Components of the Soul

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Components of the Soul Empty Components of the Soul

Post by Widdershins 23.02.15 1:56

Components of the Soul according to ancient Egypt

Akh or Akhu Immortal spiritual being
Sahu Immortal spiritual body
Sekhem Immortal spiritual life force
Rn Secret name/energy formula
Ab or Ib Heart/inner essence
Ba Immortal soul
Ka Mortal soul
Khaibit Vitality/shadow
Khat or Kha The physical body

During feeding which of these is most drained in the "victim"?

More specifically, during a psychic feeding if the victim is in a hypnotic trance, which part of the soul is bound, programmed and drained? Most people in modern times say it is the "subconscious", but which component of the soul is that exactly?

Number of posts : 44
Location : Great Lakes
Registration date : 2015-02-22

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Components of the Soul Empty Re: Components of the Soul

Post by Jonathan 23.02.15 4:05

Keep in mind that those are all concepts and some are tied together, a few possibly even misinterpreted by modern Egyptology. For example the Ka is definitely not the mortal soul and that's clear in the old texts. You see it represented in hieroglyphs by two hands rising above.

The most important elements of the soul are the Ba and the Ka, where the Ba is the essence of the soul or immortal soul if you prefer and the Ka is the vital energy cycling inside it. When a vampire is draining the Ka is what he is drawing in, never the Ba.

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Components of the Soul Empty Re: Components of the Soul

Post by Stapleraindrop 23.02.15 10:50

Whoever is feeding will choose what area is drained. Granted, they may not have the 'strength' to access certain areas, like inside of a Shin center. Also there is not necessarily any binding involved in a feed.

About the secret name... Its relation to a Neteru known as Renenutet is downright fascinating.

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Components of the Soul Empty Re: Components of the Soul

Post by Widdershins 26.02.15 23:33

Would you say the Ka is more connected to the first chakra or second chakra?

Can the subconscious fit within the context of ancient Egyptian terminology for the soul?

When someone watches hypnosis or asmr videos online and a part of your soul is fascinated and is lured away (or wanders away)....never coming back to the original person. Then that person seeks out a shaman type person to do a soul retrieval. What part of the person's soul is retrieved by the shaman?

Number of posts : 44
Location : Great Lakes
Registration date : 2015-02-22

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Components of the Soul Empty Re: Components of the Soul

Post by Troublemaker 27.02.15 15:24

I don't know the direct answers to your questions but the above link might be helpful in understanding the nature of hypnotism and psychic attack that may lead to such situations. The e-book is the work of Dion Fortune.

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Components of the Soul Empty Re: Components of the Soul

Post by Widdershins 27.02.15 21:12

Rhea Kaye, thank you.

That's a book I've been meaning to read.

Number of posts : 44
Location : Great Lakes
Registration date : 2015-02-22

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Components of the Soul Empty Re: Components of the Soul

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