What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by xix 12.04.20 7:49

Can it inspire obsession about vampire in the person whom he fed from? How does it exactly work?

And how would that work for Concubine's way of interacting with others? And how for Anubian (symbiotic nature)?

Is there anything about that in AB/VT?


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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by Maxx 12.04.20 9:48

At first I was not believing that Maktub could make such a big mistake here in the forum about putting up that survey question asking how do you feed?

Then I realized how marvelous it was as it reveals all the nonsensical individuals that come here with all the questions that have no bearing whatsoever in how to walk a sensible path of the occult.  It was a stroke of genius as you instantly know where the delusional mind of the Parrott is upon entering this forum.  Of course, it is touched on in the writings, but the AsetKa themselves have stated there are things in the writings that are misleading and not 100 percent truth....and for a reason.

You do not find the Priesthood of Ancient Egypt making a big production out of feeding.  It is nothing but an obstruction to knowledge or wisdom within the organization.  Not a realistic question.  But one of fantasy and of revelation.  The vampire quality within the AsetKa and the ROS, in my opinion, is but a blind, one-way alley to use as separation, as one that is of vampire quality never needs to ask questions about it.  It is inner knowledge just like spots on a leopard.

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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by Maxx 12.04.20 11:23

So if you need to ask, you are not one.

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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 12.04.20 15:21

Why do you ask?

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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by Troublemaker 12.04.20 15:37

I love this reply. It makes a lot of sense.

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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by xix 12.04.20 17:00

I don't understand your answers (Seriously? ^^). I didn't ask how to feed, but how feeding influences donor. And assuming that it does, I think that analysis of these influences might be difficult because:

Concubine feeds more often and not as deep as other lineages;
Anubians can have symbiotic nature instead of vampiric, which probably means that energy goes both ways, so maybe influences also go both ways;
many Asetians can have obsessive feelings toward loved ones, and as AB writes about Concubines, often establish rooted energy link (VT, chapter on Concubines) -- so maybe it's not about donors, but it's also about vampires.

For me it seems to be quite complex. If I am vampire, it still doesn't mean that I know how it is to be the donor. I guess.


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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by Maxx 12.04.20 17:30

if you are over age 5 and you do not know if you are vampire.....you are not. clear enough????

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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by xix 13.04.20 3:19

Maxx, why do you think I do not know that? I do not know exactly who I am as otherkin, at least not for sure. But I do know that I am otherkin, and I do know that my relation with energy isn't human, which means it can also be symbiotic since I am not an expert on that, but it's still vampiric in big part. Who I am exactly is harder to understand, my personality has mixed characteristics of all lineages, and that's possible also for Asetian (VT, chapter introducing to lineages). There are many things about me that make it hard to understand who I am even more. But there is written in VT, that only thought process of awakening one can know for sure that path is undoubtedly the Asetian one, so I do not rush here.

I simply don't think that your replies have anything to do with my topic.


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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by Troublemaker 13.04.20 3:44

Not long ago you were praising Michelle Belanger and blundering around about the simplest topics that could have been answered if you only took the time to actually read something. Now here you are suggesting you're Asetian or somehow special. I believe Maxx's point when he challenges the vampirism stuff might be to point out how so many immature people gravitate to flashy feeding topics rather than actual self-development. A real vampiric being wouldn't fixate on feeding before actual growth in the same way a fish wouldn't obsess over asking how to exist underwater. 
We have all had our beginnings. That isn't the issue, but I'd suggest you take more time to actually mature and learn respect for the path before trying to place yourself on one of the Lineages.

