Tuat-energies vs our World

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Tuat-energies vs our World Empty Tuat-energies vs our World

Post by Akh -Ba 01.11.10 4:08

Just need some toughts!

I am experimenting with Tuat the spiritual world and Auras, energies and magneticms revealed in our material world.

I can feel my energy and aura like floating wings streched at my back bending forward to cover my hole body like an inpenetreble cube. eager to be howled forward like a fysical attack or defence unconsciously. I do not have to focus its continussly.….

Spiritually the energy materialize as wings stretched out and I can feel my neck and coccyx are stretching. My sight transforms to that of an eagle with zooming and lock-on effect and I can also see in total darkness like an infravision or something , but I cant get a hold on the spiritual world because when I get to this point something is holding me back and im back to the our world..

Some help here please?

Ps:Sorry about the spelling and grammar.
Akh -Ba
Akh -Ba

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Tuat-energies vs our World Empty Re: Tuat-energies vs our World

Post by Daniel09 01.11.10 5:49

Indeed about the spelling. Thoughts, Magneticisms (not entirely sure if it's a word, but that's how it is spelled based on the pronunciation), Whole, Impenetrable, Hauled, Physical, Defense, Continuously.


The distance in the Duat is purely psychological. While it may seem like a long way to the spirit world, remember that time and space are not the same there. Reaching the spirit world (or astral realm) is not very easy, regardless. I still haven't successfully been there.

I might suggest attempting to use a doorway of some kind to get in. It could be that you hit the "wall" of the astral and couldn't find an opening that was immediate.

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Tuat-energies vs our World Empty Re: Tuat-energies vs our World

Post by Shemset 01.11.10 6:56

You are trying to reach the Duat remaining in your physical body (at least that's what I understood), but your physical body don't belong to that place, this is the reason you feel something holding you back.

If I was you I would try a astral travel, thereby nothing will hold you here.

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Tuat-energies vs our World Empty Re: Tuat-energies vs our World

Post by Akh -Ba 01.11.10 15:31

Daniel09 wrote:Indeed about the spelling. Thoughts, Magneticisms (not entirely sure if it's a word, but that's how it is spelled based on the pronunciation), Whole, Impenetrable, Hauled, Physical, Defense, Continuously.


The distance in the Duat is purely psychological. While it may seem like a long way to the spirit world, remember that time and space are not the same there. Reaching the spirit world (or astral realm) is not very easy, regardless. I still haven't successfully been there.

I might suggest attempting to use a doorway of some kind to get in. It could be that you hit the "wall" of the astral and couldn't find an opening that was immediate.

thank you for a nice way of putting my grammar strait Daniel09.. i`v seen you going harsh on another accounts grammar and spelling here..

but do you know how to go to this door way? or how to create or manifest it. im not exatly sure about what door you are speaking of scratch

Akh -Ba
Akh -Ba

Number of posts : 37
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Tuat-energies vs our World Empty Re: Tuat-energies vs our World

Post by Akh -Ba 01.11.10 16:02

Shemset wrote:You are trying to reach the Duat remaining in your physical body (at least that's what I understood), but your physical body don't belong to that place, this is the reason you feel something holding you back.

If I was you I would try a astral travel, thereby nothing will hold you here.

What do you mean by astral travel scratch
Akh -Ba
Akh -Ba

Number of posts : 37
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Tuat-energies vs our World Empty Re: Tuat-energies vs our World

Post by Shemset 01.11.10 17:55

Akh -Ba wrote:
Shemset wrote:You are trying to reach the Duat remaining in your physical body (at least that's what I understood), but your physical body don't belong to that place, this is the reason you feel something holding you back.

If I was you I would try a astral travel, thereby nothing will hold you here.

What do you mean by astral travel scratch

When your body sleeps and your ba (spirit) go out to take a walk in Duat (spiritual realm).
If you need further information, google it.

Number of posts : 21
Location : Brasil
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Tuat-energies vs our World Empty Re: Tuat-energies vs our World

Post by Akh -Ba 02.11.10 4:12

Astral is more like a dream world i know of this. I`v done some research on the subject allready.

i`v done some tryouts on different procedures like going in trance, meditation, half awake half in sleep, similar out of the boby experiences and also tryied to take control of my sleep and daydreaming, but still i cant reach inside or break in.???

There are three levels or something in astral plane ;--- Tuat or duat, Sekhet Aaru and The Maat .. is this correct?
Akh -Ba
Akh -Ba

Number of posts : 37
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Tuat-energies vs our World Empty Re: Tuat-energies vs our World

Post by Jonathan 02.11.10 12:21

Akh -Ba wrote:Astral is more like a dream world i know of this. I`v done some research on the subject allready.

i`v done some tryouts on different procedures like going in trance, meditation, half awake half in sleep, similar out of the boby experiences and also tryied to take control of my sleep and daydreaming, but still i cant reach inside or break in.???

There are three levels or something in astral plane ;--- Tuat or duat, Sekhet Aaru and The Maat .. is this correct?
No, the astral is not a dream world. That is the inner plane, the astral is above that and independent from dreaming. It's a realm made out of energy alone. Dreamwalking, daydreaming and such techniques are used to access and control your inner realm, not the astral. The inner lies within yourself, the astral lies outside, in the higher subtle realms.

