Asetians and Sexuality

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Asetians and Sexuality

Post by Aleina 01.08.10 17:15

Greetings everyone,

I wanted to open this discussion after a thought I had about it, during a discussion that came up on Twitter with some other occultists. I will try to be straight-forward.

Somehow, and I am unsure from where (unsure of what post or whose knowledge), I came to know and understand that within the Aset Ka exists lesbians, but not male gays, and I learned that this is so because of an energetic reason. That because the Asetians are children of a Goddess, their energies are mostly feminine, even the male Asetians, so they are more comfortable around feminine energies than masculine energies. So the men would never feel attracted to other men, but it is possible for the females to feel attracted to females. This doesn't mean the Asetian men are obviously feminine (girly), but that their energies are mostly feminine in nature.

Also this does not mean that they are "homophobic", in the human sense. This is fully energetic, and has a profound metaphysical reason behind it.

Also, I learned that there are more male gays amongst the Sethians, since their creator was a male God.

Please forgive me if there is a post already on this topic, I did not mean to flood the forum with the same subjects. Smile

I would enjoy everyone's feedback.


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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by lucienvonwolfe 01.08.10 17:25

It would seem to some degree that gay men could have feminine energy, and perhaps some lesbians could have masculine energy?

I have gay friends and a lesbian sister. Personally, some of the gay men have more feminine energy than my sister.

I am anxious to hear everyone's feedback on this.

Thanks Aleina!

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by Daniel09 01.08.10 17:37

Nothing is ever this clear cut. There is great variety.

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by Nebibi 01.08.10 17:39

This is good to discuss, I have thought about this a few times as well, and would like to know others opinions.

I dont wish to diverge the topic at hand but in the Asetian manifesto there is mention of the Tao 'The Tao is Knowledge', and the Tao speaks of a 'she' or 'her' or the 'female'

Examples are: 'the sage puts herself lastand is first, She is outside herself and therefore her self lasts. Is it not though her selflessness that she is able to perfect herself?'

'In opening and closing the gate of heaven: can you be the female'

'she does not show herself and therefore is apparent. she does not affirm herself and therefore is acknowledged. she does not boast and therefore has merit. she does not strive and is therefore successful. It is exactly because she does not contend, that nobody can contend with her'

who is this female that is spoken of? and more importantly: why do the Asetians place the Tao in their manifesto?

Forgive me if my post was not on topic but your post sparked my curiosity.

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by Aleina 01.08.10 17:42

@lucienvonwolfe - In a lot of cases, lesbians can be a little masculine in energy, but in the case of Asetian women, I believe the whole point of being a lesbian is because they absolutely love and cherish feminine things, so themselves are as feminine as possible, in terms of energy and probably even their physical appearence, such as their style, and perhaps even their ways. This is what I think.

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by lucienvonwolfe 01.08.10 18:09

My curiosity lies in the knowledge that energy can be, and is, manipulated therefore, if I chose, I could make my own energy feel feminine when I am very masculine.

I don't see energy as that black and white, so to speak. I believe that whether you are male or female, gay, straight or lesbian, that there are others whose energies will mix well with yours and in effect, create a common "current".

I agree with Daniel 09 - it's not that clear cut.

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by Saylamine 01.08.10 19:02

I was just curious whether or not there were homosexual members of the Aset Ka because I know that some spiritual groups limit membership based on sexual orientation. Anyway, does anyone think that there may be more gay males amongst the Sethians because of Seth's bisexual tendencies? Am I correct in saying that the God Seth preferred both males and females? These are just a few questions that popped into my head with this post.

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by Daniel09 01.08.10 19:11

Remember in the Asetian Bible where it refers to the different Lineages and their sexual polarity. The Guardians and Concubines were usually defined as one or the other, while the Viperines were more sexually "balanced" able to see sexuality from both mindsets regardless of the body they currently inhabit. Concubines sometimes would be confused over their sexuality because of energy pollution.

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by Jonathan 01.08.10 19:50

ivy wrote:This is good to discuss, I have thought about this a few times as well, and would like to know others opinions.

I dont wish to diverge the topic at hand but in the Asetian manifesto there is mention of the Tao 'The Tao is Knowledge', and the Tao speaks of a 'she' or 'her' or the 'female'

Examples are: 'the sage puts herself lastand is first, She is outside herself and therefore her self lasts. Is it not though her selflessness that she is able to perfect herself?'

