About Family
Selene Skotia
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About Family
Hello after quite some time of not posting. Some of you know me from my blog and so I figured I'd share it here. I wrote this partially in honor of some of my good friends who have been so influential on my growth as an Asetianist.
As much as I love writing in a more formal way, I figured today was the time for something rather raw and unfiltered.
There is a fire raging within. Simply put, I am sick of this utterly shit society full of the fake, those under the bondage of futility. It is a place where the inauthentic thrive under a false banner of vanity. This is becoming increasingly worse with the onset of social media popularity culture. I am suddenly reminded of a specific section in the Violet Throne where it is stated that the Red Order of Set had people “hopeless on their knees without even realizing.” People like to complain quite a lot about the lack of authenticity and spirituality, about those forces brought by the Red Order (regardless of whether or not they know of its existence) and yet, they embrace the chains with their own shallow ideals.
We are living in an era where the perfect shitstorm has brewed, where the vast majority of humanity shows its utter worship toward the hollow, toward the mundane and the physical which it has become fixated upon in the worst way. People would rather worship fame, physical appearance, wealth and every other associated quality devoid of spiritual power than actually think for themselves.
This isn’t helped by the fact that everyone and their brother, half cousin three times removed, and neighbor’s plumber can publish an occult book if they want to… regardless of their actual level of knowledge. Not every publishing company has the same morals or standard of dignity when it comes to producing quality content based in truth and genuine gnosis. I’ve had the distinct privilege (if stepping in unpleasantly smelling trash could be considered a privilege) of noticing these patterns unfold. It is true, you must see and live to learn. Simply reading these things isn’t enough. So, that’s what I did… I watched these people, and had front row seats into the rotten seed of their innermost motivational factors (thanks, Asetianist lessons in Psychology). You end up with the fun realization that there is a highly pronounced formula or blueprint for these things.
In a world where people simply kneel, smile, and placate each other in order to avoid conflict or challenge, I cannot help but feel a darker cradle of enjoyment deep within myself at the thought and practice of being adversarial. I want people to dislike me, I treasure and cherish their visceral reactions because they show in such a stark contrast how misaligned and egoic they are. No, I was not built to mold myself within this society. There is a raging inferno within me that desires nothing more than to become the opposer. I will not simply smile and hold hands and fake it to gain some sense of acceptance. There is something rather exquisitely beautiful about adversarial forces. They devour you, they test and challenge you to your barest and rawest self, they consume and devour you. And yet, such a process is also a trial of Becoming. It is a Dual blade of indescribable beauty.
I can say, with complete honesty, that I am a rather imperfect being who has made plenty of mistakes in the past, ones I am not the proudest of. And yet, I cannot describe the love I have in my heart for my fellow Asetianists. I haven’t known the strongest physical family in this incarnation, unfortunately. But, there are several special people in the Asetianist community who I love deeply as Family. Without your guiding light, I am not sure where I would be in life. In a world where people constantly embrace falsehood to build their unsteady empires that will only decay in time, you fearlessly remain as beacons of truth and it is an honor to fight for evolution alongside you all. We might not always agree and though things are not always perfect, we are united in this love for Aset.
There is a lot I’m thinking about today. I oftentimes struggle with my intense loathing for society in all its weaknesses, as well as the demanding task of rebalancing my natural desire to be kept far away in isolation from everything rotten. But, my friends remind me that there are brighter Violet spots in the midst of it all. There are still people who are willing to run to you with an umbrella and shield you from the downpour, and there are yet others who will dance with you in the watery energy of emotion.
Today and in the near future I’ll be grinding along determinedly, with what feels like a glacial rate of progress when it comes to my karate training, my studies, and every other goal sitting there in my mind that demands betterment. However, perhaps it is with the force of unity that I will find my inspiration and some sort of break to the stagnation. For everyone who loves this path in the same way, I hope you can find all the things your heart is seeking.
Em Hotep.
As much as I love writing in a more formal way, I figured today was the time for something rather raw and unfiltered.
There is a fire raging within. Simply put, I am sick of this utterly shit society full of the fake, those under the bondage of futility. It is a place where the inauthentic thrive under a false banner of vanity. This is becoming increasingly worse with the onset of social media popularity culture. I am suddenly reminded of a specific section in the Violet Throne where it is stated that the Red Order of Set had people “hopeless on their knees without even realizing.” People like to complain quite a lot about the lack of authenticity and spirituality, about those forces brought by the Red Order (regardless of whether or not they know of its existence) and yet, they embrace the chains with their own shallow ideals.
We are living in an era where the perfect shitstorm has brewed, where the vast majority of humanity shows its utter worship toward the hollow, toward the mundane and the physical which it has become fixated upon in the worst way. People would rather worship fame, physical appearance, wealth and every other associated quality devoid of spiritual power than actually think for themselves.
