Asetian Gathering 2011

Divine 277
Akh -Ba
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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Natalia 16.06.11 9:53

Hello community.

Interesting news were recently made public by the Order of Aset Ka, as Master Luis Marques confirmed in his official Twitter account:

Asetian Gathering, July 2011 - Israel, Middle East. ☥

Conclave will be granted in the ancient city of Jerusalem. Asetian ritual, meditation and bellydance will be held in the historical desert.

Specific details and timings will be, as usual, withheld from public eyes due to security measures. Em Hotep.

I'm fascinated with this information and what are the motivations behind the revealing of such sensitive and potentially dangerous information. The Aset Ka is usually very secretive in their operations, but the release of this information sounds, to me, like another hymn of victory from the Asetians. This makes sense, especially considering the recent chain of events that took place in the occult world and the power the Asetians revealed to possess.
Another question that deserves some attention is why Israel? Why the city of Jerusalem for such sacred event as Conclave? Why the Israelite desert for Asetian ritual, meditation and bellydance? I'm assuming the chosen desert must be the Negev or Zin, in Israel, due to their historical connections with Ancient Egyptian battles. Curiously enough, the Zin desert is called Midbar Tzin in Hebrew, which means "The Wilderness of Sin". I am sure there is a multitude of connections and reasons for the choosing of these core locations and for making the whole event public, even though in an unknown date. Nothing is random in the Asetian world, but the keys to interpret such mysteries might very well be beyond our comprehension and understanding.

I can't help to realize that the last time the Asetians made public one of their epic Gatherings was in 2007, the year of the release of their sacred publication, the Asetian Bible. There was much more to this year than the publishing of the spiritual framework of Asetianism. This was the time that became known as "The Year of Revelation". Without doubt a year and date already determined in Asetian lore for a very long time. The specific date 7.7.2007 became legend and is believed by many to be sacred, celebrated by Asetians and Asetianists worldwide every year in the seventh day of the month of July. The Asetian Gathering 2011 was confirmed to be in the month of July, allowing us to speculate that the day 7 might very well be the date of the sacred Conclave, a secretive assembly known to gather the highest ranks of the Aset Ka, the very crème de la crème of the Higher Magisterium.
Some believe this Gathering may be tied to the release of a new public project from the Order. A highly anticipated event. Some say it will be another occult book, others say it will be poetry and others say it will be history. Some say it will be an initiatory secret, others believe it will be a movie of the Asetian history, while others think this time the project will be musical. In my opinion, a movie or documentary is not a possibility as the Asetians dislike such ways of exposure and attention. A musical project is also highly unlikely as 2011 has already seen at least 2 projects related with music from the Aset Ka, although not overly public. Their focus in music seems to be related with developing sound that can be used internally in ritual, magick and initiation, something that they would not want to share with the open world, to be exploited and disrespected. Interesting enough, those projects included the participation of Hebrew musicians from Israel, along with other relevant names from the Middle East and its music. So could it be a connection right there? I have no idea. Personally, I believe it to be premature to assume the Gathering to be connected with a public or internal project. What drives the Asetians is their spirituality, their unity and their passion; not projects. Projects keep the mind of mortals busy, but Asetians hold responsibilities that surpass anything that we may be able to grasp in mere conjecture. Asetians are kept busy through matters of the Soul and the deepest mysteries of magick and nature. Assuming a whole international Gathering in Israel just due to a public project would be naive, even if it was created by one of their most beloved princes: Luis Marques. But then again, I could easily be wrong. :-)

All of this has severe Sethian implications. Many details are speculation, but there is still a specific month and core locations that are determined. All information that the Red Order of Seth will certainly attempt to exploit. This leads me to believe, again, that the publishing of such details is also a hymn of victory. A war-banner carried to the front of battle. A sign that Asetians feel no fear. A message that those who try to divide them will fall…

Israel is a very dangerous country, not only to its inhabitants but to every one that visits it. It's a country of war, and a nation known for holding one of the most advanced armies in the modern world. If all this power is an alliance of Asetians or Sethians remains unknown, and will most likely remain that way. The stronger alliances are held in secret, and often things are not what they seem at surface. We also know that the Asetians keep themselves apart from human politics, so there is a big chance that the whole Israel connection is more of historical reasons than political in nature. Maybe strategically as well, in spiritual and metaphysical terms.

