Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Jonathan 31.08.20 5:13

Check out this video. I’m no fan of Vidian or VK and in fact I often think the guy is just full of nonsense and likely mentally unstable, but I still found myself agreeing with some of his ideas in this recent video. This should be a warning to people dabbling superficially on the occult, and the dangers of paranoia and victimization I see people engaging in. He’s saying how some people messing with the occult develop these obsessions which manifest as self-fulfilling prophecies. Like their paranoia that everyone is against them sometimes curses themselves with all sorts of crap in their lives without anyone actually cursing them. People literally turn their minds against themselves, causing destruction and havoc in their own reality. I find that there is a kernel of truth to that in terms of both psychology and metaphysics. That’s why paranoia and other forms of mental illness can be so dangerous and destructive to the Self.

What are your thoughts on this and generally on Vidian’s stuff? To me it seems that he says some things who are real and relatable but then mixes it with absolutely batshit crazy nonsense.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Victor 31.08.20 6:13

I agree with what you’re saying about the power of the mind and how oftentimes people are their own worst enemies, but on the matter of VK don’t take the guy serious in any way. He’s selling sigils, talismans and curses that do absolutely nothing. He’s just a kid who immerses himself in all sorts of fantasies about how he commands the powers of all the gods but in reality wields very little power or no power at all. You can easily see what sorts he attracts as well, that should give you a clear picture.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Maxx 31.08.20 6:57

First, One can just watch the video with no sound and watch the eyes and can see he is mentally unbalanced.  Then turn the sound on and listen to him speak along with watching the eyes and the movements and it is easy to see he has a mental problem.  Not hard to determine at all.  His composure is completely erratic and wandering.  Why would anyone think he is a danger other than to himself?

The only problem with it all is that the only people he would draw are those like himself that are unbalanced in the first place. They would have much in common and feel comfortable with each other.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Jonathan 31.08.20 7:03

Thanks Victor for your insight.

Thanks Maxx as well and I agree with you, that was mostly what I thought as well and why I mentioned mental instability above. But that alone doesn't disqualify the content, or at least the parts that I agreed with. You think different?

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Maxx 31.08.20 7:19

Each case should be on an individual basis but you can take the very fact that an individual is selling sigils and telling his followers they can obtain power with them, one can determine a "quack in fact" is on the loose.  As far as the underlying principal, one can see the mentally ill can produce results with the mind itself.  If that was not the case, why would you find so much obsession with the act itself taught, discussed, illustrated, and activity created all around the topic of consciousness?  Spiritual activity is drawn around a physical human due to the fact there are several other properties that are at work with a human form that one from the Spirit world has no access to other than attachment to the physical form.  This is all on a lower case basis and has nothing to do with the process of the higher forms.  

One can find a range of intelligence on the "other side" just as one finds a myriad of IQ factors here on planet earth while operating in a body.  We are all consciousness in actual existence with the human having access to so much more than most even imagine.  This is the reason the lower beings gather around mankind trying to connect.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Maxx 31.08.20 7:22

Also, I never heard of this person above as I do not spend much time looking at the quacks or searching them out. I am assuming what you stated along with the video is being correct. Then I just watched the video assuming your assessment again as I am not familiar with his wondrous powers. lol.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Void 31.08.20 8:15

He doesn't look quite OK, but most who wander in to occult, do go off the rails at some point.
Most who enter occult, come already with set of pre-existing mental and emotional issues and instabilities, thinking spiritual and magical work will fix it all, but it usually does the opposite - it exaggerates faster than ones sanity can keep up.
And then some go out with idealistic view that world out there, every being/entity/spirit is existing in eternal bliss and peace, and everything and everyone is driven by some unconditional love and only the mortal realm is mean and evil. Which is fallacy (purely in my personal opinion) - everything, or almost everything out there wants to eat you whole, and if someone is satisfied with just a bite or two - that's a pretty nice person, can even make a friend.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Jonathan 31.08.20 8:25

lol I think I can agree with you on that. After everything that I've seen, most people are trash and don't care a little bit about truth or the wellbeing of others. Then they complain when someone actually bites back. Twisted Evil

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Maxx 31.08.20 8:26

[quote="Void"(purely in my personal opinion) - everything, or almost everything out there wants to eat you whole, an[/quote]

Good point.  For the happy folks out there, please contrast this example of a mentally ill person in that video, with the Sunday TV preacher on your magic box.  The same process is in effect with the "behind the scenes" teaching you will get from your Bible Thumper.  There is no difference.  Both Vidian and that Christian preacher have been sold a bill of goods early in their life and they believe it.  That fact is re-inforced in the mind because they receive compensation (money) for their efforts and it also produces for them a visual flock they can see following their teaching.  Reinforcing their teaching again and again.  This magnet is the attachment aspect from the lower spirit realm.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Tehom 31.08.20 8:45

On the contrary, Void ... it can point toward someone making the meal last. The most efficient predator is always the one that takes their time.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Maxx 31.08.20 9:01

