How Do I "Feed a Sigil Prana and Soma" In Preperation For Creating A Servitor

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How Do I "Feed a Sigil Prana and Soma" In Preperation For Creating A Servitor Empty How Do I "Feed a Sigil Prana and Soma" In Preperation For Creating A Servitor

Post by Jay Carter 19.06.21 1:29

im learning about Simple Servitors but like im stuck here
Jay Carter
Jay Carter

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Age : 19
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Registration date : 2021-06-15

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How Do I "Feed a Sigil Prana and Soma" In Preperation For Creating A Servitor Empty Re: How Do I "Feed a Sigil Prana and Soma" In Preperation For Creating A Servitor

Post by VedantaBlack 19.06.21 16:33

If you don’t know then you are likely not ready. Try putting down the sword of ego and receive the knowledge when you’re ready, without forcing it.

If prana is energy, and soma is blood, then what do you think that means?

One doesn’t really “feed” a sigil but rather charges a sigil, what one would feed is the servitor who requires its creators energy as a life source.


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How Do I "Feed a Sigil Prana and Soma" In Preperation For Creating A Servitor Empty Re: How Do I "Feed a Sigil Prana and Soma" In Preperation For Creating A Servitor

Post by Hound 20.06.21 9:08

Jay Carter wrote:im learning about Simple Servitors but like im stuck here

My first advice when approaching metaphysical topics (especially in relation to energy work) is to treat your learning, your curiosities, and your failures as logical problems with a series of steps that need to be discovered, questioned/observed, and solved in order to acquire the desired result. This also extends to troubleshooting and seeking help from other practitioners. In the vein of properly troubleshooting this issue that you're having, try to clearly outline your desired result, the steps you have or haven't taken to achieve it, the necessary elements you perceive are involved involved in preforming the practice, and, finally, where you are having the most trouble. This will help others know how to help you in the future. Including any background you have or don't have in the practice will be a big help in letting people know where to start with advice, too.

This particular problem can be broken down into a series of steps/schools that you should familiarize yourself with individually before attempting to combine them. If one does so, the answers come naturally and instinctually as you become well acquainted with the processes behind all the individual parts through experience and practice.

Energy Work Basics > Tethers > Sigil Work > Servitor Creation

You can switch up Sigil Work and Servitor Creation in any other context, but with regards to your primary inquiry in this thread I think it would be better to follow that pattern. It can be tedious to halt efforts on projects which we find fascinating, but putting in the effort to make sure one has the basics down only empowers one's efforts in the end. Each seemingly insignificant process is an incredibly important part of the "Whole", and you can't have that "Whole" unless you have everything that makes it up in the first place.

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How Do I "Feed a Sigil Prana and Soma" In Preperation For Creating A Servitor Empty Re: How Do I "Feed a Sigil Prana and Soma" In Preperation For Creating A Servitor

Post by Lightseeker 20.06.21 13:37

Jay Carter wrote:im learning about Simple Servitors but like im stuck here

I would warn against this if you aren't a skilled practitioner. A Servitor "lives" from your life-force. If you aren't skilled, it may try to "take control" of you...

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