Abandoned By the Aset Ka
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Abandoned By the Aset Ka
Reading some threads within this forum about drugs, betrayal and such subjects, a question came to mind which I wanted the thought of others on. As usual, I will give my personal thoughts at the end.
What would be some reasons of any Asetian being kicked out of the Order of Aset Ka? Do you believe it is possible for any Asetian to be abandoned by the Aset Ka not only for one life time, but for all lives?
Personally I am sure that if an Asetian betrays the Aset Ka in any way, it would not be comprehended by the superior Asetians. If you have been following the Aet Ka even before the Asetian Bible got published, you could notice that one of the first texts that existed on the internet about them mentioned that “they give no second chances”, so this alone says that they do not seem to accept a great failure within the AK – a place where, as we all know, everyone fights for evolution and growth.
What would be some reasons of any Asetian being kicked out of the Order of Aset Ka? Do you believe it is possible for any Asetian to be abandoned by the Aset Ka not only for one life time, but for all lives?
Personally I am sure that if an Asetian betrays the Aset Ka in any way, it would not be comprehended by the superior Asetians. If you have been following the Aet Ka even before the Asetian Bible got published, you could notice that one of the first texts that existed on the internet about them mentioned that “they give no second chances”, so this alone says that they do not seem to accept a great failure within the AK – a place where, as we all know, everyone fights for evolution and growth.
Aghrab- Adept
- Number of posts : 492
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Registration date : 2008-06-06
Re: Abandoned By the Aset Ka
I believe that betrayal within the Aset Ka would be an extremely rare
case. I would think, after everything that I've read on this forum,
that the Family is the most important for an Asetian. An Asetian to go
against Aset...well... that's just someone in dire need to find death. I don't think it's even possible to make it as a part of the Family with a hidden agenda, and I don't think it possible to make such a mistake as betrayal while part of the family. That would be against an Asetian's true nature.
Maybe that's a statement for an enemy...
I believe that betrayal within the Aset Ka would be an extremely rare
case. I would think, after everything that I've read on this forum,
that the Family is the most important for an Asetian. An Asetian to go
against Aset...well... that's just someone in dire need to find death. I don't think it's even possible to make it as a part of the Family with a hidden agenda, and I don't think it possible to make such a mistake as betrayal while part of the family. That would be against an Asetian's true nature.
Maybe that's a statement for an enemy...
geo- Banned
- Number of posts : 49
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Registration date : 2009-03-07
Re: Abandoned By the Aset Ka
oops, I don't know how that happened, how the quote disappeared, I apologize.
“they give no second chances”
Maybe that's a statement for an enemy...
“they give no second chances”
Maybe that's a statement for an enemy...
geo- Banned
- Number of posts : 49
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Re: Abandoned By the Aset Ka
geo wrote:oops, I don't know how that happened, how the quote disappeared, I apologize.
“they give no second chances”
Maybe that's a statement for an enemy...
An enemy would not have a chance in the first place...
Aghrab- Adept
- Number of posts : 492
Location : Where there is always Night and Darkness.
Registration date : 2008-06-06
Re: Abandoned By the Aset Ka
I agree.Aghrab wrote:An enemy would not have a chance in the first place...
Anyways, I believe that the Aset Ka would punish hard an Asetian's weakness, especially if he or she would be an Elder... because I assume weakness in an Elder is highly unexpected. In case of a very weak Asetian that they feel may bring the Aset Ka down in a way, I believe that they may abandon them... but this is something I cannot imagine in an Elder. I could somewhat imagine it happening to a non-Elder, however.
Re: Abandoned By the Aset Ka
I wonder how Asetians who have neglected reincarnating for over a thousand years would be treated by the Aset Ka. It's a conscious decision on the Asetian soul's part, so I don't know how well they'd see someone who abandoned the Aset Ka during it's weakest period, only to come back when it was convenient.
Daniel09- Expert
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Re: Abandoned By the Aset Ka
Keep in mind that many did not abandon the Aset Ka, but they either were convinced not to incarnate for reasons of their own well-being, like very important Asetians, or they were either stricken too hard to incarnate without going through a long time healing in the in-between life... since if you remember, there was a period where the ROS ruled and was srtong.Daniel09 wrote:I wonder how Asetians who have neglected reincarnating for over a thousand years would be treated by the Aset Ka. It's a conscious decision on the Asetian soul's part, so I don't know how well they'd see someone who abandoned the Aset Ka during it's weakest period, only to come back when it was convenient.
Aghrab- Adept
- Number of posts : 492
Location : Where there is always Night and Darkness.
Registration date : 2008-06-06
Re: Abandoned By the Aset Ka
Very true. I wonder though, about Asetians that for some reason I can't imagine, would refuse to incarnate when needed. Perhaps it just doesn't happen, but if it did, would the Aset Ka truly care, or would they have issued some kind of metaphysical summons for Asetians to begin incarnating when it was safe and/or necessary?
Daniel09- Expert
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Re: Abandoned By the Aset Ka
I have no knowledge of how the AK would "excommunicate" a member, but would pose the following:
- Full initiate, soul marked by the Dark Kiss of Aset Herself. One could think that Aset would personally reverse Her Dark Kiss and deliver suitable punishment to the offender. Much like the Christian God supposedly cast the rebellious Lucifer and his followers into their Hell. As to what that punishment would be. . .? Likewise, She could elect compassion, the removal of Her soul's eternal touch being punishment enough.
