Asetianist Vampires

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Asetianist Vampires Empty Asetianist Vampires

Post by Jonathan 10.06.13 5:07

I have decided to open a thread about a subject that hasn't been mentioned very often.

We all have studied about Asetian vampires, with their origins in Ancient Egypt and current leaders of the Order of Aset Ka. However, it has been debated that not every vampire out there is Asetian. This makes it quite possible and even rational for the reality of Asetianist vampires. As most of you know, Asetianist is someone who studies and honors Asetianism. Some see it as a culture, others as a way of life, philosophy and magickal tradition, while some even see it as a religion. Many of us (not all) around this forum are openly Asetianists, and although we are not members of the Aset Ka or Asetians (nor pretend to be as certain others), we have grown through this powerful Asetian magick that has entered our lives and spoke to us, sometimes in the most unexpected ways. We have started to treasure, respect and take it as a vital part of our lives, as true spirituality should be. This manifests in many ways and we all experience it differently as we are also different, following different lives and facing different challenges. That's all a great thing that we're such a diverse group.
We have discussed the natural existence of human Asetianists many times before, as many members of this forum are admittedly humans with no claims of vampiric nature. After all, this community is open to everyone and we have welcomed people from all walks of life throughout the years. The thing is, it's quite clear that other vampires who may experience their vampirism in many different ways, souls who probably aren't as ancient as the Asetians, can still find growth and initiation in the Asetian path. These would be Asetianist vampires, and probably a much more diverse set of beings than our Elders, the Asetians.

With all this I'm not saying that Asetianism is the only path. Obviously it's not and this is even stated on the official website of the Order. Asetianism is an ancient path that speaks of truth and teaches in a very profound way, sometimes very subtle while others slapping us in the face, but there are other roads and many have taken and learned from Asetianism throughout history and evolved in different ways. Many have copied it as we see other traditions that have adapted philosophical concepts developed by the Asetians but expressed in a much more superficial way, others have misinterpreted and represented it very inaccurately in all sorts of places due to their own ignorance and frustrations. A shadow that we often have to deal with when we're faced with judgement because of the path we follow and all sorts of wrong assumptions about us because of it. Actually, every true Asetianist out there learns from other paths as well and studies many forms of spirituality, never restricting his knowledge, as the Asetians inspire everyone to do and made quite clear in the teachings from the Book of Orion. Learn everything and everywhere, make your own educated conclusions in the end, so they taught us.
Just had to leave this little disclaimer in here before one of the outsiders misinterprets me as usual and snaps somewhere else complaining how Asetianists love professing their magick as the only vampire (or human) system in existence. Wink

Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Asetianist Vampires Empty Re: Asetianist Vampires

Post by Kalb 10.06.13 6:41

Em Hotep,

Excellent! Great job, Jonathan. I would not say better, I just want to add that we accept as we are, we do not want to be vampires, or any other kind of soul. We respect what each is, and we fight all for the same objective: Development, personal growth, understanding of hidden mysteries, among others things. There is great admiration for Asetians and their culture and we all have shown one way or another what others have copied his teachings and philosophies.

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Asetianist Vampires Empty Re: Asetianist Vampires

Post by Daniel09 10.06.13 8:03

Very interesting post, Jonathan! I would note for the people reading this that do not know very much, while Asetianism does bring truth, the truth is brought only through personal work with the Self and discovery of the truth of everything within each of our personal realms. It may be tempting to treat the Asetian Bible and other works as final words on the subject, but like all things Asetian, they are fluid and change alchemically over time.

To put it simply, take every piece of knowledge, no matter the source, with a 'grain of salt.'

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Asetianist Vampires Empty Re: Asetianist Vampires

Post by Jonathan 10.06.13 8:59

Thanks! I'm glad you both have enjoyed it. Smile

Number of posts : 3051
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Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Asetianist Vampires Empty Re: Asetianist Vampires

Post by Black_Halo 11.06.13 17:26

I really enjoyed your post Jonathan! I hadn't heard of Asetianism until this forum, and intend to pick up the Asetian Bible as soon as I have some spare cash. I think it's important for people to learn as much as they can. The more we know, the more we can understand, the more we understand about ourselves, and the closer we get to the truth, whatever that may be for each of us.

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Asetianist Vampires Empty Re: Asetianist Vampires

Post by seeker 20.06.13 15:18

Very interesting post Jonathon! I found Asetianism in the beginning of 2013 and haven't looked back since then. I was looking for a path to follow, something that felt right and it was this lone path that took my heart. I love you I have experienced tremendous growth within this time.. It was not always easy as I had to face all that was kept hidden inside me, good and bad. But it was worth it, it's very difficult to exactly express in words the role Asetianism played in my life because it's very subtle. I can feel it and live with it, but it's not always possible to explain this to someone else.

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Asetianist Vampires Empty Re: Asetianist Vampires

Post by Anto 03.04.20 20:09

very interesting .. so in the end they also gave humans a chance to be part of Aset.Ka !!! Twisted Evil pirat

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