Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Proxy 12.10.10 3:12

we know everyone got one(including the ones that hide it).
Each aura is different from another. different size, type(feminin masculine), some are locked and some very open and they all operate on different levels.

Imagine a party with a lot of people. who do you mingle with??
I¨l stay with the one that have unconcious aura leaking.... mmm nice! Party all night long!!
How you can tell their is an unconcious aura leaking...vell... either you got it or you not. pretty hard to tell how..

But another side is the ones that have unconscious aura draining..
hate it, cant stand them. I feel sucked dry like an instant and I`l have to consentrate on blocking and keeping my sheild up.. very frustrating. i usually take a big turn around them if i can sence it.
Whats more frustrating is that they dont even know it.... Sad... cause it might have been a nice person.

Anyone else having thoughts about this??


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Registration date : 2010-10-10

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Daniel09 12.10.10 13:25

Now this I don't get. From what I've read, Guardians have intense shielding that is almost impossible for them to control without a lot of diligent work toward it. If you have to concentrate on blocking and keeping your shield up at any time, it would seem that you don't have the kind of shield that a Guardian does.

Just my two cents.

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by AndreiaLi 12.10.10 15:15

Well, for me it is pretty hard to be in crowded places for to long, although I can pretend that I fit in the environment. I probably wouldn't mingle with anyone in the place, except for the one(s) that are in "my circle".

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Proxy 14.10.10 3:05

Daniel09 wrote:Now this I don't get. From what I've read, Guardians have intense shielding that is almost impossible for them to control without a lot of diligent work toward it. If you have to concentrate on blocking and keeping your shield up at any time, it would seem that you don't have the kind of shield that a Guardian does.

Just my two cents.

maybe you are right Daniel09 ... but do you really think that every kind of sheild a guardian has is the same and that they are not unike to them selves...individually?????
or that the sheilds can be different from day to day or year to year dipended on your psi or psyckich health???

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Proxy 14.10.10 3:07

AndreiaLi wrote:Well, for me it is pretty hard to be in crowded places for to long, although I can pretend that I fit in the environment. I probably wouldn't mingle with anyone in the place, except for the one(s) that are in "my circle".

I must aree to that . crowded places makes me feel a bit on the nerve, but i think that it is something to work on. maybe try to develop more contact or control over the aura wil help?

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Daniel09 14.10.10 6:50

Any shield will fluctuate over time, but the Guardian's intense shielding is so powerful that they often cannot feel energy even after becoming proficient in it. They are the less pale of the three Lineages because their shields can even block the energy of the sun.

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Proxy 14.10.10 7:22

Daniel09 wrote:Any shield will fluctuate over time, but the Guardian's intense shielding is so powerful that they often cannot feel energy even after becoming proficient in it. They are the less pale of the three Lineages because their shields can even block the energy of the sun.

ok.. I`l need to read a bit more in the AB .
Just wounder .. the sun is the biggest energy source we got, and to totally block that energy source-- wont that be bad??

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Divine 277 14.10.10 9:26

Proxy wrote:
Daniel09 wrote:Any shield will fluctuate over time, but the Guardian's intense shielding is so powerful that they often cannot feel energy even after becoming proficient in it. They are the less pale of the three Lineages because their shields can even block the energy of the sun.

ok.. I`l need to read a bit more in the AB .
Just wounder .. the sun is the biggest energy source we got, and to totally block that energy source-- wont that be bad??

Yes , I think so .. cause the material body and all life on our planet needs light and warmth, and it is the best resource we have when it comes to d vitamin.

from Wikipedia : Vitamin D is a vitamin. Vitamin D controls the levels of calcium ions and phosphates in the blood in the intestines. It helps bones grow and form. It is also good for the immune system. In total, there are 5 vitamins, D1 to D5. The most common ones are D2 and D3 (see image). It is in fish-liver oils and fortified milk. If a person lacks vitamin D, they have a higher chance of getting rickets and having soft bones.

And I would also like to add, that it also helps the body to take up other vitamins ass well ...

Norway/ Scandinavia ... Maybe You Know that Norway is one of the few countries in the world, where they have to little sun and that one of Norway´s biggest problems in the winter is lack of vitamin D , since our winter ( our sun is gone, in winter time ) can begin i September and last almost until may...( if we are rely out of luck .... )

And You can actually see the difference in people, most never go out side in the winter time, if they don't have to ....

