Michael W Ford

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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Ankhhape 07.07.09 5:55

Not to be a spoil sport or anything but . . . this is my thread on Michael W. Ford, could we please keep to the topic.

Empress, please open a new thread where you can do your Horoscope readings.

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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Maxx 07.07.09 7:08

BTW Ankhhape, everything I was commenting on was reflecting M. Ford or his group and how it connected to other groups. Although the introduction of improvement of the DNA several times in the past was a comment connecting to the statement by Empress and then the comment by Maktub about the mind 5000 years ago was vaguely connected as it affects us all. So if the connection is a stretch for some people, you can blame it all on me.

Even the comments on me was supposed to be a test to discover how accurate Empress was on her scan of M. Ford.
I don't see it as a horoscope reading as I do not know anything about that. Empress does not know my birth date or any details about that.

But sorry the direction of your post did not go the way you would prefer. Again, all my fault. Even others did not see the connection I was making to Ford and even everyone as we are all connected to it. When you deal with emotions, how can you break it into sections.


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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Talibah 07.07.09 7:35

True, the conversation has drifted from it's origins in places, but if you had not started it in the first place, Ankhhape, some of the excellent posts made thusfar would not have been made.
And considering Mr Fords work centers around ritual/ceremonial magick and chaos magick, I think the inclusion of an offshoot debate about delusion to be quite apt.

Perhaps you should ask more specific questions, and that way steer the conversation in the direction you originally hoped for Smile

Having said that, I think it would be fair to ask the question, is Mr Ford - and his counterparts - delusional?
Does he/they teach more than they know?
Has he/they truly managed to achieve complete seperation of the subconscious from the conscious in order to distinguish, without question, reality from delusion?

In order to achieve complete mastery of all types of Magick, one has to be able to identify a delusional mindset, and set it aside so that the concentration of Will is not over-shadowed by the white noise of mere imagination.
I agree with Maxx that a large percentage of mankind is not, and never will be capable of achieving what only a small minority can. But a good step forward is in recognising how much of a security blanket the delusional mind has become, and making moves to put it to rest.

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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Maxx 07.07.09 9:21

I might give you some of M. Fords words from his book of Luciferian Witchcraft....Authors Note.....

The book of the Serpent is a grimoire which presents, refines and explores a modern appoach to the Adversary and Magick. In most recent times we have seen the shadow aspects of man and woman being pushed to the side, denied and hidden away. So-called Witches ignore their roots and foundations, placing credit in unbalanced perceptions of a Light and Fluffy world of blantant inconsistencies and little if any magical practice or power. Let me first state the intentions of the grimoire as it is here presented. The aim of the witch or sorcerer is to build a foundation of balance that is by material and spiritual aims. Do not ignore either as one cannot trully develop properly if consistency is not shown. Discipline applied with the triad of Will-Desire-Belief is essential in creating individual systems of sorcery. As a Luciferian, I decided early on based on my developing work that I could adhere to no single system, as my dreams guided me elsewhere. As i began practicing Magick based on what I perceived and appreciated from Aleister Crowley, Anton Szandor LaVey and Austin Osman Spare as well as the grimoire tradititons, my own formulation of the Witches Sabbat as a living initiatory model could be founded. The Adversary of Satan speaks to us in dreams, it is made viable in our blood and our individual lives. The challenges of Luciferian Witchcraft are many; it is a path where the practitioner becomes like Cain who leaves an outsted or solitary life outside the natural order of the world around us. The witch becomes different from all others and holds pride in that fact. The path challenges, continually making the self stronger, better and a little more knowledgable - Magickal power comes firstly within and through the actual application of practice.
This book is meant as an introduction and complete grimoire into the Left hand path of Witchcraft, the gnosis of the fallen angels and the very powers of both darkness and light. Please take care, when you first step within and cast the circle of Cain, be prepared to change, willing to dive the depths of your own created hell and form the world according to your will.
There are no words which I may write here to describe what will come of your journey through Luciferian Witchcraft, only that you shall awaken something which you may or may not be prepared to deal with. I take no responsibility for the misuse of this grimoire; I treat it a s a living Daemon Cunning Craft, to Persian Yatuvidah and Ahrimanic Magick, to Sethanic Adversarial rites-- the path grows and expands through darkness as a torch first seen in the dead of night.