Hahahah That would mean the person has no discernment in the first place and is really there for being the food source. Like livestock.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Tehom 31.08.20 9:11

Well, if they're after madmen, of course. It's a stupid effort. But if you mean generally, I do not follow your logic here, Maxx. Perhaps you've never met a real sociopath, for instance, who would prove that assumption wrong in an instant. It can be quite a shock to learn just how easily people are manipulated into doing what others want them to. I thought you would agree, given your other posts meant to highlight this very thing.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Void 31.08.20 9:12

Maxx wrote:.. This magnet is the attachment aspect from the lower spirit realm.
That statement implies that higher up is all nice and rosy.
Piranhas might have a painful bite, with their sharp teeth may look very scary and when they gang up, there might be nothing but few bones left, if we just dip in the water at wrong time and place. On the other hand, giant whales look all beautiful, peaceful and majestic, but once they open their jaws, entire nations wiped out of existence. Figuratively speaking. Better to keep reasonably safe distance from both.

Tehom wrote:On the contrary, Void ... it can point toward someone making the meal last. The most efficient predator is always the one that takes their time.
I think the most efficient one are not called predators any more, they are called farmers. Those that eliminated all the competition, defied and defiled all laws of the jungle and all their pray live happily in cages until the harvest time.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Maxx 31.08.20 9:26

Void.  Not the case at all.  You would eliminate any  semblance of manners when you reach the higher educated level if that were the case.  I talked about the different level of IQ and intelligence as one progresses in levels.  Are you meaning to stay on the lower levels in the descriptions? In both my illustrations it produces the final effect of putting probably 30 percent of the population needing medical or mental attention along with medication in today"s arrangements. No dif between a nutty magical magician and a nutty religious preacher.

Tehom.  I do not think on the lower level they really care.  I think there are as many madmen on the loose in this realm that we rub shoulders with daily.   Continuance and the ability to exist is all they are after there.  We have never discussed anything about the advancement of one when in that other realm. But I believe we are only here to try our hand at advancement with a higher set of tools available for us to use (although most are not even aware of them because of the conditioning).

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Maxx 31.08.20 9:29

Also, question for both of you. Why do you think we are pulled toward certain teachings and beliefs from the time we come into this world and progress in our learning through life? What is the magnet there that is creating that interest?

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Jonathan 31.08.20 9:32

Tehom wrote:Well, if they're after madmen, of course. It's a stupid effort.  But if you mean generally, I do not follow your logic here, Maxx. Perhaps you've never met a real sociopath, for instance, who would prove that assumption wrong in an instant. It can be quite a shock to learn just how easily people are manipulated into doing what others want them to. I thought you would agree, given your other posts meant to highlight this very thing.

I agree with this. The sociopath is an adequate example on this and quite fitting.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Maxx 31.08.20 9:46

An amusing exercise as it would be an excellent teaching tool.

Take some videos of say Vidian (I never have heard of him before today), Mark Allan Smith, E.A. Koetting, Michele Bellanger, Father Sebastian, Aleister Crowley,  Michael W. Ford, and some like Kenneth Copeland, Jimmy Swaggart, Benny Hinn.  Watch their videos with no sound.  Watch the movements.  Then go back and listen with sound.  You will see some strange things you never focused on before.  After doing all of that, ask yourself why you think these people have any followers at all.    Then take some politicians and do the same.  Even try watching some Hitler material.  

Some of the above you can see the possession from the eyes at the first scenes.  Others will come out after a little.  Some you will see have outright possession while some others show attachments.  

But continuing from the back of the mind, why do these people have any ability to draw anyone and if so, what is that magnet?  

A good exercise if you are willing to attempt it unbiased.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Jonathan 31.08.20 9:58

I understand what you're saying but I wouldn't place the names of Crowley and Mark Alan Smith at the same level of people like Belanger and Koetting. They just can't be compared.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Void 31.08.20 10:02

Maxx wrote:Also, question for both of you.  Why do you think we are pulled toward certain teachings and beliefs from the time we come into this world and progress in our learning through life?  What is the magnet there that is creating that interest?
There are great many different reasons, not everyone is the same, I don't believe there's single answer to everyone.
While some might feel pulled either looking for meaning to their existence, or deeper understanding of it, trying to find something that "resonates" with their soul. And then some simply lured in to some web of falsehoods to feed something bigger.
There are few, who are just "deployed" to work, and they intuitively seek out certain things, information, ideas, consume those to grow until grow to that "predefined" state required for their task, operatives tasked to locate certain "teachings", reconnect to their "origins", their "home base" and then to follow instructions given. More or less. All serving different interests, different groups, factions, ideas and ideals. Well maybe not every single one is different, but I pretty sure variety is quite wide.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Tehom 31.08.20 10:19

Jonathan wrote: I agree with this. The sociopath is an adequate example on this and quite fitting.

