question about guardian's rage

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question about guardian's rage Empty question about guardian's rage

Post by godofbattle 14.08.09 12:17

Hi, I was woundering if anyone can relate to what I am about to say. One time I had gotten really angery and something wierd happend. my energy had become explosive and everyone could feel it. My face turned pale and i am not a naturlly pale person at all. My eyes turned to a scary blackish-blue color and it was like I was sharing part of my mind with myself and some thing else. Has this happened to anyone.

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by Aghrab 14.08.09 13:58

What part of your post has anything to do with the Guardian Lineage, if I may ask?


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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by Vertigo 14.08.09 14:21

Aghrab wrote:What part of your post has anything to do with the Guardian Lineage, if I may ask?


He asked if this was something Guardians can do.
I have my moments were I can feel my rage peak, but I always control myself.

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by Aghrab 14.08.09 14:25

Laiko Su Katara wrote:He asked if this was something Guardians can do.
He asked if “anyone” ever felt that... nothing about the Guardians was mentioned in his post.


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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by Vertigo 14.08.09 14:40

Aghrab wrote:
He asked if “anyone” ever felt that... nothing about the Guardians was mentioned in his post.


Oh, your right.
Sorry, thought I read that he asked if it was some ability of the Guardians.

Well, I can relate to it since that is an ability I and many others have.

What I think about is an ability a friend of mine do metaphysical research on.
He believe that this is related to Lycantrophy.

Think that you can peak your rage, get all the benefits from the adrenaline rush but still control it at much greater level than normal.

You do not break stuff, you do not spit out profanity like a gat-gun or do the classical rage related mistakes.

You just raise the energy, feel indestructible and very capable.

At least I believe that is what he felt.

Could you describe the feeling better?

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by Jonathan 14.08.09 15:42

The usage of rage and anger towards metaphysical channeling by energy raising is what the Asetians call the Dark Flame, and it is discussed in the Asetian Bible. That concept, although Asetian in its roots, is well known and explored in metaphysics in many sects of the occult underground.

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by Vertigo 14.08.09 15:47

Jonathan wrote:The usage of rage and anger towards metaphysical channeling by energy raising is what the Asetians call the Dark Flame, and it is discussed in the Asetian Bible. That concept, although Asetian in its roots, is well known and explored in metaphysics in many sects of the occult underground.

Now when you mention it I kinda remember reading about it...

It should be differed from normal rage since this kind is under control.
Everyone can rage and run headless into combat, but be able to control it is an whole different matter...

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by Am I real 03.10.10 6:34

It is fun to get enraged in a battle and taunt your opponent but laugh your self into control and feed of there anger and encourage their rage but gain and laugh yours into control its very fun to watch them go out of control whilst you remain aware of what you do :p

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by Talibah 25.04.11 4:35

Despite the lack of any particular order in this post, I quite like the subject matter and was kind of hoping to ressurect it somewhat. I think there is the possibility of some interesting discussion arising from it. I hope others agree.

Rage/anger is something every one of us has to deal with. Obviously, how we manage it is always going to be individual and important for our growth and understanding of the Self.
I also believe dealing with anger/rage is part of our spiritual journey. In order to attain some kind of inner peace (if there is such a thing) one has to be able to recognise and manage inner discord. (further thoughts on this welcome).
It is known that those of the Guardian Lineage can be intolerant towards those who dither, procrastinate and simply waste what precious time we have been given (perhaps this is what the OP was trying to refer to)whether this can be described as rage I'm not sure about. Guardians are highly evolved beings and I would think that becoming embroiled in useless acts of rage simply through frustration is somewhat behind them. But it would interest me to hear others thoughts on this.

Anyway, going back to anger being a manifestation of energy, what are your thoughts on this?
Can we use anger as a positive?
Can we employ the energy we waste through acts of rage and discord towards more positive means, and if so, what are these?

Some of these questions may seem obvious to some, as too will their answers, but I am thinking more for those who may not have thought of these things yet.

Em Hotep.

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by Daniel09 25.04.11 5:43

I would think that Guardians would be the rarer of Lineages to become filled with rage, though I wouldn't want to be in the room when they do.

But yeah, the idea of physiological processes being affected energetically by your emotional state is a manifestation of the Dark Flame, simply meaning that a person is expending ridiculous amounts of energy in order to gain a higher strength/focus/agility. It can never last long, though its effects could no doubt be felt for some time like an echo of an explosion.

Just a side note, for they who appear to be seeking validation of being Asetian. If you are Asetian, then it is a natural, undeniable part of you. It is less found/reasoned, and more of a knowledge that comes to be self-evident. No one on this forum will be able to help you figure it out, and it is actually advisable to not use this forum (or anyone for that matter) if you are seeking validation. The search for validation shows insecurity in yourself and means that you are "trying out" your belief in being Asetian.

And remember that no Asetians connected with the Aset Ka are posting here. It is strictly against their customs, as Asetians are meant to be strong enough to return to the family by their own Will. (In my opinion)

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by Jonathan 25.04.11 14:23

Daniel09 wrote:I would think that Guardians would be the rarer of Lineages to become filled with rage, though I wouldn't want to be in the room when they do.

But yeah, the idea of physiological processes being affected energetically by your emotional state is a manifestation of the Dark Flame, simply meaning that a person is expending ridiculous amounts of energy in order to gain a higher strength/focus/agility. It can never last long, though its effects could no doubt be felt for some time like an echo of an explosion.

Just a side note, for they who appear to be seeking validation of being Asetian. If you are Asetian, then it is a natural, undeniable part of you. It is less found/reasoned, and more of a knowledge that comes to be self-evident. No one on this forum will be able to help you figure it out, and it is actually advisable to not use this forum (or anyone for that matter) if you are seeking validation. The search for validation shows insecurity in yourself and means that you are "trying out" your belief in being Asetian.