So there you have his words. He indicates that his type of magick is of the magick of Seth or Set. He throughly believes in what he is doing and certainly is no slouch in what he brings to the forefront.

"This is not a path of prayer and supplication, but recognition of the sorcerer's own inherant powers. The forces of Darkness are called upon as a means of self-expression, self-empowerment, and self-deification. This is something common to many paths of genuine magick and sorcery, from the possession cults of Voodoo to the "god forms" of the Golden Dawn. The various Archetypes, or Mysteries, are called into focus through ritual."

I hope this will give you, Talibah, and those who know nothing of what we have been talking about, a little more info as to what Mr. Ford will advocate.

There is no comparison between this man and M. Bellinger. Both write books. All books are written to make a profit. But there is no comparison
as to the result and efforts taken to complete those books. M. Fords main person he was taken with, as I understand it, was Austin Osman Spare who has extensive writings out there you might want to look at.


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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Ankhhape 07.07.09 11:06

Maxx: I have almost all of Ford's works, thanks.
I was really just asking opinions about him from the members here.

I did start a thread on Luciferianism, perhaps you would like to add (or subtract?) to the commentary on that thread?


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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Maxx 07.07.09 12:31

My Dear Ank........

I assumed you had the works, but from the posts here, not that many were aware of him or his works. As an open forum I would want others to have some sort of knowledge about who we would be discussing.


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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Ankhhape 07.07.09 13:03

My mistake . . . after all I am only human!

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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Jonathan 07.07.09 13:12

Maxx, would it be possible for some direct comments from you addressing empress2k analysis of your photographs and background? Your own comments and judgment on this, since you are the only one truly entitled to judge the comments made upon yourself, would be valuable to help others, such as myself, making their own views of empress2k's analysis on Michael Ford and the possible accuracy of those views.

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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by empress2k 07.07.09 13:56

Ankhhape wrote:Not to be a spoil sport or anything but . . . this is my thread on Michael W. Ford, could we please keep to the topic.

Empress, please open a new thread where you can do your Horoscope readings.

Per your request I have moved the reading discussion to another topic. Please follow this link if interested:


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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Ankhhape 07.07.09 19:24

Thank you empress, and I read Maxx's commentary, it was a very good reading it appears.

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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by RudraShiva 30.08.09 5:52

I like Michael Ford. I´m not very much into his system anymore, however I like how he understands the Western Left Hand Path. Also he is quite intelligent, and his "philosophy of life" is great, in my opinion. I don´t think he is dogmatic, which is a characteristic that I really value. He puts Life above everything else. And this is just fantastic. Just because of this he has my respect.

Now when it comes to his works, well...

I don´t have his whole work, just Adamu: "Luciferian Tantra", "The Vampire Gate the Vampire Magician", "Liber HVHI", "The Book of the Witchmoon", "Satanic Magick" and quite a few manuscrips from where his Luciferian Witchcraft was created. About these books I can say that Adamu and the Vampire Gate are books that I personally don´t understand. The first one is, in my opinion, a very poor and "modern" perspective on Tantra and the Vama Marga tradition. "Luciferianism meets Tantric divine forms" whould be a good way to put it. From my own understanding on Tantra, this works is just very superficial and doesn´t say anything deep nor interesting. Also, I don´t like mixing a Luciferian ideology and system with Tantra since there is, in my opinion, a fundamental difference between the two paths.

It just doesn´t work for me.

The Vampire Gate is another very bad book. Very superficial and I didn´t find anything significant in it. Sometimes I have the impression that nowadays he is without new ideas and that his modern work is just the same material of always with a different name. Maybe his new book on Paganism is different however (seems quite interesting)

Liber HVHI is ok. The problem I have with Ford is that I usually have a very hard time trying to understand what he means. I don´t like his style when it comes to writing. Too poetical sometimes. And poetry is a bad way to define a concept in my opinion. However is a very interesting book when it comes to persian black magic and satanic ideology.

Also I found his ideas on vampirism quite interesting and I like his system of so called "predatory spirituality" (I don´t know however if Michael was the "creator" of this system of spirituality, however it is something that I have never seen in any other tradition)

His old material, however, is very good. As you say he does very good researches when it comes to mythology. He has been accussed of plagiarising the work of Andrew Chumbley and he gave a very good response to this accusation in which he explaned where his ideas regarding Sabbatic Withcraft comes from.

