The passionate Asetianist

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The passionate Asetianist Empty The passionate Asetianist

Post by Talibah 18.05.11 10:14

For countless years, the Asetians guided us, taught us and nurtured our growth. They lent us their wisdom and their passion for life. They shared with us their understanding of true beauty and grace. They unveiled truths to priviledged eyes, and passed down sacred knowledge through the ages.
So, when I see those who even now call themselves Asetianists not letting go of their own ego to fully embrace those ancient teachings, to lay down their ingorance and allow their minds and souls to be silenced and filled with truths so beautiful, so innocent and yet so powerful so as to move them to tears of sheer joy...I am saddened deeply.
In a world so full of hatred and blindness, I am truly humbled time and time again at the patience and persistence the Asetians have.
We are not here to impress them. We are not here to find words or quotations which may get their attention. We are not here to mimic the words we read in the vain hope that someone will notice our efforts and give us a well earned pat on the back. Our reasons for being here are fathoms deeper than any of that.
A true friend once said that we are the open face of the Asetians. I believe I understand what they were trying to say, and completely agree.
We can be nothing for Them, if we continue to busy ourselves with pointless thoughts of WANTING to be something for Them.
Until we learn how to simply 'be' for Them, we are of no use at all. To either Them, or ourselves.

I am an Asetianist. I am also a fiercely proud and at times egocentric Asetianist. But I am working on being better than that.

Throughout the Asetian Bible there are many references to the Ego. It has taken me a while to understand why.

Feel free to comment.


Number of posts : 287
Location : uk
Registration date : 2008-08-17

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The passionate Asetianist Empty Re: The passionate Asetianist

Post by Kalb 18.05.11 13:18

Definitely brilliant, Talibah. Smile

Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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The passionate Asetianist Empty Re: The passionate Asetianist

Post by Syrianeh 18.05.11 13:33

Clap, clap. *standing ovation*

Number of posts : 708
Location : Spain
Registration date : 2008-09-16

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The passionate Asetianist Empty Re: The passionate Asetianist

Post by Hioman 18.05.11 13:40

Wonderful post, dear Talibah. Thought, felt and spoken with/from the heart.

Me too...all of us...."I am an Asetianist. I am also a fiercely proud and at times egocentric Asetianist. But I am working on being better than that".

!!! ^^

Number of posts : 36
Location : Brasil
Registration date : 2009-12-14

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The passionate Asetianist Empty Re: The passionate Asetianist

Post by Jonathan 18.05.11 15:11

Amazing post! Rightfully describes the great pride a true Asetianist feels for being in such special path...

It was a pleasure to read.

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Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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The passionate Asetianist Empty Re: The passionate Asetianist

Post by Tambarina 18.05.11 20:44

What a beautifully honest post! Thanks Talibah! Smile

Number of posts : 34
Location : Colorado
Registration date : 2009-12-06

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