Minerals and You

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Minerals and You Empty Minerals and You

Post by Aghrab 23.05.09 9:31

I wanted to ask our members a more personal question than in my usual threads.

If you work with minerals, in any way, such as healing or simply enjoy to hold one and gaze at its beauty... what stone do you enjoy and prefer the most? And what mineral do you try to avoid, for whatever reason?

Also, what minerals do you own and in what types of tools? Wands? Tumble stones?

Personally, I love the amethyst, not only because it is the most beautiful stone, but also because of what it means to Asetians. It inspires me to like it even more, and be attracted, for that reason.


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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Hellen 23.05.09 14:10

Thank you Aghrab , it is indeed a very intimate subject to talk , but i can not stop to express my feelings while this is a very dear subject for me .Crystals use to be my closest companions , my best friends and guides , with whom I communicate better than with many beings .

From my experience ,it is kind of beacon , is not only about us being attracted to them , but it goes from both sides ,there are crystals which are attracted to us , as their owner to blossom in our hands , or they come to guide , sustain ,and teach us along the Path .

Many times the beauty of a crystal is not the one seen with the physical eyes , does not reside in outer form and color , but resides within ,there is infinite beauty in crystals which don't even look attractive.
Even if I have crafted crystal companions ,I prefer natural shapes of crystals , i work mainly with natural window I've been blessed to encounter , natural wands , and amulets .The most amazing came to me in a natural design of sacred Egyptian symbol inside a stone , this one is really unique , and even more precious while it is not man made ,but purely divine , I am most thankful they have been 'given' to me and I never forget to cherish them .
I don't have total imcompatibilities with any stone ,to avoid it , but there are stones that i can not wear on me for long periods of time.

My essential stone , the one I am most attuned with , deeply related to my Past and my Self is Lapis Lazuli .No words are able to describe my feelings . Lapis is sacred stone to me.


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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Aghrab 23.05.09 14:53

Hellen, very interesting. Lapis lazuli is a very beautiful stone, prized by the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. A stone associated with truth and memory. Being such a special stone to you, what do you feel when using this mineral?


Number of posts : 492
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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Hellen 23.05.09 19:06

Aghrab wrote:Hellen, very interesting. Lapis lazuli is a very beautiful stone, prized by the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. A stone associated with truth and memory. Being such a special stone to you, what do you feel when using this mineral?


Feelings are very deep and very intimate ,words are too dry to describe.

Number of posts : 169
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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Aghrab 23.05.09 19:16

Hellen wrote:Feelings are very deep and very intimate ,words are too dry to describe.

It makes sense. Sometimes words are not enough...


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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Daniel09 23.05.09 20:27

I strongly desire the presence of many stones, but am not able to get that. I do have two stones, but they would not be considered anything special to anyone other than myself. One is what I believe to be a piece of sidewalk. I held it as I slept one night, and it's color shifted from gray to the black it is now. When it is moved carefully in the light, there are sparkles of intricate light that reveal the hidden beauty of the simple stone. It just has a radiance of strength and perseverance within it, that I just can't help but feel that it is important, regardless of it's origins.

The second stone I possess is another basic stone. It is a light yellow color, and reminded me of the sun in contrast to the night I held in my other stone (which now that I reflect on it, sparkles like the night sky). I can use this stone to write as chalk would on the black stone, and it rubs off with no more than a finger-wipe. This stone gives me a different feeling of strength than the other stone. It makes me feel the need for movement and action in it's strength.

When I hold the two at the same time, I feel as if I am balanced. I held them when I was at the epitome of the cataclysm befalling my mind, and they kept things like suicide and giving up completely at bay. Since I became well, I have not felt the need for them, though I keep them always near me in case I fall again.

So, though I cannot have the tiger-eye, the emerald, or any other array of precious jewelry, I am... happy with what I have gotten, because they do me well. *sigh* I feel I can't put as much emotion into my words as I want. Words have always been hard to use for that. I'm used to emphasizing myself with facial expressions and hand movements when I speak, and I'd very much prefer it if life could be lived in the absence of awkward speaking.

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Saylamine 23.05.09 20:33

Lapis lazuli, sodalite, amethyst, and quartz are my favorites. I have a wand with a quartz stone that I use for healing purposes. I am also attracted to amber, citrine, and smokey quartz. A friend of mine used to sell crystals, and gifted me with quite a few that I use in meditation, usually working with chakras.

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Gilded 24.05.09 0:56

My favorite minerals have to be moonstone and amethyst. The moonstone, because of its feminine energies, and the amethyst, because of it being an Asetian mineral. I own several pendulums and wands with moonstone, amethyst and other members of the quartz family. Minerals are simply breathtaking, it is beautiful to work with them.

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Syrianeh 24.05.09 4:53

I am mostly attracted to amber, onyx, amethyst and lapis lazuli. I some times wear/carry them when I need to be in a certain mood, otherwise I keep them nearby at home.

