Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
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Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
Regarding the layout of the Violet Throne study project, I had these things in mind as per my working with others on the ideas of it, that, pertaining to the creation of threads within the project series, there are three points (with the second having two options) to take into consideration, like preconditions or criteria to be fulfilled for an orderly cohesion of the whole project as well as for the filling of it with content and purpose:
(1) Title each and every thread in the project series according to the name of the series, and include an adjoining number of which place that thread has in the order sequence of threads in the series, and then name the subject or chapter or topic we're going over in that thread, so, for example: "VT Study Series # 3: The Epic Wars".
(2:1) There should be presented a general outline of a contextual summary of the part of the book that we would go over in any particular thread, presented within the original post of the thread together with an added set of flexible, dynamic and fluid questions for the discussion. Or, alternatively, as Maxx had pointed out and recommended to me in a PM, that (2:2) we could rather make that outline differently by listing different important points by direct references of quotation from the author from the particular section that we would be going over from within the tome in any given thread – points, statements, written remarks, comments or words of knowledge and/or wisdom – that we would then wish to draw attention to within our discussions.
In case of the latter of these two options, we would then let others comment or make questions upon it, from that angle of approach instead, as this would also give the person who posts the thread(s) (if it is indeed one person) a lot less work to do and, in my view, it could also become a more participatory event (with further implications to be given below).
However, the arbitration of which references, as direct quotations, would be more noteworthy and significant than others would be a difficult task in my own eyes, and there also being the other concern of how much we're actually legally able to make copy of that – that is when considering how it would later be taken together as a whole go-through of this whole (?) huge tome. So, it weighs two crucial factors into consideration, one being merely of how you can make a sound discernment upon which points would be more noteworthy than others to bring up, because in so far as I see it, the author places very noteworthy meanings in almost all, if not every, line, that carry often immense implications and wisdom; and the other being more grave in terms of legality.
(3) An added list as a referential base for and links to all the previous threads within the series in an orderly sequence, so that there would be, either in the top or the bottom of the thread's original post, a list of all previous topics included.
What do you think of this? Anyone would be able to create threads according to this precondition, if we decide upon that, and also given that they're serious participants; and this would be my personal suggestion. I possibly can't take this huge monumental task on my own shoulders alone to deal it in any justice in terms of both work but also adequate reflections, pondering of questions and presentations thereof but I can, potentially, like this, present some form of framework from within which we can operate as a self-run mechanism. And also, then, seeing as I believe, and can possibly see, that if it were to be more open in terms of this way of common participation in the creation of the threads in the project series, there would be a greater variety of contribution even just to the starting of discussion, for which both point 1:1 and 1:2 could be reconciled in some way with having a combination or unification of both approaches, or letting it variate between them as per the choosing of whoever writes the thread.
I believe, as such then, that with the proper setup, like this, it could become a very automatically self-run project, where different members can put up threads and posts of their own, as long as they follow the agreed upon preconditions, for which what I mentioned above was merely a recommendation, suggestion or idea that we'll have to agree upon, if not others would like to present other, different or more improved ideas. Let's discuss how to put it up and structure it as such and we will be ready to go relatively soon. We'd have Sybil Mason, I'm quite sure, to remove troll posts and stuff, so it shouldn't bother us. I'm quite certain we have her sanction in this.
(1) Title each and every thread in the project series according to the name of the series, and include an adjoining number of which place that thread has in the order sequence of threads in the series, and then name the subject or chapter or topic we're going over in that thread, so, for example: "VT Study Series # 3: The Epic Wars".
(2:1) There should be presented a general outline of a contextual summary of the part of the book that we would go over in any particular thread, presented within the original post of the thread together with an added set of flexible, dynamic and fluid questions for the discussion. Or, alternatively, as Maxx had pointed out and recommended to me in a PM, that (2:2) we could rather make that outline differently by listing different important points by direct references of quotation from the author from the particular section that we would be going over from within the tome in any given thread – points, statements, written remarks, comments or words of knowledge and/or wisdom – that we would then wish to draw attention to within our discussions.
In case of the latter of these two options, we would then let others comment or make questions upon it, from that angle of approach instead, as this would also give the person who posts the thread(s) (if it is indeed one person) a lot less work to do and, in my view, it could also become a more participatory event (with further implications to be given below).