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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 13.04.20 4:06

Maxx's points are very relevant, yes, although I wouldn't necessarily deem them 100% accurate but very close... But if you were indeed a true vampire there wouldn't be much need to talk about it. However, the process of discovery and awakening might take different expressions, I think... and asking oneself questions as to their nature certainly is welcome as long as one is respectful about it, if for example pertaining to being an Asetian or not, but I would recommend that as a private practice, rather than asking about it on a public forum although there are no rules. But why do I give this recommendation? Because there's simply some implicit understanding as to the evolved and elitist nature of these beings in regards to silence and secrecy that'd even be presumably unconsciously understood by them even prior to awakening as an innate way of knowing. According to that line of reasoning it'd seem as, if you truly need to ask a public forum about being one, chances are that you are not, just like Maxx stated about spots on the leopard, whyfore I said that his points are very relevant.

I do believe many people can resonate with characteristics in the different lineages, perhaps in a more archetypal way than in an actually real way, as we don't know the profound depths which the Asetians might embody and which might make those particular characteristics more keen and defined within them (in their experience) than we'd associate it with being from the outside so even that might be misleading on a surface level of understanding. Not to mention the allure of the Asetian mysteries which might make the notion of being an Asetian be very attractive and alluring to the ego of many and we've seen numerous examples of this in the community in the past and present, people who have deluded themselves, as well as tricked, fooled and manipulated others, of being Asetians. That's a quite dishonest course of conduct and doesn't reach very far to the eyes of those that can see but for that certain experience, certain knowledge, certain wisdom and discernment is needed... and many newcomers might easily be tricked and deceived by it, unfortunately... but which is why I write this, not to be deceived but to see from a clearer point of view.

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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by xix 13.04.20 6:45

I do understand what you mean, and I do understand that propability if being vampire is low, but as you said, a pearson knows that things, and I know I am one. However, I do not state that I am connected with Aset Ka in any way. AK are the only resources on Higher Magick I know, and so it happens, thery are about vampirism. I wasn't exactly drawn to vampirism becouse I was connecting with the culture, on the contrary, I did not, I was very skeptical at first. But then I indentified my behaviours as vampiric, so I become conviced that the path is real. The fact is, the first resource I've read was The Vapire Codex by Michelle Belanger, and as it was quite a big jump from what I was usually reading, then gap between that and AB didn't seem to be so big (Codex seemed to have some detials AB didn't). The differece was however obvious when reading The Violet Throne. Also the fact that Belanger could just copy from AB which existed before it, convinced me. Asetianism resonates with me perfectly, so I guess I can call myself Asetianist in some sense, I do not know a more evolwed path for me, but I do not said I am Asetian. The whole thing was to find out the details on this forum (and me, of course).
As for the Lineages, I compare myself with them becouse I have a lot in common, and it is more than human can have (analysing it on the ground of psychological behaviours, I think I can understand that much), it's in similar intensity and with very simiar elements that are described in AB with great accurancy. But I do not learn about then to select one for myself, but rather to indentify certain processes I can have in common, like higher cycling or grounding. I also don't say I am not Asetian, I just don't know my path yet for sure and, to be honest, I do not expect to know it any time soon. However, I want to work with what I know.


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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by Maxx 13.04.20 7:51

I like to cut to the issue quickly without all the crap.

Illustration:  I live on a Lakota Sioux Indian Reservation.
I am not Indian.  I respect the past of the American Indian.  I watch, I learn, I investigate.  No matter how much I dig into their past, I will never become part of their tribe or tribal meetings.  I still read and study and respect their past....which I see many of their own do not even live their way of life as taught.  Alcohol tears them apart.

You can wear a chief's headdress but you cannot fool even the dumbest white man into believing you are an Indian.  Why try to fool yourself?  Read Jung and his info about the Occult.  It may open your eyes.  But maybe not.

And my reply, as you said was not about your subject.  I am replying to something you are not even ready to try to dig into in an open forum as you know nothing about the subject itself.  Get real with yourself.  
That is where you can gain respect from others.

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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by xix 13.04.20 9:57

Maxx, I already said I don't pretend to be an Asetian here, just vampiric otherkin. Who are you suggesting I am trying to fool myself into being now? I'll surely check Jung's writings about occult (you mean The Red Book?), I like Jung a lot, thanks.

