Liber Aeternus I.2

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Liber Aeternus I.2 Empty Liber Aeternus I.2

Post by Kalb 30.12.12 9:26

The Kabbalistic formula of Asetian Wisdom is changing my whole concept about the world and about the mysteries of the universe. In the Book Of Orion is said that the teachings is a pure form, depending on our dedication will serve to expand our awareness and in the Sebayt of Khufu - Death, Liber Aeternus I.2, we have:

Magick is the fine art of crafting the invisible.

Looking at it, I see an excerpt from a poem very beauty about magick, but meditating more about this little art, described in Liber in a few words, I see that despite being fascinated, I do not fully understand its symbolism. It is then that I remembered that the site of Aset Ka have a text devoted to Sebayt I.2.

The magickal arts embody the hidden methods of understanding reality and mastering the subtle. Through its many expressions, magick represents a vital layer of the Asetian culture and a set of powerful practices that work in tune with the multilayered realm of Asetian spirituality.

The text somehow started making logic in my mind, immediately I connected the "Understanding" to sephirath Binah, and as Wisdom is incomplete without knowledge, automatically I called the Ain Soph. Kether - Chokmah – Binah. I can easily connect the 22 paths of the Tree of Life and the 10 Sephiroths, always following the principle of Thoth - "As Above so Below". As explained to Asetianists, the universe needed a meaning to survive and these meanings have emerged with 7 concepts - Ankh, Khepri, Ka, Tiet, Was, Ba and Ib and Order and balance came with Maat, representing the number 12. We have the famous formula 3+7+12 =22.

The 12 constellations (signs), is just an excerpt of reality, we can see 12 to divide the years, 12 months equal to one year and one day has 12H * 2 = 24 hours. The Chinese divide their time in groups of 12 and assign an animal to each year. 3 * 4 = 12, 3 is the abyss, Ain Soph and 4 is the Tetragrammaton, representing the ultimate success. Four planes of existence, four suits of cards, 4 universal guardians, four Djehutys...
It is curious that after seeing some of the symbolism in the number 12, I look to the Tarot and see "The Hanged Man", the card number XII. The Hanged Man just makes me remember Jesus Christ, the Savior... With a cruel message and full of sacrifice, offers humanity a full pack of ignorance and pain, delivering the "invisible" to the hands of God. Which led to blind belief, the blind belief is the worst form of ignorance because it is a willful ignorance. Was Transmitted only by sacrifice and pain, after death Is that we can know what is the "Invisible". Mankind was forced to be blind, was brought up to fear the invisible, I think is very well represented in the Hanged Man and to animate my reasoning Aleister Crowley had the bright idea to expose a real message:

I give inimaginable joys on earth: certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice.

The whole idea of sacrifice imposed by society and religion is now dead. A new birth of sacrifice comes, a new way of thinking, a new world ahead of us. Now, the truth, the meaning of life is the Invisible, because everything that was created was in the Invisible.

Again, Liber Aeternus I.2, put in me many interesting details. With that, I'm just sharing some of my thoughts with you, you can take the liberty to change the perspective of my text and add new ways of seeing things. I'm open to suggestions.


Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Liber Aeternus I.2 Empty Re: Liber Aeternus I.2

Post by Jonathan 31.12.12 5:28

Interesting post Stalker. I have nothing to add but there is always something to take from your contributions. I like it how you explain your theories and views of different occult subjects, wether or not they are accurate there is something to learn from analyzing the way you chain your thoughts in your studies.

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Liber Aeternus I.2 Empty Re: Liber Aeternus I.2

Post by Kalb 31.12.12 7:30

They are just thoughts. I'm far from understanding the book., I will get there in future. However, I will always be interested to know your views.

Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Liber Aeternus I.2 Empty Re: Liber Aeternus I.2

Post by Divine 277 25.01.13 13:26

Really good post with lots of thoughts behind them Smile thank you for sharing Smile

I really enjoyed the read Smile

Med V ennlig Hilsen Luna Aurora Divine
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Registration date : 2010-03-01

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