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Aghrab 24.05.09 10:43

The beauty of mineral should always be witnessed. If you own any, it should always be able to be seen by you, kept around you or in your hands... that is the true beauty of stones. Feel free to share, if you wish, what you feel when using each of your desired minerals.


Number of posts : 492
Location : Where there is always Night and Darkness.
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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Karnath 25.05.09 17:21

Greetings, Aghrab.

This is a most interesting subject. I think everyone knows here how crystal structure and composition affect the energy that passes through it. Both will make the energy vibrate in a certain way (frequency), describing different properties. This will be able to even make a parallel between a variety of crystals and the shen centers.
I'm, as you, Aghrab, very fond of the Amethyst, for its very particular way of dealing with energy, and for all the importance within the Asetian tradition. Besides, it's a quite beautiful crystal.
Sometimes I think it's sad seeing spheres made out of amethyst, unnaturally manufactured wands of amethyst, etc., when lots of times fully euhedral (structurally well-formed crystals, with visible faces) are destroyed. But the structure is there. The way the crystal was cut, though, might not be (in the case of the amethyst) in the way of the crystal formation. Imagine the case of the amethyst, a prismatic form. If you cut it horizontally, it won't be the same as if it was cut vertically, in the way of the prism. That will affect it's properties, because the atoms will be arranged differently.

With me I like to have amethysts and other quartz. Pure quartz is, I think, a very energetically neutral crystal. I like obsidian (a mineraloid which is formed after very quick cooling of magma) very much, for its scrying properties, even though I'm not trained in such arts. It looks like a mirror, it's mostly sillica too, so it's basically black glass. I like some opaque metallic crystals too: I'm a big fan of hematite, for its great effect in blood circulation. It's a very vampire related mineral.
I like minerals very much. What can I say... I like chrysoberyl (alexandrite, it's really nice), and beryls... I like topaz, apatites, fluorites... Corundums rarely impress me.

What I find not good, is a mineral badly applied. I haven't found anything incompatible with myself, I think. Maybe I wasn't sensible enough.
Of course talc doesn't move me a bit, it's not interesting, and it's structure is so shallow that it hardly has any effect on anybody. Maybe an allergy or something.

Best regards,

Number of posts : 109
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Registration date : 2008-06-02

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Dreiyan 26.05.09 23:35

I have been in physical contact with only a few elements that I got anything from, I'm also still trying to get the hang of sensing auras and energies but w/e.

I did get a curious feeling from a chunk of amethyst I got at a souvenier shop in Colorado. Pretty large piece, not many imperfecitions, when I held it I conciously tried to sense it out and I got a feeling I could most relate to; Say if you could tell something could conduct electricity just by touch alone, thats what I felt with amethyst, i felt a calming effect and the feeling that several things could flow through it. (That a property of Amethyst speaking in aura and energy terms?)

Didn't get to keep it though, As i saw people in need i broke off chunks and gave it to them, the first one being a whiny little kid in the same store who's mom wouldn't buy him a chunk lol. Eventually I had none left but it was an interesting experience nonetheless.

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Jonathan 27.05.09 11:16

You sound like a natural giver, Dreiyan... that is very noble of you. We need people like you. Smile

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Karnath 27.05.09 14:11

Greetings again.

Good job, Dreiyan, that's a good attitude. I must agree with Jonathan.

Best regards.

Number of posts : 109
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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Phoenix 30.05.09 0:38

Aghrab continues to post interesting topics.
I like amethyst - have an amethyst crystal necklace on my dearest statue of Aset.
I like all crystals whatever the geologic structure and chemical composition. They are beautiful in and of themselves.
Other minerals I have are agate (collected numerous examples as a child), onyx, tiger eye (have an eight ounce raw slab begging for creation), geodes (have a big amethyst geode on my fireplace hearth), hematite and iron pyrite.
In general, we are all star dust, composed of the elements formed in the fusion furnaces of dieing stars. Reducing our egos to such a level, minerals are our bretheren.

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Vertigo 30.05.09 10:35

I feel attached to all purple-transparent stones like fluorite and amethyst.

Actually...I love all stones, all of them are beautiful and strong in their own way.

But mostly, the stones I favor are fluorite, amethyst, hematite and aqua aura.

Flourite and aqua aura are just as beautiful as they are powerful.
I love my aqua aura, it have helped me alot and I love its blue color.

Amethyst is the stone I can relate most to and it was one of the first kind of "royal"* stones ive owned.

Hematite have a very special look and iam always drawn to hematite accessories.

* = I call stones which you cant find lying around for royal stones, a short and easy word to understand.

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Dreiyan 03.06.09 14:43

Thanks for the compliments Karnath and Jonathan, didn't know you guys took that quality so seriously.