Getting to the bottom of the issue makes sense, but I think you are overly cautions about me. If there is a real book on occult that I should read to be 'fully educated' in the subject enough to ask a question about links, why not to just give me the name (I thought AB is the only prerequisite since it's the best book on vampirism)? And if there isn't then I would like to get some information anyway, that's better than nothing.


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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by A.Nightside 26.04.20 21:45

I feel like this subject has been covered before. I'm actually surprised to see the time stamp of this year. Are we sure this hasn't happened already?

Anyway, my two cents.
I've heard of people claiming it's possible. On one hand, if you're silly enough to use the word vampire, there's the pop-cultural and romanticized assumptions that may muddy and influence a so-called donor and loved one. There's also the sensation itself, I've been told that being "drained" can be uncomfortable, but can also be pleasant. That alone, or maybe peppered with a bit of masochistic leanings could lead to an attachment or or sort of obsession.

On the "vampire" end, I suppose it depends more on where they are at as their self. In their own head and whatever pre- and misconceptions may muddy there. (Too full of their own ego, too meek or insecure within their self, etc.)

Ultimately I think obsession associated with feeding, or any energy exchange, might be more of a misidentification and reflect more of the participants' minds and personal psyche than the exchange itself.

I admittedly don't speak from an Asetianist perspective, so obviously my thoughts and personal experience only hold so much weight here, without the proper context. I do still intend to remedy this and am still actively considering the best way for me to do so while keeping other priorities and unrelated misgivings satisfied, or at least in check.

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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by A.Nightside 26.04.20 21:48

Any perceived "drains" I may have experienced in the past (I'm sure there is plenty chance that it wasn't what I thought it was, or even that it's happened more times but my ability to recognize it as waned over the last couple years) were unwelcome, unsolicited and at least mildly unpleasant.

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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by Anto 28.04.20 22:50

The same story to lineages here xix ..don’t listen to humans .youre thoughts are more powerful than the crowds. Like AB says “Become the Crowd”

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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by Maxx 05.05.20 17:52

But does everyone realize that all the thoughts that enter your mind are not all created by you, yourself?

Mystic and I were talking about this very thing back and forth in PM today.  There are many possibilities.

I would venture to say that much of the process coming into the mind is from outside sources and one is not even aware that not all those thoughts were created by their mind.  One has a choice to choose to become attached to a thought and pursue it or refuse to listen to it.  Called free will.

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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by Maxx 05.05.20 17:55

Anto wrote:The same story to lineages here xix ..don’t listen to humans .youre thoughts are more powerful than the crowds. Like AB says “Become the Crowd”

I will change the words of Anto just a little bit to ..."Become the clown" if you think all those thoughts are yours.. and that everyone's thoughts are more powerful than the crowd.

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What effect has feeding on the one fed from? Empty Re: What effect has feeding on the one fed from?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 06.05.20 3:46

Maxx wrote:But does everyone realize that all the thoughts that enter your mind are not all created by you, yourself?

Mystic and I were talking about this very thing back and forth in PM today.  There are many possibilities.

I would venture to say that much of the process coming into the mind is from outside sources and one is not even aware that not all those thoughts were created by their mind.  One has a choice to choose to become attached to a thought and pursue it or refuse to listen to it.  Called free will.

Awareness is the key but it's subtle and requires inner discrimination of mind and even then that is not a complete assurance as to not be manipulated that way, but only if you rise to awareness, becoming aware and being aware constantly – in strength of mind and grounded balance so as to not be deterred by airy winds of mind that blow fiercely. It requires strenuous spiritual efforts, depending on nature, ability, state and condition of mind as well as degree of evolution but the onset of awareness through Will is the primary key. There's always a process for this – to rise above being controlled and becoming relatively uncontrollable. However that requires perseverance of will, self-discipline and higher awareness, which is just simply awareness being heightened by its own application.

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