However, the arbitration of which references, as direct quotations, would be more noteworthy and significant than others would be a difficult task in my own eyes, and there also being the other concern of how much we're actually legally able to make copy of that – that is when considering how it would later be taken together as a whole go-through of this whole (?) huge tome. So, it weighs two crucial factors into consideration, one being merely of how you can make a sound discernment upon which points would be more noteworthy than others to bring up, because in so far as I see it, the author places very noteworthy meanings in almost all, if not every, line, that carry often immense implications and wisdom; and the other being more grave in terms of legality.
(3) An added list as a referential base for and links to all the previous threads within the series in an orderly sequence, so that there would be, either in the top or the bottom of the thread's original post, a list of all previous topics included.
What do you think of this? Anyone would be able to create threads according to this precondition, if we decide upon that, and also given that they're serious participants; and this would be my personal suggestion. I possibly can't take this huge monumental task on my own shoulders alone to deal it in any justice in terms of both work but also adequate reflections, pondering of questions and presentations thereof but I can, potentially, like this, present some form of framework from within which we can operate as a self-run mechanism. And also, then, seeing as I believe, and can possibly see, that if it were to be more open in terms of this way of common participation in the creation of the threads in the project series, there would be a greater variety of contribution even just to the starting of discussion, for which both point 1:1 and 1:2 could be reconciled in some way with having a combination or unification of both approaches, or letting it variate between them as per the choosing of whoever writes the thread.
I believe, as such then, that with the proper setup, like this, it could become a very automatically self-run project, where different members can put up threads and posts of their own, as long as they follow the agreed upon preconditions, for which what I mentioned above was merely a recommendation, suggestion or idea that we'll have to agree upon, if not others would like to present other, different or more improved ideas. Let's discuss how to put it up and structure it as such and we will be ready to go relatively soon. We'd have Sybil Mason, I'm quite sure, to remove troll posts and stuff, so it shouldn't bother us. I'm quite certain we have her sanction in this.
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
- Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
please give me an illustration of the word series. I cannot visualize how you are meaning this in the layout. please present an illustration of what that would look like in a small sample.
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
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Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
Like for example a video series but this time being a project series, so a series of threads under that project - as when we dwell deeper and further into the pages of the tome and come to new topics we'll open up new threads based on that so as to make the discussions categorically organized according to the more linear sequence of reading through the tome. So, for illustration, if we read this chapter, let's say, we'll open up a thread based on that and ask questions there, starting a discussion based on that, and the same for the next chapter, part, segment or section, etc; we'll open up a new thread for that... and so on and so forth...
That's why the inclusion of a referential base with links to older or previous threads I deem as so valuable and important within this project or within the threads that would be opened up under it, as I mentioned in point three, because otherwise the previous threads might be lost for better, easier and more cohesive reference.
That's why the inclusion of a referential base with links to older or previous threads I deem as so valuable and important within this project or within the threads that would be opened up under it, as I mentioned in point three, because otherwise the previous threads might be lost for better, easier and more cohesive reference.
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
- Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
ok. Now I have a picture of it from words. If I am seeing correctly, that would work. Does anyone else have comments or suggestions for Mystic?
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
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Registration date : 2008-06-30
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
Can we include his introduction to the material? I find that enlightening in itself. It is almost as if it could stand alone and be discussed with important revelations.
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
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Registration date : 2008-06-30
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
Maxx wrote:Can we include his introduction to the material? I find that enlightening in itself. It is almost as if it could stand alone and be discussed with important revelations.
Definitely. That's what I had in mind to start off this project/series with.
However I don't want to make all the threads myself. I've put up a potentially well-working program or system, that is rather simple, and that can be self-run or go on autopilot as it were. First of all I'm not qualified to make all these threads myself, because it'd require a wide range of not just expertise in posing the questions from a background of knowledge and experience (but I'd be able to post a few perhaps) but also that it'd need a bit of creativity to be able to do that which would actually be better supported by being a community participation project in that sense of different people writing the threads at different turns which would then increase the potential pool of creativity, varied expressions and dynamic questions; and second of all, strongly echoing my previous point, this is a community project so I wish there to be a common participation of initiative, for as long as we know what to do. Knowing what to do would be rather simple, though; and I'll merely take the role of a laid back overseer or better said a facilitator who'll support in organizing the structure and checking so that it follows according to plan merely within the very simple predetermined brackets of this project. These simple preconditions or set of criteria, though, would be enough to both run and sustain the project, seeing as we've all got capable heads here to follow suit just according to its directive lines (that are just to construct the functional framework around which it will operate, anyways, so it's not me dictating anything but just supporting, checking and facilitating), but also to keep it creatively engaging as these preconditions should allow for relatively free expression, only under a healthy and specific focus upon the subject matter or topic of each and every thread within the project/series. I'd see a greater potential, however, for this project if people opened up threads themselves, just in the right order sequence of the series, and with the inclusion of the referential base for previous threads provided with links (that can simply be copy-pasted into it), seeing as we'd have different eyes with different perspectives to be able to initiate different discussions per new and different threads and that it wouldn't be a monotonous rambling or Mr. Mystic the Light who Shineth Forth with (only) one voice speaking.
