Regarding the User: Lightseeker
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Regarding the User: Lightseeker
Greetings, I am new to this forum and look forward to getting to learn more about the tradition of Aset Ka, and Vampirism, it's origins & mysticism in general. Through stumbling and browsing the forum a bit, I came across a few interesting posts & interactions between "Lightseeker", and other users. Of these posts & theories, I found a couple to be interesting. Although when I went to his profile I saw he was banned. So I did a little digging and from my research I believe his name is "Patrick".
I'm just here inquiring if anyone knows what happened to him, or the details on why he was banned- if anyone could fill me in. Because from my understanding, you can appeal, but I haven't stumbled upon any misconduct or interactions/posts of reprimand against him in the community. And I'm eager to get into contact with him. If anyone knows what happened, or know how I can contact him, just reply to me below.
Lazarus - ᛚᚪᛋᚪᚱᚢᛋ
I'm just here inquiring if anyone knows what happened to him, or the details on why he was banned- if anyone could fill me in. Because from my understanding, you can appeal, but I haven't stumbled upon any misconduct or interactions/posts of reprimand against him in the community. And I'm eager to get into contact with him. If anyone knows what happened, or know how I can contact him, just reply to me below.
Lazarus - ᛚᚪᛋᚪᚱᚢᛋ
Lazarus.- Beginner
- Number of posts : 12
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Registration date : 2024-03-12
Re: Regarding the User: Lightseeker
Just one more!
FYI this is not the way to get unbanned from the discord.
For all of those unaware, Lightseeker joined the discord group some odd months back and didn't exactly conduct themselves well. They then spent several days ban evading while pretending to be other people, but would always give up the ruse in favor of their eogic interests.
FYI this is not the way to get unbanned from the discord.
For all of those unaware, Lightseeker joined the discord group some odd months back and didn't exactly conduct themselves well. They then spent several days ban evading while pretending to be other people, but would always give up the ruse in favor of their eogic interests.
Hound- Outsider
- Number of posts : 53
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Re: Regarding the User: Lightseeker
There's a discord server? Where might I be able to find that? And ah, I see, thank you for clarifying what happened. I can assure you I am not "Lightseeker" and I submit myself to all sobrieties necessary to verify my identity and claims.
Perhaps you could elaborate more on what happened to "Lightseeker" in my Private Messages?
Lazarus - ᛚᚪᛋᚪᚱᚢᛋ
Perhaps you could elaborate more on what happened to "Lightseeker" in my Private Messages?
Lazarus - ᛚᚪᛋᚪᚱᚢᛋ
Lazarus.- Beginner
- Number of posts : 12
Age : 18
Location : Norway
Registration date : 2024-03-12
Re: Regarding the User: Lightseeker
Lightseeker spent many years fabricating stories and fantasies about himself that ended up being proven false, including fake associations to VWG and other things. Ironically the people with actual real ties to the VWG never heard about him and confirmed that all his posts about it were nothing more than poor fiction. He is known for being a compulsive liar. I don't know if he suffers from severe psychosis or simply has too much free time in his life to waste it deceiving people online. With that said, despite you being him or not, this goes as honest advice to everyone in not placing value on any of his posts.
Jonathan- Master
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Re: Regarding the User: Lightseeker
Jonathan wrote:Lightseeker spent many years fabricating stories and fantasies about himself that ended up being proven false, including fake associations to VWG and other things.
Ah, I see. Yeah the only reason why I was interested in contacting "Lightseeker"/Patrick in the first place was actually due to the "connections" he claimed to have had with the VWG (Vampire Watchers Group). You see, before registering for an account, I searched the forum for a little bit and found some old posts dating back to 2008-2012, about some "Watchers Group". So? I dug a little deeper and found out what it was, it was at this point I found him saying he had "contact" and was low in the ranks & the hierarchy of the VWG.
