How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Maktub 04.09.09 16:14

How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

I have been referred to something, from a reliable source, that may be of a very special interest to many people who visit this forum and in the overall occult and vampire community at large.

Luis Marques, the renown expert in metaphysics, ancient symbolism and one of the world leading specialists in vampirism and Asetian spirituality can now be followed on Twitter. The work from this international author has been respected and appreciated for a very long time in the most inner and secretive circles of the occult society, however his most recent and public works like the Asetian Bible and Kemet - The Year have Revelation have brought him upon the spotlight in the mundane world as well. Well known for his charismatic presence, powerful words and inborn leadership, Luis Marques, called by many as Master, has been a very secretive, mysterious, silent and highly unreachable individual, even for those with a broad network of contacts within this hidden society. Having this in mind, this opportunity to directly read his words, many times in real time, and to at some extent interact with the author, is a breakthrough at many levels. His account is set up as private, so his sayings cannot be found on Google and other search engines, where anyone interested in reading will have to submit a request, and then be approved.

I have no doubt this will be a golden opportunity for many people that respect his work, or are simply interested in vampirism and Asetianism, having through this door a way to read some of the unique gems of knowledge he seems to share through that network, as well as it was previously mentioned in this forum, a way to feel closer to the author and grasp more of his presence as a real being, rather than some very obscure identity.

I never had any interest on Twitter or any other similar networks myself, but given this development now I am personally following him. His account, @LuisMarques, was specially released for him by the Twitter administration and can be found in here:

Just a personal word of advice, don't use this door to bother the author or flood him with questions. He seems to use this network more in a way to share some words, thoughts, ideas and small sentences. Any form of harassment will probably only end up with you being blocked. Feel free to share with him your thoughts, ideas, and appreciation using the @LuisMarques directive, so you can be sure he will actually read what you are typing, but don't overuse it or demand replies. Familiarize yourself with this network's organization and working before using it.


Notice: If Luis Marques, the Aset Ka or any Asetian emissary does not wish this information to be publicly available and disclosed by these means, please contact me directly by private message, within this forum, and I will promptly make arrangements for the deletion of this thread. Thank you.

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Jonathan 04.09.09 17:14

Thanks a lot for sharing this, Maktub! It is great to see you, you have been deeply missed around here.

It is indeed a breakthrough, that we are in this way able to read what someone like Luis Marques writes, and even better, we can write anything to him and he will read. Even if we never get a reply back, making sure he actually will read what we write directed at him is already amazing and a blessing in itself.

I have created an account just specially to follow him, although I have been on Twitter before with another account for personal use that I will not expose in here.

I take the opportunity to explain others that may be interested in using Twitter, that this is a service where, just like Maktub said, you can share thoughts, ideas, theories, dreams in a maximum of 140 characters per post.
You have Friends and Followers.
Followers are the people that read what you write, and what you write will be received by your Followers.
Friends are people that you have chosen to follow. Like for example I am following LuisMarques, but he is not following me. So I have him in my Friends. This means that I will receive what he writes, but he will not receive what I write... unless I talk directly to him by using the @ directive (or he decides to follow me). By using "@LuisMarques message" I can write a public message to him, called a reply, that he will receive and read.
There are also Direct Messages (DMs), which are direct private messages, however you can only talk privately to someone that is following you. This exists as a security measure to prevent harassment, so people won't stalk, threaten or insult others in private that do not want to communicate with them.
Another thing you may notice sometimes are messages that say RT before them. This means ReTweet, and it happens when someone wrote something significant so others decided to quote them, by pressing the RT button, so it appears in their post like "RT @username message".

I believe this sums up the basics of Twitter, if any of you have trouble using it or needs more information, feel free to private message me in here and I will be glad to help.

Just one last detail, that most new users in Twitter fail to realize. Almost no one really uses the website for Twitting. People use Twitter clients, which is software that allows them to connect to Twitter and manage their account, posts, @replies and Direct Messages.

Some of the most used clients are:
Seesmic -
Twhirl -
TweetDeck -
Spaz -

Play along with several and find out what works best with you. There are many more out there, these are just an example of the most used ones.

I see several users of this forum already there. Razz

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Aghrab 04.09.09 18:06

I am absolutely speechless... this is by far the most amazing way to feel closer to the Master. I have seen that Twitter account on Twitter a while ago, but it belonged to someone else at that time. It seems that Twitter released it especially for Master Marques. I will certainly sign up so that I can follow the great Master.

