The Qliphothic Vampire

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Ankhhape 19.08.08 19:09

I do hope this is the appropriate place for this?

As we all know, Asetians are not the only vampiric soul in existence, though they may be the only divine vampiric soul.

Some vampires are entropic, Qliphothic beings, consisting of the
spiritual energy obtained from either the living, or the dead, and
encase themselves in the lighter, etheric shell-bodies of the dead, but
they are not the actual Souls of the dead.
Their souls exist within what Qabalah refers to as the Abyss, the zero
point of the dimensional continuum. They receive energy from people in
general through the viral meme that is called Ego. What the Ego does is
divert our energy away from ourselves, and the knowledge of ourselves,
and towards the Void within us. For the vampire, the polarity is
reversed, energy is devoured, but the void can never be filled.

I do look forward to your commentary on this post, thank you

em hotep A'nen

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Jonathan 26.08.08 16:37

That's an interesting post but I'm afraid my knowledge of Qabalah is not very complete my friend.


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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Hellen 15.09.08 17:18

i am not very familiar with Kabbalah , but as far as i have read about Qliphoth i understand they are seen as two things -a representation of only evil , and empty , only shells ,also they seem like wondering and lacking free will , more like the parasites you encounter in low astral
( is that's what Kabbalah calls the Abyss and the zero
point of the dimensional continuum.? )

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Saylamine 16.09.08 10:48

I've been wanting to learn more about vampires as Qliphothic beings, but I haven't had much luck on finding resources. If anyone knows of a good resource or direction to start, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Ankhhape 16.09.08 11:30

Saylamine wrote:I've been wanting to learn more about vampires as Qliphothic beings, but I haven't had much luck on finding resources. If anyone knows of a good resource or direction to start, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I wish the AK would release some information on this subject, as I am sure they have the answers, but we will have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, decent resources for Qliphothic vampirism can be found in many Theosophy and Qabalaha books as well as Michael Ford's books.
Thought he best read I have come across so far is a book released by The Dragon Rouge 'Qabala,Qliphoth and Goetic Magic'
Though I am not sure how sound all these concepts are in comparison to what the AK know.

Em hotep,

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Hellen 16.09.08 11:42

but why do you think this concept is related with AK ?

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Ankhhape 16.09.08 13:09

Because 'everything' is related to Aset Wink

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Saylamine 16.09.08 14:55

Thank you A'nen. I've heard good reviews on Michael Ford's books, but I haven't read any of them yet.

I also found a book called The Nightside of Eden, by Kenneth Grant that I think has some information on the Qliphoth in general. But I'm not sure if it discusses Qliphotic vampires. I have not read it yet, since it's a little more expensive than most books, but would like to someday.

I would also love to see the AK release any info on the subject. It would be very interesting.

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Hellen 24.09.08 12:13

Balance among the Sephiroth is of paramount importance as every positive energy will turn negative when taken to an unbalanced extreme. [...]This 'dark side of the Sephiroth' is called The Qliphoth, the individual Sephiroth seen in isolation from the rest of the Tree. This denial of unity among all parts of the Tree of Life is the Qabalah's basic definition of Evil. *

source :

I personally don't see Asetians as being in Qliphoth or walk a Path separate from the Tree, i wonder if you have another opinion on this , while the central point of this topic is Qliphoth

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Ankhhape 24.09.08 12:45

My view of this is that a study of the Qliphothic nature is something the Asetians would use and assimilate into their overall workings.
The Asetians mention making use of the Tree of Death which is the Inverse Tree of Life.
Your "denial of unity among all parts of the Tree of Life is the Qabalah's basic definition of Evil" is more along the lines of the Judaic concept of Kaballah and may not coincide with Asetian understanding of it . . . which is why I initially posted in regards to further AK knowledge of this Qliphoth and Tree of Death.

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Hellen 24.09.08 13:30

Then, A'nen , I might still not understand what they call Qliphoth , while I am just starting to study Hermetic Qabbalah and couldn't find much on this concept
When I still can't see the connection , I'm not concerned with the term of 'evil ' but with the disconection from divine , or evolution that i understand it could mean
I kind of agree when they say "every positive energy will turn negative when taken to an unbalanced extreme" and i see it as stagnation
That's why i would like to know more from you if you have more knowledge , could you explain what is Qliphoth in your understanding ?
This Inversed Tree could be like a mirror image ?

