Feeding Ethics and Preferences

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Feeding Ethics and Preferences Empty Feeding Ethics and Preferences

Post by Elyon 17.09.09 8:01

I was wondering if you (each of you personally) have any ethic, moral or preferential steer in what or who you feed from? When was your first Feed, when did you first feel the need to etc. Throw in anything else you like...

Moi: My first conscious full-blown feed was around the age of eight. I basically never feed off of plants, crystals or animals (it just somehow seems wrong to me) so my "food of choice" are humans. I try to feed on those I'm attracted to energetically and not just anyone (unless times are such that I need to), mostly males (also like feeding on crowds in vigor, e.g. in clubs, and artists ^^). Also my preffered method is Tantric Feeding. I have no moral dillemas on who and how much I feed, but try to be gentle at all times. Naturally I like willing donors, but have fed from such only a few times for obvious reasons. I am very predatory and enjoy the hunt, my special favorite is shapeshifting while I feed, it is especially satisfiying during a Deep Feed. And: I rarely feed on humans I feel close to and NEVER from members of my Coven -it's counter-productive since we are very energetically entwined (xcept if you do a system purge).


Looking forward to you answers

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Feeding Ethics and Preferences Empty Re: Feeding Ethics and Preferences

Post by RudraShiva 17.09.09 16:23

Uhmm well, I am new into vampirism so I don´t have much experience at feeding. About one year or so I experimented with astral and lucid dream techniques and I remember some experiences in which I "fed" from a specific target. Wether this was done in the astral plane and thus my victim was a real person or in the dream/inner realm and it was all a creation of my own mind, I can not say.

Now sometimes I practice some "ambient feeding", but it´s very uncommon because actually I don´t feel the need to feed. And those times in which I am weak I just need to sleep a bit or raise some energy.

Do I have "ethics"? Well, yes, of course. I have ethics in everything I do. I respect children and wouldn´t feel very comfortable feeding from them. Not because I think it is "bad", just because I don´t want to.

I know feeding is not really that dangerous if it is done with care, and it can even be beneficial. For this reason when ambient feeding I don´t mind the people I feed from. I just take energy in and that´s all.

On the other hand if I would cause severe harm (by feeding or margic in general) obviously I would be more specific. On those situations I would meditate about my intentions, feelings, emotions and reasons towards the act I am going to do.

So yes, I have ethics and personal law. I walk the middle path: I have used my magic to bring blessings and happinnes to some people and destruction and darkness to others (and never because of personal reasons).

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Feeding Ethics and Preferences Empty Re: Feeding Ethics and Preferences

Post by Victor 18.09.09 13:18

Elyon wrote:I was wondering if you (each of you personally) have any ethic, moral or preferential steer in what or who you feed from? When was your first Feed, when did you first feel the need to etc. Throw in anything else you like...

Moi: My first conscious full-blown feed was around the age of eight. I basically never feed off of plants, crystals or animals (it just somehow seems wrong to me) so my "food of choice" are humans. I try to feed on those I'm attracted to energetically and not just anyone (unless times are such that I need to), mostly males (also like feeding on crowds in vigor, e.g. in clubs, and artists ^^). Also my preffered method is Tantric Feeding. I have no moral dillemas on who and how much I feed, but try to be gentle at all times. Naturally I like willing donors, but have fed from such only a few times for obvious reasons. I am very predatory and enjoy the hunt, my special favorite is shapeshifting while I feed, it is especially satisfiying during a Deep Feed. And: I rarely feed on humans I feel close to and NEVER from members of my Coven -it's counter-productive since we are very energetically entwined (xcept if you do a system purge).
I don't believe you are yet aware of what deep feeding entails, otherwise you wouldn't make such assumption. First, the vast majority of vampires don't even know how to deep feed. Second, it is such a profound and intimate situation, that deeply bonds both souls envolved in the feeding process, creating very strong subtle links that last for several lifetimes. Vampires don't deep feed from their hunting preys, they deep feed from their closest friends, donors of many years or trustful lovers. Otherwise the risks would be immense, and their safety would be put at risk, since the bond forged out of a deep feed works both ways, and allow for the donor to also have some increased awareness and power over the vampire.

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Feeding Ethics and Preferences Empty Re: Feeding Ethics and Preferences

Post by NukMaat 22.10.09 18:54

It's not that easy , when someone is near me i can't think about anything else but to take his energy . I take energy when i touch someone and it flows to me itself . It has sexual plot and i don't mind it . Its great feeling .

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Feeding Ethics and Preferences Empty Re: Feeding Ethics and Preferences

Post by Aghrab 25.10.09 22:31

NukMaat wrote:It's not that easy , when someone is near me i can't think about anything else but to take his energy .
That can easily stain your system if you do not learn to control it. You don't want to have too many different energies within you, or the energies of someone who may have a less... pure and clean energy.


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Feeding Ethics and Preferences Empty Re: Feeding Ethics and Preferences

Post by NukMaat 26.10.09 16:45

I know , i can control it when i want to and it depends what person is near me . And i often release energy beacuse true it's not so easy to choose human .

Number of posts : 7
Age : 32
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Registration date : 2009-10-20

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Feeding Ethics and Preferences Empty Re: Feeding Ethics and Preferences

Post by Lyprith 21.11.09 3:32

My ethics are pretty simple, i don't feed from Animals, Children, the Sick or Elderly. Everyone else is fair game. I perfer to feed ambiently from clubs and concerts mostly.


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Feeding Ethics and Preferences Empty Re: Feeding Ethics and Preferences

Post by ladymoontear 16.03.10 9:08

I uaually feed ambiently or indirectly. I am around constant free energy because of the children I work with and the clubs I go to thanks to my husband and all our band friends. I usually don't have to feed directly at all. One could quite literally say it's in the air. But if I do feel a need for something more direct, I have a spouce who is more than willing to donate to my cause. Then there is elemental energy if need be if he isn't available, until he is. I don't like to get close and personal with people and rarely do unless there is a negative energy that needs to be drawn out and redifined. But then thats a healing method, something wholely different.

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Feeding Ethics and Preferences Empty Re: Feeding Ethics and Preferences

Post by DCxMagus 23.02.12 6:05

Children under the age of 12 and people over the age of 65 are really my only limits.

I ambiently feed constantly and uncontrollably at this moment in time, I try to filter the intake sometimes but it overwhelms me quickly. I much prefer chaotic natural events(electrical storms, floods, extremely high wind conditions for an area) and sexual feeding.

I use to have quite the hang up about feeding on my sexual partners, but that subsided as I learned not only did my partners highly enjoy the experience, but after meditating on it, I really found nothing wrong with it. I realized the only true hang up I had was fear of losing control, then realizing I had been doing this since most likely the first time I had sex I figured I can't lose control of something I've been doing my whole life.

All the other B.S. about not feeding if I really have to and etc from fluffly vamp land went out the window once I understand the darkness in my soul isn't something to be fear but something to be embraced and unified with the light. Most people go through life in darkness looking for the light, I realized I was always blinded and drained by the overwhelming light in the world and I was brought to this time to balance that with with my dark nature.


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Feeding Ethics and Preferences Empty Re: Feeding Ethics and Preferences

Post by schitzophobic 12.06.12 1:38

This topic touched on something I have been looking for for years... From childhood I have seen that my feeding can have an effect on people. Since then I have worried about it. I feed indiscriminately but try to minimize it from any one source. I see blood feeding a little less intimate than others seem to but I still am more discriminate with whom I partake of than whom I sleep with.

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