good evning everyone

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good evning everyone Empty good evning everyone

Post by devilsC_U_N_T June 4th 2009, 12:56 pm

i've had a lot of thoughts going threw my head. one just happned to come across that keeps coming across. does anyone get the feeling u just want to cut ur arms just to see them bleed. i get those thoughts quit a bit and i really think blood is lovley and its tastes good.


<333 krow

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good evning everyone Empty Re: good evning everyone

Post by Syrianeh June 4th 2009, 1:26 pm

DC, the urge of "cutting" is not such a rare thing as you probably know. Sadly, it is usually a form of self-abuse, the result of a psychological problem: traumas, history of abuse, borderline personality, unresolved conflicts etc.

Cutting and "self-vamping" is more often than not just a way to numb out a greater pain.

Not saying that this is your case necessarily, but I would give it a thought.

I'm speaking from experience, by the way.

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good evning everyone Empty Re: good evning everyone

Post by Daniel09 June 4th 2009, 3:06 pm

I never cut my arm, because it would be too obvious to see, seeing how I wear short sleeves almost all the time. I did, however, cut my hand a bit when I was in emotional duress. I felt it was a more proper punishment than someone telling me I'd done something wrong. It certainly wasn't good though. I'm scarred from my vampiric episodes.

While I do find the taste of blood to be agreeable, I do not go cutting myself to get it. I fear for the safety of my veins first, because though they will heal, a cut on the arm has the chance of damaging the function of blood flow and creating clots that could damage other parts of my system. This safety caution is the main reason I do not cut. If there was no chance of scarring or danger, I might consider it, but no, the urge is not powerful enough to make me do anything like that.

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good evning everyone Empty Re: good evning everyone

Post by Phoenix June 5th 2009, 8:46 pm

DC, please do not cut yourself. Syrianeh and Daniel are wise in their advice. I do not believe that real vampires (as you have come to learn about them in this forum) would self-mutilate themselves for a drink.

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good evning everyone Empty Re: good evning everyone

Post by devilsC_U_N_T June 6th 2009, 8:39 am

i thank u for ur advice. i think i migght reconsider the thought of cutting

Number of posts : 31
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good evning everyone Empty Re: good evning everyone

Post by Aghrab June 12th 2009, 10:15 pm

I do not see self-harm, such as cutting, as a vampiric action at all, nor can I criticize someone who is going through such a confusing phase. Despite the fact that self-harm has nothing to do with vampirism, I see it as somewhat a form of self-disrespect, something around the lines of what may happen to your Soul if you commit suicide... when the Soul begins going against evolution. Even though self-harm can sometimes be a form of “showing off” and not at all a psychological problem, it is still quite a disrespect to the Self. This issue, at many times, is not something that can be easily tamed under control, because some victims of it actually see the act of cutting themselves as a way of releasing their pain, it is quite a complex subject to comprehend for people who have not gone through it.
Overall, my suggestion for anyone going through this, due to depression or reasons less serious, is to seek help from the closest ones that you have trust in, or seek in your self for past traumas and episodes of life that may just be the reflection of what you are going through right now, and try to release it, detach from it and move on, not living in the past.


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