"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by Maxx 15.04.20 17:42

"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Lightseeker. Are you at liberty to reveal any additional info from the manuscript you mentioned? I noticed you offered to answer questions in some other post here.

I plan on posting a question in a private site to one of the individuals that that has been in contact with Bardon since his passing to see also if there is any material he would want to reveal.

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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 1:05

I think this is in the wrong section. You might get more replies if you post it where it belongs.

Low magic goes in Off Topic.


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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.04.20 1:55

High minds don't put other things down as low in an effort to raise themselves as something they are not.

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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 2:21

The Aset Ka certainly discriminates between High and Low Magick.

The difference between them and me: they are silent.

I don’t care what other people practice who aren’t involved in my life personally.

I only am saying that this is in the wrong section of the forum as the section clearly says so itself on the board (read below the section name what should be posted in them) and what is classified as low magick in all occult circles is what is in this post.


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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.04.20 2:23

Either this is Heruset or these two close acquaintances or friends of each other share the same obsession with that what they practice is "high magick" and that everybody else practices "low magick". We've already seen this person's profile respond in the person of Heruset when confronted before by Naoom. Besides, we know deeper on the details behind this. We know quite well who you are. Presumably they are two different individuals but one who will speak for Heruset on this forum from a different location or IP address.

Sorry to derail your thread, Maxx.

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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 2:27

You can stop with your wishful thinking and bringing up past drama.

We are not in contact anymore. I don’t deal with anyone who acts like that.

As for low magick and high magick, I am not obsessed. I am just making sure the difference is noted.


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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.04.20 2:31

It states "Metaphysics & Magick". It can include anything under that category, including both high and low magick.

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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 3:29

Unlike you, I am not here to comment for drama.

Look again. It is in the wrong section.

"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" C9444f10

"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" 142b3310


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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.04.20 3:47

I'm not here to comment for drama, thank you. It states anything pertaining to magick. High magick is not the sole subject under this section.

Now, maybe you'd like to know why we're so cautious about you here. Because first you're siding, or showing friendship with, Heruset, and even speaking from his person in your replies to Naoom with no distinction as to whether you're him or somebody else - directly speaking as him. I doubt you'll have an easy time around here unless you prove yourself truly innocent, which will be a monumental task for you considering the light under which you've entered this forum. Calling users here stirring up drama won't aid your case either. Especially not when all they do is reinforce the justice and integrity of this forum from the hands of otherwise dishonest people, or at least so we have perceived you; whyfore you'd have a great task at hand convincing us otherwise. Show us that you are not a sock puppet of Heruset and we might be more tolerant of you.

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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 3:59

I can assure you that I am no one’s sock-puppet. It seems to me that the three of you are Naoom’s sock-puppet rather.

Do none of your friends have access you your accounts or information?

I had spoken to him about it and we don’t talk because of it but I am not airing out that drama here too and he is gone so will not.

I am not here to prove myself to anyone. If people want to discuss what I have to discuss and share, so be it. If not, so be it. I don’t believe in rejecting knowledge just because I disagree with someone. That is pure ego. I don’t reject the knowledge of Heruset. I don’t reject your knowledge either. I reject ego.

There is no possible way I will ever gain your “approval” or “belief” and I am not ever going to try.


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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by Naoom 16.04.20 4:03

Magick by itself has a balance that is inherent within it, if you observe it. These different types are important to differentiate, but in reality it is all interlinked in a profound way, and depended on each other. One example I can give is a person who condemns anything that is seemingly "mundane" and focuses only on the Lunar or the esoteric forms of magick, forgetting how any moment, no matter how big or small, can be a truly magickal one. What happens in cases like that, is the person gets ahead in their practices without a solid foundation in the other aspects of life - which are also magickal - and it eventually all comes down in a very ugly manner. Besides that, it also has to do with our inner guidance and Self, and what things everyone is drawn to study. There can be much deeper reasons to study different areas of magick or paths, which may not be easily seen as to how they integrate to one's practice as a whole, or where they actually lead that person, such as even higher practices which lay their foundation on these previous ones. There are many reasons for different things, and there is a huge difference in the nature of beings. For example elementals are different than servitors, and lower servitors are different than high ones. You can't just put everything in the same box, but the same time you can't deny the interconnections between magick itself that appear when we choose to have a unified approach instead of a limiting one.

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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 4:15

There is a clear distinction between fiction and reality.

There are different realms.
There are infinite inner realms too.

There are entities.
There is Psilocybe induced psychosis/hallucinations too.

There are spiritual pursuits in the realm of the mundane.
There are mundane pursuits defacing spiritual knowledge too.

Mundane issues should never be solved with magick. It is stated in the Violet Throne. If you believe otherwise you are not an Asetianist as proclaimed.

