Can a human become a vampire?

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Can a human become a vampire? Empty Can a human become a vampire?

Post by adrenochrome_rush 04.09.22 20:10

I was on another forum, and I saw someone write this. And I was just like YES...other people talk to the aliens, too. The aliens want to tell everyone about this information:

''All people in the occult except for a very, very small group are fully human beings, with both X and Y chromosomes from human mothers and father. The facial changes you see come from their multiple personality disorder and the demonic spirits manifesting through them. The antichrist and the false prophet are not humans; they are true Nephilim with X chromosomes from human mothers but their Y chromosomes are from the 'angels'. These non-human humanoids are borne as a consequence of human idolatry with Satanic ''angels'', with a little help from the Illuminist medical researchers.''

And the aliens also always tell me that it's worse than I think. For example, I would guess we are in alien-hybrid generation 5. But they say it's many more generations than this. So that means it's likely true the hybrids descend from the pharaohs who drank blood.

The Illuminati is like a coffee club I'm a part of for people who enjoy different coffees, except its a human blood club for these "nephilim."

People post on here and other places that they are vampires trying to drink blood themselves. Is it possible a regular human could truly become a vampire like this? There are ways to change people's DNA...could it happen?

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Can a human become a vampire? Empty Re: Can a human become a vampire?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 04.09.22 23:33

Familiar with this train of thought. Well, Judeo-Christian worldviews, particularly Gnostic, derivative from the Book of Enoch and other similar works to that effect, spawning this type of thinking upon then commingling with alien theory and supposed channeling of extraterrestrial beings is an interesting spiritual phenomena, closely related to the New Age and various strands of more conspiracist thinking sects of Christianity - sometimes overlapping, other times not - from all that I've seen across the years and even been thinkingly, partially at least, or, rather, speculatively involved with as a former Christian.

What's interesting to me is how these cultural lenses reflect various lights refracted through their perception conditioned by religion, scripture or dogma. Obviously the Judeo-Christian worldview will label these other deities as fallen angels punished by the "One True God", whereas in fact polytheism is more ancient than monotheism and came much earlier, being in closer rhythm and harmony with the older civilizations and Pagan societies that by thousands and thousands of years pre-existed Judaism, Christianity and Islam and were the cradle of humanity. They held epitome systems of spirituality in a time when magick was lived and breathed in temples with far greater magnitude than anything we can think of today as we'll find under a closer look and study of the Asetian Djehutys, for instance, as found in the AB.

Given it's true many otherkin species will likely more closely relate to these worldviews but are they a spawn of Satan? I hope so, if we're looking at what "ha-Satan" means in Hebrew - The Adversary, the opposer of monotheism and bane of that religious power which seeks to enforce and safeguard the ancient mysteries of old - which might echo with our paradigms of thought here although not validating the Christocentric worldview in that vein but rather arguing for this premise under a very different light. History, theology and mythology are often convoluted labyrinths of multifariously twisted pathways throughout many cultures, lost as fragments washed up on the shores of time. Critically examine your own beyond the confines of what takes place in that culture, as best as you can, to see beyond its conditioning, even on a fringe level conspiracy theorist and sometimes, but of course not at all always, related spirituality circles level (New Age, for instance...), which might be a Herculean and potentially even maddening task requiring of much study, meditation and research with a persevering quest for truth while not being driven insane by proper balance as well as healthiness of body, mind and spirit. [...]

[...] To know full truth is something I don't think even immortals can dream of all at once under this infinite sky of the great Universe but in order to approach Truth in the best way possible you need to see beyond transience, mere coming and going, and establish it upon a firm ground of permanence (aspired to or attempted, at least, to ensure the lasting of that truth through the winding corridors of change and the slow decay of time) which can't be attained by shortness of sight or triviality, elevating your sight to a higher level like a silent hawk of awareness that beholds the vast depths of mysteries from the great heights of consciousness which is an arduously long and lifetimes enduring process of evolution, initiation and growth studied under committed truth and wisdom. Cultural fads come and go, even upon the spheres of spirituality, fringes of society and conspiracy theory which aren't always accurate but mere occurrences and phenomena sometimes across the vast span of the tapestry of History to be studied by genuine seekers and occultist historians. Sometimes these phenomena are reflections of what's going on in reality, partially, but oftentimes concurrent with this equation: reflection (r) plus interpretative distortion (i) minus lack of access (l) equals such phenomena (p). A refraction. [...]

[...] They can even be other things such as PSYOPs, however - maybe even to conceal a larger picture behind conspiracy theories masquerading as truths to mislead the public, like the luring in of fish by the fishing hook with a worm on it will most likely catch the fish - certainly the fish catched the sight of the truth of food but was fooled anyways. So they may steer your uneducated, non-critical opinion while it goes over your heads thinking you've found the absolute truth and go around preaching it, unwittingly helping their aims of diverting you and others from the real thing while they also learn more about you. Cognitive dissonance it's called when you don't take in the fact of reality but resist it psychologically by not daring to assimilate it due to its sheer horror - or just being unable to - but we live in a world that's far deeper than you think. Do you want the red pill or the blue pill, Neo?

It's not polytheistic traditions, Paganism or any other paths more rooted in balance with nature, or even further, as you imply, darker paths, that are extraterrestrial, foreign and invasive to this world, as they perfectly embrace its ways and live in harmony with its natural elements, echoes, tides and cycles, but the newer, very young in comparison, religions of the Abrahamitic faith (although we might exclude Judaism on that one to a certain extent, as at least these people don't proselytize and convert by the sword - something which they have in fact even been subjected to themselves by both Christianity and Islam) that are holding hegemony, or attempting to do so and have for long, upon the earth by a far more obscure agenda.

This isn't the conspiracy theorist Illuminati, though, but instead a far more advanced underground of secretive and elitist societies not always united but even diverging and on opposite ends sometimes; everything is not as it appears on the surface, particularly not as you've only been briefed by those who've gathered together certain puzzle pieces on an outsider view but not been initiated into any secret societies, or if they have - such as the Freemasons, which are generally more easily accessible and actually, surprisingly or not so, quite public nowadays - pieced together smaller pieces of evidence erroneously, not altogether false, but yet influenced by Christian or other dogma upon its partial realization's interpretation.

To go beyond this you need to think a step further, unbounded by limitations of less deeply rooted conspiracist thinkers that don't have the fullest clue although you should study and learn from them with a sharp and discerning gaze. That's said for your critical remark only; to question. They have points but to filter out their points like gold nuggets in a river requires quite some effort.

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Can a human become a vampire? Empty Re: Can a human become a vampire?

Post by adrenochrome_rush 06.09.22 20:17

Whoa I am very busy today, but I look forward to reading more. It's true, this is unusual discussion for your forum. Aren't you interested in something new though? I probably fit more into the starseed forums. My soul is from an alien race that rubs many the wrong way because we at a SOUL LEVEL think evil is funny. It will always be like that. For anyone who takes evil seriously, my energy is offensive.

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Can a human become a vampire? Empty Re: Can a human become a vampire?

Post by Jonathan 07.09.22 1:33

Don't take me wrong but please no more starseed, aliens and atlantis nonsense in this forum. We've had our share of those fiction types in here along the years and it always ends up in toxic arguments without any relevance to the true Magical Arte. We don't feature new age content in here and most role-players tend to have an issue with us precisely because they get called out on their ignorance. Happens all the time. Sorry to be upfront but this might not be the safest community for that type of thing.

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