Cleansing Techniques.

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Cleansing Techniques. Empty Cleansing Techniques.

Post by Tehom 24.11.23 5:44

Hello. I've just used Palo Santo for the first time and must say in reverence towards those Spirits that it is a seriously powerful substance open to respectful consideration, prayer, and attentiveness. Light be with them. In Communion it responds to us as we intend and seeks to provide aid in the Way we ask. It's much of an open dialogue for those sensitive to the real-time communication. I recommend it to those who are Silent, respectful, and able to acknowledge them as it invites their presence directly into the living space provided it's what one needs. A public thanks to those forces.

What are your own personal cleansing techniques friends & other practitioners? which are best for you? I'm open to incorporating new ideas and possibly even relationships into my framework.

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Registration date : 2014-07-13

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