The hypothetical corollary point about how threads would be opened up, if not falling on top of each other in a disorganized way of being posted in the wrong order by, let's say, different users being online at the same time and deciding to open up new threads without seeing if someone else has posted a thread before them that should actually go before it in the order sequence, or even just posting the same kind of thematic thread at the same time, for which I'd say first of all that there is very small chance for that to happen not just because we'd be highly aware but also because the very chances of coincidence are slim; and second of all, however... I'd say that there's a simple preemptive measurement we can take against that which is simply to agree upon who'll post the next thread from the then current thread's discussion. (We'll communicate, in other words.) This would also cover the issue of knowing which kind of topic or section of the tome of the Violet Throne would be the subject matter of the next thread or discussion, but this part I could help with guiding, at least a little, together with your cooperation, of course, as we'd want to make it as good an effort and as much justice, in general, as possible.
Also the question about legality, first and foremost, remains unanswered, and that would probably be one of the most important factors to take into consideration if we are to at all copy content from the Violet Throne.
And, we'll start off latest by Saturday the 23rd of May. These preparations and plans should be rather simple so I don't see much room for delay or procrastination.
I'll also post an example thread, before we actually start the project, to simply, and visually, demonstrate how the threads are to be laid out so there are no questions left. That example thread can be expected all from tomorrow to sometime next week, perhaps sooner than later in relation to the latest starting date of the whole project.
What do everyone think of these plans, so far?
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
- Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
Excellent. Good job, mate.
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
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Registration date : 2008-06-30
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
However I'm still unsure of this: "...the question about legality, first and foremost, remains unanswered, and that would probably be one of the most important factors to take into consideration if we are to at all copy content from the Violet Throne." I'll have to look up that reference in the beginning of the book again but I don't know how its interpretation would be applied unto this subject particularly.
On another note, I'm still unsure about which alternative of the two options on point two, as mentioned in the original post, that we'd select or how we'd lay that up specifically.
This thread was created for discussion regarding the layout so we've got it properly thought through before we begin. I'd request some participation on this - most importantly, now, for these two points as mentioned in this reply. Also, Maxx, you had the original idea of how the discussions should be focused and drawn of its attention to various sections or messages in the VT, so I'd need your help with point two from the original post of this thread (not to be confused with the two points in this reply, but one of them relates to point two in the OP, for clarification).
However I'm still unsure of this: "...the question about legality, first and foremost, remains unanswered, and that would probably be one of the most important factors to take into consideration if we are to at all copy content from the Violet Throne." I'll have to look up that reference in the beginning of the book again but I don't know how its interpretation would be applied unto this subject particularly.
On another note, I'm still unsure about which alternative of the two options on point two, as mentioned in the original post, that we'd select or how we'd lay that up specifically.
This thread was created for discussion regarding the layout so we've got it properly thought through before we begin. I'd request some participation on this - most importantly, now, for these two points as mentioned in this reply. Also, Maxx, you had the original idea of how the discussions should be focused and drawn of its attention to various sections or messages in the VT, so I'd need your help with point two from the original post of this thread (not to be confused with the two points in this reply, but one of them relates to point two in the OP, for clarification).
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
- Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
short passages and transcripts can be quoted on reviews or essays if the source is explicitly cited. to contact them to contact them
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
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Registration date : 2008-06-30
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
I'd think this project would classify as reviews, though, but in such a large quantity I become uncertain.
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
- Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
I think we are pretty clear where the source is cited...
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
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Registration date : 2008-06-30
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
Yes, but that's not what I meant. I meant that it'd be a copious amount of quotations from the tome. I wondered if, when added up and taken all together, that it'd contradict those terms, but I'm not sure. I need some expert's help on this.
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
- Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
One would have to be selective in how it was put up for viewing in that example. At the same time always keeping in mind those that do not have the book.
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
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Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
I don't think you will have problems with quoting the book, especially since the source will be clearly identified.
On a different note I would explain to those that don't have the book that certain things might only be possible to experience and sense with a genuine hardcopy. As those of you with one must have experienced first hand this is not just a book, it's also a magickal tool. There are spells and enchantments imbued into the Violet Throne that can only be experienced in person, not virtually, even if the full book was available in digital format.