By the way, is Luis Marques the only Asetian currently on that network?


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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Daniel09 04.09.09 19:36

Well, this certainly has come as a surprise. Twitter is one of the last places I'd expect to see Marques. I have sent a request to follow him. It is very intriguing to learn how he tweets.

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Jonathan 04.09.09 19:37

Simply beautiful...
Just a few small quotes that I gathered from Master Luis Marques, on Twitter:

"An Asetian never tries to talk louder than the crowd surrounding him. An Asetian becomes that crowd."

"The deepest of powers are often the most subtle. Something that most fail to realize... ☥ "

"Knowledge is a sacred gem that must be conquered, wielded and empowered. To access such gnosis is not a right, but a privilege of the evolved."

"Two more days until Thoth to rise Full in the darkness of the Underworld. Nut tenderly misses his empowerment... and so do We."

Just like Maktub said, a few precious gems can be found in his account...
By no doubts a must follow to everyone into vampirism, occult knowledge and hidden mysteries.

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Jonathan 04.09.09 19:40

Daniel09 wrote:Well, this certainly has come as a surprise. Twitter is one of the last places I'd expect to see Marques. I have sent a request to follow him. It is very intriguing to learn how he tweets.
Intriguing indeed.
I just got accepted right now, but Twitter servers are acting strange today.
Marques seems to have this very peculiar way of expressing himself on Twitter, I would say he has an ethereal way of doing it. Quite unlike all of the other accounts I have seen so far.

I'm stunned that we have access to this! Horns

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Daniel09 04.09.09 19:42

I agree. Tonight's going to be a night of meditation for me. I lost my voice rather severely with the sickness I caught, so I'm going to dwell a bit on that strange feeling of being mute.

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by godofbattle 04.09.09 19:49

I sent a request on twitter

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Victor 04.09.09 20:02

Very interesting.

Maktub has the gift to find these lost and hidden little doors.
Thank you.

I will try to register soon.
I hope this remains active for a while, though, since it if gets too many people and a higher exposure, Mr. Marques might simply close the account. It is a well known truth that he is not fond of public exposure and many people around him, being himself a vampire of high secrecy and privacy. A true being of shadow and darkness. Not easy, in his position, I must say... I take my hat to that.

I see with great interest how the Asetians are so proficient in everything they do, from the most subtle and magickal arts within the occult knowledge, to the most modern and complex things as technology. Well, that they take technology very seriously was an already known detail, given all the investment the Aset Ka has done in networks and tech personell over the years... but now seeing a prominent Asetian Master on such a network is simply a very direct sign that the times are changing, and the Djehuty of the Serpent is gaining its strength.

Interesting indeed...

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Saylamine 05.09.09 7:40

This is wonderful, to say the least. Thank you very much for posting this, and the how to's of Twitter, Maktub and Jonathan. I am not currently on Twitter, but I will have to join now.

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Elendor 05.09.09 17:32

This is amazing news, Maktub. Perfect!

Thanks for taking your time out of your current highly chaotic and busy schedule to share this with all of us.

To be fully honest, and unlike most of you, this situation does not come as a surprise to me. Twitter is a very misunderstood network, and although at surface seems like a mere superficial blogging technology, beneath it lies a very powerful engine that alone has moved and manipulated thousands. It was just days ago that several important people from Hollywood studios complained about the increasing power of Twitter, and how its trends have the power to make a cheaper movie earn millions or a top class movie to be almost dismissed at premiere. This means only one thing: power over the masses. Interesting how all this power is hidden behind something apparently so simple...

But be aware... things are not always what they look like at surface.

I will turn this thread into a sticky. It's a great reference for anyone into Asetianism and vampirism, as everyone has been saying, it is something to watch very closely. A door to gnosis, as some of you have called it...

Worthy of note, I make Maktub's words my own, and if the Aset Ka, or Mr. Luis Marques, are in any way against all the exposure given to this subject here on the forum, we will be willing to comply with their desired guidelines and remove this content. Just contact the administration if that is the case we will take all the necessary action to enforce such policy.

I agree with everyone that this is a great opportunity not only to read, but to interact, with one of the most mysterious and secretive personalities inside the most elitist occult underground today.

Vampirism Forum Admin

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Victor 05.09.09 18:02

Jonathan wrote:Simply beautiful...
Just a few small quotes that I gathered from Master Luis Marques, on Twitter:

"An Asetian never tries to talk louder than the crowd surrounding him. An Asetian becomes that crowd."

