The Soul and its Attributes

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The Soul and its Attributes Empty The Soul and its Attributes

Post by Ankhhape 18.06.08 19:36

Can someone explain to me the difference between a human soul, a vampiric soul and an Asetian soul?
What is their relation or non-relation to the Divine?
What has taken place to make a human soul a vampiric soul?
I understand the Aset Ka's Dark Kiss and that this information is not accessible to the public.
What is the definition of a vampiric soul?
Sorry for all the questions.

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The Soul and its Attributes Empty Re: The Soul and its Attributes

Post by Victor 20.06.08 11:32

On my view all living beings are connected to the Divine. There is no life without connection to divinity.

The difference is that while Asetians are part of the divine, being made out of their own energies, a human soul is created out of the universal flow of chaos. But still, humans are created by Divinity as well, the difference is that they are created out of different energies or essences.

Also, I believe that the structure, vibration/frequency and anatomy between an Asetian and a human may exhibit several differences.

As for how a human soul can become vampiric, I believe you have 2 ways:

1. Your soul being dead and reborn as an Asetian. That is done through the Dark Kiss and we don't know specific details about it.

2. Spiritual and metaphysical mutation can change a human soul into a vampirizing one, by the malfunction of a chakra. This is always a consequence of a problem or alteration, most commonly a mutation in some part or system of the soul. These types of vampiric beings, although showing some vampiric traits, can still be considered humans to my understanding. Those also represent like 90% of the "vampire" you can find.

If you research more about vampirism, most vampires on the subculture believe to be human. That is because they are. Their vampirism comes from mutations and alterations that happened metaphysically to their energy systems. Asetians are one of the very few lineages that actually are not really human in nature. This is because of their souls being directly tied to the Divine by Aset, as part of its energies, not just as a creation.

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The Soul and its Attributes Empty Re: The Soul and its Attributes

Post by Rafaelo 12.07.08 5:01

A'nen Sedjet wrote:Can someone explain to me the difference between a human soul, a vampiric soul and an Asetian soul?
What is their relation or non-relation to the Divine?
What has taken place to make a human soul a vampiric soul?
I understand the Aset Ka's Dark Kiss and that this information is not accessible to the public.
What is the definition of a vampiric soul?
Sorry for all the questions.

omg , why do you piss me off like that !
you call yourself 'asetianist' , compose asetian music (!!!???) but have no clue , i mean really NO clue about it
why are you so desperate ?


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The Soul and its Attributes Empty Re: The Soul and its Attributes

Post by Jonathan 12.07.08 10:45

omg , why do you piss me off like that !
you call yourself 'asetianist' , compose asetian music (!!!???) but have no clue , i mean really NO clue about it
why are you so desperate ?

Even though the contents of what you said may have some sense, I believe you should have exposed the situation in another manner. In here we all get along well and respect each other. If you came here just to acuse someone, this is not the place for that. We all try to learn and evolve together, by helping each other with the knowledge each one has. So if you want to be taken serious in here you should expose your concerns in another more respectful way...

Just my 2 cents.


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The Soul and its Attributes Empty Re: The Soul and its Attributes

Post by Helliana 12.07.08 11:01

Rafaelo wrote:
A'nen Sedjet wrote:Can someone explain to me the difference between a human soul, a vampiric soul and an Asetian soul?
What is their relation or non-relation to the Divine?
What has taken place to make a human soul a vampiric soul?
I understand the Aset Ka's Dark Kiss and that this information is not accessible to the public.
What is the definition of a vampiric soul?
Sorry for all the questions.

omg , why do you piss me off like that !
you call yourself 'asetianist' , compose asetian music (!!!???) but have no clue , i mean really NO clue about it
why are you so desperate ?

Hello Rafaelo, I agree with Jonathan. Yes A'nen Sedjet is not too informed on Asetiamism, but he is learning and he is learning well. We all have the right to ask whatever questions on here in case we are not sure about things, and to me asking questions is a great way to learn and to be sure your information is correct rather than not ask at all and have false information.

So, I advise you to take care while here and if you continue to be disrespectful to other forum members then I would suggest you leave for this is not the place to act with disrespect and like children.

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The Soul and its Attributes Empty Re: The Soul and its Attributes

Post by Laura 12.07.08 11:09

I do not want to target this specifically to Rafaelo, but leave it as a reminder to all. We are all here to learn. The fact that one of us decides to embrace the Asetian tradition and call oneself Asetianist does not imply that that person has to have the absolute compleate knowledge about the Asetians. Being an Asetianist does not imply having all of the answer, but looking for them. It is the choice one makes to evolve, to learn, to question everything we know in search for the truth.
Actually I am glad A'nen Sedjet posted this question for he shows he is not afraid of accepting he is not full of knowledge and can ask for help when ever he has a question. If we begin attacking each other everytime we post a question, how are we going to learn? Are we going to feel this is a safe place to post our doubts?
Rafaelo I would recomend that instead of attacking the question you try to answer them. Actually I think they are very interesting and good questions. I´m looking forward to your answer.

