σημαντικές εισαγωγές

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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by UnseenUndine 13.04.20 13:40

I said...

Em hotep.

Is it hard for you to be at peace? Calm your minds, for mind is fragile. Look within and meditate.

When faced with a low-vibrational energy, you rise above it; you don’t try to explain that you are above it.

As Luis Marques has stated “Do not feed the crocodiles.”

Even Asetians have been at opposite ends of war. They’ve learned and become aware. You can all learn from each other and become aware. The crabs never climb to the top of the bucket, because they pull each other down.

I didn’t get a chance to see the abusive content, but both parties should have taken the conversation off of my introduction post.

Thank you Sybil for taking action.

Until next time,

Em hotep.


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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Troublemaker 13.04.20 13:46

Nice try. You are definitely not fooling anyone here. 
If you thought you could slide by without easily being seen for who you are, you came to the wrong forum.

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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Naoom 13.04.20 13:51

If this is continued to be allowed, I am out of this forum forever, but mark my words, truth will always resurface at the end of the day. I'll keep my words short and precise and say nothing more. This is really disappointing though, and there is A LOT of people offline talking about how the quality of this forum has dropped for this reason, because we allow the rules to be broken and set loose by trolls and fake people who only wish to attack others, who have, quite ironically, being exposed completely out of their masks. I hope this changes soon, because this thread serves as awareness as to why this forum is inactive for the most part, even 'dead' for some. If these people aren't being stopped, nothing stops them from doing the same mistakes all over again and harming themselves - above all - in turn.

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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Naoom 13.04.20 13:54

Plus, no-one forgets the fact that these two accounts are probably being run in two different locations, by the same person telling the other what to post. Ha

Number of posts : 367
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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Naoom 14.04.20 14:14

Lying repeatedly and being exposed as a fake who has double accounts (2 serious rules broken and counting)

Sharing private conversations again this time behind Everyone's backs after Mrs Sybil had warned you, which was saying you would get banned after that happened. I really wonder why you are still here though, I said I am out and I am, but this is a serious legal crime breaching all my private information when I gave you NO reason to do so, and when I never attacked you here whatsoever but only called your lies out, and turned out correct multiple times. I would ask for one last time for the administration to take action, as this person has not stopped and still attacks me and others for no valid reason. You see, I wouldn't continue talking if the person didn't resort to the lowest and most vile behavior in order to feel protected. Heruset, even though you just threatened me openly to attack my personal life and family, I would never do such a thing to you, and this shows how frustrated you feel that I won't ever bring you to my house again, which you stayed in for a month and I payed for every and all of your expenses. Administration, please take action, I didn't say anything offensive and I was only promptly asking for help. This is no longer just a disagreement, that person is taking serious actions to attack my personal life and cause misunderstandings and drama.

Number of posts : 367
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Registration date : 2016-11-17

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Post by Naoom 14.04.20 14:31

A family member just told me all the lies you shared with them behind my back, when you texted me after a long time, around a week ago. There is nothing to excuse that behavior. I feel pity for you, but I will not drop to your level.

Number of posts : 367
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Registration date : 2016-11-17

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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.04.20 14:44

Naoom wrote:Lying repeatedly and being exposed as a fake who has double accounts (2 serious rules broken and counting)

Sharing private conversations again this time behind Everyone's backs after Mrs Sybil had warned you, which was saying you would get banned after that happened. I really wonder why you are still here though, I said I am out and I am, but this is a serious legal crime breaching all my private information when I gave you NO reason to do so, and when I never attacked you here whatsoever but only called your lies out, and turned out correct multiple times. I would ask for one last time for the administration to take action, as this person has not stopped and still attacks me and others for no valid reason. You see, I wouldn't continue talking if the person didn't resort to the lowest and most vile behavior in order to feel protected. Heruset, even though you just threatened me openly to attack my personal life and family, I would never do such a thing to you, and this shows how frustrated you feel that I won't ever bring you to my house again, which you stayed in for a month and I payed for every and all of your expenses. Administration, please take action, I didn't say anything offensive and I was only promptly asking for help. This is no longer just a disagreement, that person is taking serious actions to attack my personal life and cause misunderstandings and drama.

I support Naoom here. It will have to speak for itself.

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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Heruset 14.04.20 17:39

This is clearly your reply to your father’s reaction to your mental illness because you know he will stop paying your tuition if he found out you got a blowjob from your old bisexual best friend.

You never paid a dime for me except for the inflatable pillow I didn’t use while camping. Anyone claiming such a thing can be easily asked for receipts. I have mine from the trip for every expense.