So If your from Norway, the sun does not concern you that much anyway.

I will also pint something out about Aset , when it comes to the sun, she is the only goddess whit control over it...

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Daniel09 14.10.10 13:54

Proxy wrote:
Daniel09 wrote:Any shield will fluctuate over time, but the Guardian's intense shielding is so powerful that they often cannot feel energy even after becoming proficient in it. They are the less pale of the three Lineages because their shields can even block the energy of the sun.

ok.. I`l need to read a bit more in the AB .
Just wounder .. the sun is the biggest energy source we got, and to totally block that energy source-- wont that be bad??

Well, the sunsets and sunrises are powerful moments involving the sun, but during the rest of the day, the sun is kind of a nuisance to a vampiric system. Some theories involve it being an energetic incompatibility, while others consider it to be a mythological incongruity.

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Proxy 19.10.10 7:42

Daniel09 wrote; Well, the sunsets and sunrises are powerful moments involving the sun, but during the rest of the day, the sun is kind of a nuisance to a vampiric system. Some theories involve it being an energetic incompatibility, while others consider it to be a mythological incongruity.[/quote]

The pantheonthree is relative here... Isis(Aset) is the daughter of Geb and Nut and they are the creation of Su and Tefnut whitch are again created by Atum Often combined with Ra, under the style of Atum-Ra, He is the Aspect of the sun .
And then you chould wounder- why is the sun bad??


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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Proxy 19.10.10 7:44

Proxy wrote:Daniel09 wrote; Well, the sunsets and sunrises are powerful moments involving the sun, but during the rest of the day, the sun is kind of a nuisance to a vampiric system. Some theories involve it being an energetic incompatibility, while others consider it to be a mythological incongruity.

The pantheonthree is relative here... Isis(Aset) is the daughter of Geb and Nut and they are the creation of Su and Tefnut whitch are again created by Atum Often combined with Ra, under the style of Atum-Ra, He is the Aspect of the sun .
And then you chould wounder- why is the sun bad??

or did i missunderstand you? Neutral

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Daniel09 19.10.10 9:21

The sky and earth may be neutrals in all of this, but the sun is usually under the command of Ra (when Aset is not upset, according to the myths. She stopped the sun disk when Horus was poisoned, I think. Perhaps also when she wanted to bring back Osiris, but I'm uncertain of that one.). Ra has a personal vendetta against Aset for the reason that she forced him to give her his secret name. The one that controls him and his abilities. Therefor, it is not too far-fetched to imagine that he is not too friendly to her children.

The sun is great, not bad. It just doesn't happen to agree with the Asetian Vampiric system.

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Divine 277 19.10.10 13:44

Horus is one of the oldest and most significant deities in the Ancient Egyptian religion, who was worshipped from at least the late Predynastic period through to Greco-Roman times. Different forms of Horus are recorded in history and these are treated as distinct gods by Egyptologists.[1] These various forms may possibly be different perceptions of the same multi-layered deity in which certain attributes or syncretic relationships are emphasised, not necessarily in opposition but complementary to one another, consistent with how the Ancient Egyptians viewed the multiple facets of reality.[2] The earliest recorded form is Horus the Falcon who was the patron deity of Nekhen in Upper Egypt and who is the first known national god, specifically related to the king who in time came to be regarded as a manifestation of Horus in life and Osiris in death.[1] The most commonly encountered family relationship describes Horus as the son of Isis and Osiris but in another tradition Hathor is regarded as his mother and sometimes as his wife.[1] Horus served many functions in the Egyptian pantheon, most notably being the god of the Sky, god of War and god of Protection.

Other Names: Heru, Hor, Harendotes/Har-nedj-itef (Horus the Avenger), Har-Pa-Neb-Taui (Horus Lord of the Two Lands)

Patron of: the living Pharaoh, rulers, law, war, young men, light, the sun, many others depending on the particular variant.

Appearance: His most common form is that of falcon-headed man, but he is also shown as a falcon, a lion with the head of a falcon, or a sphinx. He is also shown as a falcon resting on the neck of the pharaoh, spreading his wings to either side of the pharaoh's head and whispering guidance in his ear.

Description: It is nearly impossible to distinguish a "true" Horus from all his many forms. In fact, Horus is mostly a general term for a great number of falcon gods, some of which were worshipped all over Egypt, others simply had local cults. Yet in all of his forms he is regarded as the prince of the gods and the specific patron of the living ruler.

