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Post by Vamprinee 19.11.20 19:32

my name is obviously not vamprine. I’ve visited the forum years ago and decided to join.


Number of posts : 5
Location : micigan
Registration date : 2020-11-17

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 20.11.20 3:57

Welcome. Smile Any particular reason that brings you that you would like to share? Also any background? You don't have to share anything too personal, though...

Number of posts : 1359
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02

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Post by Vamprinee 24.11.20 21:35

Thank you. and yes many reasons. i’m not comfortable sharing too much just yet. but i’m in need to feed and i’m not okay with doing it without consent


Number of posts : 5
Location : micigan
Registration date : 2020-11-17

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Vamprinee 24.11.20 21:51

i’ve never fed from someone, yet i feel draining energy is not cutting it.


Number of posts : 5
Location : micigan
Registration date : 2020-11-17

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 25.11.20 3:57

Well, we aren't precisely a donor forum, and we don't know really who you are, so those things are always treated with a bit of suspicion and caution. Such relations, as donors, have to be established through deep bonds of trust, as they're no trivial matters... but forge very profound links and should be treated as something sacred, for both donor and vampire... in privacy and respect...

But how do you know a drain doesn't help if you haven't tried? Is it an intuitive feeling you got, of just knowing before you've decided to do it? How do you know it doesn't work if you don't know the subtle mechanics of it tough?

Just asking to clarify.

Number of posts : 1359
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02

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Post by Ramla-Meryt 25.11.20 15:40

Vamprinee wrote:i’ve never fed from someone, yet i feel draining energy is not cutting it.

Speaking broadly and being unaware of both your own way of going about it, offering another point of consideration in addition to Mystic's comment -- generally if your subtle or internal energetic systems aren't aimed optimally towards using the energy after you've drained it, then it's potentially somewhat like pouring water into a sieve. The routing and directing of energy can be hindered by blockages or dents in the internal mechanics, so to speak.

It could also be the donor, whether any filtering is necessary etc. I can only really speak vaguely but, points offered for thought.

Number of posts : 199
Location : Between the sacred and the profane.
Registration date : 2018-03-19

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Vamprinee 25.11.20 16:17

thanks for the food for thought


Number of posts : 5
Location : micigan
Registration date : 2020-11-17

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