Low magick does not develop the self and is of no accomplishment for anyone can achieve easy results with instant gratification. It is the higher forms of magick that Asetianists choose to work with because they are aware of the difference and redundancies of the reality in Malkuth. Anyone pursuing low magick can never truly claim to be Asetianists, as no one worshiping pagan idols can claim to be Muslim.


Number of posts : 77
Location : Springfield, Missouri
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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.04.20 4:18

UnseenUndine wrote:I can assure you that I am no one’s sock-puppet. It seems to me that the three of you are Naoom’s sock-puppet rather.

Do none of your friends have access you your accounts or information?

I had spoken to him about it and we don’t talk because of it but I am not airing out that drama here too and he is gone so will not.

I am not here to prove myself to anyone. If people want to discuss what I have to discuss and share, so be it. If not, so be it. I don’t believe in rejecting knowledge just because I disagree with someone. That is pure ego. I don’t reject the knowledge of Heruset. I don’t reject your knowledge either. I reject ego.

There is no possible way I will ever gain your “approval” or “belief” and I am not ever going to try.

Turning this inside out and back at us won't be the most useful strategy for getting any message of innocence across but rather perpetuate a cycle of throwing back and forth at each other. Now, you should hold yourself accountable and answer for your deeds. You did afterall reply as if you were Heruset to Naoom and therefore there's a strong suspicion against you of being either him or a sock puppet of him.

However, I do agree with what you state about knowledge, that's true.

Also, Naoom has a very good and valid point in what he writes. Very objective and pertinent.

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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 4:34

If you want to pm me about this matter, we have already hijacked Maxx’s post (more than I would have liked to comment on it).

I won’t get personal and I will not try to defend myself but if you want to hear my truth I do have one.


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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 4:50

While some of what Naoom says is valid, much of it is skewed to fit his perspective. I won’t get into that. I will say that I don’t approve of low magick in any way, shape or form and will never be involved with anyone who does because like attracts like.

Naoom mentions our inner self and higher guidance, being drawn to study specific things. Why are you criticizing me for “obsessing” over high Magick with that in mind?


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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by Naoom 16.04.20 4:53

my words come from my experience, nothing personal there and you shouldn't make such projections. I don't think you read my reply carefully. I didn't criticize you at all actually, this is interesting to observe.

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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 4:58

I thought it was clear that my response was to Mystic as I spoke of you in third person.

I wasn’t projecting at all, as I wasn’t speaking to you.
Mystic criticized me. I was asking him why, if I am drawn to higher magick and what you said is valid, which I agree with.

I don’t know you. It will never be personal.


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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.04.20 5:07

UnseenUndine wrote:There is a clear distinction between fiction and reality.

There are different realms.
There are infinite inner realms too.

There are entities.
There is Psilocybe induced psychosis/hallucinations too.

There are spiritual pursuits in the realm of the mundane.
There are mundane pursuits defacing spiritual knowledge too.

Mundane issues should never be solved with magick. It is stated in the Violet Throne. If you believe otherwise you are not an Asetianist as proclaimed.

Low magick does not develop the self and is of no accomplishment for anyone can achieve easy results with instant gratification. It is the higher forms of magick that Asetianists choose to work with because they are aware of the difference and redundancies of the reality in Malkuth. Anyone pursuing low magick can never truly claim to be Asetianists, as no one worshiping pagan idols can claim to be Muslim.


Where is this stated in the Violet Throne? I don't remember reading it.

However, I agree with the overall and general theme of what you're describing in the distinction between high and low magick, merely because it's a far more fruitful quest practicing magick for spiritual evolution than for the attainment of material possessions. But that's just my personal point of view. Others may disagree and I don't think that is what defines them as being Asetianists or not.

Also that's a poor analogy between being an Asetianist and a Muslim worshipping pagan idols - not stated out of disrespect, but for the notion itself. They're completely different paradigms of thought altogether and quite opposite to one another as Asetianism is indeed a more polytheistic system where much of its activites would be labelled as pagan idol worship by Muslims. Maybe I missed your point, but I don't think that's in any way comparable or a good analogy.  

Being an Asetianist or not is something that is felt in a deeper identification with this profound path and freedom and exploration in their own magickal paths is highly encouraged and promoted for as long as there is responsibility involved. We can't draw any such dogmas as to what makes an Asetianist or not in these simple terms of what you merely practice in your magickal routine, as any practice that calls to you should be fearlessly embraced and pursued to its highest peak of possibility. That's the power of liberation and freedom as taught and encouraged by Asetianism where you carve your own path of initiation, spiritual growth and magickal evolution, in so far as we have read the works of Luis Marques.

Those are my views, although I see some value in your point with the reference about the difference and redundancies of the reality in Malkuth. But let us not forget that we can't really assign any dogma to this as people are free to explore whatever they want, quite literally, with their own commitment and dedication to their crafts, magickal practices and disciplines. Only they will find the hidden keys to their path. Although responsibility and caution is always recommended, as well as respect for the essence of magick itself.