I washed your dishes. Your sister did your laundry and folded it. You called your mom a potato while she cooked for you everyday and you did nothing including showering for weeks. You wouldn’t even let me leave your house you creep. I had to steal the second key your mother left for me when she went to England.

To which the rest of your family told me “good idea,” “he is a horrible friend.” Etc

Admin will take action when they feel that someone did something wrong.


Number of posts : 298
Age : 24
Location : Xalkida
Registration date : 2015-10-24

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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Heruset 14.04.20 17:40

I told your family no lies. I shared the links to your posts and blogs.


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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Heruset 14.04.20 17:42

No laws have been broken unless you include me filming you breaking into someone’s yard to steal a mescaline cactus.


Number of posts : 298
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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Maxx 14.04.20 17:55

Ms Sybil, this has gone beyond civil indulgence. Please get rid of this crap.

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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Heruset 14.04.20 18:02

Yes, please do


Number of posts : 298
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Post by Maxx 14.04.20 18:07

I also asked her to get rid of the previous junk that was posted. She kindly did that. But your latest posts are really pushing your luck

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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Heruset 14.04.20 18:19

So long as I am pushed, I will push back.


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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Maxx 14.04.20 18:22

this board is not for displaying your personal vendettas. You have erred.

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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Heruset 14.04.20 18:24

Only Naoom dragged me here. I was silent for two years before that.


Number of posts : 298
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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Heruset 14.04.20 18:25

I am not looking to stay anyway. Consider me dead.

I’ve done and said all I’ve needed


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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Maxx 14.04.20 18:55

then a ban is very convenient for all parties.

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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Troublemaker 14.04.20 21:37

Holy hell. 
Honestly, I'm with Maxx on this one. 

This has gone on long enough. A ban is indeed the best thing, in my opinion. I am thoroughly disgusted by your vile presence here, which by the way isn't the immortal spark you seem to think it is. I think you should fall into a sewer and never re-emerge. I, too, feel like I need to aggressively disinfect myself merely after reading from you. 

The show you are putting on here is just more proof on why you surely don't belong on this forum, or anywhere  near Asetianism for that matter. I am rather confident that everyone reading can clearly see that it wasn't Naoom who brought you here as you suggested, but merely your own petty vendetta. The remarks you are making here, including the threat toward supposedly exposing someone by harassing their family is yet another point against your case. By the way, your futile justifications are about as effective as sprinkling craft glitter on a steaming pile of dog turds to hide the smell. Good job digging your hole as it appears it is now large enough to fit both you and your inflated ego. Quite the feat. 

I really hope that Sybil can do something about your problematic, abusive behavior. It really seems to have gone on long enough.

Number of posts : 1624
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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Heruset 14.04.20 21:57

We are all untouchables compared to the Asetians, Rhea.

Stop thinking you are so high almighty. I don’t think I am immortal spark. Everyone has the divine spark. It doesn’t make them immortal. Divine Ka makes them immortal. I am no such thing.

You are nowhere near the inner other either.

I never threatened Giorgos or harassed his family. I informed them of his current mental state which he was hospitalized for months for in the past. He needs help. You are not helping. Good for you.

I think what YOU are doing is wrong. He becomes obsessed with every book he lays hands on. He never finishes one though, he goes months and months “contacting spirits” and then his delusions break and his mania comes crashing down... I know him for years. His cycles are predictable and I am not his friend. I tried to help. Then I tried to defend myself.



Number of posts : 298
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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Troublemaker 14.04.20 21:59

Slow clap. Lovely, keep going. The hole can always be dug deeper. You are doing a fantastic job of continuing to expose yourself.

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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Heruset 14.04.20 22:05

Source: www.AsetKa.org

A reminder.

“ Remark on publicly available Asetian knowledge

An open letter to every committed student, practitioner and scholar that seek genuine Asetian wisdom with honesty and maturity, spread throughout the world in a myriad of diverse cultures but with one single purpose of finding truth.

Awareness is vital in a society that promotes falsehood, shields dishonor and enforces deception; all values profoundly opposed to the nature of the Asetian culture, hence making the Order a grand adversary to such agendas and a common target to misrepresentation, elaborate lies and misplaced fear.
Those pitfalls and obstacles on the path of inexperienced seekers can be easily surpassed by the understanding that there are no members of the Order commenting and engaging in open debate on forums, networks and events, or anywhere outside of the Order's internal networks, temples and havens.

