The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Sybil Mason
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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Kalb 16.10.13 12:18

I can agree with lucienvonwolfe.

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Jonathan 26.10.13 11:00

Kalb wrote:I can agree with lucienvonwolfe.
A few months later you find yourself in agreement. Razz

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Kalb 26.10.13 11:15


I had the opportunity to see some people fall on their ego. My answer is not in accordance with the pretty words you say, but having spent some time thinking in your words and in others our friends. The proof is the time. We look back and we can analyze.

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Jonathan 26.10.13 11:25

I don't share words because they're pretty...

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Kalb 26.10.13 12:44

I know.

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Ravenz 29.08.16 1:51

Victor,.. I as well. Like your post. I understand what you're saying. I know of some Paranormal & Supernatural Investigators whom created a post stating that Vampires don't have any powers of witchcraft.

I did ask them about Vampeeles? They said they don't believe so. I think Vampires do harness many powers of such a degree. They could heal this Earth if they tapped into Gaia Power. That's a long story!

Yeah'.. When I see people coming forth into the spot light.. Claiming to be real Vampires. I think they can't be .. They'd be betraying their community! I thought I hope not. I don't see Vampires as anything less than great beings. They support so many good things in this world and community. We all need Vampires in this world to help with knowledge of past events.. So intellectual. Great teaches and masters'.. or Jacks of all trades. Yes I have a deep respect for them. I hope All Vampires know how important they are. Yes I know they don't sparkle in the sun. Wink

Thank you for your information. I look forward to more..

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by delan 29.08.16 23:41

I hope to see a community where more of us are enlightened.... I suppose I can't speak much, though, since I'm new, and barely know much, but I look forward to learning and being able to mentor others in the future.

Unrelated in some way, I don't mind inaccurate representations in entertainment and other pop culture. Actually, I find them entertaining, but in our own circles, like that of the occult, I find it inappropriate and confusing.


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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Jonathan 30.08.16 1:26

Victor wrote:This is a subject that affects us all and concerns us all, so I decided to open a new thread to discuss it, so that an important debate wouldn't be lost inside an unrelated topic.

Jonathan wrote:
godofbattle wrote:
Azrael wrote:I meant to add to the feeding portion about why I don't really belive in just sang or psychic as being seperate because it all depends on the individual and the way they prefer to feed...They may like contact feeding over non-contact...

I agree with you.
Me too. That is exactly what the Asetian Bible teaches and what the Asetians believe in. There is no such thing as hybrid vampires and such, that is a concept that proliferated in the vampire community that is driven by gaming, role-playing and movies, hence the word hybrid. In the real vampire community that terminology doesn't really exist. Feeding is all a matter of personal preference, taste, and also energy metabolism. Vampires have many forms to feed...
In this detail, Luis Marques' concepts, teachings and words are a blessed breath of fresh air in the poor metaphysical texts available out there on vampirism, that so wrongly represent the community and keep giving the bad idea about vampires to the rest of the occult society, as if we are a group of ignorant and metaphysically handicapped beings that just don't really get how things work in magick and fantasize some explanations and techniques based on personal opinion and wishful thinking, as so many low quality books out there we know.

Jonathan actually referred a very interesting thing. For a long time that the ignorance and lack of culture in the louder sects of the Vampire Community has plagued the respect towards Vampires from the overall occult society.

Countless vampire websites, forums, online communities, and books pass along the completely wrong idea about True Vampirism. Published works of people like Belanger and others have kept Vampires as outsiders in the inner core of many great communities out there such as the witchcrafting and occult circles. They pass the image of the Vampire as this looney character that does magick by mere imagination, that knows nothing of advanced metaphysics except "to visualize" and as Jonathan said, take advantage of wishful thinking to manipulate his own subconscious, instead of doing what a real Vampire does, to manipulate others. Lets not blame Belanger in here though, because she is just one of many. It is not her problem alone, but a problem of the fluffy side of the Vampire Community as a whole. Unfortunately to everyone, this part of the community is the loudest. The real, knowledgeable, mature and powerful side of the Vampire Community is silent and secretive. They don't appear in TV shows, magazines and live just to give interviews. With the exception of a few gems like the Asetian Bible, much of this elitist knowledge and powers are still a very well hidden secret... one that would make even the most knowledgeable of occultist and witches to be drawn to. This is why we have a noticeable increase of interest in Vampirism from part of the hardcore occult community and covens of witchcraft after the release of the Asetian Bible than anytime before it. Because for the first time they have seen a Vampire work speaking their own native language: the language of metaphysics. They have finally seen that Vampires do have knowledge, and do have power hidden among their ancient secrets. They have seen that Vampires do have history, do have spirituality and that are not media whores that dress in cloaks, wear fangs and go to the TV claiming they are Vampires.
The occult world has been taken by storm with the words of Master Luis Marques, that for the first time in Vampire History, has marked in stone and spoken out loud and with no fears that a Vampire does have knowledge, culture, spirituality and power. That a Vampire is not about fiction, television and silly random energy techniques. He has shown every occultist and witch out there that Vampires can use advanced metaphysics, and not only master them, as they can properly explain the underlaying mechanisms that allow for many things in magick to work.