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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.04.20 5:08

UnseenUndine wrote:If you want to pm me about this matter, we have already hijacked Maxx’s post (more than I would have liked to comment on it).

I won’t get personal and I will not try to defend myself but if you want to hear my truth I do have one.

Sure, send me a PM and I will hear you out.

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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.04.20 5:30

UnseenUndine wrote:While some of what Naoom says is valid, much of it is skewed to fit his perspective. I won’t get into that. I will say that I don’t approve of low magick in any way, shape or form and will never be involved with anyone who does because like attracts like.

Naoom mentions our inner self and higher guidance, being drawn to study specific things. Why are you criticizing me for “obsessing” over high Magick with that in mind?

My point being not that but obsessing over a rigid comparison and putting down of others as "low magick" and yourself as "high magick". High magick is certainly in the positive for being practiced, but humility is important. What raises you up but humility in either way? Who ever overcame their egos by being arrogant?

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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 6:34

You’re completely right in that I was displaying ego. I still let my ego get ahold of me. It is a challenge having been raised in a culture that teaches you to worship the ego. I should have explained myself better as well. I didn’t mean that people shouldn’t practice those things. I agree with you completely especially that people should have spiritual freedom. I also believe, though, that those are lessons to be learned when practicing the occult and to move forward from. For example, working with archetypes like Jesus, Lucifer or Lilith, (Luis Marques states on p. 221 of Violet Throne that these are not divine beings but archetypes) is useful, can help develop the self etc. but when you confuse them with entities that becomes a problem. Archetypes are energy constructs while entities are living souls. The high contrast between Islam and Asetianism was an attempt at a humorous point... if you are one you cannot be the other. Like how if you don’t follow the words of Luis Marques, (the concepts all Asetians agree upon, not the variety within the tradition) you cannot be an Asetianist. As in, if you practice and believe in low magick, you cannot be an Asetianist. If you explore it, that is different than practicing it. Exploration is always encouraged. Acceptance is not. Skepticism is a friend when wielded correctly.

That being said I would like to share a few pages that are relevant to this subject if you want to read the few paragraphs on pages 176,182,220(archetypes vs. entity) and 410 (410 has a good warning on entities and their manipulative intentions).

To quote Luis Marques from Violet Throne and answer your question of where he stated it, it is in the chapter Binding in the last paragraph, page 484 about midpage.

“Like every magickal tool the ways of binding should never be used to deal with issues of the mundane, handle social conditioning or serve vain personal agendas. The power of magick serves higher purposes and must be understood as a doorway of perception and the pathway to increased understanding that liberates the transformational nature of spiritual evolution— the ascension.”


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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by Troublemaker 16.04.20 6:48

Maxx absolutely posted this in the right location. 
It's kind of funny watching your pompous ass try to remain relevant by needlessly correcting others. 
You should quit pretending to know about high magick before you embarass yourself. 
Trying to make yourself stand out with the infantile tactics of ego games and funny font makes me think you should probably move on to shapes and the alphabet song before attempting to understand something that is way beyond your maturity level. 
You have certainly made a very bad impression ever since your first post. You are not fooling anyone nor are you welcome here.

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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 6:53

Not all energy is meant to mix and mingle.

You are not welcome here either.


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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by Troublemaker 16.04.20 6:59

Mystic- he is here to troll so giving him any space or room will only facilitate that. 
Make no mistake, he knows nothing about high magick as that requires actual evolution and inner power to wield. 
He is a spiritual toddler here to troll and raise drama. I assume he targeted Maxx's post because Maxx is usually one of the ones who does the best job at showing the idiots for what they are. 
But, giving these people room and tolerance will make it take longer for them to move on to a place more suited to their delusions of grandeur. 
He is only here because of Heruset. He is either one of his fake accounts somehow avoiding detection or a mindless supporter here only due to the pitiful baby ego of them both.

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"Das goldene Buch der Weisheit" Empty Re: "Das goldene Buch der Weisheit"

Post by UnseenUndine 16.04.20 7:14

Rhea... you’re a little late to the party. I admitted to being egoistic.

I was only doing it at first because Maxx commented on all of my posts when I arrived here.

But then I did get into the conversation with Mystic about High Magick. One doesn’t have to achieve everything in the occult to achieve some things or discuss them anyway. We all achieve different things but that doesn’t make you more advanced. You know nothing about my practices..

Read your words. They are pure ego. You shouldn’t be so bothered by a “troll”... I did nothing to you or anyone here except share my account information with a now banned member like I’ve stated in a previous comment, and I’ve changed my password since then and stopped contact with that member. So please move forward with your life and ignore the “troll” of the forum...


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Location : Springfield, Missouri
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