And remember that no Asetians connected with the Aset Ka are posting here. It is strictly against their customs, as Asetians are meant to be strong enough to return to the family by their own Will. (In my opinion)
Very good post, Daniel. I agree with what you have said.

I do believe that rage and anger can be used metaphysically for your own good, although that is something that it would take a decent level of evolution to accomplish. I would not know how Guardians make use of their devastating Dark Flame. They are so secretive and silent that even though one of the most interesting Lineages, they are also one that we know so little about, adding to their mystery.
I would make the assumption that their use of the Dark Flame (and energy in general) has very powerful uses in war, making them such renown warriors. Their shields are legendary, but that often makes us forget that they are very effective in offensive magick as well, otherwise they wouldn't had such a vital role in the field of battle during the Epic Wars.

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by godofbattle 26.04.11 14:30

When it comes to the stupid things humans anger over I do not see a guardian followiing suit. I see them as being mostly calm beings until something really bad and yes the energy in that room in which they raged would be quite intense. In fact I think they would probably advise you to run If you saw them angery.

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by Divine 277 26.04.11 14:54

reminding me about a legend about Sekhmet and about how she became other goddesses over time, In writings , lore , legends and myths that is ...
Divine 277
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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by N.Augusta 28.04.11 18:03

Yes, we can use anger in a positive way.
Anger is great, IF you are intelligent, mature, have self control, and can use it in a positive and constructive way.

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by Talibah 29.04.11 1:03

Yes, we can use anger in a positive way.
Anger is great, IF you are intelligent, mature, have self control, and can use it in a positive and constructive way.

Heck, that's me out then Razz

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by Syrianeh 01.05.11 6:52

I agree completely. Anger should be used as a fuel to empower more constructive action. If you can learn to halt yourself just before the lid blows off and combine the energy of anger with an intelligent course of action, it is pure Alchemy. Smile

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by Nebibi 08.06.11 19:16

I agree with what almost everyone has said here. To turn such a 'negative' emotion and use it to fuel something positive is very wise and challenging, since it takes such mastery of the Self.
I agree with Jonathan that this transformation of energy may be used during battle by the Asetians, and it can be a very useful tactic. Although the AB does not speak of this, although it only mentions what may cause the Dark Flame it does not speak of its uses, I believe one of its uses may be offensive.

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by PrincessStar 14.07.17 21:57

I can relate. Not with anger, but something similar happened to me once or twice when I became completely detached and apathetic. People nearby felt a coldness within the space and I've seen my eyes change from their usual grey-green to a light blue, to even gold on one occasion.

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by A.Nightside 15.07.17 18:13

PrincessStar wrote:I can relate. Not with anger, but something similar happened to me once or twice when I became completely detached and apathetic. People nearby felt a coldness within the space and I've seen my eyes change from their usual grey-green to a light blue, to even gold on one occasion.

Dissociation happens, some involuntarily. It can be a reaction to trauma, or any sort of conflict really.

As far as the original subject, someone in this thread mentioned an anger, in which you experience clarity, that while enraged (not their words) you don't make the same "mistakes" that the average person might.

I can't say much about myself, but I definitely think this describes my recent ex. From his stories, he was capable of much brutality with little effort. That, in his rage, his actions, as he described them, were almost mechanical, his thoughts clear and one-track on his enermy and he was pretty merciless. He tossed grown men around like rag dolls, and proportionately, he's not a very large guy himself.

The only way I can relate, is in a description my mother gave me about a time when I was 3. My grandmother had come into our house, treated my mother with disrespect and yelled at us (three kids). My mother said she took a look at me and my normally dark brown eyes looked black and she saw the "flames" in my eyes. She said that she, at that moment, vowed to teach me to control my rage because she'd be afraid of my capabilities.

I can say, I"m not an angry person, and I generally don't handle anger well. I am afraid of myself, and for those around me, but I largely keep it under control just enough to get things done or bite it down and focus logically on the problem to satiate the rage. My physical body is wrought with aches and pains. People are often surprised by my capabilities, I don't think I'm really all that miraculous, but I suffer for expending my energy if not doing so wisely.

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question about guardian's rage Empty Re: question about guardian's rage

Post by Charby 17.12.17 20:42

With regard to rage, incredible clarity and purpose has always been the way with me. I rarely loose my temper but, anyone who knows me will tell you, that if you anger me, run and if you cannot escape me entirely, obey me without question.

I have rarely unleashed my rage on others, As loving and as fond of all things good and beautiful as we are, we are also predators, predators of man and, in a rage, we can unintentionally allow that part of our nature to become very obvious.

What drives any predator to be the cold, calculating killer, be that the lion or the wolf, or the vampire? Adrenaline, born of the excitement of the hunt or of unbridled rage, either way, it is that extreme surge in adrenaline that looses the most base part of our true self and, allows it to become evident in the physical body.

In that state, a predator does not make mistakes, they are calculating, cunning, swift and, sure of every action. They must be if they are to make the kill which they depend on for survival. We too have the potential to be the same exacting predators, only our self control and compassion for other living beings so similar to ourselves keeps that in check. We have a conscience that four legged predators lack.

Yes, it can be enough to frighten even ourselves, and the first time, it is a hard realization to know what you are capable of and, have to hope you never exact your full rage on anyone. In all things and, all beings there is balance, or should be and, you cannot truly be and know yourself without knowing the most base, the darkest parts of the being of light that you are. We have to accept that along with all of the light, the amazing potential that is the self because that too is a part of the self, the being we must come to know intimately and love with a passion like no other.

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