I had a couple inquiries, and wanted to investigate the organization- which is why I created this post. But it seems you guys did the cross-referencing work already, and what the officials said, obviously contradicted his claims to be affiliated with the VWG. So I thank you for telling me this now, that way I don't reach "dead-ends" in my endeavors later.
And also, if it were to alleviate some stress here- I was born during 2004-2009 I think that should tell you if I'm Lightseeker or not, considering the fact I saw your guys's old posts and some of you are old enough to be my Grandpa.
Lazarus - ᛚᚪᛋᚪᚱᚢᛋ
Lazarus.- Beginner
- Number of posts : 12
Age : 18
Location : Norway
Registration date : 2024-03-12
Re: Regarding the User: Lightseeker
Oh, my!
It's been a while. We exchanged messages a couple of times.
I've heard of this alleged group of people that watch the modern vampire community much as Watchers watch the immortals in the Highlander franchise from him so, you know, I was curious like a damn cat to discover more about it.
I can't believe Lightseeker is a pathological liar...
@Lazarus are you from Norway? Really?!
Pussig vær nå om dagen...
Velkommen til forum, hyggelig å møte de!
Går det bra hvis vi snakker på norsk? Jeg har lært norsk i noen år, men det sitter aldri. Jeg vil øve, men jeg kan snakke på engelsk hvis du har det travelt.
Først av alt vil jeg bare beklage for at norsken min ikke er så bra... Jeg håper du forstår meg selv om jeg gjør noen språklige feil.
Lad os hjælpe hinanden så godt vi kan, og husk at holde en pæn tone i alle indlæg.
Noen spesiell grunn til at du lurer på om vampyrer faktisk eksisterer? Har du kilder? (Jeg mener ikke dagbladet og se&hør type kilder, men troverdige).
Jeg var jo litt redd for at det å nevne vampyrer skulle få det hele til å virke useriøst.
Fra jeg var lita jente så var jeg rundt og fikk utskrifter fra forskellige bøker og leste alt jeg kom over om vampyrer og ligende vesener.
Forfatteren Roald Larsen har skrevet noen bøker om sagner og overtro i Nord-Norge. Her er en:
Ellers er det en gammel en her, men tror ikke den er sånn allverdens seriøs
(håper ikke jeg kommer til å angre på at jeg drar den fram uten å lese gjennom den...): ... =7&t=17158
Du må bare si ifra hvis det er noe mer du trenger hjelp til. Ser frem til å høre fra deg.
(My dearest apologies, I regret to inform you of my inaptitude to produce a completely perfect sentence in the language of Norwegian. I sincerely hope you can forgive me for this obstacle that lays in the path of our conversation.
I started learning Norwegian as my 9th language in 2014, but I haven't had the chance to dabble with).
It's been a while. We exchanged messages a couple of times.
I've heard of this alleged group of people that watch the modern vampire community much as Watchers watch the immortals in the Highlander franchise from him so, you know, I was curious like a damn cat to discover more about it.
I can't believe Lightseeker is a pathological liar...
@Lazarus are you from Norway? Really?!
Pussig vær nå om dagen...
Velkommen til forum, hyggelig å møte de!
Går det bra hvis vi snakker på norsk? Jeg har lært norsk i noen år, men det sitter aldri. Jeg vil øve, men jeg kan snakke på engelsk hvis du har det travelt.
Først av alt vil jeg bare beklage for at norsken min ikke er så bra... Jeg håper du forstår meg selv om jeg gjør noen språklige feil.
Lad os hjælpe hinanden så godt vi kan, og husk at holde en pæn tone i alle indlæg.
Noen spesiell grunn til at du lurer på om vampyrer faktisk eksisterer? Har du kilder? (Jeg mener ikke dagbladet og se&hør type kilder, men troverdige).
Jeg var jo litt redd for at det å nevne vampyrer skulle få det hele til å virke useriøst.