The worship of Horus was brought from the outside by neighboring tribes who invaded and then settled into Egypt. He was their god of war, but was quickly absorbed into the state religion, first as a son of Ra, then changing to become the son of Osiris. He was the protector and guide to the pharaoh and later pharaohs were believed to be his avatar on earth. Horus was also the patron of young men and the ideal of the dutiful son who grows up to become a just man.

The most popular story of Horus is the one in which he grows to manhood to avenge the death of his father Osiris by battling against his cruel uncle Set. In many writings, he is said to continue to battle Set daily to ensure the safety of the world.

Worship: Worshipped widely throughout all of Egypt, even his variant forms were widespread.

so you tell me ?

sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Jonathan 19.10.10 15:02

I'm getting somewhat tired of your constant paste of long text that do not belong to you. If you don't have an opinion to give, then just don't write at all, otherwise it is just annoying to read huge pastes from Wikipedia and other websites that anyone can easily read by googling around. That is not what this community is meant for, this a place for people with a personality and opinion of their own. Certainly sometimes people can support their own theories with links to proper research, but they just don't create answers with stolen text over and over. This forum is meant for people to share opinions, views and knowledge, not as a copy-paste exercise. So if you have anything smart and unique to say, by all means say it, and try to put a better effort in your writing skills. But if you don't have anything to say and all you have is a paste from other peoples' opinions and views, by all means, just remain quiet.

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Proxy 19.10.10 16:09

Jonathan wrote:I'm getting somewhat tired of your constant paste of long text that do not belong to you. If you don't have an opinion to give, then just don't write at all, otherwise it is just annoying to read huge pastes from Wikipedia and other websites that anyone can easily read by googling around. That is not what this community is meant for, this a place for people with a personality and opinion of their own. Certainly sometimes people can support their own theories with links to proper research, but they just don't create answers with stolen text over and over. This forum is meant for people to share opinions, views and knowledge, not as a copy-paste exercise. So if you have anything smart and unique to say, by all means say it, and try to put a better effort in your writing skills. But if you don't have anything to say and all you have is a paste from other peoples' opinions and views, by all means, just remain quiet.

i felt struck.. but i gues a litle can`t hurt.. lol!
and now i want a smal gem.....?


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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Divine 277 19.10.10 16:11

1 of all : I do comments on my finds... and I hold wisdom quite dear, So what you are telling me, is that you want to live in your own bobble ?

Inst it the point, to find the order in the chaos ?

2 . I tried when I first came hear to speak my voice , But I then got the feeling that I was getting to personal......

3. how big is your world ?

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Proxy 19.10.10 16:26

and what was the thread here again..
i got lost again scratch


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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Syrianeh 20.10.10 3:42

Divine 277, methinks you haven't really understood Jonathan's clear and direct message. Your reaction is like a child's tantrum, as is is with most of your responses lately to other user's criticism, which only proves that your mind only sees what affects you as an individual and feels threatened by everything.

The point is not to paste unending strings of information, that I would like to think most of us are smart enough to access, but to actually have a point. That's the way to keep this forum free of fluff and unecessary chitchat.


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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Divine 277 20.10.10 4:02

Syrianeh :

I'm not angry, why do you think this ?

I'm Just trying to understand what you all want out of this forum, cause I do rely think I'm lost on that subject, since I have been told that my personal opinion is of no interest, and I am now told that archeological re such is not a interest ether .

So my questions was rely only to clarify what kind of forum you are trying to make here ?

and I just don't think that criticism to just about everything new on this forum is a good way to evolve.

I do have a point in my posts....
but I cant make assumptions based on speculations, when there are info on the subject...
But I do make foot notes on my assumptions based on the subject at hand.

So please do enlighten me , cause I'm am getting a bit confused.

Sincerely Divine 277

It is important to every one to have a open mind.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking   Empty Re: Unconscious Aura Draining & Leaking

Post by Syrianeh 20.10.10 4:28

Divine277: it is really not my place to describe the purpose and the spirit of this Forum. I think that reading through it, especially its beginnings, describes it in the best possible way.

We all have an open mind here, that's why we say what we think. And that's why some attitudes are criticized, not judged, which is a completely different thing. It's for the good of the general purpose and spirit here.

Anway, this is completely off-topic and not too related to the thread at hand, so I will make this my final comment on this issue. Be well.

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