No Weakness From Draining?

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No Weakness From Draining? Empty No Weakness From Draining?

Post by Daniel09 22.01.09 16:30

This is a little something that's been bothering me on the edge of my mind for quite some time. I don't suffer any side affects of psi feeding and appear to have a vast energy that regenerates quickly. It is of a healing nature from what I can tell, though I haven't been able to manipulate it very well. I may have managed to stitch a deep cut on my hand back together with a few days of scarcely trying to heal it, but that could have easily been natural process.

Has anyone else encountered a person with energy that never seems to run out, and bounces back from a deep feeding in minutes? It might be helpful in my determining of what I am, if I am anything at all. Being in a shroud of confusion is one of the worst things, and this site has the most likely chance of at least making the shroud form blurry shapes in my view.

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No Weakness From Draining? Empty Re: No Weakness From Draining?

Post by Jonathan 25.01.09 10:48

Did you check the Lineage of Scarabs (Concubines) in the Asetian Bible? They are Vampires, Asetians, but yet they are amazing donors due to their inborn energy cycling, being able to always provide new and fresh energy. It is not that uncommon for certain types of Vampires being donors of other Vampires that have a higher energy metabolism. Feeding is a symbiose, it takes but also gives something in return, this is what most people are not aware of when they see vampirism as something so negative.


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No Weakness From Draining? Empty Re: No Weakness From Draining?

Post by Daniel09 25.01.09 14:27

Well, it does fit, and I never really looked at the lineage of scarabs very much before this. I'm resigned to say I am definitely not one of these lineages though. It's pretentious and silly to even consider on my part.

All I know is I do crave blood strongly, am completely healthy, and am considered to be a very good energy donor. Opinions on the way my energy feels vary. Here's a list of different things I've heard:

-like rushing wind
-thick, like compressed energy from someone depressed, yet it covers a large area
-big, rushes by rather surprisingly
-vomitous (only person to ever say that. Never heard it again)
-very grounding and nice feeling

Not sure what to make of it. Some have thought I'm a phoenix, which I can't even begin to understand. Why I would be a mythical firebird... So, that's my confusion.

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No Weakness From Draining? Empty Re: No Weakness From Draining?

Post by Talibah 26.01.09 7:02

Daniel, why would it be pretentious and silly to consider the Scarabs as a possible Lineage? You will find that for most Asetians, they are constantly questioning which Lineage they may herald from, even though they have been told by a responsible and accuarte source - the Aset Ka itself.

To pigeon hole yourself, at this early stage may prove more of a hurdle than not. Keep an open mind, and consider all routes with some healthy objection, but never with such a dead-ended opinion.

As for your list, there are many things which I too have been told, with regards to the 'feel' of my energy, but these are also to be taken objectively, as you should be learning how to feel your own energy and how it interacts with others.

Try concentrating and then explaining how your energy 'feels' to you. Then draw what conclusions you need to, in order to progress.

The answers are neither definitive or concrete in the Asetian Bible....the definitions of the Linages are merely a brief outline, and much more important details have been ommited. Which is why self-exploration is so important - and so encouraged.

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No Weakness From Draining? Empty Re: No Weakness From Draining?

Post by Daniel09 26.01.09 13:07

I didn't say I dead-ended it, merely that it feels wrong to claim that kind of a title. It's funny, with the guardian one it was like every other thing I've read about. It gives you that momentary high to imagine, and then dies down into a "oh whatever" category. The concubine lineage on the other hand, rings true, too true for me to be comfortable in considering it. All I know is there's this big nagging of my mind telling me to believe it, and the rest of my head is telling me not to.

I think the biggest reason I'm inclined to believe it is because of who I found by pure chance. I'm fairly certain now that she's a viperine. It just fits everything I've observed prior to my knowledge of the lineages.

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No Weakness From Draining? Empty Re: No Weakness From Draining?

Post by Victor 26.01.09 15:28

Daniel09 wrote:
I think the biggest reason I'm inclined to believe it is because of who I found by pure chance. I'm fairly certain now that she's a viperine. It just fits everything I've observed prior to my knowledge of the lineages.
For the darkest powers of Kemet, just please capitalize the word Viperine. You're talking about the leaders, kings and Pharaohs behind the Asetian Empire and a good part of the Ancient Egyptian history.

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No Weakness From Draining? Empty Re: No Weakness From Draining?

Post by Daniel09 26.01.09 16:58

I apologize. I meant no disrespect.

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No Weakness From Draining? Empty Re: No Weakness From Draining?

Post by ToBeSilent 18.02.10 5:14

Daniel09 wrote:Has anyone else encountered a person with energy that never seems to run out, and bounces back from a deep feeding in minutes? It might be helpful in my determining of what I am, if I am anything at all. Being in a shroud of confusion is one of the worst things, and this site has the most likely chance of at least making the shroud form blurry shapes in my view.

I have not come across this before but i do have a rather odd experience that i encountered today. I often feed off people i know but more often than not it is without them knowing. i do not feed often and feel that makes me rather inexperienced. but what happened today is something i have never come across. I was in the same room as a lady i know from work and she had such an energy about her, something very alluring but when i started/or should i say attempted to feed my neck and my shoulders become so stiff and sore almost instantly, i felt as if i'd been hit almost. I just could not feed off her. i have never come across such resistance before. can anyone explain what happened there?

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No Weakness From Draining? Empty Re: No Weakness From Draining?

Post by Daniel09 19.02.10 3:24

Aggressive defenses, it sounds like/

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No Weakness From Draining? Empty Re: No Weakness From Draining?

Post by ToBeSilent 19.02.10 3:29

Daniel09 wrote:Aggressive defenses, it sounds like/

would the person be aware that i was trying to feed off them though? or is it something more subconscious?

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No Weakness From Draining? Empty Re: No Weakness From Draining?

Post by Daniel09 20.02.10 16:19

ToBeSilent wrote:
Daniel09 wrote:Aggressive defenses, it sounds like/

would the person be aware that i was trying to feed off them though? or is it something more subconscious?
It could be either. One can program their shield to react in certain ways, though if she was versed in energy work to that point she would probably be able to detect you and retaliate. Some people are very sensitive about attempted drains.

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No Weakness From Draining? Empty Re: No Weakness From Draining?

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