This isn’t helped by the fact that everyone and their brother, half cousin three times removed, and neighbor’s plumber can publish an occult book if they want to… regardless of their actual level of knowledge. Not every publishing company has the same morals or standard of dignity when it comes to producing quality content based in truth and genuine gnosis. I’ve had the distinct privilege (if stepping in unpleasantly smelling trash could be considered a privilege) of noticing these patterns unfold. It is true, you must see and live to learn. Simply reading these things isn’t enough. So, that’s what I did… I watched these people, and had front row seats into the rotten seed of their innermost motivational factors (thanks, Asetianist lessons in Psychology). You end up with the fun realization that there is a highly pronounced formula or blueprint for these things.
In a world where people simply kneel, smile, and placate each other in order to avoid conflict or challenge, I cannot help but feel a darker cradle of enjoyment deep within myself at the thought and practice of being adversarial. I want people to dislike me, I treasure and cherish their visceral reactions because they show in such a stark contrast how misaligned and egoic they are. No, I was not built to mold myself within this society. There is a raging inferno within me that desires nothing more than to become the opposer. I will not simply smile and hold hands and fake it to gain some sense of acceptance. There is something rather exquisitely beautiful about adversarial forces. They devour you, they test and challenge you to your barest and rawest self, they consume and devour you. And yet, such a process is also a trial of Becoming. It is a Dual blade of indescribable beauty.
I can say, with complete honesty, that I am a rather imperfect being who has made plenty of mistakes in the past, ones I am not the proudest of. And yet, I cannot describe the love I have in my heart for my fellow Asetianists. I haven’t known the strongest physical family in this incarnation, unfortunately. But, there are several special people in the Asetianist community who I love deeply as Family. Without your guiding light, I am not sure where I would be in life. In a world where people constantly embrace falsehood to build their unsteady empires that will only decay in time, you fearlessly remain as beacons of truth and it is an honor to fight for evolution alongside you all. We might not always agree and though things are not always perfect, we are united in this love for Aset.
There is a lot I’m thinking about today. I oftentimes struggle with my intense loathing for society in all its weaknesses, as well as the demanding task of rebalancing my natural desire to be kept far away in isolation from everything rotten. But, my friends remind me that there are brighter Violet spots in the midst of it all. There are still people who are willing to run to you with an umbrella and shield you from the downpour, and there are yet others who will dance with you in the watery energy of emotion.
Today and in the near future I’ll be grinding along determinedly, with what feels like a glacial rate of progress when it comes to my karate training, my studies, and every other goal sitting there in my mind that demands betterment. However, perhaps it is with the force of unity that I will find my inspiration and some sort of break to the stagnation. For everyone who loves this path in the same way, I hope you can find all the things your heart is seeking.
Em Hotep.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18
Re: About Family
This is a beautiful and more intimate post, a great read. It's an incredible journey...
Em Hotep!
Em Hotep!
Selene Skotia- Outsider
- Number of posts : 36
Location : Crossing the Abyss
Registration date : 2020-08-22
Re: About Family
A very beautiful post indeed. Keep more of them coming, Rhea Kaye! Heartfelt and with passion. Em Hotep.
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
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Registration date : 2014-02-02
Re: About Family
Thanks guys. This topic is really inspiring, and sparks so much emotion!
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18
Re: About Family
Inspirational words, full of heart, love and unyielding conviction. Em Hotep.
Ramla-Meryt- Insider
- Number of posts : 199
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Registration date : 2018-03-19
Re: About Family
to Rhea Kaye
Hi friend do you have my support Ann I hope and pray that whatever you aim for you reach and whatever goal you have you find it in success all the best in your endeavors
Hi friend do you have my support Ann I hope and pray that whatever you aim for you reach and whatever goal you have you find it in success all the best in your endeavors
eilistraee- Outsider
- Number of posts : 31
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Registration date : 2021-03-21
Re: About Family
Hello eilistraee. Thank you for the support. I'm glad to see that you decided to stick around.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18
Re: About Family
I've written a different article that I may post under this thread or create a new one. I think the process of writing is quite freeing.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18
Re: About Family
Rhea Kaye wrote:I've written a different article that I may post under this thread or create a new one. I think the process of writing is quite freeing.
I agree with what others have said, this was a pleasure to read.
If it's a different article maybe post it as a new post?
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
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Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: About Family
Good idea!
Hope you are well.
Hope you are well.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18
Re: About Family
This was a refreshing beautiful post Rhea
Jessamine- Insider
- Number of posts : 103
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Registration date : 2015-07-08
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