An Asetian Trance?

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An Asetian Trance? Empty An Asetian Trance?

Post by Daniel09 13.12.09 22:37

Does anyone else ever go into a trance-like state when viewing the Aset Ka's site or look at their book, the Asetian Bible? I find this happening a lot, especially when I haven't looked in while. I see the symbols, look at their words, and my eyes do this semi-focus bit where everything appears superimposed and I'm simply drawn into reading and absorbing all I can from what they offer. I don't know what to think of it, it's like losing control, but it feels nice, like a positive energy is being absorbed when I read and feel what they have.

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An Asetian Trance? Empty Re: An Asetian Trance?

Post by Daniel09 14.12.09 3:36

I should probably clarify that it could even be something like extreme clarity passing over my mind. It happens more often than not when I'm listening to moving music while doing it, and sometimes I've even written music that has triggered this sense of... spirituality. I just feel "good" when it happens, you know?

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An Asetian Trance? Empty Re: An Asetian Trance?

Post by Nebibi 14.12.09 6:58

I know what you mean Daniel09, I get this feeling especially when I first go on the Aset ka's website and when I see the dark mark. I do not know what causes it, but like you said it is not a bad feeling at all, it actually feels quite nice. But I too would like to know the exact reason why this is happening.

I may be alone on this one but I can also get this feeling when watching a movie, it doesn't happen often but when it does I usually do not like to be around people because I feel like I will be taken out of the trance.

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An Asetian Trance? Empty Re: An Asetian Trance?

Post by ElizabethBathory 14.12.09 10:28

I feel as though it was obviously created by an energy worker (and think about it, the internet is basically energy working manifested into the physical... it's so magical, it really is). Anyway, I get that on this site, too, which is why I stick around.

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An Asetian Trance? Empty Re: An Asetian Trance?

Post by Jonathan 15.12.09 1:07

I sense this happening with me much more strongly when I focus upon the Dark Mark (The Asetian Sigil). The magick and energy of this symbol is overwhelming and it creates many effects upon my subtle body, senses and awareness. I believe this does not mean any connection with the Asetians, but it is something that can be felt by anyone that is slightly sensible of the subtle realms and not deft to the unseen world.

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An Asetian Trance? Empty Re: An Asetian Trance?

Post by ElizabethBathory 29.12.09 6:25

Came across the artist's Twitter, and sure enough, he has some fascinating energy. It's rare that I can even pick up energy from pictures and not a video, but he seems to have an almost like a bright aura radiating off of him. Intense stuff...

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An Asetian Trance? Empty Re: An Asetian Trance?

Post by DCxMagus 18.03.12 0:12

This as happened to me twice. The first time was when I was focusing on the seven pillars for the first time. Having used and created sigils in the past, I took a good look and focused on each one. By the time I got to khepri I was in a trance.

The second time was actually last night. I had decided to just randomly open the book to a page and meditate on that section. I opened to the page about sexual feeding so I began to reread the feeding section. As I got to the section on ritual feeding, I began to feel a rush of energy and the words were shaking in and out of focus. After I finished with the section I set the book down and had a very profound meditative experience. From that experience I have no doubt in my mind that they will continue as I get deeper within the book.

It was great to feel an energy so pure and so strong, it's been a long time since I felt an energy like that, I had echos of it's effects on my all day.


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An Asetian Trance? Empty Re: An Asetian Trance?

Post by Maxx 18.03.12 13:00

I ask that you do not take this the wrong way as I am not meaning it to be confrontational. I only ask that you consider it for your own being.

I can see that you have done work in the past using sigils and have been successful with that technique. I now ask you to move into another area and do the same as your description above. You say you were surprised at the increase in energy or power coming through.

I ask that you either lie down or recline in a comfortable chair and use a covering over your eyes. Use any relaxation technique such as concentrating on the breathe. Go to the center of your being....somewhere in or behind the solar plexus and find yourself there.....when knowing you are there....then take the pages of the Asetian Bible and hold them in your hand and touch them to your third eye area while in that astral state.....and let that power and energy come and saturate your very being.....In this area you are closer to the actual power. You will be startled at the difference coming across.......Please be aware you are going to the etheral level realm and not into the astral realm. (As you will see, the Asetian Bible states that even those that search the Akashian Records do not access the truth in the astral level,,,,,,one has to go to the Etheral level or what I can the mental realm.)

One that moves from the physical level of doing ritual in our realm of heavy, dense energy, will really be able to see the difference when doing riutals by lying down and going to another realm to access the real power. You will greatly enhance your magic and meditation results by going into this realm and working there. (Just like the sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce. He even said this is something everyone can do).

When you are in that centered area within yourself, you can suddenly see how small this dense world really is and how one really begins their walk of advancement. Until you begin to work in these two areas, astral and mental, and get out of just working in the physical realm, one cannot be even considered a Vampire. Astral and mental work requires greater energy stored
in that physical body, so that is the real reason why the body draws energy from whatever be able to advance means to work in all three levels of these worlds. But lying down to go into the other area either mentally or astrally, you will find you have a stronger connection with what you are trying to connect with and get much better results.

I already know that Stalker is working with this technique and know he will be finding much stronger results with his energy work. We look forward to his joyous results.