Fra jeg var lita jente så var jeg rundt og fikk utskrifter fra forskellige bøker og leste alt jeg kom over om vampyrer og ligende vesener.
Forfatteren Roald Larsen har skrevet noen bøker om sagner og overtro i Nord-Norge. Her er en:
Ellers er det en gammel en her, men tror ikke den er sånn allverdens seriøs
(håper ikke jeg kommer til å angre på at jeg drar den fram uten å lese gjennom den...): ... =7&t=17158
Du må bare si ifra hvis det er noe mer du trenger hjelp til. Ser frem til å høre fra deg.
(My dearest apologies, I regret to inform you of my inaptitude to produce a completely perfect sentence in the language of Norwegian. I sincerely hope you can forgive me for this obstacle that lays in the path of our conversation.
I started learning Norwegian as my 9th language in 2014, but I haven't had the chance to dabble with).
Suiren- Beginner
- Number of posts : 5
Location : St. Petersburg
Registration date : 2022-02-18
Re: Regarding the User: Lightseeker
Hello, my name is Hansel
-and my name is Gretel
“and we are both here to ask, in unison, about the whereabouts of one particularly striking academic professional who so amazingly managed to locate the Vampire Watcher’s Group, with a knowledge that grew to surpass even Victor himself. We both came from Timbuktu, and had to sell 3,000 chickens just to afford a device with connection to come to such a sacred place. Anyway…. We are definitely not Lightseeker… and that much should be obvious, eh? So can you enlighten us as to his whereabouts, he who is Most Revered?”
but yeah I’m definitely not Lightseeker.
-and my name is Gretel
“and we are both here to ask, in unison, about the whereabouts of one particularly striking academic professional who so amazingly managed to locate the Vampire Watcher’s Group, with a knowledge that grew to surpass even Victor himself. We both came from Timbuktu, and had to sell 3,000 chickens just to afford a device with connection to come to such a sacred place. Anyway…. We are definitely not Lightseeker… and that much should be obvious, eh? So can you enlighten us as to his whereabouts, he who is Most Revered?”
but yeah I’m definitely not Lightseeker.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
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Registration date : 2013-12-18
Re: Regarding the User: Lightseeker
@ Nightside, '3000 chickens'- brilliant!
Lupus de Umbras- Outsider
- Number of posts : 64
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Registration date : 2012-12-06
Re: Regarding the User: Lightseeker
Apoligies I meant Troublemaker.
Lupus de Umbras- Outsider
- Number of posts : 64
Age : 67
Location : UK
Registration date : 2012-12-06
Re: Regarding the User: Lightseeker
Suiren wrote:(My dearest apologies, I regret to inform you of my inaptitude to produce a completely perfect sentence in the language of Norwegian. I sincerely hope you can forgive me for this obstacle that lays in the path of our conversation.
I started learning Norwegian as my 9th language in 2014, but I haven't had the chance to dabble with).
Lmfao, yeah done worry min norske er ikke så bra også. Men din ser ut til å være litt bedre enn min, som jeg er misunnelig på. Når det gjelder spørsmålet ditt - jeg vet ikke helt hva jeg skal tro, det var det som fikk meg inn i forskningen min og så her. Jeg har ingen kilder eller overbevisende bevis som bekrefter fakta og teorier om om vampyrer er ekte, heller ikke motsetninger som motbeviser deres eksistens.
Alt jeg vet er- Jeg er ny på hele "Asetianism"-greien og hvordan noen av disse hemmelige samfunnene og ordenene korrelerer med vampyrisme. Jeg er bare veldig spredt her og forvirret. Men jeg setter pris på den varme velkomsten, å takk for kildene dine også, jeg vil være så klok å se nærmere på dem.
Lazarus.- Beginner
- Number of posts : 12
Age : 18
Location : Norway
Registration date : 2024-03-12
Re: Regarding the User: Lightseeker
english is the main language here.
Lynskha- Adept
- Number of posts : 476
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