Asetian Feeding From A Human.

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by ShineStar 11.11.09 14:08

I see that Asetians take very seriously who they feed from, unlike most so-called "vampires" I hear about. But under what circumstance would they ever feed from a mortal? Or, someone outside of their bloodline? A non-Asetian.

Thank you.


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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by Azrael 11.11.09 16:07

If one runs low on "Energy" they would have to feed to sustain themselves... It is almost a regular thing to feed from mortals or any other non-Asetians through indirect feeding such as residual or ambient feeding...or tendril feeding... These could be done consciously or even unconsciously depending on the Vampyres need of energy...Feeding may even happen unconsciously through sleep resulting in Astral Feeding sometimes referred to as Harvesting...Also feeding from consulting donors is another case when an Asetian would feed...

I hope that I helped on your matter...

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by Jonathan 12.11.09 3:52

I believe that Asetians do feed off humans. The question at hand is that they usually are very cautious about from who they deep feed. They would usually only do so within their own divine bloodline. Especially in the case of Guardians.
However, they will surely drain humans, hunt them down and psychic attack them. After all, that is within their predatory nature. Particularly in the case of Viperines.

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by Insomnia 19.11.09 15:53

I think Asetians will feed from humans throughout their normal daily routines.

They buy something, pay the cashier, and on the change her hands touch... unconsciously they, the Asetians, may feed slightly with the small skin-to-skin contact.

I can give thousands of examples of unconscious feeds, but I'm only speculating.


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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by Lyprith 21.11.09 3:24

Insomnia wrote:I think Asetians will feed from humans throughout their normal daily routines.

They buy something, pay the cashier, and on the change her hands touch... unconsciously they, the Asetians, may feed slightly with the small skin-to-skin contact.

I can give thousands of examples of unconscious feeds, but I'm only speculating.

Theres a big difference between feeding and an energy exchange from daily activities. What your talking about here is not vampiric feeding, every person in the world does this every time they interact with another person, an animal or even an object.
I doubt the Asetians would use touch to feed directly from a stranger, akimming/ surface feeding via metaphysical means maybe, but when it comes to physical contact alot more is easily exchanged than just energy and it's harder to keep the other persons feelings/thoughts filtered.

Obviously i can't know what the Asetian's personally think on this matter, but in my opinion touch feeding is an intimate experience that should be only for people that are known and trusted, I wouldn't want a strangers personal essence floating around my head.


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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty RE: Asetian Feeding From A Human

Post by KCS 23.11.09 9:56

Most of the Asetians are more interested in direct feeding from the ones that are close to them, and with a sacred energy bond, like another Asetian. Perhaps, it's a matter of taste and choice, but I don't believe they usually feed on crowded places, the energy is not pure, among other things. And about the contact feeding, it's needed an activated subtle link, something that it's not simply 'bound' to any stranger if it's not really necessary, in my opinion.
An Asetian can feed on humans, it requires more than confidence, dedication from the donor; it can become a very deep connection, and I think that only trust is not enough.

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by Lyprith 23.11.09 13:27

KCS wrote:but I don't believe they usually feed on crowded places, the energy is not pure, among other things.
Thats where cyceling and filtering comes in, it's true the energy isn't pure and has alot of "noise" in it. Cyceling and filtering works the energy down until it's of a higher quality before it's absorbed into the energy body.
But it takes alot more of it to reach the point of satisfaction.


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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by KCS 24.11.09 2:49

Lyprith wrote:it takes alot more of it to reach the point of satisfaction.
Indeed it is. In this situation, it's about preference and specially need, I guess.

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by ElizabethBathory 24.11.09 3:20

There's a special kind of energy I like to interact with: Other vampires. And also specifically human blood, for reason. I can sense human blood a mile away like a freakin shark. The energy of the whole room changes. Humans themselves actually seem to drain me. Being in a crowd of humans is like being surrounded by a mass of nothingness in different wrapping. Which is why I have stated on here that I'm not sure humans even have souls.

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by Meiyo 27.03.10 15:25

ElizabethBathory wrote:There's a special kind of energy I like to interact with: Other vampires. And also specifically human blood, for reason. I can sense human blood a mile away like a freakin shark. The energy of the whole room changes. Humans themselves actually seem to drain me. Being in a crowd of humans is like being surrounded by a mass of nothingness in different wrapping. Which is why I have stated on here that I'm not sure humans even have souls.
Course' they do , or else you wouldnt have any energy to feed from , they wouldnt even be alive (I think)

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by Kate 15.04.10 8:01

I know not what you believe of Aset, but I believe she gave us yearnings and longings to be filled, feeding is a very important ritual for me, I don't trust people who don't like to eat.

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by Violetta 26.05.10 19:57

I'm new here, and still learning and taking things in...but I can assure you, ElizabethBathory, that humans certainly do have souls.

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by Jonathan 27.05.10 13:44

Of course humans have souls. Even the Asetians explain this in the Asetian Bible, in the origin of the souls and the difference between the human soul and the Asetian soul.

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by AndreiaLi 27.05.10 18:39

Every living beings have souls.

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by N.Augusta 28.05.10 14:19

I concur! If humans did not have souls, then there would be no purpose...

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by Aleina 05.06.10 22:11

Who said that humans do not have souls? I don't even think that those nonsense vampire groups ever stated such a thing. Did they?

