Article about the Asetian Vampires in Encyclopedia.

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Article about the Asetian Vampires in Encyclopedia. Empty Article about the Asetian Vampires in Encyclopedia.

Post by Jonathan 20.06.08 16:11

I have found an interesting article about the Aset Ka, Asetian Vampires and the Asetian Bible. It can be accessed online in the Paranormal Encyclopedia website, on this address:

It seems to be very well written and pretty informative, for someone that wants to learn the basics about the Aset Ka. I find it a nice resource for a general approach about what is the Aset Ka, what are real vampires, where did the Asetians came from and a few other things.

Compared to most of the misinformed and not reliable information that is available online about the Aset Ka and real life vampirism, I find this article a great resource. What is your opinion?


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Article about the Asetian Vampires in Encyclopedia. Empty Re: Article about the Asetian Vampires in Encyclopedia.

Post by Aghrab 20.06.08 20:03

Em Hotep.

I find it fairly well written, and quite a nice source of information for anyone new to the occult and Asetianism. Out of most of the articles, usually wrong information posted about the Aset Ka, this particular one is a great source of information for anyone newly interested in this dark and magical subject.


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Article about the Asetian Vampires in Encyclopedia. Empty Re: Article about the Asetian Vampires in Encyclopedia.

Post by Victor 24.06.08 15:08

A good reference article to provide to people that are completely new to the Aset Ka.

Great to see that not all information and articles found online are biased and mistaken.

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Article about the Asetian Vampires in Encyclopedia. Empty Re: Article about the Asetian Vampires in Encyclopedia.

Post by Karnath 25.06.08 19:11


A good article, I must say. Surely made by someone that studies Asetianism. It should be on Wikipedia.

Best regards.

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Article about the Asetian Vampires in Encyclopedia. Empty Re: Article about the Asetian Vampires in Encyclopedia.

Post by Helliana 07.07.08 15:41

I believe this is a good article for explaining what can be known about the Aset Ka to the public as an introduction, then can delve deeper with the Asetian Bible.

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