Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by IsabellaRomanov 17.02.19 8:42

I hate sunlight, and I hate garlic. I don't think I have ever turned a human into a vampire, but I have gotten many requests from friends in the past. I am a stray that doesn't have a clan, even though I want to find a clan to be my family. Do I need a councils permission to turn a human? What are the risks?


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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 17.02.19 8:51

Please turn me into a vampire. Bite me in the neck.

No... there's no such thing. That's a vague misrepresentation of the actuality.

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Jonathan 17.02.19 10:32

Honestly this sounds like the sort of nonsense promoted by Sabretooth Clan and Strigoi Vii. Those people are out of touch with reality and embrace a fictional conception of what being a vampire entails, being what is described by the community as roleplayers. Playing an archetype is fine if you're into that sort of thing but that is not the vampirism that we deal in here.

Consensus in the community tends to be towards the impossibility to turn a human into a vampire, although even if such a practice was possible it certainly would be nothing like you see in fiction.

I would recommend a better understanding of vampirism established through the study of serious occult literature not the trash you find in mass media and commercial publications.

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by IsabellaRomanov 17.02.19 13:45

thanks. I just finished feeding. I was asking that on behalf of my brother. my apologies i should have made that more clear.


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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Troublemaker 17.02.19 13:52

I don't understand the issue people have with garlic. So many physical health benefits. And if you eat enough of it, people tend to stay away from you, which is a mental health plus as well. A win in so many areas.

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 17.02.19 13:58

I don't think this forum is suitable for a youngling who's deluded by fantasy and fiction into thinking this is some sort of real life projection out of those dreams and then pursuing it, because it will naturally meet resistance since reality is reality, fiction is fiction and they do not commingle apart from very subtle strains of metaphor and analogy but which oftentimes is so mystically linked to secrecy and symbolism that it is confusing to the uninitiated or those who lack proper research - something requiring perseverant dedication but not upon a foundation of delusion and fantasy. If you're sincerely interested in these subjects you should start with a different mindset and approach it from a space of reality engagement; not the projection of fiction and fantasy...

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Maxx 17.02.19 13:59

IsabellaRomanov wrote:thanks. I just finished feeding. I was asking that on behalf of my brother. my apologies i should have made that more clear.

Of course, you were.  I suppose you have indigestion now.  Go take a long nap.  It might be dark by the time you wake.   Sleep good...........ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Troublemaker 17.02.19 14:01

Also I have to agree with the others who posted here. Turning is impossible, unless we are talking about Khenmet, which dwells within the realm of highly advanced metaphysics, is not known to those outside of the Order and is also outside of the scope of this thread. The idiotic traditions started by Father Todd lay some claim to such possibilities but he is only respected by those in delusion. His tradition isn't real and neither are those who worship him.

Also, why go back and claim you were talking about a brother when you very specifically used "I" multiple times? Come on now.

Anyway, my advice is to reach for something real with a spiritual component if you want to avoid wasting more of your time.

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Jonathan 17.02.19 14:11

Rhea Kaye wrote:The idiotic traditions started by Father Todd lay some claim to such possibilities but he is only respected by those in delusion. His tradition isn't real and neither are those who worship him.

Are there actual real people worshipping Sebastiaan now? Seriously, after all the mediocrity he has done? They would be wiser worshipping a potato.

I mean, the dude was always into the whole cult of personality thing but that's a tad too much.

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Troublemaker 17.02.19 14:21

They don't say it outwardly, but tend to exhibit such when they get riled up and deeply affected at any criticism of the man, also when they call him "father". There are those who try to push the lie that just because they like being around his whole cult of personality and commercialism, it makes them completely valid and others are not allowed to see them in any unfavorable light, because "spirituality and tolerance."


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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Jonathan 17.02.19 15:04

Oh those calling him father. lol He demands that from his pawns and brainwashes them into thinking they are the ones desiring to call him that. Mostly submissive and misguided girls. Only fools don’t see that Sabretooth is nothing more than a cult of personality, the problem is that there are a lot of fools in the world.

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Troublemaker 17.02.19 15:19

Quite true. I can always appreciate seeing reason.
Sadly, others try very hard to push a delusional dogma in which criticizing his followers amounts to ego and something wrong. That is never the mindset I will respect or agree with, which is why I'm quite grateful when others stand up against it too.

That is definitely not the reality of the occult world.

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Jonathan 17.02.19 17:00

There is nothing that relates to real occult practices in Strigoi Vii. Just a group of fetishists with fangs attending events where they dress as vampires from Anne Rice's movies. There is nothing real there, it’s all a play. There is not a single occultist that takes any of it seriously.