This is what we need, this what the whole Vampire Community needs, more people like Luis Marques and more works as enlightened as what the Aset Ka has been presenting us, so that beneath all the shallowness of what these self-proclaiming Vampires have be spilling out, we can become a respected and feared force in the occult underground as we once were.
Surely these people pay us a service, since they ensure our secrecy, they ensure that no one would take Vampirism seriously because of their works and voices, however, we must not worry only about that, but also about the whole wide occult society that also lives in secrecy and that will never give any opportunity to these people, but on the other hand are willing to comunicate and exchange knowledge with the hidden knowledgeable sects within the Vampire Community.
Thanks to works like the Asetian Bible we are now benefiting from an increased respect, honor and even fear from the other occult sects, the real ones, and not the fakes that live to party and clubbing. Thanks to those people many serious occult circles have seen the Vampire Community as an uninteresting group of goths with no real knowledge of the occult. The Aset Ka has changed that. Let us all do our best as well and keep that change going...

This is one of those awesome old posts that I still reference for people to read.
There's a lot of truth to it. A degree of truth that only the darker side of the community understands while pretenders remain completely oblivious.

There really is a lot of hidden value and rare gems spread throughout this forum. Thanks for the ongoing wisdom in all these years Victor.

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Lynskha 25.08.17 19:21

Greetings, I have just arrived to the forum, but I want to say that I feel really comfortable in here. It is nice to see this level of maturity when dealing with vampirism and its differences presented between Orders, Houses, and so on.
I noticed that many years ago, a ong time ago, actually, the subject was being debated a lot, specially because of movies related to vampires. However, nowadays, it has disappeared a little bit fromthe foruns, communities... etc.

I began my journey about 17 years ago. I had a friend who tried to guide me, and I believe he used some principles of the Codex, Tov, Osv, that is, he trieed to take some teachings and put into practice.
That was just the first steps to me, but then I decided to, just live life.

I had my journeys, coming and going. And entering and leaving the vampire "world" ,I mean the inner world.

My concepts were formed by what I felt, rather from what I read.

I believe now I have more maturity to understand, but if I was starting and came across so much information, most , wrong, I wouldn't be able to understand it.

The True has an echo inside us. It is interesting to feel it, in a way it becomes a bit impossible to put in words.

No need of exposal, of fashion, a wannabes. It is just right, and it fits.

Interesting that lately I have just been thinking about something Victor and Jonathan pointed out, how the occultists still see the vampires.

Specially here in Brazil it is a narrow minded view. Vampires are people who manipulate energy, deal with sex magick, and drain people.

Even inside thes circles, a vampire is not understood, and it is hard to have a sincere and open conversation.

There are a few groups here that deal with it in a serious way. Some are just friends who share the same view, even if from different Orders, or Houses, and different ways of dealing with the occult.

I believe in something deeper. And I see, vampirism not a unique way, but one that is part of the whole being, and the True Seeker will know that it is a connection of many things that builds his Being.

We are what we are. We know what we know. We reemember. But we are still here, facing our fragil moments, weakness, but also our power and divine Self.

Balance is necessary.

Thank you for sharing all your knowledge as I can see in this forum, with an open mind and respectful way.

I am glad to be here.

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by MR84 08.09.18 8:18

Below are my opinions on the matter and similar matters.

First off, I personally do not care if others accept me. I am who I am. Like it or leave it. I consider myself a vampire, but I also consider myself a "witch" due to my abilities to work "magic(k)". I've seen the results time and again, I don't need verification from others. A lonely life has hardened my heart to a degree and insults toward me doesn't bother me.

The vampire community has many problems. Those with the most knowledge and power tend to keep such a secret. Their reasons vary. This should change some. We shouldn't be keeping everything a secret, but some things should only be passed down directly from vampire to vampire. At this time, this is difficult to do since our community is so spread out.

One big issue I see is fear. Every area has a certain percentage of the population that is vampire. Most of those in said area are either oblivious to this fact or are scared to admit it. For my area, the driving force for fear is religion. Anyone in my area who openly walks as a vampire is likely to become a target of violence and annoyance. Families here will disown their own children over it. Family is important.