I wanted to share my first opinions with all of you and hopefully create some debate over such interesting news that have been greatly received in the Asetian world. May the Asetians and their allies be safe in this Gathering and may Aset bless them with undying wisdom to be fair and just in their critical decisions.


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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by N.Augusta 16.06.11 10:56

Personally, I don't think we should concern ourselves with such things. They will be together as family doing their thing, and just the fact that they have another chance to be together, is wonderful in itself.

So we can make hundreds of speculations, but we won't know the answers. Not our business.

That was an interesting read though. Smile

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Jonathan 16.06.11 23:42

Natalia wrote:Interesting news were recently made public by the Order of Aset Ka, as Master Luis Marques confirmed in his official Twitter account:

Asetian Gathering, July 2011 - Israel, Middle East. ☥

Conclave will be granted in the ancient city of Jerusalem. Asetian ritual, meditation and bellydance will be held in the historical desert.

Specific details and timings will be, as usual, withheld from public eyes due to security measures. Em Hotep.
Thank you for your article Natalia, it was a good read and filled with information. I find the news of the Gathering mostly intriguing and inspiring. I'm afraid I don't have any information to add to what has been said. I also agree with N.Augusta, as this goes way over our heads and deals with matters we might never comprehend, but I believe that was also part of Natalia's message.

Natalia wrote:
All of this has severe Sethian implications. Many details are speculation, but there is still a specific month and core locations that are determined. All information that the Red Order of Seth will certainly attempt to exploit. This leads me to believe, again, that the publishing of such details is also a hymn of victory. A war-banner carried to the front of battle. A sign that Asetians feel no fear. A message that those who try to divide them will fall…
This was epic. Horns

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Victor 17.06.11 15:51

Interesting. Very... interesting.

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 17.06.11 16:43

I am leaning towards the sentiment of N. Augusta. Yet, the starting article by Natalia raised some interesting points to reflect upon. I Agree
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Syrianeh 18.06.11 14:07

While I agree with Naugusta, I must also say Natalia has done all us a favor by analyzing this surprising announcement in such depth. I am sure we all do wonder, even though we might all have our own different private theories and even though the reality of the situation will most probably never be quite as we imagine it. I enjoyed reading this extensive and very well thought of post.

And I don't think there will be much more speculation or assumption on the matter as Natalia has already done most of it for us Smile

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by AndreiaLi 19.06.11 19:05

Yes, it is very interesting. But like naugusta said, we will never know the answers or specific details because it's none of our business. One thing is for sure, the Conclave will be overwhelming.

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Jonathan 19.06.11 22:24

Victor wrote:Interesting. Very... interesting.
I wonder what's on your dark mind... Razz

AndreiaLi wrote:Yes, it is very interesting. But like naugusta said, we will never know the answers or specific details because it's none of our business. One thing is for sure, the Conclave will be overwhelming.
Yes, overwhelming is also what comes to my mind. I am sure it will be a truly sacred event.
I also agree with Syrianeh, as I really enjoyed Natalia's post and her detailed exploration of this subject. It's great to have you all around. Smile

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Shemset 21.06.11 7:22

The news serves for remind us of how lucky are we for being able to witness a moment as this. A time when Asetians can gather without fear is realy a blissful one, not only for them or other vampires, but for all humankind.

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Jonathan 21.06.11 8:51

Shemset wrote:The news serves for remind us of how lucky are we for being able to witness a moment as this. A time when Asetians can gather without fear is realy a blissful one, not only for them or other vampires, but for all humankind.
Good point and well said.

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Natalia 21.06.11 19:27

My humble gratitude for your replies and interest in my brief article. I'm pleased to see my words and opinion valued.

To all who contacted my privately about the subject, I tried to reply to the best of my ability, without disrespecting my personal code of ethics. Thank you.


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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Akh -Ba 22.06.11 7:59

I wounder. Are there anyone here participating....
I guess we`l never know...
looking forward to some details if anyone can get some later.

