The passionate Asetian

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The passionate Asetian Empty The passionate Asetian

Post by Talibah 10.09.09 5:29

Like so many others, I have read and re-read the AB countless times. I am constantly drawn to do so, because each time it reveals something new within its pages albeit at a subtle level.
When one reads Master Marques' words, it is impossible not to be in awe of what is written.
It has been greatly debated and agreed upon that the Asetians are beings capable of both incredible acts of Love, as well as unmistakable acts of Darkness. And although these may at first appear to be poles apart, they manifest within the Asetian as equal and perfectly balanced. Creating a level of awareness beyond the comprehension of most others that preoccupy themselves with the 'bigger picture' and so often fail to notice the finer details - those seemingly insignificant parts that go to create the whole.
It is in reading beyond what is merely written that one catches glimpses of something fathoms deeper, and begins to realise the Asetians devotion to not only their own kind, and those that loyally follow them, but to all creation. From the magnificence and empowerment of the full moon, to the intricate details of the smallest flower - nothing passes unnoticed or unexplained to the ever-aware eye of the Asetian.
It is these finer beauties that have me captivated at present. And although this may have been discussed before I feel it is worth my while to take the time to contemplate this realization.

To think, so many search for years - even lifetimes - for information, which often leads to fruitless results...not knowledge.
Knowledge is that which is seen without being sought. That which is felt, without having substance. That which is made known from within.
So much about the Asetians remains hidden, but is - I think - obvious if one takes the time to stop searching for it and concentrate on what is missing from their own vision. Those smaller things which are so easily missed, in favour of what is easier to see with the eye, and not the Soul.

I just wanted to share this.

Number of posts : 287
Location : uk
Registration date : 2008-08-17

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The passionate Asetian Empty Re: The passionate Asetian

Post by Jonathan 10.09.09 13:14

Amazing post Talibah.

I agree with all that you said, and would like to add that you seem to have reached a higher gnosis, by the ways you expressed your views in this last post. You mentioned a very interesting detail, in how many spend years to understand the bigger picture, to draw parallels between everything and study all forms of traditions in the hope to find a full understanding on the Universe, all those things that we all know it can never be fully grasped... and by that they allow for the smaller details to pass aside them, and miss the true beauty we can find in life, the small but deep details that we can find in every step of our lives, the true details that Asetians pay attention like no other being can.

Very enlightening read... thank you Talibah. You spoke as a true Asetianist that understands their essence. This is what this forum needs.

Number of posts : 3046
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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The passionate Asetian Empty Re: The passionate Asetian

Post by Phoenix 10.09.09 13:49

Beautiful words, Talibah (I bow to you).

Number of posts : 197
Location : Sonoran Desert, USA
Registration date : 2009-03-28

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The passionate Asetian Empty Re: The passionate Asetian

Post by Maktub 10.09.09 17:01

Nice intervention, Talibah.
Slowly, you're unveiling the secrets behind the immortal eyes of Asetians.

Number of posts : 113
Location : From the forgotten sands of Kemet.
Registration date : 2008-06-01

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The passionate Asetian Empty Re: The passionate Asetian

Post by Aghrab 10.09.09 18:56

I must agree with the others... you have grown a lot since you first entered this forum. It is evident by your posts and your ways of expressing yourself, your views, knowledge and understanding of the Asetians.


Number of posts : 492
Location : Where there is always Night and Darkness.
Registration date : 2008-06-06

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The passionate Asetian Empty Re: The passionate Asetian

Post by AnaInDark 12.09.09 0:32

Beautiful post, Talibah. I must agree with the others.

Number of posts : 137
Age : 34
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Registration date : 2009-09-11

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The passionate Asetian Empty Re: The passionate Asetian

Post by Talibah 15.09.09 1:30

My apologies for the late response. Thank you everyone for your kind input.

Number of posts : 287
Location : uk
Registration date : 2008-08-17

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The passionate Asetian Empty Re: The passionate Asetian

Post by Dreamer 28.09.09 6:43

Such a nice post, Talibah. The passionate Asetian Icon_smile

I may be away from the forum and not logged in for long, due to having been busy, but I have read almost all of the new threads, and must admit that I see so much growth in a lot of you. Like Jonathan, Talibah, Helen, and so many more people that are too many to mention.

Number of posts : 146
Location : In the Astral...
Registration date : 2009-04-27

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