Just a reflection

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Just a reflection Empty Just a reflection

Post by VedantaBlack 09.02.21 16:42

Can you imagine:

Malkuth being Kether
The Crowned Kingdom
Can you imagine:
The zero and the one
It all being intertwined?
The binary code beating to craft 10 out of 01
The Ouroboro consuming its own tail for eternity

Can you imagine?


Number of posts : 111
Location : Isfet
Registration date : 2020-08-25

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Just a reflection Empty Re: Just a reflection

Post by 8lou1 10.02.21 12:52

Do you KNOW the trees of old?
Do you HEAR their whispers?
Do you SEE the path they're showing?
Their SMELL is changing tru the air,
TIME still has the frost saints showing,
Waiting for the Sun to kill their gnomes.

Daring became an ancient skill,
Publicity is scarce,
Religion taking over,
Doom upon us all!


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Registration date : 2013-01-03

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