I don´t agree, however, on what empress2k said about him. I strongly disagree on the following:

empress2k wrote:He is more mental then spiritual, meaning most of his awareness has been developed through extrernal source and books. He is not an otherwordly dweller... meaning he does not have easy access to other realms

What do you mean by this? I have read about his experiences regarding the astral plane, the Sabbath, Daath and the Abyss and Qlippotic realms and from that I can tell you that he has experienced what he preaches.

Ford has been into the occult scene quite a long time. He was a member of The Order of Nine Angles in the early 90´s if I ´m not wrong. He even founded a sinister temple in America. His first order, The Black Order of the Dragon, has been doing "vampiric works" for more that 10 years and his vampiric teachings are mainly based on European archetypes. As I still don´t have any proof about "Vampirism" being some kind of religion and a specific spiritual path coming from Old Egypt, mainly because I am new on this subject, I regard the works of Michael Ford on this field as authentic and valid. Vampirism from this perspective and approach has been quite popular in the sinister (that is, a la Order of Nine Angles) tradition. The Black Order of the Dragon used to have a very closed relantionship with another temple (the Temple of Azathoth or something like that) and I am pretty sure that a lot of their members founded the now famous and highly vampiric Tempel ov Blood. As far as I know, this approach to vampirism has nothing to do with Egypt or Egyptian magic and gods.

A different way to understand vampirism, perhaps?

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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by ElizabethBathory 12.12.09 12:45

Damn, a whole thread rippin Michael Ford, and even a psychic reading about how spiritually unaware he is!

I agree with the fact that he has some issues, but I don't need any kind of extraordinary psychic abilities to see that. He is so calm and collected, but when he starts talking about destroying people with magic, he totally loses it! Michael W Ford - Page 3 Icon_eek And it's not like a one-time thing, it's in every video I've seen of him.

Anyway, I think the "reading" of him being spiritually unaware is very superficial. That's just his style. I've never read his books, but I've scanned through one at one point just to see what the big deal is with this infamous Michael W. Ford; At 1st glance, I was like, "This is it??????????? How could you publish this and call it a book? It looks like notes I take in class."

It was only much later that I understood that that's just him. I came across his music, and it's the same way story. You start off thinking: This is really it? This guy sucks, how could this even be a song? Then all of a sudden you realize it's the most magical thing you've ever heard. I actually think it's rather impressive that he can do that.

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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by hattusuas 02.04.14 14:27

He has created some very nice instrumental music as well. I have had amazing lucid dreams and visions while listening.

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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Maxx 02.04.14 20:23

"Ford has been into the occult scene quite a long time. He was a member of The Order of Nine Angles in the early 90´s if I ´m not wrong."

Ahhhhhhhh.  This explains the connection between Ford and Koetting and why E. A.  is pushing some of his work.  I did not understand this as Koetting writes in a much easier method to understand than does Ford in his scatter shot method.

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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Mike W 12.05.16 11:41

Know this is an old thread, but I recently started reading his stuff (Found Book of the Witch moon and The Bible of The Adversary on the internet, and am reading The Order of Phosphorus Nahemoth & the Black Earth as of an hour ago) and found it to strike a cord with me.

I wasn't raised with a strict religious background, but my grandfather was a deacon and church was a standard for most of my childhood, so I do tend to get stuck in old thought patterns.

I forget what video, I'll have to go through his youtube channel again, but Ford mentions something along the lines of there is a lot deprogramming if you were raised in a dogmatic faith, and the sudden solution to deprogram myself from said thought patterns was presented (I wanted to be a marine as a kid, the idea of breaking you down and building you back up into a stronger version sounded appealing to me; this was the same thought process). I don't agree with his idea of there are no gods or spirits of your choosing (too many names for an already rambling post), its all mindless energy waiting around to be shaped by you, don't get me wrong I do believe that, but I also believe in spiritual intelligences other than human, hence why I'm so fascinated with the Aset Ka.
Mike W
Mike W

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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

Post by Mike W 12.05.16 11:51

My original question of "What the general opinion of him now?" was forgotten, sorry 'bout that.

I only ask because I want to keep my view objective, and not fall into any idolizing.
Mike W
Mike W

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Michael W Ford - Page 3 Empty Re: Michael W Ford

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