Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Kalb 27.05.12 11:07

Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus BookOfOrion

From wrote:
The Book of Orion is an occult grimoire that presents a profound study on spirituality and ancient symbolism through an initiatory formula that echoes the timeless connection between the psychology of the incarnated mind and the many indefinable layers of divinity. It is an intricate work on the mysteries of Death, Life and Rebirth that develops the premise where the key to the hidden gnosis that holds the secrets of the Universe can be found in the subtlest details in nature. It takes the reader through a realm of lost cultures, encoded mythology and forgotten wisdom, exploring the mental and spiritual tools for the ageless quest of inner growth and understanding by touching the very fabric of immortal consciousness.
By presenting a cryptic layer of Asetian philosophy the author educates the student of the occult in how to find, explore and interpret the many roads to personal enlightenment, along with its deceptive traps and illusions, ultimately liberating the spiritual seeker with the power and trust to look within and to conquer his own reality.

Organized into three distinctive tomes of scholarly value, this work sheds light on the convoluted wisdom of old Israel known as the Kabbalah and how it connects with earlier Egyptian beliefs. It teaches the seeker about the formation of the Hebrew language so often explored in Western mysticism, the interpretation and use of the multilayered glyph of the Tree of Life, the fragmentation and transmutation of subtle energy explored in advanced metaphysical practice and the fundamental elements at the core of spiritual thought as studied in the mystery schools of past and present. It includes a compilation of different esoteric Libri developed by the author and of particular relevance to any contemporary occult curriculum, elaborating on the nature of initiation and its transformational properties, along with the detailed study of a powerful sigil and its complex layer of symbolism.
This book conceals many secrets, and while some have the power to change your perception forever with renewed magickal clarity others hold the keys to hidden dungeons within your unconscious mind manifesting as the shadowed crafters of nightmares. Read it carefully...

Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Jonathan 27.05.12 12:11

Fascinating. I'm so excited right now! Give me some time to read the preview a few more times and I'll get back to you. So much to take in!

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Pyrene 27.05.12 12:40

EXCELLENT! I will buy it as soon as it is available... and read the preview, of course! Thank you for sharing Smile

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Maxx 27.05.12 13:11

An interesting item that I look forward to is reading about the 3 ways in which subtle energy can be decomposed in metaphysical practice being connected with the reincarnation process.......All of it will command close study. I certainly look forward to the release.


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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Maxx 27.05.12 14:00

An added comment,

I am happy to see in just the foreword alone, many of the questions put forth here on the forum addressed outwardly by the author. Questions put forth by Talibah, Stalker, Jonathan, as well as comments addressed by Victor. Exciting times. Why, it is almost as if the author had been looking at this site at some point in time and decided to answer those subjects......ya think? A really special book for everyone.


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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Jonathan 27.05.12 14:44

Book cover with a satellite image of Orion from NASA with their permission! Impressive stuff. Looks gorgeous. The covers from the 3 books are all stunning works of art. The Aset Ka spoils us with awesomeness. lol

I'm also very curious to see the Egyptian hand drawings from Tania Fonseca. Now there's something rare to put our hands on!

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Kalb 27.05.12 17:30

I Love it!

Mr. Luis Marques was brilliant in his presentation. He does not leave loose ends and showed just how he is humble. Throughout this time, I was informed about several liars who insulted AK, especially Mr. Luis Marques, without any kind of honor or respect. I also saw too honest people honored their path and beliefs. This has been a journey of full of surprises and definitely the biggest adventure of the Self. Honestly, I see some praise for some of us in the book. I appreciate and I admire what Mr. Luis Marques wrote.

The book is simply brilliant!! I'm dying to have it in my hands. After all, I am a fanatic person about Orion, it was through the constellation of Orion that I found Asetianism. “Liber Aeternus” is a Latin term - It means Book of Eternity.

I also want to thank Natalia for this interesting article - Demonstrated attention and care.

Maxx, Asetians don’t sleep. They are very aware in all areas and aspect. We are blind if we think that they sleep.

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by DCxMagus 28.05.12 0:20

The Introduction in itself leaves much for us to learn, I can't wait to read and meditate on the great secrets and magick the inside of this tome will offer.


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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Victor 28.05.12 5:14

I will start by using the words of Luis Marques in his introduction to the Book of Orion: "We are definitely living in an exciting era..."

Maxx, I do agree that the book seems to answer many of the questions we raised during the past years. I think we will find a lot of answers in this work and hopefully that will lead us to new and fresh questions.

Stalker, yes now we see the importance of Israel and Jerusalem as the book takes us into the Hebrew language and the Kabbalah. What I'm anticipating with great expectation are the connections between the Kabbalah from Israel and the magick from Egypt, how are they related, and I believe this will be the first book to ever actually explore that.

DCxMagus, I share the same feelings about the introduction and I will get back to that in just a bit.

On a first and limited analysis I can say the book must be fascinating and looking at the index it seems to be in fact a group of several smaller books from the Aset Ka. Checking the subjects shows that this will not be an "easy" book. It deals with sigils, initiation, the Kabbalah, the Tree of Life, poetry, the Pyramid Texts, Asetian magick... this is all highly complex material. It sure seems like an advanced book, which we can learn a lot from but will take a long time to fully understand. From the Aset Ka I expected nothing less, but what did come off as a surprise was the introduction.