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The Soul and its Attributes Empty Getting started the wrong way

Post by Maxx 12.07.08 16:04

Rafaeo, your words of

"omg , why do you piss me off like that !
you call yourself 'asetianist' , compose asetian music (!!!???) but have no clue , i mean really NO clue about it
why are you so desperate ?"

show you to be rather lacking in social skills as well as manners. This is a childish display of a pecking order offering nothing at all

Trying to belittle someone or their words to elevate themselves is a childish tactic that seems to show one crying out for help.

To criticize anothers words without being helpful or constuctive show us that you are far from wanting to add here and grow. You will accomplish neither here with a display such as the above.

If you would care to read the entire board before posting it would show us to be a community that does not strive on such as you display and that you want to join in and be a part of it and try again with a new start.

If you care to approach the subject again in a different manner, we will listen to what you have to say. Otherwise, your tactics are not for this board in any manner. An apology is to the member is certainly in order.



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The Soul and its Attributes Empty Re: The Soul and its Attributes

Post by Ankhhape 27.04.09 11:27

What a shame that this thread was brought to a dead stop!
Where as I have my views on this topic and quite understanding of the Asetian view as well, I was asking other members what they're understanding was?

As some of you know, I am a big fan of comparative analysis, I need to understand the many theories of a subject in the hopes to find some unifying theory from all of them.

As I stated, I am aware of the Asetian view as well as the Judaic Qliphoth, Theosophy and Luciferian views on the vampire soul.

I would still like to hear others views, arguments and of course even more from Victor, of whom I enjoy discussing anything with.


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The Soul and its Attributes Empty Re: The Soul and its Attributes

Post by Ankhhape 27.04.09 11:54

I would also like to note that I am still learning and I am far from knowing even a tiny bit of what the Asetians know.

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The Soul and its Attributes Empty Re: The Soul and its Attributes

Post by Talibah 27.04.09 13:20

Actually, I'd like to agree. I've recently begun to study the Qliphoth, and I find their views on the vampiric soul to be...interesting. But would welcome more informed opinions to any correlations between that, and other views of vampiric souls.

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The Soul and its Attributes Empty Re: The Soul and its Attributes

Post by Syrianeh 27.04.09 13:53

I too find this a very interesting post, and it was quite clear that Ankhhape was looking for contrasting opinions, not for straight answers.

Childlish types should rethink their tantrums before they expose themselves. Smile

In any case, I just wanted to mention that there is also an important difference between human and vampiric souls. That is, not just their origins and nature but also their eventual direction. Does the human soul return to the primordial source, and does the vampiric hold on to its identity in such a way that it can be truly considered inmortal?

The Egyptians believed in ba and ka; that is, the spirit or essence of the self and the life energy. Both departed the physical body at death, but in order for the ba to go to further lives on it needed to remain, somehow, attached to the ka.

I would also like to know how other vampiric approaches to metaphysics (i. e. Qliphoth) address this.

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The Soul and its Attributes Empty Re: The Soul and its Attributes

Post by Syrianeh 27.04.09 13:55

Let me correct myself:

Syrianeh wrote:Both departed the physical body at death, but in order for the ba to go to further lives on it needed to remain, somehow, attached to the ka.

I meant to say, "in order for the ba to go ON to live further lives it needed to remain, somehow, attached to the ka".

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The Soul and its Attributes Empty Re: The Soul and its Attributes

Post by Curious One 15.03.15 15:10

These questions are some of same questions I have. Too bad the discussion was cut short. Wall
Curious One
Curious One

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The Soul and its Attributes Empty Re: The Soul and its Attributes

Post by Stapleraindrop 15.03.15 15:33

May the Ba be with your Ka... That makes a whole lot of sense now.

The cultural differences in the vampire lore are real interesting, and, I believe are a reflection of that culture's relationship with subtle reality.

The Native Americans have several different myths of creatures vampiric in nature, most of which are pretty cool. They involve either murder or black magic, and bring up a mental image of the path of Cain. Of note, the Aboriginal lore does not commonly reference vampires as being dead, unlike some of the European myths. I'll post two quotes here from a website (The windigo myth varies highly by location, and the shaman I have spoken with described it differently than this site.)

Windigo: Windigos are cannibal ice giants of the Chippewa and other northern Algonquian Indian tribes. (They are also known as Chenoo in the Micmac language, Giwakwa in the Abenaki language, and a few other names in other tribes.) In most versions of the legend, Windigos were once humans who had committed cannibalism or some other terrible sin, causing their hearts to turn to ice. In other legends, people are turned into Windigos by evil wizards. Either way, the monsters are then doomed to wander the wilderness devouring every human they meet until they are killed. A few legends do have happier endings where the Windigo is able to be transformed back into a human.

Skin-Walker: Skin-walkers are fearsome shapeshifting monsters of Navajo legend. They are created when humans use forbidden evil magic and/or commit terrible crimes such as killing their own parents. Perhaps they resemble European legends of werewolves somewhat more than vampires, since skinwalkers are best known for assuming the form of animals at night to prey upon humans, then returning to human form during the daylight hours. But they also have some behaviors reminiscent of vampires, chiefly an avoidance of sunlight, immunity to normal weapons, mind-reading ability, and the ability to hypnotize and exert control over people who look them in the eyes

If anyone has links to some alternate cultural lore, that would be awesome. In particular, a while back, Victor mentioned some Asian vampires as martial-artists. Granted, I have a feeling that particular thought may have been more accurate than simple myth...

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