I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it.

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I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it. Empty I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it.

Post by pagangod 14.07.09 12:15

Hi , I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it.
What are the next steps i must do after reading it?
Is there any official site of AsetKa Order , to join as a member?

Thank you very much.


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I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it. Empty Re: I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it.

Post by Daniel09 14.07.09 12:20

There is the website www.asetka.org

It is the only official Aset Ka website that has official information from the order itself. It does not have a registration availability. After you read the Asetian Bible, you simply study and interpret, hopefully in the right way. There is no way to join the Aset Ka through the internet, at least not publicly. They are in the shadows, and though they have turned on a light-bright which illuminates a small portion of their secrets, they are still highly selective and secretive about their methods of selection.

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I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it. Empty Re: I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it.

Post by pagangod 14.07.09 12:29

Ok. So i study the book and hopefully i would have the possibility to join ?


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I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it. Empty Re: I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it.

Post by Daniel09 14.07.09 12:32

It's considered unlikely, and studying the book is not a key or even required, but technically anyone has the possibility to join, except only people who have already joined know how, and they will not tell because there's no reason to tell.

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I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it. Empty Re: I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it.

Post by Jonathan 14.07.09 13:05

pagangod, remember that the Aset Ka is not like most groups out there, where anyone can freely join. They are one of the most secretive and elitist orders in the occult world. People only join by invitation. The Asetians move through circles that most people have no access to...

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I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it. Empty Re: I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it.

Post by Ankhhape 14.07.09 13:06


Why do you want to join the Aset Ka?
I remember you stating that you are interested in LHP groups?

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I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it. Empty Re: I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it.

Post by Jonathan 14.07.09 13:07

The Aset Ka is a LHP order.

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I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it. Empty Re: I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it.

Post by Aghrab 14.07.09 14:39

You cannot join the Aset Ka the way you think, although the others already covered this quite well.

Meanwhile, I believe you should read the following page, since it appears that you have not. http://asetka.org/remark.html
Also, it is quite useful to read about the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses that have a connection to the Asetian religion and path.


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I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it. Empty Re: I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it.

Post by pagangod 14.07.09 15:03

Ankhhape wrote:GreekPaganGod,

Why do you want to join the Aset Ka?
I remember you stating that you are interested in LHP groups?

I believe that AsetKa order is actually an LHP group. anyway
i was really kidding in some things on irc .
I would like to join an order that has to do about vampirism,personal development, paganism,magic.

I wait to receive the A.B, i know it's secret order and icant find anything official online, anyway i just wanted some help to learn something more and have a clue of what should be the next step after studying the AB.


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I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it. Empty Re: I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it.

Post by Ankhhape 14.07.09 17:59

The Aset Ka embrace both Paths, an equal balance of yin yang

After you read the book you should study all the subjects mentioned in it that speak to you.

Meanwhile, being polite and attentive along with intelligent conversation might get you a hair closer to the AK.

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I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it. Empty Re: I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it.

Post by Dreamer 16.07.09 0:20

This forum is by far the ultimate best source of information for anyone who does not have the Asetian Bible and wishes to learn more about it and about Asetianism. Simply by joining the conversations being held in each thread, one can get a lot of information out of it, although as everyone mentioned already, nothing can be as informative as the AB itself.

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I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it. Empty Re: I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it.

Post by pagangod 16.07.09 6:45

Dreamer wrote:This forum is by far the ultimate best source of information for anyone who does not have the Asetian Bible and wishes to learn more about it and about Asetianism. Simply by joining the conversations being held in each thread, one can get a lot of information out of it, although as everyone mentioned already, nothing can be as informative as the AB itself.

I hope i get the point when i will receive the book and also hope that will have information inside it not like some other temple's bibles that has almost nothing inside and remind only a pamphlet.
Thank you for your help .


Number of posts : 22
Location : greece
Registration date : 2009-07-10

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I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it. Empty Re: I have ordered the Asetka Bible and wait until i will receive it.

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