Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining

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Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining Empty Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.06.19 5:45

For all intents and purposes more (spiritually or metaphysically) scientific in nature in order to understand and grasp upon the subtle intricacies of feeding and subtle anatomy; say if a true vampire - "true" meaning merely one who verily has a vampiric nature - were to feed upon the energy system of another person and that true vampire had not fed in a long time and was relatively starved and needed a bit more energy, how much percentage of the target's energy would be drained per quantitative or qualitative standards of measure? I reckon this might be multi-dimensional and hence difficult to tackle concerning our limited physical language. Obviously there are layers and layers of the energy system. Feeding upon a relatively more inner layer is more qualitative in energy consistency than an outer layer and hence higher in that kind of percentage of energy than a more outer layer. The inner layers will carry the more qualitative, and hence more richer and stronger substance of, energy. So discerning a percentage might have to happen in a more advanced formula of mathematical calculation based upon an intuitive sense of apperception as well, because there is rarerly any other viable instrument to perceive energy in that way. This might be challenging indeed and the variables are quite a few as well; for instance one does not need to feed upon one singular person, but combined from different people and expressed as the energy taken from only one individual, merely in theory, how much energy would that be equivalent to if you fed from multiple people but only calculated it as if it were taken from one person alone? Sorry if the language makes little sense or is hard to read. I lack the mathematical language unfortunately, at least in English.

This might give a certain clue or understanding as to how much, depending upon the subtle metabolism need of the vampire, energy is asborbed on a more knowledgeable base of accuracy in terms of percentage as an interesting notion. It might raise a noteworthy conception of qualitative or quantitative values per estimation of the energy consumed, something we might not always have a thorough understanding or notion of but only intuitively *feel*. The dynamics of how this works is very interesting on that level of metaphysically scientific inquiry even if it is very hard to accurately assess but a worthwhile question nevertheless.

But, this also raises a corollary question likewise because if you take this former question and naturally understand its implications the next arising question, from one point of view, is how long does it take for that energy to regenerate within a person, if now the case is that one person was targetted (apart from that theoretical example above)? It becomes a corollary question in a certain sense because it ties in with being fed from and how fast one then replenishes afterwards. It ties into the subtle anatomy aspect of the whole puzzle, maybe not directly from the standpoint of vampirism anymore but from its own point of view and still serves as a noteworthy point of interest, in those details, just for the sake of knowledge.

This might be an interesting question, to actually develop a framework of thought and informational knowledge and understanding around various phenomena and not just take it for granted but also in some way, shape or form elaborate it as per a scientific understanding. I believe this goes together with the line of ideals that the Aset Ka states to promote - at least to that extent, if performed properly, and not to say that I at all made my best contribution because I would require a lot more time and background knowledge in order to write this in a finer way but presenting it as here is just for the sake of discussion. I don't know how much time and effort I should put into it if the forum anyways is quite inactive. This raises merely a hypothetical question, nevertheless.

Keep an open mind of insatiable intellectual curiosity, question everything and explore every possibility, is the ideal and the motto.

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Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining Empty Re: Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining

Post by Maxx 11.06.19 8:00

Easy to answer.  Based on the fact I was not even thinking about energy transfer, while driving by a Catholic Church letting out after service, all at once I was bombarded with the energy from all the congregation that had been installed into the green vestments of the priest while he stood outside greeting the people leaving.  I saw the energy out of my eye while driving come quickly toward me and when it hit me I felt it push me sideways and I almost ran off the road.  I pulled over down the street a short way and regained composure.  And this was a fill, not a drain.

Another time I walked into a crowded restaurant and as I was being taken to a table I was guided between all the diners, and as I walked by a waitress, I felt a large discharge of energy come from her and envelop my entire back.  I did not have to see it happen because I saw with my spirit eyes where it came from and how it left her as it entered me.  I felt it as well.

A large consideration should be taken with this as I am not a vampire at all.  Only human.

Answer to your question/statement/proclamation is that transference of energy is only the amount one needs at the time. No more. In this case I was not intending to drain a person and kill them.  So the transference will balance both parties.  Those that have an abundance of energy given from others (the priest and the waitress) like the congregation and the crowded diners.  Equalization will occur naturally in balancing as that is how nature is designed if left alone to create the universe.