- Neophyte, not yet a fully initiated member. Immediate expulsion and separation from the AK.
- Otherkin, I would surmise similar treatment as with a neophyte.
- Full initiate, soul marked by the Dark Kiss of Aset Herself. One could think that Aset would personally reverse Her Dark Kiss and deliver suitable punishment to the offender. Much like the Christian God supposedly cast the rebellious Lucifer and his followers into their Hell. As to what that punishment would be. . .? Likewise, She could elect compassion, the removal of Her soul's eternal touch being punishment enough.
- Neophyte, not yet a fully initiated member. Immediate expulsion and separation from the AK.
- Otherkin, I would surmise similar treatment as with a neophyte.
Phoenix- Insider
- Number of posts : 197
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Registration date : 2009-03-28
Re: Abandoned By the Aset Ka
Interesting thoughts, Phoenix...
Jonathan- Master
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Re: Abandoned By the Aset Ka
When someone uses the word Asetian, I think of a being that's part of the Asetian Family and not a follower. To follow is not to be part of in my opinion. So if a follower betrays, Aset Ka can not possibly sufer since that follower can't possibly know any deep secrets within the Family. So being kicked out of the Order is irrelevant. Missing an opportunity, on the other hand, is quite a punishment. As far as Aset Herself taking back Her Dark Kiss... well...that is quite huge. I don't think that can be undone. We are not talking about wiping lipstick of someone's cheek. I think Aset, the Elders, know better than giving the Dark Kiss to just anyone.
geo- Banned
- Number of posts : 49
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Registration date : 2009-03-07
Re: Abandoned By the Aset Ka
I think feelings of abandonment go alot deeper than we may at first realise.
Putting aside speculation on the Aset Ka's principles possible reasons for 'kicking' an individual out of the Order for a moment, I would like to comment on what Asetians may feel themselves.
I find it easy to believe, that a newborn Asetian, in the process of becoming aware would feel a sense of abandonment within themself. The path towards self realization is a lonely one, and it's not unreasonable to think that some would feel somewhat forsaken by the Order at times of emotional hardship.
Most would agree that this is simply part of the journey, and that if the Aset Ka were to be there nannying those trying to find their way home, it would lessen the whole point of what it is to find oneself.
However, I am sure that there are times during an Asetians life where things occur that cause such feelings of abandonment to rise within them. Ultimately, their strength to overcome those feelings is what makes them what they are.
As for the Aset Ka intentionally turning their backs on an individual, I like to think that the continuing success of the Order is down in part to how they structure themselves physically, emotionally and of course metaphysically. If an individual were to corrupt that or move against it in some way I dont think the Aset Ka would be all that forgiving.
One of their main strengths, is the bond which they forge between themselves on many levels. If through an act of disrespect or intentional disruption that bond/balance were put at risk, then the expulsion of that individual - in my eyes - would be essential.
Putting aside speculation on the Aset Ka's principles possible reasons for 'kicking' an individual out of the Order for a moment, I would like to comment on what Asetians may feel themselves.
I find it easy to believe, that a newborn Asetian, in the process of becoming aware would feel a sense of abandonment within themself. The path towards self realization is a lonely one, and it's not unreasonable to think that some would feel somewhat forsaken by the Order at times of emotional hardship.
Most would agree that this is simply part of the journey, and that if the Aset Ka were to be there nannying those trying to find their way home, it would lessen the whole point of what it is to find oneself.
However, I am sure that there are times during an Asetians life where things occur that cause such feelings of abandonment to rise within them. Ultimately, their strength to overcome those feelings is what makes them what they are.
As for the Aset Ka intentionally turning their backs on an individual, I like to think that the continuing success of the Order is down in part to how they structure themselves physically, emotionally and of course metaphysically. If an individual were to corrupt that or move against it in some way I dont think the Aset Ka would be all that forgiving.
One of their main strengths, is the bond which they forge between themselves on many levels. If through an act of disrespect or intentional disruption that bond/balance were put at risk, then the expulsion of that individual - in my eyes - would be essential.
Talibah- Insider
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Re: Abandoned By the Aset Ka
The Aset Ka is the most strict Order we will ever find in the Occult world. As Talibah said, that policy of strength and determination is key to their success. More than to their success, it is key to their safety. An unreliable or unbalanced individual may put at risk the whole structure, and that cannot be allowed to happen. That is why so many people accuse the Aset Ka of extreme elitism, to such levels that may be seen as heartless, cold and evil to many, but that exemplifies how did they reach so far, for so long and all alone. That is why only the best of the best remain close to the Asetian Family. No second chances. No second thoughts. No second places. Only one determined fist, governed by Love, Trust and Loyalty.
Victor- Adept
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Registration date : 2008-06-12
Re: Abandoned By the Aset Ka
Very well said Victor.
Daniel09- Expert
- Number of posts : 850
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Re: Abandoned By the Aset Ka
Talibah and Victor. Good, worthwhile concepts.
Phoenix- Insider
- Number of posts : 197
Location : Sonoran Desert, USA
Registration date : 2009-03-28
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