Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus

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Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus Empty Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus

Post by Anilius 09.02.23 18:37

Hey has anyone read liber hirudo: The book of the leech?


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Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus Empty Re: Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus

Post by Babbitgoezboom 10.02.23 0:53

No I haven't sorry, who is it by?

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Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus Empty Re: Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus

Post by Anilius 10.02.23 1:56

Babbitgoezboom wrote:No I haven't sorry, who is it by?

The author is in the title


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Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus Empty Re: Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus

Post by Babbitgoezboom 10.02.23 12:06

Ah, apologies, I hadn't noticed it there.

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Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus Empty Re: Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus

Post by Morell 15.02.23 8:21
Based on the comments I would wait for next edition as there seems to be missing graphics in the book, if you are interested in getting it.
Didn't read it, hard to tell what to think about it. judging occult literature basing on cover and comments doesn't tell much.

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Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus Empty Re: Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus

Post by tutankhamon 15.02.23 11:47

Table of Contents Liber Hirudo (the book of the leech) a new approach towards Vampyrism Intro Book 1: Technique Chapter 1: The taking of Breath Chapter2: The Swelling of the Plexus Chapter 3: Chakra Decimation/ Desiccation Chapter 4: The Breaking of the Plexus Chapter 5: The Hungering Chapter 6: The Transformation Chapter 7: On assuming the form of the Tentacles Chapter 8: Auric perceptions Chapter 9: The Maw of Devouring Chapter 10: On Blood Chapter 11: On the Suitability of Prey Chapter 12: On Protection Chapter 13: On Preliminary shapeshifting techniques Chapter 14: On Vampyric Currents and the Nature of Cold Book 2: Vampyric Magicks Chapter 1: Vampyric Avatars/Gods/ Legendry and how to invoke these things Chapter 2: Shadow Magicks Chapter 3: Vampyric Rites and Rituals a. The Rite of the Bat b. The Rite of Vermin c. The Ritual Of The Lamprey d. The Rite Of the Lamprey e. The Calling of The Craik-ii-on f. On the Chalice of Blood an the Nourishments of Characith g. On the uses of such Elixirs h. On the Rites and Preparings of the visages of Mormo. i. On the Rites of Mormo j. On the creation of Ghouls/ Golems k. On the Feast of Blood l. On the Fangs of Astral Devising and the

mind of the Predator Chapter 4: Vampyric Sex Magicks a. Succubi Sorcery and Of Creating Servitors throug Sex b. On Kundalini and the Rising and the Falling of the Serpent. c. On Birthing Strong Servitors through Sex magicks. d. On Training said servitors to do thy bidding e. On The Rites of Lycanthropy and Werewolves Chapter 5: Greater Vampyric Magicks a. On creating Vortexes b. On Assuming the form of the Black Hole c. On opening the Gates to the Void d. On group sex vampyric workings. e. On assuming the blasphemous form of The Hirudo Atavism f. On using the Hirudo Atavism in Group sex Workings g. On Qlippothic Consecrations which bring shadows to bear in the world, through ritual uses during black hole atavism rituals (involving sex magicks) h.on the Rites Of Ahriman i. On the flourishing of the cold and the Rites of the Snow Queen Goddess. j. On the Rites of Sekhmet and the Writhers in Agony Chapter 6: A brief note on various other paths and their Correspondences Chapter 7. On Necromancy and the art of Animating the Dead Chapter 8: On the Nature Of Dying Book 3: Final Transformations Chapter 1. A word of Warning Chapter 2: Of creating a cradle to catch the soul upon death Chapter 3: Of navigation in the realm of the dead Chapter 4: Of the resuscitation of the flesh through hunger Chapter 5: On Vampyric Existence after death and ways to enhance it. Afterwards, and a word on gender. Blood Baptisms and quasi -religious ceremonies Appendix Recommended Reading