I’ve been stalked by Sebastiaan’s goonies back in the day. Now he’s the one who is too afraid to walk around the city without a paid bodyguard by his side. Ironies of destiny some might say. Devil

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Troublemaker 17.02.19 17:25

Wow. That is pretty low, but I can't say I'm surprised.
I am proud to see this community continuing to stand against these people though, despite getting heavy criticism even from surprising places. This is the beautiful thing about freedom from outside opinion.

Now he is the one preaching against bullying, talking about how the vampiric gentleman is tied luxury cars and money, and bragging about how he has "made it" due to being featured on the American television show South Park. I guess the stupidity never ends, even as the years go by.


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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 17.02.19 17:37

Action; reaction.

As for the "vampiric gentlemen", that is purportedly, by this Sebastiaan figure, "tied to luxury, cars and money", that is utter bogus - something he has probably gotten from a stereotypically aristocratic view of vampires also stemming from fiction. Indeed, as wisely stated by Jonathan, only fools are mislead by this false Sabretooth clan.

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by A.Nightside 21.02.19 7:36

Roll Laugh

Sorry Isabella, please tell me you're serious and I might give a serious response. Otherwise, I think you got all the response you need already.


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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by A.Nightside 21.02.19 7:40

Sebatiaan Todd is a hack, even in the Vampire Community. He's not serious and even in his documentary interviews, his idea of "turning" is the process of making money off of creation of custom fangs for his rich customers. *vomit*

You are "turned" when your set is complete an you wear them. maybe that was a different fang smith, heck, it's probably all of them *eye roll*

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Nightshade 21.02.19 15:46

Todd Hoyt Sebastiaan. Father Sebastiaan as he makes his followers call him. The one guy responsible for the lack of credibility vampirism still experiences in the occult. He is the main reason why everytime vampirism is addressed in the media it's by people dressed up as Dracula and some gothic novel that makes everyone in the community look like idiots.

He has been making money off those idiots for such a long time that it's a pain, not to mention the books, concepts and teachings plagiarized from Michelle Belanger, Luis Marques and many others.

It's because of people like that and his crazy followers that now when an occultist is serious in the exploration of vampirism it's often met with attrition and has a hard time being taken serious.

For years that I want no connection with anyone involved in Sabretooth or Strigoi Vii. If someone isn't evolved enough to see right through Sebastiaan's scams and manipulation, then they are supporting lies and scams themselves and I have no respect for that.

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Guano 22.02.19 11:59

Sounds like an interesting guy, I wonder if he truly believes what he preaches as I wonder with every head of some such belief. I mean its interesting to speculate whether he actually believes what he says as much as any ufolgist does. Wish I could meet him to be honest.

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by A.Nightside 22.02.19 19:35

He used to frequent New Orleans but I hear he has a permanent place somewhere in France

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Guano 26.02.19 13:51

New Orleans, of course. How did is not see that one coming?

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by A.Nightside 27.02.19 11:34

I'm pretty sure he is or was a host at one of the big vampire parties down there (Endless Night ball?)

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Nyx_it 11.04.19 10:21

Rhea Kaye wrote:I don't understand the issue people have with garlic. So many physical health benefits. And if you eat enough of it, people tend to stay away from you, which is a mental health plus as well. A win in so many areas.

Garlic slaps bro What a Face What a Face What a Face

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Elle Sium 19.05.22 20:50

Rhea Kaye wrote:I don't understand the issue people have with garlic. So many physical health benefits. And if you eat enough of it, people tend to stay away from you, which is a mental health plus as well. A win in so many areas.

That comment made me chuckle 🤭. It you want people to stay away from you try this also. Lol. Valerian and garlic 🧄 boiled over a nice pot, the combo is worst then garlic alone. The only side affect is that it makes you drowsy.

Elle Sium

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Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire? Empty Re: Do I need permission from a council to turn a human into a vampire?

Post by Elle Sium 19.05.22 21:11

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:I don't think this forum is suitable for a youngling who's deluded by fantasy and fiction into thinking this is some sort of real life projection out of those dreams and then pursuing it, because it will naturally meet resistance since reality is reality, fiction is fiction and they do not commingle apart from very subtle strains of metaphor and analogy but which oftentimes is so mystically linked to secrecy and symbolism that it is confusing to the uninitiated or those who lack proper research - something requiring perseverant dedication but not upon a foundation of delusion and fantasy. If you're sincerely interested in these subjects you should start with a different mindset and approach it from a space of reality engagement; not the projection of fiction and fantasy...

What is reality? How can one even begin the quest of the unknown without having an open mind? Vampirism in itself has always been considered a fictional subject. Unless you were to know vampires, or know you are one, an outside person looking in might reject the whole notion that vampires even exist except in fictional books or movies.

The first vampire that revealed to me that he was a vampire, I completely rejected his assertion and felt he was not a vampire just a mentally deranged man. Over time the more I got to know that vampire, I decided that he was in fact deranged and in fact a vampire. There was no fiction, no fantasy, and just the hard real truth.

Elle Sium

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