Again, DCxMagus, I submit that you do not take my post in any other way than it is meant....simply a means to connect and study I say, again, we are all students in this earth school.

PS....I see that you have a great interest in working with sex magic...........You will also find that this kind of energy is much more stimulating on the astral level than physical. All one needs to do is just walk into each other's spirit and experience.....almost like just inhaling the other through the breath to experience it.


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An Asetian Trance? Empty Re: An Asetian Trance?

Post by DCxMagus 19.03.12 0:21

This is definitely something I will try, Maxx. The only concern I have with working outside the physical realm is quite simply what you stated. The great amount of energy it takes in order to project and actively work with in even just the astral realm is a great drain. I am quite eager to start past life work as well as projecting again, It's just finding a suitable source of energy in which to draw from so that I may continue on with my mundane life that is the hard part. Although at this point in my life I have much less concern about the moral of feeding I am still fairly picky about who I feed on. But I've found the universe seems to have a way of balancing that out as long as I stay focused on spiritual development and continue with my practices, it is when I falter out of fear of repercussions that problems start to arise.


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An Asetian Trance? Empty Re: An Asetian Trance?

Post by Maxx 19.03.12 6:48

I also live in the middle of no place.....on a Sioux Indian I LOVE seculusion. But, I have special energy lines here and it is a great location for such as energy. I was shown in a dream that I would be moving to this place 2 years before and I had never been to North Dakota before. I was taken to the small place overhead and shown this place from the air as I slowly passed overhead. I was really startled after I moved here to realize what had taken place. But again, my personal drawing favorite is going back to the vatican and stand over all the crowd as they look up to cheer the myself.


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An Asetian Trance? Empty Re: An Asetian Trance?

Post by Maxx 20.03.12 21:21


Yesterday I decided to use the same action that I described above in the excercise of going to that center place within and doing exactly what I spoke of. I decided that I would produce a certain type of lead that I work with in order to produce a sale. It is a referral from someone who is already a customer of ours and I have just started working with a certain element of having those referral leads mailed in to my secretary. These are a very easy sale as they are already convinced to buy before I arrive.

I went and centered myself within and spent all of 30 seconds there and I looked at the process of having that type of lead called in to produce a sale....the creation of that special lead........and for a moment as I looked at it, it was mixed up together with just a new person calling in to have interest in meeting with me and giving them my information and writing up a sale. The second one is just a standard lead for me. I, then, for a short time was mixed up between the two types of leads but then I centered in on the referral type.....and then I released it into the universe. I watched as I sent it off.....

Today, I woke and started other things and I completely forgot about what I had done. At 1:30 pm my secretary called and told me that she was faxing me info on two types of leads......One was a call in requesting info from me, and the second was a mailed referral.......both types. I immediately set an appointment to write this up......Course, each one pays $1050 each. I will sign both up...along with others that are coming in.....but this was a creation of mine. And, I received both types of leads from that same creation. Whether it is called ritual magic done from outside the physical realm or whether it would be called creation based on designed thought forms....makes no difference.

It is an example of how one can take control over this life in any catagory and
create it, and design in any way you so choose. Some will take longer and some almost instantly will appear.......The more one works with this type of exercise the better one becomes at doing it......and creating what you desire.

Of course this info is free here. One does not need to pay $150 a year to be a member here......and everyone is welcome with no grades they have to buy to belong to a secret group. Free info is what those that lurk outside and watch can receive....and I know they are. Even the leaders lurk and watch this I have seen evidence of it. Heck, they should be ashamed at taking money from half of those members over there and telling them they are vampires..when some seem almost less than human......when humans can do the same thing free....and, freely we receive, and freely we give, to aid and help mankind. Again, they should be ashamed of themselves taking those members money. But, it seems tickets to the circus are sold every day....... cyclops


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An Asetian Trance? Empty Re: An Asetian Trance?

Post by DCxMagus 26.03.12 4:13

I've had some success with the technique you described as well. 2 times in specific with the kherpu manta and simply by envisioning the dark mark, with having the appropriate pages open and resting on my crown shen. Without going into too much detail, I have seen an upswing of my own personal focus on life and much of the apathy I have been feeling recently has faded. Unfortunately I have been a lot less social and I seem to have to focus a lot more on grounding out the increased energy I'm cycling, it's beginning to manifest as cramps and pain in my feet and legs. I must find a higher frequency of energy to drain from, ambient and indirect feeding is causing to much pollution of my system at these intake levels.


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An Asetian Trance? Empty Re: An Asetian Trance?

Post by Maxx 26.03.12 8:23

I am glad to hear of your success. You will see an increase in your inner balance by going to that spot and spending time there daily.

Yesterday, as I was in my own spot, I am still in awe regarding a visit from a particular spirit that dropped in quickly and surprised me. I instantly knew who he was without even a word being said. I am still trying to decide whether to go into an attempt to call him back. It was a real surprise.

Do you take any medication at all? Just to be sure, some blood pressure medication causes some muscle cramps. Actually, in the past I began to have some muscle cramps in my legs and could not understand why, and then in a dream I was shown to take potassium pills....the cramps stopped immediately.

Just wondering how far you live from the crowd? I am ten miles away from it, myself.


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