... Being said, I have an opposite view to sociopaths that most tend to. I consider them good (specifically) "IRL" friends to have, if you are able to manage (99% are not), and I will explain why.

There is no immediate motive to ever betray you, so long as they benefit from the relationship. If they like you, that is to say they enjoy your company, they are quite ideal. They are very honest people, despite as most would believe. They are not hurt by petty things, and so they will not hold them against you in the way most will. They will not talk behind your back if they have nothing to gain from doing so, and are completely disinterested in the emotional motives that lead one to act in this way. They can be trusted with secrets so long as they are not given too much leverage to use them against you, if they have nothing to gain proportionate to what you provide them with they never shall. How they take to what you have said will be said to you there and then; the absolute, ugly truth of it without any regard to your feelings. They also do not "scare" easy at all. All is in the clear.  When loyal to you, and on the same playing field, they are some of the most reliable people you can come across. They are also not morally obligated or bound by any conventions, keeping their composure in most drastic situations. Time is your greatest asset in befriending them, as their trust in you grows as it passes, and with that your apparent value to them.

The great catch, of course, is their typically gigantic Ego. This tends to be their worst enemy and the reason for why things go downhill with them so very quickly. In the case of the non-egoic sociopath, however... well, I would much sooner befriend one than Instagram Sandy from around the block.
The real problem is that the connection simply is not sustainable in the mindset even predators are used to, there is an emotional symbiosis you should be feeling that you do not with them, as they never reciprocate your given energy. Similar can occur in Human Beings relative to actual Vampires. It can depress you horribly if you are empathetic and is genuinely dangerous to try. It requires an altogether different perspective.

Psychopaths, on the other hand... I am less enthusiastic about. Far less reasonable people.  Anyway ... I'll not clog this thread any more or wander it off-topic.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Jonathan 31.08.20 10:52

Tehom wrote:
Jonathan wrote: I agree with this. The sociopath is an adequate example on this and quite fitting.

...They will not talk behind your back if they have nothing to gain from doing so...

I can see what you mean from a general perspective but I would argue that such cases of sociopaths are rather uncommon and not the most we encounter throughout life. Their very nature and gigantic ego as you put it will give them reasons to believe they have something to gain from talking behind our backs, even if those reasons are nothing but phantoms projected from their ego and needy personality into their shadow self.

Not to mention that it can take quite a toll to tolerate and befriend someone with a huge ego who constantly thinks that everything is about them. I personally don't really have the patience for it.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Maxx 31.08.20 10:52

on the contrary, I have been suggesting a resident Asetian site psychiatrist to some behind the scenes here.  It appears you have all the qualifications needed to fulfill the position.  lol.   I even propose a monthly fee here charged to all the members signed up to pay your salary.  You even have all the members liking you from the beginning.  So far, you have not created a division to play one side against the other.  A big feat you have accomplished here with that.  Very good.   What say ye? Dr Tehom.  lol

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Jonathan 31.08.20 10:56

Maxx I wouldn’t pass on this idea that there are two sides to align with. Me and you had our arguments and everyone saw them, we disagree in most things. We’re only two people. There are no sides to the community, that’s the complete wrong idea. There's no division to begin with.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Maxx 31.08.20 11:34

First I disagree with you.  That does not make either of our views the correct one.

Second, I was not even thinking of you at all when I made the post above.  Where it came from is the fact I am watching the dems try their hardest to create a race war between the blacks and whites and have it break out nationwide to manipulate things because their internal polling shows they are losing the election to Trump.  The polls for the public mean nothing.  They are like the last polls showing a landslide for Hillary.  All they are doing is dividing the people.  They care not for nothing other than gaining power back and that fact will backfire again on them.

But our disagreements have nothing to pad into this topic as we are what we are.  You believe strongly in what you follow and as I have.  

Actually I do not see you as trying to change and divide here, because just about all of those entering the forum are already divided as to what side or third, or fourth side, etc, they will attach with.  As I mentioned, I see maybe 30% or more needing critical mental help that enter here and that would include professional care with beds and meals, if you get my point?  That is a factor that is overly enveloping everyone and the reason I long have criticized the term Vampire at the front door.  It brings in the insects.  But I now see there was a particular reason for its use when the wording for the forum was created.

The statement to Tehom was half jest and half serious as I find his logic of prime foundation approach. This bears meaning as to divide groups is how you maintain control over them.  My question with you might be why did you seem to take it personal?  

As far as any criticism toward me, I cannot really get involved with it as I have learned to not become part of any insult to me.  One cannot insult me at all and have it mean anything to me. (So that means I must be a part of the section Tehom mentioned above.  But he did put me in the section of being few in number.  lol.) There, I had to pad that ego bit in a little.

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Vidian and t he dangers of the mind Empty Re: Vidian and t he dangers of the mind

Post by Maxx 31.08.20 11:37

addition. Little did Vidian know what kind of subject he was going be today when he got out of bed. Hahaha.

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