A Word Of Warning 1: This book is dangerous. Ethics are up to the individual. Methods in this book have their effects. It is you the reader who will choose how or if to use them. Responsibility being the key, do only what is necessary as you deem it. Each moment of study, each time of action, strive to do what it is that your nature is to do. Do that and no other will say nay. If I handed you a loaded gun and extra bullets, it would be up to you if you took it to a firing range, shot game with it, or killed your neighbor. The necessity and relevance of this being circumstantial, subjective, and interpretational. This book is that loaded gun, and just as deadly. Use it with responsibility. If you hurt yourself, hurt others, or get yourself into trouble, by not being were warned... The Primary function of this text is to be a method in the morass of useless drivel that is presented to the public about vampyrism. So many texts are afraid to bear their fangs when it comes to doing what it is they know is right. This text is not one of them. The methods within these pages are dangerous. They are not for the Followers of Anything. The Path of Hirudo is strewn with peril, yet the reward is self-deification. Self- Deification, A noble pursuit indeed. The End Result of this Path transcends death. It is a way of Darkness, a method for preserving the ego or soul, that when done correctly, sustains the flesh as well. Some will quote authors other than themselves, or paraphrase them. Often one is forced to wonder if they have ever done any of the things that the text says it will. There are a few authors who have done these things. To them this is dedicated, to the explorers into the unknown- to those who risk their lives in search of truth. Allow me to push the point here ALL THE METHODS CONTAINED HEREIN I HAVE DONE MYSELF. There were numerous failures of course, and this is not all that I have done, but it is a way. It is the Root of my system of Doing. There will be those for whom these methods will not work. To you I say go and find YOUR path. This is a path of those who are of the "Darkness". This translates into those individuals who do not run away from themselves under the weight or guilt of attendant normalcy. The paths of the vampire are many and varied. This is only one such path, but a mighty terrible path it is. One following this path should not expect results overnight. Yet with persistence and careful adherence to the techniques, diagrams and formula contained herein, the careful practictioner will yield results that delight, if not terrify, themselves.

The path of Hirudo is a nightside path. There have been told many tales of these "creatures of the night"; Chimeras, Dragons, Gryphons, Ghouls, and Werewolves are all of this "side" of things. Yet, in the end, they can all be reduced to a formula, an allegory if you will. These allegories hint at the deeper meanings of consciousness. They point to the various states that can be achieved and the many currents that make them actualized. Actualization can take on many forms; magickal effects, physical distortions, and psychic conundrums. So, utilizing symbols by digging into their symbolism reveals a certain magickal formula. These formula can be used to acquire the purported effects of the mythological being. For example, The Red Dragon's sexual connotations and "alchemical formula". Thus did I come across this path. The path of thorns and bleeding. The path of consumption, the path of the leech, also known as the vampire, or life leech. This is the path of the crimson tear, and it is not for the squeamish or moral minded. It will lead you to its own dark illuminations and perspectives. It is the path that leads to death, and undeath.

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Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus Empty Re: Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus

Post by Troublemaker 15.02.23 18:39

Sorry but that book looks like fake edgelord bullshit meant to appeal to peoples delusions of grandeur. Definitely a new age fluff type of thing that I wouldn’t recommend to people. I can smell it from a mile away, although I guess people are free to chase their delusions if they want.

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Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus Empty Re: Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus

Post by tutankhamon 17.02.23 18:10

I have this book, i can give it to you to read. For free, pdf

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Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus Empty Re: Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus

Post by Morell 20.02.23 11:43

Definitely surface-type of a book, reading the passage. But I can't deny that I'm still interested.

May I get the PDF too, please?

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Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus Empty Re: Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus

Post by Morell 20.02.23 15:04

Perhaps I should say New-age instead of "surface" as Troublemaker says, as he is quite right.

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Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus Empty Re: Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus

Post by tutankhamon 20.02.23 18:00

This is not a new age book! Is a very DANGEROUS book!

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Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus Empty Re: Vampiric Book Liber Hirudo: The book of the Leech by Oizus

Post by Morell 22.02.23 11:10

Some new age books are very dangerous. For example books of Jasmuheen on breathinaism are literally brainwashing suicide tutorial books. The better you follow them, the more sure you are to end dead.

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