All the crap about the fake vampires that come in here proclaiming they NEED to feed and look for a donor is nothing but a bunch of crap.  All one needs is to go out walking in the midst of groups of people and any imbalance will transfer on its on.  No more is taken than needed and no more is given that needs to be transferred.

And the waitress was aware that something had happened to her as I walked by.  She felt the drain that left her.  It did not disable her but she was able to regain her composure and come and take my order.  But she did look at me very strangely.  lol. As far as the priest, I was not that concerned about him as he is in the business of draining the flock of their energy on a constant basis anyway.

As far as a blood drain of another person, there is no one here that speaks of the blood drain and killing another by it. Those that speak of it are no vampires anyway and only part of the cartoon network. Those that are capable have never spoken of it openly here and the real vampires have never ever declared they are vampires. By your wording of "true", this is what I connect to the real vampires that do live among the earth hotel venues in their stop overs.

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Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining Empty Re: Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining

Post by Maxx 11.06.19 8:24

PS. A REAL Vampire can kill another without draining blood by physical activity. So a Real Question would be, why drain and kill when you can kill without it? lol. One does not need the blood as one can drain energy to get by without it. So this entire Vampire blood killer is a bunch of crap for comedy central and make money by writing books like the codex, etc. and drains the feeble minded of their money. That is the real issue.

To kill and drink the blood proves nothing except the fact the killer is mentally challenged (and I use that word kindly, lol) So if one holds up that fake type of vampre, how does that speak well of the simple minded. lol. Maybe Fake Memory Syndrome. Ha.

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Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining Empty Re: Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.06.19 9:54

Yes I have read of your experiences with that here before. To say that things are a natural transfer of energy might hold validity to a certain extent but it does not directly answer the main question. However maybe the endeavour to put a percentage sign on how much energy is drained from someone by a real vampire depending upon varying degrees of need and metabolism is a futile quest within a normally reasonable metaphysical inquiry due its almost unrealistic possibility to be measured as a rather immeasurable quantity. That is, unless it is upon rough intuitive guesses and estimates but it is not a direct scientific measurement anyways. Certainly one can explore the occult sciences like those of the Asetians in these regards but I am not sure if percentage signs may be put upon their discoveries necessarily or do you think I am wrong? That's one interesting question in and of itself, merely for the reason of seeing what systems of measurement and practical theorems might apply.

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Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining Empty Re: Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining

Post by Maxx 11.06.19 10:27

well, there may be a question in all of this for you...and specifically designed for you to consider.

Have you ever seen anything pertaining to listing a percentage of their descriptions regarding topics they have released?

The direct answer to your specific question is: You Are never wrong if you ask a question!!!! But one can be incorrect with giving some answers... Ha.

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Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining Empty Re: Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.06.19 10:51

Yes... lol.

No I have not seen that but it makes one ponder upon the more internal scientific workings and validations within the Order of Aset Ka. Of course they would not reveal that in public books.

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Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining Empty Re: Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining

Post by Maxx 11.06.19 11:03

you sound from the questions that you are approaching from a scientific side....I believe that the Aset Ka is best understood from a higher dimensional viewpoint. As always, I could be mistaken...on Thursdays...

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Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining Empty Re: Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.06.19 11:28

Isn't it Tuesday...?

Well, I do believe as from a simple cursory reading that a great synthesis done by the Aset Ka is that of uniting mysticism and science in their inner workings, explorations and even what they might promote. It is moreover a tradition of balance so it makes sense to incorporate within the Order what appears as dichotomies within people's minds, only due to polarization that is so common in this society, but are in fact universal complementaries as polar opposites. No polarity needs to be in direct conflict with its other counterpart side but balanced upon the middle path or ground as I am sure you are well aware and even speak of yourself quite a bit but more in the metaphysical arena? It is in this interpretation, however - but which stands quite strikingly obvious - not only a matter of balancing psychic factors of light and darkness and much more but also the facets of life, science and mysticism, and so forth, with continuing upon that line of synthesizing thought.

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Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining Empty Re: Vampirism and Percentage or Quantity and Quality of Energy Draining

Post by Maxx 11.06.19 14:11

right. but your initial posting seemed to be more from the scientific side with your questions of percentages. lol

It is almost bedtime mystic. so I will say nighty night.

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