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Ankhhape 29.10.08 11:57

The Qliphoth are negative or
entropic beings in the universe, and are the opposite of the positive or kaotic
beings known as the Sephiroth
. The Hebrew root word "qlippah" or
"klippah" (plural "qlippoth") means "shell" or

The main way that the Qliphoth receive energy from people in general is through the viral meme that is called
Ego. We are all infected with the dissonant meme Ego, and as a result, we are
all feeding the Qliphoth. What the Ego does is divert our energy away from
ourselves, and the knowledge of ourselves, and towards the Void within us,

which is linked to the Void / Abyss / Daath where the Qliphoth dwell. Instead of energy
and expression coming from the Abyss, the polarity is reversed. Energy is
devoured, but the Void can never be filled.

The Inverse Qliphoth – The basic idea put forward by Israel Regardie, and later
Bill Heidrick. For Regardie they are simply the opposites of the well known
Sephiroth on the Adverse Tree. The 'Evil Twins'. Heidrick elucidates a
more detailed Demonic hierarchy of inverted or distorted Sephiroth. Both modes
are ruled by Satan, who represents the disunion and oppositional dualism of a
distorted Kether, the Sephiroth of Unity. In even more dualistic versions, such
as that of Heidrick, the twin rulers are often Satan and Moloch.

Just a few ideas from my notes in Qabalah I hope they were of some help?

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Saylamine 29.10.08 13:50

Thank you for sharing this A'nen. It was very informative. I have yet to study up on the Qliphoth, so this was very helpful.

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Ankhhape 29.10.08 14:44

I am sure all of this Qliphothic theory can be traced back to Kemetic theory, I would be interested in knowing the parallels.

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Reply to Saylamine

Post by Maxx 07.12.08 21:32

You asked what might be some resources for study on this topic. An interesting book by Michael W. Ford is called AKHKHARU....Vampyre Magick. A couple of quotes from the book are in regard to The 22 Paths of the Qlipphoth and their Servitors:

The Qlippoth are spheres and avenues of primal energy which may be consumed and used to empower the Vampyre Magickian, Most fear the qlippoth as place of death and negativity, however these energies are primal and represent various elements of the self.....and at that point goes on to name and describe the Qlipphoth with the Servitors.

He is saying that the Magician will use the invocation and then the assumption of the spirit into the body of the Magician and take on the attributes of the spirit. The evocation of the spirit is treated the same.

Another section describes Advanced Vampyrism Qlippothic Socery.
So-called psychic vampyrism is directly associated with the predatory spirit as it is developed in the subconscious. It must be considered that vampyrism is an initiatory process, like Luciferian Witchcraft, which is never quelled or sated. The Vampyre Magickian will always move forward. Transformation over time will change the course and mode of initiation, but the aim will be the same--power and spiritual continuation. Qlippothic Vampyrism holds relevance to the Vampyre Magickian as it is a state of delving the depths of the subconscious and as some considered the infernal realms--from which the subconscious mind opens to. And then it continues......etc.

If that interests you, the book can be found on lulu self publishers.



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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Ankhhape 08.12.08 6:02

Thankx Maxx,

I believe this same information is contained in Ford's 'The Witch Moon' of which I have a copy.
Also, Thomas Karlsson's book 'Qabalah, Qliphoth & Goetic Magic' has a good deal of information on Qliphothic vampires.
I have also found information in Theosophy books by Blavatsky & Steiner

Karlsson's book gets into Kheperu, Maat & Aphosis principles and he recognizes these Egyptian words as universal principles.

*I am starved for more Asetian knowledge . . . damn!

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Victor 08.12.08 9:02

Maxx wrote:

Look who's here. Seems like he did not really leave after all. Just as I thought. Twisted Evil

Ankhhape wrote:
*I am starved for more Asetian knowledge . . . damn!
Me too my friend... me too...
I am looking forward for future publications from the Order.

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Maxx 08.12.08 12:53

What does that mean and in what manner? Do you want to clarify.

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Maxx 08.12.08 12:55


Two of those books look rather interesting. One with Blavatsky I am startled that she would get into it. Thanks for the info.

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Saylamine 09.12.08 12:33

Thank you for the post, Maxx. I once saw that book on, and have since been trying to work it into my book budget. Lulu has such a great selection of books too...

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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Jonathan 13.12.08 14:20

Victor wrote:
Maxx wrote:

Look who's here. Seems like he did not really leave after all. Just as I thought. Twisted Evil
Welcome back Maxx. I must say it is nice to see you post again.


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The Qliphothic Vampire Empty Re: The Qliphothic Vampire

Post by Maxx 13.12.08 22:31

Thanks, Jonathan. Appreciated.


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