Something I was wondering that i picked up off the net and hoping it might have been true at one time.
I heard that way back (don't know how far) people with great affinity for crystals/minerals and such could manipulate their energy through some crystals, draw similar elements through the earth to the crystal, and upon adding it to the original crystal, grow more of them.
Just wondering to the validity of this technique or if crystal based magic was ever possible.

Number of posts : 28
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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Daniel09 02.09.09 15:39

I don't know much about crystal growing using energy, but I do have some kind of news pertaining to minerals.

After school yesterday, I stayed for Art Club and the Pow Wow was discussed, where the club will have a stand that will sell bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. They are basically made of wire, plastic, and semi-precious stones. Anyway, I made a few, and paid for one I made to keep. It has an Amethyst and an Aventurine stone (green, likely the kind with Fuschite in it).


I designed it to appear Egyptian in nature, just because I prefer that style. I enjoy meditating with the stones in hand. Though I don't totally understand it, they do seem to make it easier to focus.

The only thing I hope to figure out now is how to make myself healthy. I caught something going around the school (unsanitary exposure, seriously. An airborne epidemic would kill everyone.), and it's got me sore in my sinuses as well as generally uncomfortable. If there are any suggestions on utilization of minerals for healing (or just feeling better), I'd be very thankful.

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Jonathan 02.09.09 17:27

Daniel09 wrote:I don't know much about crystal growing using energy, but I do have some kind of news pertaining to minerals.

After school yesterday, I stayed for Art Club and the Pow Wow was discussed, where the club will have a stand that will sell bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. They are basically made of wire, plastic, and semi-precious stones. Anyway, I made a few, and paid for one I made to keep. It has an Amethyst and an Aventurine stone (green, likely the kind with Fuschite in it).


I designed it to appear Egyptian in nature, just because I prefer that style. I enjoy meditating with the stones in hand. Though I don't totally understand it, they do seem to make it easier to focus.

The only thing I hope to figure out now is how to make myself healthy. I caught something going around the school (unsanitary exposure, seriously. An airborne epidemic would kill everyone.), and it's got me sore in my sinuses as well as generally uncomfortable. If there are any suggestions on utilization of minerals for healing (or just feeling better), I'd be very thankful.
That is a very pretty piece, Daniel. Congratulations, it does resemble Egyptian jewelry in some way.
As far as using minerals for healing purposes, you can use them in meditation as you said you were doing, and also in active energy work. But first learn to metaphysically cleanse and attune to the vibrations of that crystal. Let your intuition guide you as well. Also be careful of crystals without being cleansed, since they carry the energies of others that have been in contact with it and those energies may not be good for you. Some may even carry curses and spells, if they ever belonged to a witch or vampire, although unlikely.

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by AnaInDark 12.09.09 0:58

My favorite stone must be clear quartz, because of its wonderful cleansing effects, and how it also helps towards cleansing my other minerals. And of course, I adore amethyst, and own several metaphysical tools made out of amethyst. Only after knowing about the significance of amethyst to the Aset Ka, I began to feel deeply attached to that mineral, just like many of you.
On the other hand, I rarely use hematite. I am naturally quite grounded, so that mineral does not help me whatsoever.

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by AnaInDark 12.09.09 1:02

Jonathan wrote:Also be careful of crystals without being cleansed, since they carry the energies of others that have been in contact with it and those energies may not be good for you. Some may even carry curses and spells, if they ever belonged to a witch or vampire, although unlikely.
Could an Asetian be hurt or effected by a mineral that carries a curse or a negative spell? In this case, bound to a mineral that they randomly found...

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Jonathan 12.09.09 9:53

AnaInDark wrote:
Jonathan wrote:Also be careful of crystals without being cleansed, since they carry the energies of others that have been in contact with it and those energies may not be good for you. Some may even carry curses and spells, if they ever belonged to a witch or vampire, although unlikely.
Could an Asetian be hurt or effected by a mineral that carries a curse or a negative spell? In this case, bound to a mineral that they randomly found...
Anyone could. Minerals are very powerful magickal tools, if used wisely. Most people just don't know how to use them or attune them. But they can carry much more powers besides healing. Remember that they are even used as wands and talismans, as the Asetian Bible explains.

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Daniel09 14.09.09 14:57

I wanted to display my newest purchase. I worked this last weekend at a Pow Wow, where Indians and people interested in them gather to kinda celebrate the roots. Anyway, while there, I bought a blue tiger eye I liked, and this amethyst pendant. It caught my eye and I like it a lot:

The necklace.

Me wearing it.

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Violetta 26.05.10 20:12

Although I own many crystals and gemstones, the stone that has the most meaning and energy for me, is a holy stone found at the beach in White Rock, BC Canada while walking along the water with my hubby. I later found out that it is actually a piece of meteorite. :-)

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Minerals and You Empty Re: Minerals and You

Post by Jonathan 27.05.10 13:45

That is interesting. What type of meteorite is it? And how are you sure about its origins?

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