Strength and Weakness

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Strength and Weakness Empty Strength and Weakness

Post by Aghrab 02.09.08 9:09

Understanding the personality and trait of Viperines, Guardians and Concubines, what can you say is the greatest strength, and greatest weakness of each Lineage? Although it is far more complex, and goes far deeper than what the Asetian Bible presents to us.


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Strength and Weakness Empty Re: Strength and Weakness

Post by Talibah 08.09.08 7:15

I've been contemplating this question for a week now....It has proven to be alot more complex a question than one would first think, as I didn't want to reply with just a string of quotes from the AB. Therefore, my reply is a difficult one to put into words, so please bear with me.

I believe, that each lineage is a seperate part of the whole. The whole, being a triumvirate. I believe that whilst each lineage may develop its own individual strengths and weaknesses, their greatest weakness - and in accordance to duality - their greatest strength, is in being apart from, and united with the triumvirate.

In other words, the greatest weakness of each lineage is in being apart from the other two lineages, and only when they are united together, can each lineage - and the triumvirate as a whole - find it's greatest strength, which is complete balance.

This probably wont make much sense, but it's the way I've come to understand it.

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Strength and Weakness Empty Re: Strength and Weakness

Post by Aghrab 08.09.08 11:53

Talibah, I agree with what you said, and yes, this question was complex and not a question one could answer completely, since the subject is beyond what the Asetian Bible shows us.

Since I asked this question, I myself should try and answer it. To my belief, the greatest strength of the Viperines are their metaphysical abilities, loyalty and how they can be trusted as being the greatest rulers and guides. Their greatest weakness is them being physically fragile and delicate. The Guardian's greatest strength are their unquestionable loyalty, their physical strength and the fact that they can live and breathe for only one person being their True Love, and of course their powerful shields. Their weakness would probably be being less sensitive to energy due to their strong connection with the Earth. The Concubine's strength would be his energetic subtle body, making him a great donor, and also being able to endure great amount of physical pain. And his weakness would be having a weaker personality which at some point may even cause him to “lose himself”. This is basically what the Asetian Bible tell us, although I believe, as I said, there is much more to it than what we now know...


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Strength and Weakness Empty Re: Strength and Weakness

Post by Helliana 08.09.08 12:14

I agree with what you both have said.

I'd also think that a Concubine's weakness might also include being closer and more..."soft" to humans than the other two lineages. But I guess it depends on the viewpoint of each lineage. Such as Guardians might think that Concubines being close to their biological parents is a form of weakness.

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Strength and Weakness Empty Re: Strength and Weakness

Post by Laura 08.09.08 21:17

This question has been troubling me lately. As you all said, it is not as easy as it is seen in the AB. I also agree that an Asetian’s weakness is being apart from other Asetians. Also the AB generalizes; yes putting it all in simple terms the AB states the strengths and weaknesses, but there are also individuals who break those parameters. I think that the strengths and weaknesses change from Asetian to Asetian. I think it depends on each individual, on their evolution and their personal interests. Also I think that each Asetian knows their strengths and weaknesses, and that part of evolving is working on the weak points to be a fully evolved being.

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Strength and Weakness Empty Re: Strength and Weakness

Post by Aghrab 09.09.08 14:38

Helliana wrote:I'd also think that a Concubine's weakness might also include being closer and more..."soft" to humans than the other two lineages.
This is not only a weakness, but also a danger in a way, since this "soft personality towads humans" in the Concubine lineage, being also too close to their biological parents, might not only allow them to follow the wrong paths of life but may even pull them away from their true eternal family - the Aset Ka. However I do believe that any Concubine, with some Will and strength can overcome that obstacle of detaching from the mortals that gave him birth. This is one that a that Guardian would be a great rolemodel for, to the Concubine.

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Strength and Weakness Empty Re: Strength and Weakness

Post by Victor 11.09.08 13:48

I also believe that many times, some of a Lineage's weakness is also its strength. Take for example Guardians, they are known to deeply attach to One, wether that one is their lover, their master or their creator, and remain with that soul forever. Although in a way that can be seen as a weakness, because they only care for one and only live for one, even if that one does not give them back what they wish and desire, like if a lover that is not loving them back (just an example). That is also seen as their biggest strength, since it is the reason behind their unshakeable loyalty, commitment and dedication.

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Strength and Weakness Empty Re: Strength and Weakness

Post by Aghrab 12.09.08 3:58

Victor wrote: Although in a way that can be seen as a weakness, because they only care for one and only live for one, even if that one does not give them back what they wish and desire, like if a lover that is not loving them back (just an example).

I can somewhat see what you mean, but I don't believe, for this given example only, that a Guardian would Love anyone that would not love them back, meaning she would certainly not love who is not her True Love. If she even has one, that is.


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