That's a detail that those without experience with Asetian magick and this book might not be aware of.
On a different note I would explain to those that don't have the book that certain things might only be possible to experience and sense with a genuine hardcopy. As those of you with one must have experienced first hand this is not just a book, it's also a magickal tool. There are spells and enchantments imbued into the Violet Throne that can only be experienced in person, not virtually, even if the full book was available in digital format.
That's a detail that those without experience with Asetian magick and this book might not be aware of.
Jonathan- Master
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Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
yes. since it is a collective endeavor, you can come in and make that statement when it gets rolling.
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
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Registration date : 2008-06-30
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
Thank you for that input and reassurane, Jonathan.
Maxx, in all honesty, I would like you to write the threads, at least to begin with since you're the one with the vision and idea of how this is to be run. I've built the machine but the machine won't run without the oil. You have the oil. Or you're the ghost in the machine. Lol.
But I will write that example thread soon enough, to demonstrate how I had thought about it - at least in so far as the machine is concerned.
Maxx, in all honesty, I would like you to write the threads, at least to begin with since you're the one with the vision and idea of how this is to be run. I've built the machine but the machine won't run without the oil. You have the oil. Or you're the ghost in the machine. Lol.
But I will write that example thread soon enough, to demonstrate how I had thought about it - at least in so far as the machine is concerned.
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
- Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
We all await your illustration example.
I was not wanting to do that for a prime reason. I did not want much of this study to be attached to me as most people may see me as just being an ass and trying to control everything. That is not my desire at all. You can say maybe I might be too overly protective of this site from the type of vampire that appears here with certain commentary. One reason I want the study is to bring out what the real background of this forum is about. Many newbies coming in here are especially ruffled when I disagree with them and what they profess but I would want them to understand what the book really says and it may conflict with their line of thinking.
I suspect that has much to do with the participants on the other site and why some do not show up here. I have not looked at that site and do not even know who is there but some have mentioned some names to me.
I do know that some have disappeared from this site and they were weenie personalities. Weenie means weak. lol. I assume they did not like to be disagreed with but all I am speaking of here is ego. This is the primary beginning of how Mr. Marques stated he learned his magical style of excluded ego.
What I hope is that this study opens the mind to help insightful newbies as well as those that have been around a while to see that a neutral path to the occult is much more preferable than another, and to move ego to the lesser part of the personality. Including myself. Since I am older than dirt and do not like change, do not expect a great deal from me as being a kind ole grouch. Discard the word kind, and I am more flexible.
I was not wanting to do that for a prime reason. I did not want much of this study to be attached to me as most people may see me as just being an ass and trying to control everything. That is not my desire at all. You can say maybe I might be too overly protective of this site from the type of vampire that appears here with certain commentary. One reason I want the study is to bring out what the real background of this forum is about. Many newbies coming in here are especially ruffled when I disagree with them and what they profess but I would want them to understand what the book really says and it may conflict with their line of thinking.
I suspect that has much to do with the participants on the other site and why some do not show up here. I have not looked at that site and do not even know who is there but some have mentioned some names to me.
I do know that some have disappeared from this site and they were weenie personalities. Weenie means weak. lol. I assume they did not like to be disagreed with but all I am speaking of here is ego. This is the primary beginning of how Mr. Marques stated he learned his magical style of excluded ego.
What I hope is that this study opens the mind to help insightful newbies as well as those that have been around a while to see that a neutral path to the occult is much more preferable than another, and to move ego to the lesser part of the personality. Including myself. Since I am older than dirt and do not like change, do not expect a great deal from me as being a kind ole grouch. Discard the word kind, and I am more flexible.
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
Location : USA
Registration date : 2008-06-30
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
I get you. I just had an idea. Maybe if I create the threads or try to "lead" the project I could first cooperate with you a little so we'll discuss in PMs how I'd, for instance, formulate the questions in the threads unless I figure them out myself. It's just that part which I'm unsure about (and is so central to the whole project) but it could be solved by simple communication in either way so it shouldn't be a big problem if I'm given certain guidance as to the plan. I think, then, we'll have to communicate and prepare a little bit in advance before the creation of any particular (new) thread but I see we're both online here a lot so it shouldn't be a problem.
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
- Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
However, you did mention examples in the other thread about types of questions or things to draw attention to so I do get a good picture of what you mean. However, to fish them out creatively and with own thought might not be entirerly impossible for me but yet something that I'd see as mostly in your own mind's train of thought to ponder and reflect in various discussions. I may try to view through those lenses, though, and make an effort at the contemplation of similar points because they are indeed noteworthy. We'll see how it goes but let's keep in touch.