The natural allure and mystery that surrounds the Aset Ka and its ancient culture makes it a subject of great potential for defamation and deceit, especially among those lacking access and knowledge that desire to manipulate the less aware. This raises the importance for initiates to detach from the misinformed opinion of outsiders and their biased judgement but most importantly to always seek for the source. Never trust those who speak for the Asetians or that claim hidden knowledge about them for they invariably mirror nothing more than pretenders.

There are no Asetian products, artifacts and occult tools commercially available and paid memberships do not exist within the Aset Ka. Actual members do not claim access, title or rank in public or to outsiders and there are no declassified Aset Ka havens. The will to exhibit a title is tied to insecurity and the need for validation; weaknesses that have no place or value in our culture. Do not be fooled by ignorance.
The Aset Ka is not out there to be found. Never take any outside information regarding it, wether positive or negative, as fact or reliable. All genuine teachings and the occult curriculum that becomes disclosed and available to the public is always confirmed officially by the Order. No exceptions.

Asetian knowledge has been copied and mimicked throughout history by a myriad of other traditions, groups and projects. There are always individuals trying to take advantage from what they do not fully understand and cannot comprehend, but that they find inspiring and fascinating. That can be observed frequently and recurrently but while it will never cease to happen, as it is human nature to desire all power that they cannot control, even when its influences are not so obvious to the unaware, people that are honestly seeking for the true source of this wisdom now have no valid reason to follow the false faces of our path.

Unlike different organizations and traditions we do not profess having the definitive path to religion or the only available techniques of magick. What we do have are the genuine keys to Asetian spirituality with all of its mysteries, culture and profound initiations, however that path is by no means for everyone.

We admit no followers out of blind faith.
We are a secretive spiritual family.
One united by loyalty, honor and an unshakable bond...
The eternal gift of Aset.

With this banner of awareness if someone still drowns in such delusions, becomes manipulated by the deception of fools or falls into the multilayered abyss of ignorance, it is now their own choice and responsibility to remain blind or to strongly rise above.

At the service of Her Highness Aset,
Order of Aset Ka”


Number of posts : 298
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Registration date : 2015-10-24

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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Troublemaker 14.04.20 22:07

I love this. The hilarity continues. I never claimed to speak for the Aset Ka. As per the usual, you completely fail to have any kind of a relevant point..

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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 15.04.20 2:35

Rhea Kaye wrote:Holy hell. 
Honestly, I'm with Maxx on this one. 

This has gone on long enough. A ban is indeed the best thing, in my opinion. I am thoroughly disgusted by your vile presence here, which by the way isn't the immortal spark you seem to think it is. I think you should fall into a sewer and never re-emerge. I, too, feel like I need to aggressively disinfect myself merely after reading from you. 

The show you are putting on here is just more proof on why you surely don't belong on this forum, or anywhere  near Asetianism for that matter. I am rather confident that everyone reading can clearly see that it wasn't Naoom who brought you here as you suggested, but merely your own petty vendetta. The remarks you are making here, including the threat toward supposedly exposing someone by harassing their family is yet another point against your case. By the way, your futile justifications are about as effective as sprinkling craft glitter on a steaming pile of dog turds to hide the smell. Good job digging your hole as it appears it is now large enough to fit both you and your inflated ego. Quite the feat. 

I really hope that Sybil can do something about your problematic, abusive behavior. It really seems to have gone on long enough.

Well spoken, summarizes my feeling this morning almost exactly in formulated thought. Let them just reveal themselves.

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σημαντικές εισαγωγές - Page 2 Empty Re: σημαντικές εισαγωγές

Post by Sybil Mason 15.04.20 4:13

Heruset wrote:This is clearly your reply to your father’s  reaction to your mental illness because you know he will stop paying your tuition if he found out you got a blowjob from your old bisexual best friend.

You never paid a dime for me except for the inflatable pillow I didn’t use while camping. Anyone claiming such a thing can be easily asked for receipts. I have mine from the trip for every expense.

I washed your dishes. Your sister did your laundry and folded it. You called your mom a potato while she cooked for you everyday and you did nothing including showering for weeks. You wouldn’t even let me leave your house you creep. I had to steal the second key your mother left for me when she went to England.

To which the rest of your family told me “good idea,” “he is a horrible friend.” Etc

Admin will take action when they feel that someone did something wrong.

Ok you are just pushing your luck at this point and I believe there were fair and clear warnings.
User Heruset has been banned.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
Vampirism Forum Administrator
Sybil Mason
Sybil Mason

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