"The deepest of powers are often the most subtle. Something that most fail to realize... ☥ "

"Knowledge is a sacred gem that must be conquered, wielded and empowered. To access such gnosis is not a right, but a privilege of the evolved."

"Two more days until Thoth to rise Full in the darkness of the Underworld. Nut tenderly misses his empowerment... and so do We."

Just like Maktub said, a few precious gems can be found in his account...
By no doubts a must follow to everyone into vampirism, occult knowledge and hidden mysteries.
Nice selection of quotes from Mr. Marques. Short, but passing very important and central teachings of the immortal Masters.
I have just registered.

Elendor wrote:I agree with everyone that this is a great opportunity not only to read, but to interact, with one of the most mysterious and secretive personalities inside the most elitist occult underground today.
We are living important times. Very important... but they shall pass silently among the eyes of mortals.

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Phoenix 05.09.09 21:51

Very important news. Maktub, my thanks for informing us all. I registered and sent a request to Mr. Marques to be a follower as his access is restricted. I hope everyone on VF who wants to follow him is accepted.

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Daniel09 05.09.09 22:48

Wow, his last tweet from a few hours ago was amazing. I can honestly find no flaws in it's reasoning and it has so many meanings I could think on it for an extensively long period of time without being finished. It's as if he can make sigils with words.

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Aghrab 05.09.09 23:00

Daniel09 wrote:It's as if he can make sigils with words.
That is the power Asetians have with the magick of Words... I have been reading all of his quotes, quite beautiful I must say.


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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by JWG 06.09.09 9:25

This an absolute honor and gem, echoing what others have already said. Thank you for sharing this with the community.

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Jonathan 06.09.09 11:34

Daniel09 wrote:Wow, his last tweet from a few hours ago was amazing. I can honestly find no flaws in it's reasoning and it has so many meanings I could think on it for an extensively long period of time without being finished. It's as if he can make sigils with words.
I was thinking precisely that. It was an amazing sentence, short but filled with meaning.

You mentioned a very interesting concept, sigils built with words. I would say that is intimately connected with the concept the Ancient Egyptians defined as Heka, the magick of words, which it is addressed in the Asetian Bible. The Asetians give an utmost importance to words and know how to wield its powers, grasping its secret meanings and energies in ways that most cannot comprehend. Luis Marques has always been known as a master in that ancient art of Words, a highly vampiric trait. In many ways, his words are indeed powerful sigils...

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Victor 06.09.09 13:43

"It is safer to face a strong enemy in the field of battle, than to fight a war by the side of a weak friend." -Luis Marques, Twitter.

Simply brilliant.

In such short words, Luis Marques expresses the knowledge and experience of an ageless Soul. The maturity beneath Eyes that have seen far too many battles. His words have an ethereal, calm and deep feel that takes sensibility to grasp.

As others have said before me... true sigils with words. Heka.

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Victoria 07.09.09 17:28

The beauty of this wonderful news is beyond what words can describe. I do not know how many realize how lucky and blessed we are that the Master himself is allowing us to read his words, in the moments he writes them... so personal, so close...

I registered and have sent a request to follow Master Marques. To read his words in such a way, is something I truly worship.


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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Jonathan 07.09.09 18:03

Victoria wrote:The beauty of this wonderful news is beyond what words can describe. I do not know how many realize how lucky and blessed we are that the Master himself is allowing us to read his words, in the moments he writes them... so personal, so close...

I registered and have sent a request to follow Master Marques. To read his words in such a way, is something I truly worship.

There is a highly vampiric beauty and allure about your dedication for Luis Marques.
Nice to see you around by the way, you have been quite silent as of late.

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Maktub 10.09.09 16:59

Lets keep in mind that Twitter is currently one of the biggest networks in the world, considered by many technology specialists the stronger community in the world wide web, and a true world of its own exists in this large scale digital underground.

There is much speculation by how deep this goes and how administrative powers beneath this company can pull many strings in the global scheme of things, going as far as influencing the big companies out there, like Google, the company that mostly closely controls the internet. Yes, I know, no one really controls the internet, but we should be aware of certain powers that can manipulate the masses, and how the internet is becoming the perfect tool, in this technological age, for a wider control.

Having all of this in mind, I don't believe that this place being Twitter, where people can reach Luis Marques in a more open way, is a random thing. Just like I don't believe it was a mere sympathy on the part of the Twitter staff to offer Luis Marques the account @LuisMarques, that was already taken for a few years. But yet, it was offered to him in the blink of an eye... oh yes... the Eye of Horus. *silence*

Interesting that sigils have been mentioned in this context. You would all be surprised with the importance that Asetians give to words and symbols, and how deeply rooted in their culture is the lost art of Heka. Oh yes, and how powerful it is...