But the Asetian Bible is a great book to explain what a Soul truly is.

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by franknunez1238 11.07.10 18:21

i applaude and am proud to see how quick everyones response is to clearify the idea of human souls. i commend the person who brought up that it is in the asetian bible and i am grateful for the person who said there would be no purpose if humans didnt have souls. basically my mother isis and her brothers and sisters would have never walked here on this planet if there wasnt human souls to reign over. the big problem is that sethian infuences which are very powerful have energetic origins based on jealousy and envy which have caused the humans on this planet to become unbalanced with the true astronomic balances of aset and her connections with the beyond. sethians have dominion of the poor human soul in a way that is not in true accordance with the balance and responsibility of a way wiser god than seth which is of course the mother aset and her children which are the true heirs of the throne of this planet which satifies the creator. this is not to say that seth and his super dark ways were not needed because i believe seth caused the humans in the whole world to uncomfortably evolve which i believe was necessary but not necessary to go on forever because aset must be in control now to shed light over the planet in a way that illuminates human souls on how to trully live so they can be better reigned over than how seth has irresponsibly showed them. this is not to say aset is all light light light and pure light because her plans shouldnt be toyed with ever again because aset can be dark and destroy any opposing humans or others wishing to destroy her reign. its gonna be a big fight though and ultimately well win but still its gonna be a big challenge. so seth was needed to rob these ignorant human souls. but not all humans are ignorant some believe in asets reign to benefit them. the ignorant ones are following seth based on soul robbing rewards that most humans give in to. i do not believe the humans interested in this site are without souls and give in easily either because they have made a conciouse dicision to be here, and i do believe that i can speak for all the humans here on the site that all their reasons for being here is because they are curious about the future and really sence or want an epic moment for the world to see to come soon in the years to bring about change and illumination for the benefit of all humans. to the person who believes that humans have no soul i believe that you have probably experienced humans at their worst sethian ways and have no more faith in them but trust in the fact my friend that humans have the potential to show a side of them that is trully balanced of dark and light in which i know can help you understand them better and believe in them more and see clearly why gods are so attracted to reigning over their souls. the hard part is that there is not very many balanced human souls. i send you my energy to aide you in your search for answers. i am new hear and would like to be responded by only people who would like to help me illuminate myself. i do not intend on offending anybody with my responses and i hope to be corrected if i need be by only by true asetians. thank you and may all of you be blessed with darkness and light.


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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by N.Augusta 12.07.10 9:51

Hello Frank, your writing style seems to be very familiar...

Frank said, " i am new hear and would like to be responded by only people who would like to help me illuminate myself. i do not intend on offending anybody with my responses and i hope to be corrected if i need be by only by true asetians."

If you ONLY want to be "corrected" by Asetians then I am afriad that you have come to the wrong place. :-/

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by Daniel09 12.07.10 11:03

Indeed, that was a very difficult post to choke through in my mind. It is as if the person just began typing what they were thinking without a single thought to what was being posted.

As it is, N.Augusta is correct in saying that you have come to the wrong place if looking for any interaction with Asetians. Check out their website and do look around it's very small list of links:

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by Jamien 02.06.12 19:08

If one wanted to perform a deep drain, a tendil of awareness sent deep within the energy core as a mechanism of psychic attack, or for nourishment; wouldn't an Asetian not be easily capable of setting up a shield or intent to simply filter out any and all undesireable perceptual contents and extract the base energy that animates its existence?

The wolf feeding from a deer isnt concerned about the energy content of the deer...When taking sap from a maple tree all tree's sap tastes alike no? The maple syrup tastes the same from tree to tree probably due to "Intent". We intend on enjoying the sweetness of it, rather than the differences between trees.

If the consumer is intending on a particular function of that food then the rest is simply dismissed or filtered out no? The power of the predator to me is in the power to not agree with the reality the victim resonates with. The reconfiguration of how an energy expresses is practiced by human occultists in Muslim and Jewish sects, so Id assume this isnt even a consideration for nonhuman entities. The emotions and feelings ideoforms etc is available if one intends on reading it..but if ones intent is to only be nourished by rather than being assailed by their reality I would think that the feeding would only be nourishing and the rest of it dismissed. I would think, that Asetians and other entities that are performing capital V Vampirism would not think twice about taking life force from any target deep or otherwise.

The only thing that makes me think twice about the above is my own experience when doing so on targets that makes me queezy and very hesitant from just the mere thought of their energy mixing with mine due to my perception of their personality and their physical health and what I've seen Lions do after killing a hyena..they leave it, and do not extract food from its flesh. These targets I choose psionics etc rather than a transfer of life force, but i deep down sense that as long as I reject feeding from an undesirable personality, I am stuck in human drama, which I very much assume that a capital nonphysical predator would easily gaze beyond.

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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by Aven 09.02.13 17:48

In reference to concubine feeding, I think that humans are often a source due to their innate abilities in energy transformation. Which is why I believe they are the most involved with humans, having been supplied human vitality. To a concubine, I think humans provide a particular source that can not be found in vampires.


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Asetian Feeding From A Human. Empty Re: Asetian Feeding From A Human.

Post by Anto 16.04.20 14:44

Yes every human have a soul ..but some of them “S3LL It” ..if you know what I mean pale

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