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New Piscean user Empty New Piscean user

Post by Neptunes son 23.09.12 14:53

Hi, just a little info about a new user.
has the Asetian Bible, found the aset ka website while having a mental breakdown. Been lurking for a mere two days, thought this would be a good resource.
I have a history with drugs.
I have a problem controlling my thoughts, more like full-blown identity disorder with shared thoughts and people saying what I'm doing in my head, shielding seems to help, but it requires constant attention, which I am unable to give, seems very difficult for me to keep a shield up. On a daily basis I hear people either on the tv or around me saying things directly to me, seems like they have nothing to say to me but merely want to annoy me.
I seem to have close ties to my father, which I dislike.
Should be classified as a psychic vampire.
I have an instance of language morphing around me. The word 'saw' like to see and a wood saw, the association was made at the Monkey Jungle where we use wood saws to do ecological restoration and I hadn't been there for a while, so I 'saw' what they had done in the woods. When this happens, I think of a multiple dimensional theory where everyone is in their worlds using their own language.
I have great difficulty with energy work, as everytime I try I am taken to scenes of other places where I seem to have no trouble getting what I want unless it's the past. (quite a curse huh.)

any input appreciated, and yes I've been in psychiatric institutions, twice. And no, I don't get out much.

Neptunes son

Number of posts : 8
Location : Miami Florida, USA
Registration date : 2012-09-23

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New Piscean user Empty Re: New Piscean user

Post by witchmark 23.09.12 20:44

Neptuneson, welcome to the forums. It seems that you have a lot of issues to contend with here. I take it you have a mental disorder. Are you currently taking the drugs prescribed? The drugs may help with the voices from the tv as well as the ones you are hearing outside of your head. If you are taking the recommended drugs and still hearing the voices than I certainly would seek help from a professional.

Energy work can help but it does require, this is from my experience, a balanced mind.

My best to you and may you learn much here.


Number of posts : 159
Location : Nebraska
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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New Piscean user Empty Re: New Piscean user

Post by Kalb 24.09.12 0:45

Welcome here, Neptunes son.

Number of posts : 1280
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Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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New Piscean user Empty Re: New Piscean user

Post by Jonathan 24.09.12 3:43

Welcome to the community.

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New Piscean user Empty Re: New Piscean user

Post by Neptunes son 24.09.12 13:54

Yes I am taking meds, Risperdal, if you're interested.

Neptunes son

Number of posts : 8
Location : Miami Florida, USA
Registration date : 2012-09-23

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New Piscean user Empty Re: New Piscean user

Post by witchmark 24.09.12 20:28

Neptunes son I am glad you are taking your meds as they would be designed to help you. All too often I have found those that were on medication throw them away thinking that all their problems will be solved by joining a set of boards. I am glad to know that you are not one of those. Smile Again, welcome.


Number of posts : 159
Location : Nebraska
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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New Piscean user Empty Re: New Piscean user

Post by N.Augusta 24.09.12 20:48

Welcome here!

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New Piscean user Empty Re: New Piscean user

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 24.09.12 23:48

Welcome to the forum...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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New Piscean user Empty Re: New Piscean user

Post by schitzophobic 25.09.12 1:07

welcome to the forum... I hope you can find some peace through the threads here...

Number of posts : 67
Age : 34
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Registration date : 2012-06-05

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