism.

I am familiar with half of those sites and did not extend my study into some of the others because of no need, and since I am a really sweetheart of a guy I I will just withhold my comments on those sections.

I hope you find some of the conversations here from the past enlightening for your continuing studies. Enjoy.

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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Maxx 27.04.20 10:24

But I guess I should ask what brought you to this site??

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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Melektaus 27.04.20 10:26

Searching Vampire material online, and this forum appeared


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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Maxx 27.04.20 10:27

probably just like magic or fate....maybe????

Good Luck.

Number of posts : 4334
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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Melektaus 27.04.20 10:30

Ardath, The Made Vampire at Internet Archive PDF, discusses a sexual vampirism technique.  The sexual technique about bring the energy at the moment of orgasm to the spot between the sex organs and the anus, is the same Power Spot in the Kundalini Meditation in volume 3 of the Satanic Power Meditations in the Joy of Satan website


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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Maxx 27.04.20 10:33

this is not a sexual vampire technique at all. It is a very common technique used in martial arts and Asian energy knowledge.

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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Melektaus 27.04.20 10:33

That too


Number of posts : 19
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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Maxx 27.04.20 10:36

again, nothing but a human technique and not a vampire at all. You may be falling for all the hype on the net about transposing power and calling it vampire elements when it is nothing but human accomplishment.

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Occult Science of Vampirism topic Empty Re: Occult Science of Vampirism topic

Post by Maxx 27.04.20 10:38

Do you verify anything you get from those sites or do you just read it and accept what they are saying as very important FACT????

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