In my opinion this preface to the Book of Orion accomplished several things and touched different areas. Not only we have seen a side of the writer that was never published before, speaking about his life and personal experiences, as it proves to be a lesson on honesty and humbleness. Not many writers at his level do this and especially not with the emotion and sincerity he did. He made it quite clear that he does not want to be worshipped or admired and that his magick and work are the teaching of nature's elemental powers and truths. He openly stated how he also makes mistakes, has good and bad days, almost humanizing him in contrast with the nearly divine aura that people usually feel concerning him. To me that was a great lesson on what being a true master really is.
I think that through this book we will feel much more connected with the author than in any of his previous works, having a better understanding of who he is and what are his motivations.

He guides us step by step through the different sections of the book, how are they organized and what to expect from each, calls our attention to many traps that we can avoid and others that we should take the fall and learn from it. He also teaches a very important distinction between the high magick of traditional occultism and the low magick of popular/commercial occultism, which is essential for any student to understand what occultists and orders really study. He finishes this beautiful chapter with valuable lessons on life and spirituality that in my opinion are simply priceless.
I don't know what my fellow forum members think about this, but personally I am now approaching this "introduction" as a Liber in its own right, as I will be using it with the new students of the occult and magick in my group and other communities, since I believe its value is undeniable and taking it just as a preface to the book seems to me underestimating its real power and message that I believe was behind the Aset Ka's intention with it.

We really are living exciting times.

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Jonathan 02.06.12 5:53

I'm fascinated with the sigil that we have on the first page of the preview. Very interested in learning more about it.

I also noticed this chapter in Liber Vox I entitled "The Red Dawn". I may be wrong but with this title I suspect we are also about to learn more about the Red Order of Seth and the Sethians.

Victor wrote:I don't know what my fellow forum members think about this, but personally I am now approaching this "introduction" as a Liber in its own right, as I will be using it with the new students of the occult and magick in my group and other communities, since I believe its value is undeniable and taking it just as a preface to the book seems to me underestimating its real power and message that I believe was behind the Aset Ka's intention with it.
Fantastic idea Victor! I really agree with what you said, didn't consider that myself but now that you mention it, the preview does feel and work like a Liber! Very Happy I can't wait to have it printed in book format, will feel even more special than just digital text.

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Kalb 02.06.12 13:19

Hey all, this is the famous Telescope Hubble.

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Kalb 02.06.12 13:41

The book promises much. I was amazed by what I read and I'm the same way that Jonathan. With the new publication we have access to two Sigil, Dark Mark of Asetian Bible and the Sigil of Orion. The Sigil of Orion have three inverted symbols, such as the Ankh and the pyramids.. What is your point about this detail?

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Nebibi 02.06.12 16:32

Em Hotep,

I don't know for sure what these inverted symbols mean...however, I can't help but to speculate. I'm not sure if it will be addressed within the work but I have a rough idea of what they may symbolize. Inverted symbols are either negative or show the 'darker' side of things. I doubt anything from the AK would be overtly 'negative' so, my guess is that these inverted symbols are simply sigils that were created to encapsulate a 'darker' or deeper aspect of the upright ones.

Again, I am simply speculating.

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Maxx 02.06.12 16:45

If one is speculating, then you can also view it in a symbol as a protective feature standing behind one in an unseen fashion and always there to protect the subject when ever the need may arise........


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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Pyrene 03.06.12 8:08

Stalker wrote:The Sigil of Orion have three inverted symbols, such as the Ankh and the pyramids.. What is your point about this detail?

I believe I can be of some help concerning some details of the Sigil of Orion.

Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Orionak

In this Sigil you have plenty of information:

- In the center, an image of the seven main stars of Orion (Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Saiph, Rigel, and the three ones at the center - Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka).

- In the black triangle pointing upwards, you can see three greek letters; these are Zeta (top), Epsilon (bottom right) and Delta (bottom left), which are the letters of the three stars in the Orion's belt: Alnitak is Zeta Orionis, Alnilam is Epsilon Orionis, and Mintaka is Delta Orionis. According to some studies made on this subject – most notably Robert Bauval's "The Orion Mystery" – the three Pyramids of Giza are an earthly reflection of the three stars at the Orion's Belt, as in the hermetic dictum "As above, so below" [ source ].

- In the white triangle pointing downwards, are the glyphs of the three Asetian Lineages: Serpent/Viperine (bottom), Scorpion/Guardian (upper left), and Scarab/Concubine (upper right). My view on this is that there could be a hidden correspondence between opposite symbols in the two triangles. That is, the lineage of the Serpent would relate to the star Alnitak (=Khufu), the lineage of the Scorpion would be symbolized by the star Alnilam (=Khafre), and finally the lineage of the Scarab would correspond to the star Mintaka (=Menkaure). However, this is just a personal guess.