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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Aghrab 10.09.09 18:30

Maktub wrote:Lets keep in mind that Twitter is currently one of the biggest networks in the world, considered by many technology specialists the stronger community in the world wide web, and a true world of its own exists in this large scale digital underground.

There is much speculation by how deep this goes and how administrative powers beneath this company can pull many strings in the global scheme of things, going as far as influencing the big companies out there, like Google, the company that mostly closely controls the internet. Yes, I know, no one really controls the internet, but we should be aware of certain powers that can manipulate the masses, and how the internet is becoming the perfect tool, in this technological age, for a wider control.

Having all of this in mind, I don't believe that this place being Twitter, where people can reach Luis Marques in a more open way, is a random thing. Just like I don't believe it was a mere sympathy on the part of the Twitter staff to offer Luis Marques the account @LuisMarques, that was already taken for a few years. But yet, it was offered to him in the blink of an eye... oh yes... the Eye of Horus. *silence*

Interesting that sigils have been mentioned in this context. You would all be surprised with the importance that Asetians give to words and symbols, and how deeply rooted in their culture is the lost art of Heka. Oh yes, and how powerful it is...
As always, well said, Maktub.

I am left with no doubt that there is a deep reason to why Luis Marques, or any Asetian, decided to use such a powerful network. It is so magickal, and so beautiful, to be able to read the words of Luis Marques, as Victoria said, in the same moment that he writes them. To think that just moments ago he decided to share with us his magick of words... amazing.


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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Phoenix 10.09.09 22:29

Jonathan and Aghrab reference events that I, too, and likely many others on the VF have noticed. In the past few years, the Asetians appear to be abandoning millenia of silence:
-2007 The Asetian Bible is published, announcing the Aset Ka to the everyday world
-2008 The Vampirism Forum is started and the AK permit free discussion (and speculation) of their order
-2009 Kemet is released
-2009 Twitter releases @LuisMarques to Master Marques, further publicizing the Order
Remember the AB ends with "We live in Secret. We live in Silence. And we live Forever. . ." The Silence has ended. And Secrets are being revealed.

I ask my fellow VF members,
"To what purpose do you think the AK works by disclosing its existence and some of its secrets?" The coming new age? Its return to power? Enlisting the aid of Asetiainists? Any thoughts?

"What more revelations do you think might be pending?" Books? Music? Becoming fully public? More thoughts? Always appreciate your comments.

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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by Aghrab 11.09.09 0:13

Phoenix, I believe that, even though Luis Marques has, in some ways, stepped out of shadows... the Aset Ka still lives in Secret and in Silence, as that very famous quote says... The information that the Aset Ka finds worthy of calling "Secrets", still lies deep within the Asetian mysteries and the Elder minds, where it exists.


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How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka. Empty Re: How to follow Luis Marques' words of Heka.

Post by JWG 11.09.09 15:11

Phoenix wrote:Jonathan and Aghrab reference events that I, too, and likely many others on the VF have noticed. In the past few years, the Asetians appear to be abandoning millenia of silence:
-2007 The Asetian Bible is published, announcing the Aset Ka to the everyday world
-2008 The Vampirism Forum is started and the AK permit free discussion (and speculation) of their order
-2009 Kemet is released
-2009 Twitter releases @LuisMarques to Master Marques, further publicizing the Order
Remember the AB ends with "We live in Secret. We live in Silence. And we live Forever. . ." The Silence has ended. And Secrets are being revealed.

I ask my fellow VF members,
"To what purpose do you think the AK works by disclosing its existence and some of its secrets?" The coming new age? Its return to power? Enlisting the aid of Asetiainists? Any thoughts?

"What more revelations do you think might be pending?" Books? Music? Becoming fully public? More thoughts? Always appreciate your comments.


Open your Asetian Bible to page 153 to reference. In the Djehuty of the Serpent, or Age of the Serpent; in which we live now.. is a time of reawakening for many Asetians lost during the Djehuty of the Crocodile. From reading, I infer that this is a time, not only to find the lost Asetian Souls returning.. but also providing a source of the correct essence of Vampirism to occultists, as opposed to the mainstream pop-culture personification of vampires that many follow and are misguided by today.

This would explain the very few aspects of the Aset Ka being released publicly in the Age of the Serpent.

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