I think ..Maybe their information is to provoke something.. maybe some form of a trap. to make the opposition do a fault and stumble
.... but i`m just a novice.

Akh -Ba

Akh -Ba
Akh -Ba

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Divine 277 22.06.11 15:23

I truly agree With N.Augusta, its only their business.

But it was a well written article @Natalia.

Thanks for the effort Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Talibah 29.06.11 5:46

Akh -Ba wrote:I wounder. Are there anyone here participating....
I guess we`l never know...
looking forward to some details if anyone can get some later.

Oh yes..I personally am in charge of the canapes (I make a mean 1980's vol au vent), Syrianeh is in charge of entertainment (she loves a good magick show), Stalker is in charge of the bellydancers (no great surprise there) and Naugusta is in charge of crowd control, and Victor is handling the hot tubs! jocolor

Obviously I am joking.

Whatever their own personal reasons for this conclave may be, we should above all else feel honored that they have shared such information with us. It will be a time for deep contemplation and sacred meditation for all.


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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Nebibi 29.06.11 8:54

I agree with Naugusta and Talibah.
It is wonderful news indeed when the Aset Ka can gather and be together. However, I feel that to dwell upon the details of the gathering is tedious and none of our concern. Do we not have our own, personal, things to worry about? Such as internal growth and introspection?
I feel like dwelling on the activities that will take place is a waste of time. Since none of us will ever know what will truly happen. Besides talks like these do not inspire personal growth, but only add fuel to the fire of those who live in the clouds when it comes to Asetianism.
Keep a sharp eye. Always be aware.

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Syrianeh 29.06.11 13:16

Talibah wrote:

Oh yes..I personally am in charge of the canapes (I make a mean 1980's vol au vent), Syrianeh is in charge of entertainment (she loves a good magick show), Stalker is in charge of the bellydancers (no great surprise there) and Naugusta is in charge of crowd control, and Victor is handling the hot tubs! jocolor

Hah...!! we've been busted. So which newbie do I get to saw in half at the magick show? Faraoh

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Divine 277 29.06.11 14:18

Syrianeh wrote:
Talibah wrote:

Oh yes..I personally am in charge of the canapes (I make a mean 1980's vol au vent), Syrianeh is in charge of entertainment (she loves a good magick show), Stalker is in charge of the bellydancers (no great surprise there) and Naugusta is in charge of crowd control, and Victor is handling the hot tubs! jocolor

Hah...!! we've been busted. So which newbie do I get to saw in half at the magick show? Faraoh

Lol... Go Syrianeh ...
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Victor 29.06.11 16:37

Talibah wrote:
Oh yes..I personally am in charge of the canapes (I make a mean 1980's vol au vent), Syrianeh is in charge of entertainment (she loves a good magick show), Stalker is in charge of the bellydancers (no great surprise there) and Naugusta is in charge of crowd control, and Victor is handling the hot tubs! jocolor

Obviously I am joking.

Whatever their own personal reasons for this conclave may be, we should above all else feel honored that they have shared such information with us. It will be a time for deep contemplation and sacred meditation for all.

Anyone joining the tubs have to pass by me, of course. I always said I reside in a pool filled with naked horny vampire girls after all. Twisted Evil

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by AndreiaLi 30.06.11 16:45

Very Happy Very Happy

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 30.06.11 17:46

Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Jonathan 04.07.11 5:20

Chances are, it's happening right now! Very Happy

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Tambarina 05.07.11 22:01

I Agree

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by LucianaNocturna 01.08.11 14:19

wow, very helpful info Natalia. very interesting as well. i have been doing alot of study on the Asetian topic. but its so hard to find a somewhat reliable information source. this seems pretty genuine to me. Luis would be so open now that the war is starting again. i know we will win again. since 2007 everything has been chaotic for us. but very liberating. Twisted Evil

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Kalb 01.08.11 14:23

Em Hotep. LucianaNocturna. Nice to meet you. Please, talk a little about yourself on off-topic.

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Asetian Gathering 2011 Empty Re: Asetian Gathering 2011

Post by Jonathan 02.08.11 10:03

Hello Luciana and welcome to the community. Like Stalker said, please introduce yourself in the Off Topic section.

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