Also the Duat is not in the astral, but an even higher realm and more difficult to access. Maat is not even a realm at all, but an universal principle of balance, like Apophis. You're confusing all the concepts and probably read misinformed texts. Try to research those themes within the Asetian Bible that has those concepts pretty well referenced and explained.

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Tuat-energies vs our World Empty Re: Tuat-energies vs our World

Post by Daniel09 02.11.10 12:37

What Jonathan said exactly. As it says in the AB, many people who think they are accessing the astral are merely deluding themselves within their inner realm. A big key as to whether or not you are in your inner realm is if you are seeing what you expect to see (not want, but expect). Your mind is very powerful at creating, and so the inner realm can be filled with emotion, light, people, etc. It does not make it astral or higher.

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Tuat-energies vs our World Empty Re: Tuat-energies vs our World

Post by Akh -Ba 03.11.10 4:10

thank you for clearing this up for me Jonathan and Daniel09 i did not know there was a chapter on this in the AB.

It`s what they say "each time you read the AB you`l discover new things you did not remember the last time you read it". just pointing out the essence of the AB.. damn! i forgot or diddent get a hwole chapter..

i`l get back to you when i get the chapter right.

Akh -Ba
Akh -Ba

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Tuat-energies vs our World Empty Re: Tuat-energies vs our World

Post by Akh -Ba 19.11.10 10:28

okey... i`v read what i could find about the Duat and i can tell there was a lot i`v misst out the first Time.

I can see more clearly how things conect or dont conect..

the projection is not so simple as it may seem to most people and many of those who brag about it have only been to their inner realm..

i have not been astral yet, im really trying but it do not work.

for the last week i have been flying flying around in an out of body projection hoping to find a door or something...

maybe i am only floating in my inner realm and my mind is playing tricks with me.. but after my readings the inner realm is or have the door to astral.?

this might seem like a stupid question again ,but some more help please...??? im realy strugling on this..

maybe something is blocking my energies or something cause it seems to me that this shoulden`t be this difficult reaching just the regular astral...
Akh -Ba
Akh -Ba

Number of posts : 37
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Tuat-energies vs our World Empty Re: Tuat-energies vs our World

Post by Divine 277 19.11.10 15:19

You know there are books that can help you, If you are suppose to go there.

My personal guess, is that you are not ready and that you are forcing it.....that never works ....
Probably You should try to develop something else first....

But that is my personal opinion .

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Tuat-energies vs our World Empty Re: Tuat-energies vs our World

Post by Lunar Sentinel 20.11.10 20:17

Well... I have to echo Divine 227 a bit. The inner world is one totally composed of the mind and it responds to well.. thought. If you hold any fear, even if its subconscious, that something bad will occur if you open a door then the inner realm will respond by not allowing a door to form... its really that simple.

Also you mentioned the idea that something was blocking you. its theoretically possible, however if something is it is likely something that came into existence due to the fact you thought there was in the first place.

I would advise you not to undermine the value of the personal world.... its as real as the astral, the only real difference is there you make the rules up as you go. get to know your inner world and thus yourself for awhile before you look outside. After all... "as above, so below"
Lunar Sentinel
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Tuat-energies vs our World Empty Re: Tuat-energies vs our World

Post by Akh -Ba 06.12.10 19:14

Greetings !

Thank you all for your reply, in some way they all help :-D

A long story short, i`v read the what i could find on the subject in the AB, and gues what? i found out some new stuff.. surprising? lol!

Now i am not sure what to think if this is right or not , but i`l give you the story and you give an opinion if you`l like...

some weeks ago i read about the sacred pillars.
The Ba Sacred Pillar and Ankh Sacred Pillar were the ones that struck my atention, so i read all what i could find on them in the AB, and then the story i want to tell happened....

While i was lying in my bed with my 1ib amethyst on my solar plex., and of kuz trying to reach Duat/tuat astral or whatever you wanna call it this happened.......

this was like an instant swich ,with my eyes half open/half closed i saw a manlike creature in a dark cavelike area. And as i was drawn or flying (i cant tell) closer to him, i got scared at first - and this is highly unusual to me i`v never got scared before doing this kind of stuff - it tok me 3sec to get calm again. And then he spoke to me. At first i did not understand the language but suddenly he was speaking in tounges(kuz i could understand what he was saying and for me that is speaking in tounges when somebody speaks a language you suddenly understand while listening to him/her) and he said some very personal things of whom i am. (is this just my innerplane telling me stuff i know of but never heard of?) and then he looks at left for him and points out with his indeksfinger and what i see is the Ib Sacred Pillar and says this is what you must do, think as or need to enter or something in that directionand it became blurry because then i got back............

The Manlikecreatures features for the ones that interested;
blue skinn, beard and a samurai like poni tale ,maybe he had a spear and was sitting in a cruch position...

just inner or.... have i hit the jackpot, but need something more to go further in..

Anyway my thanks to you all.
Yours Akh -Ba

Akh -Ba
Akh -Ba

Number of posts : 37
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Registration date : 2010-10-23

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