Asetian Martial Arts

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Asetian Martial Arts Empty Asetian Martial Arts

Post by Daniel09 04.06.09 16:09

Asetian martial arts. Are there any? How do you think Asetians fought or learn to fight nowadays? Do they have their own dark style or do they just learn what they want when they want to?

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Asetian Martial Arts Empty Re: Asetian Martial Arts

Post by Phoenix 05.06.09 22:01

Daniel, I would imagine that the military skills of the Imperial Guard and those learned during the Epic Wars against the ROS still exist within incarnated Asetians.
I trained in martial arts for several years and even after a lengthy hiatus, muscle memory and unconscious training still permits me to perform many of the once long practiced moves (albeit a little slower).
I also remember reading in material fom a West Coast USA Isis Religion that here was an ancient Egyptian temple cult dedicated to the martial arts (sort of like a Kemetic Shao Lin). Perhaps that was somehow linked to the AK - gross speculation only.

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Registration date : 2009-03-28

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