Asetians are archetypes of Divinity

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Asetians are archetypes of Divinity Empty Asetians are archetypes of Divinity

Post by Himiko 03.10.22 9:24

It is made quite clear in literature that Asetian souls are not human, unlike those found in most other traditions of witchcraft and magic. In the traditional grimoires occult archetypes are presented as emanations of Divinity in ways that can be understood and worked with from the limited perspective of practitioners and initiates, our incarnated reality, however in Asetian grimoires those archetypes are representing the Asetians themselves, or more specifically their lineages, as in Serpent, Scarab and Scorpion. So my question is that if initiates should also interpret these archetypes as manifestations of the divine within matter in this realm of Malkuth. Much like in the old grimoires the archetypes of tradition represent the divine, I am inclined to see that Asetians are the very manifestation of divinity in living flesh, the earthed current itself embodied as the Blood of Arte.

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Registration date : 2022-10-03

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Asetians are archetypes of Divinity Empty Re: Asetians are archetypes of Divinity

Post by TrillaCruile 03.10.22 17:45

Which literature/traditional occult grimoires are your referring to?

Human souls are formed from the essence of Amun, pure consciousness with Divine spark and potential, but temporary drops which for the most part “reabsorb” into the consciousness of Amun at the “end of their cycle” aka mortality. By contrast, Asetian souls are formed from the immortal essence of Aset projected into the Duat as Her Breath of Life was given form. Asetians exist not only in the realm of incarnation, but also the higher realm. Humans also have the potential for immortality. Those mysteries are saved for the initiate whose spiritual path leads there.

The lineages and their connection to energy and forces should not be seen as comparable to working with the forces within the occult sphere, for example, Qabalah.

The archetypes within the Asetian tradition linked to the Lineages are purely connected to the Asetian soul and will never be fully understood by the human mind because it’s only part of the Asetian spiritual evolution.

One should remember that Asetians are not the only Divine forces or manifestations in existence, though they may arguably be the most influential.

This question is answered better by Luis Marques in his works. A few quotes of his from ‘Violet Throne’ that are relevant:

Luis Marques, in Violet Throne wrote: “For the Asetians just like in the mind of the Ancient Egyptians the nature of divinity is tremendously complex and inadequate of conscious understanding in this limited realm of matter, manifesting through countless aspects and infinite faces. It has limitless potential. Such a notion can only be expressed by a polytheistic system, where an attempt to define the indefinable and to bring the concept down from the realm of infinity to the limited mind in the physical world culminates in the different Gods and Goddesses as they are found in the mythology of Egypt. It breaks the endless nature of divinity into a limited framework that can be discussed, approached and examined by having it translated into words and symbols, making ritual, celebration, magick and communion with this inscrutable layer of the divine possible and experienced while incarnated, even if still not completely understood and ultimately veiled behind many mysteries. The Egyptian pantheon reflects precisely that divine powers are not good or evil, nor strong or weak, but faces that embody all of its forces and expressions. Just like nature they can be omens of prosperity and givers of life but also abusive destroyers and terrifying opposers, as an aspect of the universal duality that is present in everything.”

Luis Marques, in Violet Throne wrote: “The faces of Goddesses and Gods were that of timeless teachers, guides and leaders, harnessing unseen powers and emanating energies, cautiously and cryptically passing the knowledge and ancient technology that was later adopted by the Egyptian people in the creation of the most advanced civilization the world has ever witnessed; a wealth of culture, architecture, art, engineering, medicine and, of course, magick.”

Luis Marques, in Violet Throne wrote: “With further in-depth examination and interpretation another relevant element found in Kemetic spirituality is the embodiment of a divine force expressed by different manifestations or deities. Such approach is called syncretism and it is a concept used in religious studies to establish an often-unseen connection between disparate forces that can, under a certain understanding, be interpreted as one. A few well-known examples are found in Bast, Sekhmet, Hathor and Neith, all distinctive Ancient Egyptian Goddesses who ultimately manifest an essence of Aset. The actual meaning is not that they are a personification of Aset but a facet of Her divine nature, in this case being a reference to historical Asetians who lived during early Egypt. It should be noted that the terminology of Goddess used in this scenario was established by the common people in an attempt to describe these powerful Asetian women, not an implication that they represent the actual formless manifestation of the divine but how humanity saw and interpreted their inhuman nature. The same is true for Horus, Khonsu, Ptah and Imhotep among countless others as limited expressions of the essence of Aset just like the previously mentioned Goddesses, bound to the scholarly concept of syncretism yet representing very real Asetians who were once the catalysts of magick in the ancient empire. As such, the influence of Aset and Her timeless kin is found throughout the ages represented in different forms and under a myriad of names, celebrated in diversified cultures and silently shaping the course of history not always out in the open or meant to be seen, safely distanced from interpretation by the non Initiated but sometimes boldly hiding in plain sight.”


Number of posts : 84
Location : Okinawa
Registration date : 2022-03-01

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Asetians are archetypes of Divinity Empty Re: Asetians are archetypes of Divinity

Post by Jonathan 04.10.22 9:15

That was quite an interesting first post. It's a breath of fresh air to see new members that have made their homework and delved into the literature.

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Asetians are archetypes of Divinity Empty Re: Asetians are archetypes of Divinity

Post by TrillaCruile 04.10.22 12:01

Jonathan wrote:That was quite an interesting first post. It's a breath of fresh air to see new members that have made their homework and delved into the literature.

It would be more interesting with people of your intellectual level making contributions to the topic.


Number of posts : 84
Location : Okinawa
Registration date : 2022-03-01

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Asetians are archetypes of Divinity Empty Re: Asetians are archetypes of Divinity

Post by Jonathan 04.10.22 19:17

Thank you. I have been really busy with not much time for internet as of late, but I still keep an eye on here regularly. Just not always easy to engage at greater length.

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