'In opening and closing the gate of heaven: can you be the female'

'she does not show herself and therefore is apparent. she does not affirm herself and therefore is acknowledged. she does not boast and therefore has merit. she does not strive and is therefore successful. It is exactly because she does not contend, that nobody can contend with her'

who is this female that is spoken of? and more importantly: why do the Asetians place the Tao in their manifesto?

Forgive me if my post was not on topic but your post sparked my curiosity.
In don't think that in the Asetian Manifesto by Tao they mean the Chinese Tao Te Ching. Remember that Tao is a an ancient word that translates to the way or the path. So the Manifesto can be saying very literally that the way is through knowledge, that we can't achieve enlightenment by remaining ignorant. That we must strive to learn and perfect ourselves as the central tool to evolve.
That is how I interpret it. How about all of you?

Saylamine wrote:I was just curious whether or not there were homosexual members of the Aset Ka because I know that some spiritual groups limit membership based on sexual orientation.
I don't believe the Aset Ka would limit membership in any way because of sexual orientation. Although gays could be rarer because of a metaphysical variable, I don't think they would define or condition membership based on that. They are deep beings after all, and when we say Aset Ka we are talking about their immortal Family. They have stronger and deeper bonds pulling them together and protecting each other to worry or care about less important things as sex.

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by lucienvonwolfe 01.08.10 20:38

Good points Jonathan! Limiting membership, or even discriminating based on sexual orientation, gender, race, etc. doesn't usually occur except in the case of fundamental organized religious organizations, in my opinion. These organizations do not promote open-mindedness and therefore go on "witch hunts" against anyone who isn't exactly like they are.

From my understanding of the Asetian Bible, Asetians have lived many lifetimes in various stages of development, location, and inhibiting different physical body types. This leads me to believe that, for the most part, Asetians may have been both male and female in various past lives. Would that not also mean that each Asetian carries within them both masculine and feminine energy traits? This would be based on the soul more so than the physical preference, etc.

It pleases me to see such diversity here!

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by Syrianeh 02.08.10 3:07

I must say that, though this is all very subjective, while I consider myself heterosexual (as limiting as that term is, no one is fully gay or fully straight in my understanding) I tend to prefer female energy. It is fuller, more wholesome and attuned with mine. And yet, in the exchange of energy there is sometimes a subtle sexual component, so that would in a way redefine the sexual option for me when it comes to energy work. That is not to say masculine energy is undesirable. I find it is very useful for certain things and can also be perfectly combined.

So in this sense, I can perfectly understand what Aleina is implying. However, I would not go as far as to think there are no male gays in the Aset Ka. Physical sexuality is often just another trait of the individual.

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by Divine 277 02.08.10 4:08

Saylamine wrote:I was just curious whether or not there were homosexual members of the Aset Ka because I know that some spiritual groups limit membership based on sexual orientation. Anyway, does anyone think that there may be more gay males amongst the Sethians because of Seth's bisexual tendencies? Am I correct in saying that the God Seth preferred both males and females? These are just a few questions that popped into my head with this post.

Well.... they did have male and female "concubines" in ancient times... But in that case it was male feminine slaves who often gave sexual favors for their master ....
<<but i don't know if this happened in the Asetian order.

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by godofbattle 22.08.10 21:02

Aleina wrote:@lucienvonwolfe - In a lot of cases, lesbians can be a little masculine in energy, but in the case of Asetian women, I believe the whole point of being a lesbian is because they absolutely love and cherish feminine things, so themselves are as feminine as possible, in terms of energy and probably even their physical appearence, such as their style, and perhaps even their ways. This is what I think.

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by godofbattle 22.08.10 21:02

Sorry about that great post.

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by Divine 277 23.08.10 2:27

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by N.Augusta 30.08.10 11:26

Let us remember to not believe everything that we read and hear. Be not swayed by hearsay.

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by Divine 277 30.08.10 13:51

N.Augusta wrote:Let us remember to not believe everything that we read and hear. Be not swayed by hearsay.

Pleas do elaborate....

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Asetians and Sexuality Empty Re: Asetians and Sexuality

Post by N.Augusta 31.08.10 11:22

Divine 277 wrote:
N.Augusta wrote:Let us remember to not believe everything that we read and hear. Be not swayed by hearsay.

Pleas do elaborate....

Sincerely Divine 277

Hi Divine: I chose to address this topic with polite commentary in the form of a simple reminder.

For those who are new here, please do take a moment to read the remark page on the AK web site

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