- In the space between the two interlocking triangles and the circle, you can see the symbols of the four elements: upper right is Air, upper left is Fire, bottom left is water, and bottom right is Earth. These are obviously the Four Sons of Horus (Asetian Bible, page 159): Duamutef, Imset, Qebehsenuf, and Hapi. Regarding the two Ankh sigils, I can't really understand why one is inverted and the other is not.

- To conclude, I can identify the hebrew letters in the outer circle, but I can't make any sense from it. These are, starting at the bottom and going clockwise: Beth, Gimel, Yod, Vav, Kaph, and Heh.

Maybe this could help someone to get an "extra" message from the Sigil.
Any insight on this will obviously be welcome. Smile

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Maxx 03.06.12 8:46

I like very much your description of the material as sigils and how each subject is connected to it. If we continue with the same approach in looking at the Ankh that you mention....could maybe it be the symbol for eternal life.....could the reverse mean death ..... in your view?


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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Maxx 03.06.12 8:49

Or would they balance out each other to mean a possible indication that dualism does not exist beyond a certain point? All kinds of thoughts.


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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Nebibi 03.06.12 13:54

I have no idea what the reversed Ankh's mean but here is some information on the Hebrew letters surrounding the glyph:

Translation: House - Tarot Card: The Magician (The Magus of Power) - Rulership: Mercury

Translation: Camel - Tarot Card: The Papess (The High Priestess - The Priestess of the Silver Star)- Rulership: The moon

Translation: The Human Hand, Closed to Grasp or Hold - Tarot Card: The Hermit (The Prophet of the Eternal; the Magus of the Voice of Power) - Rulership: Virgo

Translation: Nail - Tarot Card: The Hierophant (The Pope, The Magus of the Eternal) - Rulership: Taurus

Translation: Window - Tarot Card: The Emperor (Son of the morning; Chief among the mighty) - Rulership: Aries

Translation: Hand - Tarot Card: The Wheel of Fortune (The Lord of the Forces of Life) - Rulership: Jupiter

I didn't see which Sephiroth these paths on the Tree of Life connect but it is possible that is significant as well.

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Maxx 03.06.12 14:46

Interesting......does anyone know whether the Aset Ka have any special tarot deck they have painted for use? Like using the photos or designs from the Kemet Book.


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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Nebibi 03.06.12 15:59

I'm not sure about that but it would be nice if they designed one...It would be truly beautiful....however, The Book of Orion will be discussing Tarot.

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Pyrene 04.06.12 5:23

Maxx wrote:If we continue with the same approach in looking at the Ankh that you mention....could maybe it be the symbol for eternal life.....could the reverse mean death ..... in your view?

After I read this, I remembered the very first words from the Asetian Manifesto: "To become an Asetian is to die and be reborn". Maybe that's the message intended to be understood by the two Ankh sigils! What do you think about this?

Nebibi wrote:I'm not sure about that but it would be nice if they designed one...It would be truly beautiful....however, The Book of Orion will be discussing Tarot.

It doesn't seem to create any type of interesting pattern, but I'll leave it here anyway:

Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Tree_o10

- Beth connects Kether & Binah;
- Gimel, Kether & Tiphereth;
- Yod, Chesed & Tiphereth;
- Vav, Chokmah & Chesed;
- Kaph, Chesed & Netzach;
- and finally, Heh connects Chokmah & Tiphereth.

My first thought about these letters was that they could convey some kind of message, by the way of gematric (qabalistic) correspondences. Even after using Crowley's Sepher Sephiroth, as well as Bill Heidrick's Hebrew Gematria webpage, I couldn't make any sense from them. Nevertheless, perhaps I'm searching the wrong way...

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Jonathan 04.06.12 11:24

Pyrene wrote:
Maxx wrote:If we continue with the same approach in looking at the Ankh that you mention....could maybe it be the symbol for eternal life.....could the reverse mean death ..... in your view?

After I read this, I remembered the very first words from the Asetian Manifesto: "To become an Asetian is to die and be reborn". Maybe that's the message intended to be understood by the two Ankh sigils! What do you think about this?

Interesting stuff! Very nice idea...

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Hioman 06.06.12 20:50

The blind will only see written more occult book. Much to learn. The Trilogy - Asetian Bible, Kemet, Book of Orion...cant wait to bring Them together.

So much to self-discovery.

Have a good study.

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Kalb 03.07.12 11:15

3.7.2012 Full Moon - The Book of Orion was internally published today at the Aset Ka. It will be soon available to the general public... ☥

From twitter - @LuisMarques.

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Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus Empty Re: Book of Orion - Liber Aeternus

Post by Syrianeh 03.07.12 12:45

I am truly excited. This is going to be a monumental piece of work, and we are very lucky to be able to hold it in our hands.

The preview is fascinating. I agree with all that has been said about Mr. Marques' brutally honest and down to Earth introduction. I remember that infamous campaign against him and the Aset Ka, and how gracefully he handled it.

I don't think we should be jumping into speculations yet, regarding the Sigil on the cover and the contents of the book. Let's wait for the whole thing to be available. It would be like trying to figure out a riddle just from reading the first line. Razz

Remember all the wild speculation about why the last AK gathering took place in Israel. Now we have the answer.


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