Our community is weak overall. A newly awakened vampire has very few places to go to find out more information about "what just happened" and few places to speak to other genuine vampires. The community is plagued with "roleplayers" and fakes and crazy people. This issue isn't just in the vampire community, it exists in many occult communities. I'm only aware of one somewhat active vampire chatroom. Only aware of one somewhat active forum. The best website I've found containing information is full of dead links and broken images. There's no easy way to meet other local vampires, and it's risky to try. More work needs to be done to strengthen the community. No one vampire can solve these issues, it will take many.

I've been toying with the idea of creating a website to help centralize information and offer a place for vampires to come and connect with each other, but frankly, I don't want to deal with all the extra work it will require all by myself. I don't know anyone who could help, so this idea is likely to remain on the back burner for the foreseeable future. I myself just reawakened, I'm still trying to sort myself out.

We don't need acceptance from others, but the lack of acceptance from others shows us that there is much work to be done. Individually there isn't much we can do, but together, there is nothing we can't do. Consider the words I wrote today.


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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Noctis 17.09.18 5:29

I can only subscribe word by word what was said by Viktor, great post

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Troublemaker 18.09.18 9:31

There are a lot of great posts around here especially by Victor, Jonathan and Kalb that have been referenced many times by people looking for some grain of seriousness among copious heaps of trash in other places. Best of all, some brave people are not afraid to call things exactly for what they are, despite criticism and heavy insult. While it brings a fair amount of hatred and even fear from those who feel threatened by reality, it is invaluable in that it serves as an important guiding point for the community. Integrity and truth can't grow or even have the smallest seeds planted in environments where sugar-coating is embraced for the sake of avoiding discomfort or conflict.
So, bravo! This is quite relevant even years later.

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by ardent 07.05.20 11:02

[Content Removed ]


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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Maxx 07.05.20 12:02

Your problem is at 50 years of age all you can think of is sex you were never part of and the fairy tale vampire life you think you lead.  Very pitiful and sorrowful stage in life. I will call some Catholics from India together to pray for you.  lol.

Illustrations galore such as: "I think this happened" or "I know how this can happen technically".  

This is all baloney.... Go put on your Bela Lugosi suit and meditate.

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Maxx 07.05.20 12:03

You ruined a great thread with that trash.

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Troublemaker 07.05.20 12:45

I agree. It annoys me that these total idiots keep dropping their trash on the serious threads. These people seriously need to get lost.

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Maxx 07.05.20 13:51

I hope Ms. Sybil will be kind enough to intervene.

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Sybil Mason 07.05.20 14:35

Removed the content but left the post up to retain the relevance of your following posts.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
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Sybil Mason
Sybil Mason

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Troublemaker 07.05.20 15:28

Thanks, Sybil.

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by revJPDDG 26.05.20 5:29

I have been saying this forever and continue to get yelled at I had no idea they believed it too. I have the Asetian Bible but have yet to read the whole thing as for some reason I havent been able to focus enough to read anything anymore but before that the dark kiss thing really rubbed me the wrong way so I gave up on them. My Temple also believed the same but because of finances and the so called community I decided to go on another venture "the Ohio Vampyre goth and pagan alliance" instead of just focusing on vampyres I want to combining the communities and hoping for a better way...

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 26.05.20 6:34

There's no similarity to the Dark Kiss and any other vampire house or temple or club. They're not on the same level. It's not comparable.

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by Troublemaker 26.05.20 11:50

Oh, I really hope you are not going to attempt that here. This community has separated itself from the ridiculous VCN and surrounding outlets for a long time now. They will never mix.
Oh, Khenmet rubs you the wrong way, you say? That's funny because inexperienced, metaphysically ignorant people all trying to be the leader of their own completely useless "Houses" and "alliances" rubs me the wrong way too. It's like the perfect manifestation of ego and unawareness. "Vampire leaders" are more common than pennies, and their cheapness is surely not welcome anywhere near a serious place.

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by revJPDDG 26.05.20 12:17

Well its just vampyres cannot turn people into vampyres is what I was assuming it was saying but I am hoping I am wrong but that is an opinion like mine and I am willing to look past that you don't have to be so rude about it. Im trying to be understanding this is why I no longer let the OVC drag me down and stick to something more positive for our kind. I am just doing something local for Pete sake no longer run a large group

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by revJPDDG 26.05.20 12:21

and BTW TempleUVUP has been around since 2003 (longer than Merticus) so when I was doing that that were not as common and it was for specific unpopular beliefs.

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The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community. - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real (but forgotten) Vampire Community.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 26.05.20 12:38

It'd be better to create an introduction thread in Off Topic than to argue and discuss on this old classic thread unless for a higher and better reason. If you were banned in the past, however, I don't know what you're doing here now. I hope you came up with a very good reason to the admin.

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