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
- Number of posts : 1343
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
I am interested to see this take off and feel it will be a good project. I must say that some topics will probably be... Either left to sit, or outright missed. Particularly in the Book of Orion due to the nature of the information. I feel some of the things in that grimoire will be profoundly misunderstood by most, and by this I am not placing my own studies in any category above others, just thinking that due to the advanced nature of the magick it goes beyond words and discussions on some areas of the particular Book. I hope that made sense.
Some of the deeper things in it are rather unspeakable.
Some of the deeper things in it are rather unspeakable.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
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Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
exactly. Many will not comprehend what is said about blood consumption....... drop or drops of blood....not cupfuls. lol. This does not line up with what many think of vampire consumption as well as how it is adapted in the astral or spirit realm where the energy is created and used.
This will not line up with those wearing a Batman cape or a Bela Lugosi tux. There is no place in the entire 900 or so pages where anything is said about a black tux or cape.
This will not line up with those wearing a Batman cape or a Bela Lugosi tux. There is no place in the entire 900 or so pages where anything is said about a black tux or cape.
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
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Registration date : 2008-06-30
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
Forgot to mention, it will not happen by storing it in the refrigerator or freezer. That is not what it is all about.
Maxx- Master
- Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
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Registration date : 2008-06-30
Re: Suggestions, Recommendations & Ideas for the Project's Layout
Well, I do struggle with this. Slightly off topic but since you mentioned storing blood in the fridge ...
I am finding less and less resonance with the notion that I should be respectful of someone's ideas if they are cordial to me. Because in my opinion, truth isn't about an exchange. Finding the truth isn't some business transaction where if you allow someone to feel comfortable and accepted, they do the same for you. It isn't like sliding a bill under the table... Hey, pssst, hey buddy, I have these nonsensical ideas that aren't metaphysically sound. If you accept those ideas and show me respect, we can all be happy and agree to disagree.
...this is not something I resonate with at all. Because then you're stuck making constant qualifiers on your every statement eventually.... Something to the tune of walking on eggshells so as to avoid trampling upon someone's feelings or "getting in their lane wrongfully".
What is the point of stored blood? If you take the energetic component away, and remove all references of the subtle system, you're left with a dead, uncharged substance that offers no real value beyond whatever chemicals are in it. And in this case whatever is going on can be explained by a dietary need. I am sure those people would be better suited to getting blood tests done and seeing a specialist to explain why they feel the need to drink dead animal blood etc. They don't seem at all suited to anything to do with the vampirism area and I shouldn't be obligated to respect their views in any way. Vampirism only makes sense when explained in a spiritual and energetic context, involving vital force, Ka. The rest are just role-playing or are confused people seeking an alluring label to cover something totally mundane.
...I am sure I will end up copying these words into a few of the VT topics that come up.
They probably bear repeating. Because this whole game of tolerating ideas and saying they hold any form of legitimacy or merit just because people repeated them long enough is really stale and old.
I am finding less and less resonance with the notion that I should be respectful of someone's ideas if they are cordial to me. Because in my opinion, truth isn't about an exchange. Finding the truth isn't some business transaction where if you allow someone to feel comfortable and accepted, they do the same for you. It isn't like sliding a bill under the table... Hey, pssst, hey buddy, I have these nonsensical ideas that aren't metaphysically sound. If you accept those ideas and show me respect, we can all be happy and agree to disagree.
...this is not something I resonate with at all. Because then you're stuck making constant qualifiers on your every statement eventually.... Something to the tune of walking on eggshells so as to avoid trampling upon someone's feelings or "getting in their lane wrongfully".
What is the point of stored blood? If you take the energetic component away, and remove all references of the subtle system, you're left with a dead, uncharged substance that offers no real value beyond whatever chemicals are in it. And in this case whatever is going on can be explained by a dietary need. I am sure those people would be better suited to getting blood tests done and seeing a specialist to explain why they feel the need to drink dead animal blood etc. They don't seem at all suited to anything to do with the vampirism area and I shouldn't be obligated to respect their views in any way. Vampirism only makes sense when explained in a spiritual and energetic context, involving vital force, Ka. The rest are just role-playing or are confused people seeking an alluring label to cover something totally mundane.
...I am sure I will end up copying these words into a few of the VT topics that come up.
They probably bear repeating. Because this whole game of tolerating ideas and saying they hold any form of legitimacy or merit just because people repeated them long enough is really stale and old.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18
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